Terri : I went to Ruchita's again yesterday.
Yvette : Why didn't you invite me?
Terri : Listen to this. This guy is giving me the eye while I'm trying on some Guchichi python boots.
Sure enough, he comes sauntering over. Before he can even open his mouth, I tell him,
"Forget it. Don't even open your mouth, because right now, I am engaged in matters of
greatest importance.Good-bye!"
(泰瑞:妳聽聽這件事。我正在試一雙Guchichi 蛇皮靴的時候,有個男的一直盯著我瞧。果
Yvette : Good job. I'm not going to ask if he was cute or not, because it doesn't matter. But, was he cute?
Forget it. 門都沒有。
"Forget it." 在此,是一種斷然的拒絕,一種擋開某人或某事的說法,意思是:"I am definitely not interested."「我絕對不感興趣。」你的老闆是否常要求你星期天加班?如果他再要求你加班,你可能就會失去耐性,然後跟他說:"Forget it."「門都沒。」"Forget it" 這樣的用法就相當於另一個慣用語"No way"。注意,"forget it" 還有另一種用法,用來表示「算了、不用再提了、沒關係」。比方:"I'm sorry I broke your cup.""Forget it."「對不起我打破了你的杯子。」「沒關係。」