Yvette : Did you hear that Lukamizi Vermicheesi has started designing shoes?
(依芙特:妳有沒有聽說,Lukamizi Vermicheesi 開始設計鞋子了?)
Terri : Yes, I bought two pairs last week.
Yvette : How do you like them?
Terri : They're OK. But after you've worn a pair of Marco Blowholios, it's never quite the same.
(泰瑞:還好。但是在妳穿過一雙Marco Blowholios 的鞋之後,感覺就是不太一樣。)
It's never quite the same. 感覺就是不太一樣。
對泰瑞而言,穿其他鞋子的喜悅絕對與穿她摯愛的Blowholios 鞋不甚相同。在上面的對話裡,當她說"it's never quite the same" 這句話時,她的意思是,在穿了Blowholios 的鞋之後,沒有其他的鞋可以與之相較。想像一個人搬到巴黎之後,愛上了法國料理,尤其是名廚尚賈克.依斯諾保烹調的美食。這個人可能會對其他人的食物表達出這樣的意見:"After you've eaten at Esnobeaux's, it's never quite the same."「你在依斯諾保的餐廳吃過東西之後,感覺就是不太一樣。」