2012年6月20日 星期三

My face is covered with zits. 我滿臉豆花

曾有調查顯示, 年輕人日常生活當中最擔心的不是學業, 也不是感情, 而是 "豆花"! 也就是 "青春痘. 面皰",  那英文怎麼說呢? zit 和 pimple 是也!
若要說一個人滿臉豆花, 便可以說:  " His face is covered with zits. " " He has pimple all over his face. " 或 " His face is breaking out. " 還可以說 " He has terrible acne. " acne在醫學上是 "座瘡. 粉刺". 當然也可以用老派說法: " He has a pizza face. " 怎樣? 十分傳神吧!

A: Why were you so shy on your blind date yesterday? You kept looking down at the table.
     妳昨天相親的時候幹麻裝害羞, 頭一直低著看桌子?
B: Please! My face was covered with zits.
    拜託! 我滿臉豆花耶!

    自由時報A10教育. 生活版

    資料來源: 台科大應用外語系助理教授 黃玟君

