2019年2月19日 星期二

“Maybe we can meet up for dinner or something” in Japanese


I am visiting Japan soon and want to let my host family know that I will be in the area and suggest meeting up while I'm there. Here's what I came up with:
I'm not sure if this sounds natural or even grammatically correct. Please advise, thank you!

2 Answers

I think a good replacement for "Maybe" could be "いつか" (someday) and "or something" could be でも」 so the translation:「いつか晩ご飯でも食べに行きましょう。」
You don't need the word "たぶん" which means "probably" (Unless you think you might not actually be able to do this based on something that's happening on your end? In which case, more information than just that one word is needed).
If you want to convey a sense of "if possible", then a better word choice is 出来できれば
Or you could say "if you have free time", which is: 時間じかんがあれば
The rest seems ok. I'm not sure how emotionally close this family is to you, but if you want to convey a more "formal/polite/respectful" suggestion to them, しませんか sounds less "pushy" than しよう.
Not that しよう is necessarily bad. It's fine if you have a very close and friendly relationship with them.
As pointed out in the comments below, instead of 食べに会う (meet to eat), which though understandable is less natural, 食べに行く (go out to eat) is a better, more natural word choice.

