2013年7月19日 星期五

Over My Dead Body!「等我死了再說!」表示拒絕的方法‏

每日 EZ Word 

squeeze 這個動詞是「擠,擰」的意思,引申為「勉強才能夠……」,squeeze in 就是「勉強安插」,常用在時間滿檔、客滿等狀況。
There’s no Ving sb. 這種口語說法是在表達「沒辦法讓某人做某件事」。例如 There’s no stopping him. 表示「沒辦法讓他停止。」
rise to fame 成名
rise 表示「上升,增加」,fame 表示「聲譽,名望」,而 rise to fame 照字面解釋就是開始走紅的意思。另外,要注意一下 rise 的動詞三態為 rise- rose-risen,而且 rise 也很容易與 raise [rez](舉起,升高)此字混淆,其動詞三態為 raise-raised-raised。
out of luck 不走運,運氣差
out of… 表示「用盡」,out of luck 就是「缺乏好運」的意思。相反的,「運氣好」就是 in luck。
up to one’s ears 工作堆積如山
字面上是「(事情)堆到耳朵這麼高」,簡直要滅頂了,常用在待辦工作很多的情況,也可以說 up to one’s neck。
out of one’s league 高攀不上
eague [lig] 表示競賽時的等級,當我們說 … is out of one’s league 時,表示某人自不量力。口語常用來表示想交往的對象高攀不上,或是想買的東西太貴買不起。
bring oneself to… 勉強自己去……
bring 有「勉強,說服」的意思,因此 bring oneself to… 就是「勉強自己去做某件事」,經常用於否定句。
今日會話 EZ Talk 
Alison: Dan, we’re all going out for beers and a game of 1)pool. Are you coming?
Dan: I’ll have to pass. I’m 2)swamped. I have to finish this report tonight.
丹  :我不去了。我抽不出身,今晚必須完成這份報告。
Alison: You’re such a 3)workaholic. You need to let 4)loose!
Dan: I wish I could, but I’ll be 5)dead meat if this doesn’t get done.
丹  :我也想要啊,但這報告要是沒做完,我就死定了。
Alison: All right. But don’t work too hard, or you’ll have a heart attack before you’re thirty.
Dan: I’ll have one tomorrow if I don’t finish this. My job will be 6)on the line.
丹  :如果這報告沒完成,我明天就會發作了。我的工作會不保。
Alison: OK, suit yourself. This is why you’re the 7)boss’s favorite, I guess.
Dan: I wish that were true!
丹  :最好是啦!
Sue: Dana, why aren’t you ready to go? We’re on our way to pick you up!
蘇 :黛娜,妳怎麼還沒準備好要出門啊?我們已經在路上要去接妳了!
Dana: I’ve changed my mind. I don’t feel like going out.
Sue: But we planned this girls’ night out a month ago. We have reservations!
蘇 :但我們一個月前就計畫好這個女生之夜了,位子都訂好了!
Dana: I know, but I’m not feeling well.
Sue: We can bring you back early if you want.
蘇 :如果妳要的話,我們可以早點送妳回家。
Dana: I think I’m 1)coming down with something. I just want to rest.
Sue: So there’s no 2)convincing you?
蘇 :說不動妳了?
Dana: Sorry, but not tonight. I’ll make it up to you guys another time.
Sue: All right, party pooper.
蘇 :好吧,妳這個掃興鬼。
Frank: But we’re offering you a 1)once in a lifetime chance to join our wine of the month club for only….
Cathy: No way. I don’t even drink.
凱 西:不可能。我根本不喝酒。
Frank: Then how about purchasing a 2)membership for a friend as a gift?
Cathy: I don’t think so. My friends don’t drink either.
凱 西:我不覺得行得通。我的朋友也都不喝酒。
Frank: It could be a great gift for a relative.
Cathy: Look, no one I know drinks, OK. I’m a Mormon.
凱 西:聽著,我認識的人都不喝酒,好嗎。我是摩門教徒。
Holly: Can you 1)edit these documents for me? I have to visit a client.
荷 莉:你能幫我修一修這幾份文件嗎?我得去拜訪一個客戶。
Justin: Sorry, I’ve got too much on my plate right now.
Holly: But you’re the only one 2)familiar with the case.
荷 莉:但你是唯一熟悉這個案子的人。
Justin: You’re out of luck. I’m working on a rush project myself.
Holly: Can’t you find time to squeeze it in?
荷 莉:你沒辦法擠出一點時間處理嗎?
Justin: Sorry, but I’m on a tight deadline already.
Melvin: Ellen, you and I could discuss the project over a glass of wine tonight at my place. What do you say?
Ellen: I say keep dreaming.
Melvin: Oh, come on! Don’t you want to explore the 1)possibility of mixing business with pleasure?
Ellen: Over my dead body. I’m taken. And even if I weren’t, I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole!
Melvin: But I’m the hottest guy at the firm.
Ellen: Uh, whatever….
Stefani: Jim, want a 1)cigarette?
Jim: That’s the last thing I want. I just spent a year trying to quit.
吉  姆:我最不想要的就是菸了。我剛花了一年努力戒菸。
Stefani: Then just have one. One can’t hurt.
Jim: Are you kidding me? One will turn into two, then three….
吉  姆:妳開什麼玩笑?有一就有二,然後就無三不成禮了……。
Stefani: Hey, I’m impressed by your 2)willpower.
Jim: I just learned how to say no. I never should have started in the first place.
吉  姆:我只是學會怎麼說「不」。我打從一開始就不應該抽菸的。
Stefani: Just say no. Great idea. I’ll have to think about that over a smoke.
Eva: Oh my God, Jane. You have to try my freshly squeezed juice!
Jane: No thanks. I’m not a fan of carrot juice.
珍 :不,謝了。我不喜歡胡蘿蔔汁。
Eva: But it’s so good for you. It’s 1)packed with 2)beta-carotene.
Jane: I know it’s good for you, but I just can’t bring myself to drink it. It makes my tongue 3)itch.
珍 :我知道那對身體好,但我就是沒辦法勉強自己喝,那會讓我舌頭發癢。
Eva: What? I’ve never heard of that.
Jane: I think I’m 4)allergic to it.
珍 :我大概是對它過敏吧。
pool (n.) 撞球
swamp (v.)(使)忙得不可開交
workaholic (n./a.) 工作狂;工作第一的
loose (a.) 放鬆的,無拘無束的。let loose 表示「好好放輕鬆,盡情地玩」
dead meat (phr.)(誇張語氣)完蛋,死定
on the line (phr.) 有失去、失敗的風險
boss’s favorite (phr.)(常帶輕蔑之意)老闆特別寵信的人,類似的說法有teacher’s pet「老師的寵兒」
come down with [(phr.) 罹患(感冒等小病)
convince (v.) 說服,使人信服 (a.) convincing 有說服力的,令人信服的
once in a lifetime (phr.) 一生難逢的,少有的(機會)
membership (n.) 會員身分、資格
edit (v.) 編輯,校訂
familiar (a.) 熟悉的 句型:人+ be familiar with +事
possibility (n.) 可能性
cigarette (n.) 香菸
willpower (n.) 意志力
packed (a.) 充滿的,塞滿的
itch (v./n.)(使)癢
beta-carotene (n.) β胡蘿蔔素,即胡蘿蔔素
allergic (a.) 過敏的(phr.) be allergic to… 對…過敏

