In stories, Dracula is a vampire that sleeps in a coffin during the day. As soon as the sun goes down, he turns into a bat at will. This means he can fly around to search for victims. Dracula bites his victims on the neck with his long teeth and goes on to drink their blood. This blood helps him survive forever. Even though Dracula is not a real person, he was based on a real man who was much more evil. 故事中的德古拉是白天在棺材裡睡覺的吸血鬼。太陽一下山,他就隨心所欲地變成一隻蝙蝠。這意味著牠能到處飛翔,尋找獵物。德古拉用他長長的獠牙咬穿受害者的脖子,繼而再暢飲他們的鮮血。這血能助他長生不死。雖然德古拉是虛構人物,但他卻是根據一位更邪惡的真實人物衍生而來。 Vlad "Dracula" Tepes was a prince during the 13th century in what is now known as Romania. He was a cruel warrior who enjoyed killing his enemies. Tepes may have been responsible for as many as 100,000 deaths. It was commonly known at the time that Tepes would enjoy savage meals in the garden of his castle. This was where he would soak up the blood of his enemies with pieces of bread and then eat them. These true stories were the basis for the myths that surround Dracula and vampires. 十三世紀、在如今稱為羅馬尼亞的國度中,弗拉德‧德古拉‧特佩斯是位王子。他是個以殺害敵人為樂的凶殘戰士。特佩斯共奪走約十萬人的性命。那時,大家都知道特佩斯會在城堡的庭院裡享用野蠻大餐。他會在這個庭院裡用一塊塊麵包吸光敵人的血,然後再把麵包吃下去。許多環繞在德古拉和吸血鬼身上的傳言,都是以這些真實故事為依據。 Building Your Vocabulary 1. evil a. 邪惡的 Jason has an evil look on his face. 傑生臉上有種邪惡的表情。 2. surround vt. 圍繞,包圍 The fans surrounded the popular singer. 粉絲將那位人氣歌手團團圍住。 Phrases for Learning 1.turn into... 轉變成…… I turn into a mean man if I don't get enough sleep. 我若沒睡飽,就會變得很兇。 will 任意,隨意 The boss can't just fire people at will, can he? 老闆不能隨意開除人,對吧? based on... 以……為根據 This movie is based on a famous novel. 這部電影是根據一部有名的小說所拍成。 4.soak up... 吸乾…… Ann soaked up the water on the floor with a mop. 小安用拖把將地板上的水吸乾。 參考字詞 1.vampire n. 吸血鬼 2.coffin n. 棺材 3.victim n. 受害者 4.warrior n. 戰士 5.savage a. 野蠻的;殘酷的 6.myth n. 傳說;無根據的觀念 Enjoy Box 德古拉效應 1897年,愛爾蘭作家布拉姆‧史托克(Bram Stoker)寫了一本吸血鬼小說《德古拉》,對後世吸血鬼的形象影響最深遠。在小說中,他創造了『德古拉伯爵』這個經典的吸血鬼形象,其靈感來自羅馬尼亞歷史上最著名的特佩斯王子。因此每年世界各地都有很多吸血鬼迷前往羅馬尼亞,就是為了要一睹吸血鬼的故鄉。由於吸血鬼為羅馬尼亞帶來了龐大的商機,甚至有人開始籌畫建造一座吸血鬼主題公園。儘管這個點子能給當地帶來更多的經濟利益,但反對的人也不在少數。對許多羅馬尼亞人來說,吸血鬼是令他們難堪的文學形象。吸血鬼文化在給羅馬尼亞旅遊業帶來經濟利益的同時,也讓外國人對羅馬尼亞產生了一些誤解。 Tips In Use Dracula bites his victims on the neck with his long teeth... (德古拉用他長長的獠牙咬穿受害者的脖子……) 在英文中,表接觸身體部位時,有些動詞須以人,而非直接以接觸的部位作受詞。 例: 1. 凡表『抓、握』的動詞,其用法如下: take/grab/hold/seize + 人 + by the + 身體部位 The boy grabbed me by the hand. (那位男孩抓住了我的手。) 2. 凡表『打、拍』的動詞,其用法如下: pat/hit/slap/punch + 人 + on the + 身體部位 Grandma patted me on the shoulder. (外婆拍了拍我的肩膀。) 注意: "slap + 人 + in the face"(打耳光)、"punch + 人 + in the stomach"(打腹部)的介詞則固定用 in。