2013年4月20日 星期六

Don't Tell My Mother 媽啊!我在……‏


Most of us don't want to worry our parents, especially our mothers. That is why we tell them we are at a friend's house when we are actually somewhere else. For Diego Buñuel, traveling is a passion, and he desires to explore the world for remarkable stories and interesting people. However, he sometimes finds himself in some dangerous places. It is no wonder that he doesn't want his mother to know and asks viewers not to tell her.

  National Geographic Channel follows Buñuel as he travels to some of the world's most rapidly growing cities in "Don't Tell My Mother 3." One of these is home to some 18 million people—Lagos, Nigeria. The city is constantly being built on the sea with sand. Without any equipment1, local diggers2 dive three meters underwater to bring up buckets3 of sand. They work six hours a day to fill up boats that can hold up to 20 tons of the natural resource. All this is done to expand the city. With its limited existing land, Lagos has become too crowded for the thousands of people who hope to find better lives there.
Building Your Vocabulary 
1. passion n.(對某事物的)熱愛,熱情
Lance has a strong passion for cycling.
2. remarkable a. 非凡的;值得注意的
Yo-Yo Ma is a remarkable musician.
3. dive vi. 潛入(水中);跳水
Eddie dove into the river to save his son.
4. resource n. 資源
The school has limited financial resources.
5. expand vt. 擴展,擴大
We expanded our backyard to make room for a swimming pool.
6. existing a. 現存的(僅用於名詞前)
A lot of people are not satisfied with the existing laws on environmental protection.
7. crowded a. 擁擠的
The book fair was crowded with people.
Phrases for Learning 
fill up.../fill...up  填滿∕裝滿……
It cost $1,000 to fill my tank up with gas.
Extra Words 
1. equipment n. 設備,用具
2. digger n. 挖掘者
3. bucket n. 桶子
Tips In Use 
...Lagos has become too crowded for the thousands of people...
1. hundreds of + 複數名詞  數以百計的……
2. thousands of + 複數名詞  數以千計的……
3. tens of thousands of + 複數名詞  數以萬計的……
4. hundreds of thousands of + 複數名詞  數以十萬計的……
5. millions of + 複數名詞  數以百萬計的……
在此類用法中,複數名詞之前不可置定冠詞 the 或所有格 my, your, his 等。
  Tens of thousands of the birds migrate south every winter. (X)
→ Tens of thousands of birds migrate south every winter. (○)

