我們平常說的「小看」,有低估的意思。低估最常用的字是"underestimate"。比方說: 鈴木一郎說他從未低估王建民的潛力。 → Ichiro said he never underestimated Wong's potential. 不要低估這個年輕人,他看起來笨,但是他是數學比賽的冠軍。 → Don't underestimate this young man, who looks stupid but is the champion of the math contest. 除了"underestimate"之外,"undervalue"也是一個很常用的字。不論是"underestimate"或是"undervalue",它們除了低估,也有輕視、瞧不起的意思。比方說: 有些人瞧不起這種低階的工作。 → Some people undervalued this kind of low-end job. 說到「瞧不起」,最常用的表達方法就是"look down on…",比方說: 他們把她當成窮人輕視。 → They looked down on her as a poor people. 除了"look down on", "despise"也是一個常用的動詞。 (例句): 用功的學生瞧不起考試作弊的學生。 → The diligent students despise those who cheated on exams.