2013年7月27日 星期六





2013年7月19日 星期五


說法比一比:★★★★學校:I've worked for about three years in the society.
老外:I've been out of school and working for about three years now.

A:Did you just graduate?
B:No,I've been out of school and working for about three years now.

ex:I've been working since I graduated three years ago.
ex:I was with my previous company for a year.
ex:I've been with my current company for about two years now.



ex:Can you provide any further information about this?
ex:I have already given you all the available information on this.
ex:I have lots of useful information about the product.
ex:I have already received the necessary information.

information 資訊(可數名詞)
.可搭配動詞:provide、give sb.、have、receive


說法比一比:★★★學校:What country do you want to go to?
老外:Where are you thinking about going on your next vacation?

A:Where are you thinking about going on your next vacation?
B:Well, I've always wanted to go to Portugal.

ex:Any plans for your next vacation?
ex:Is there any place that you really want to visit?

When do you have time to be 壓力?


Terri:I'm feeling a little stressed lately.
Yvette:When do you have time to be stressed?
Terri:They want me to collect 120 of my columns into a book.
Yvette:So many? Is that going to be like the Sex and the Shoes Encyclopedia?

When do you have time to be      ? 你什麼時候有時間     
你可以用這個慣用語來表示:"I can't believe that you have time for X."「我不相信你有時間作某事。」但在某些例子裡,時間並非主要因素的情境裡,人們也會用這句話。例如,某人可能會說,"When do you have time to feel sorry for yourself?"「你什麼時候有時間感到自憐?」他們並不是認為你太過忙碌以致沒時間感到自憐。他們的意思是,"There's really no reason for you to be wasting your time feeling sorry for yourself."「你實在是沒理由浪費時間在自怨自憐上。」


歐美音樂劇 飄洋過海到日本


On the first day of school, Johnny had a hard time getting out of bed. “Johnny, get up! You're going to be late for school!”warned his mother. "Aw, Mom, do I have to go to school?" Johnny complained.“Yes, son, summer is over, and the new school year is starting. You must go to school. And besides,” reasoned
Johnny's mother, "you're the teacher!”
This old American joke does have a ring of truth to it. American teachers and students alike enjoy their summer vacation. But don't let the humor fool you: Education is a major part of American culture. Schools do more than just fill students’heads with knowledge. They pass on culture, traditions and values.
American children start their education in elementary
school. Most youngsters enter first grade at around six years of age. Children can prepare for this step by attending preschool and kindergarten from ages three to five. Young learners finish elementary school in fifth or sixth grade. From there,
students go on to junior high school until eighth or ninth grade. Americans complete their required education in high school. They graduate and receive a diploma after twelfth grade.
Beyond high school, Americans have many chances for further education. In contrast to other countries,the U.S has no national college entrance exam. Instead, private companies give exams to students.Universities decide which tests students must take. In addition to test scores, university officials also consider applicants' high school grades and other activities. Universities give scholarships and financial
aid to help many who cannot afford the high tuition
costs. Students with less academic goals may enrollin vocational schools or community colleges.
The American style of education, compared to that of other countries, is quite informal.
In fact, the casual class atmosphere often amazes international students. American teachers encourage students to think for themselves. Instead of grading students only on test scores, teachers evaluate
papers, group projects and class participation, as well. Students often have to think creatively to solve problems— not just memorize facts. Students also learn how to do research by using
resource materials to find their own answers. In this way, classrooms illustrate the American emphasis on individual responsibility.
Freedom of choice is another American value not absent
from school life. In addition to their required courses, high school and college students may choose elective courses. These electives allow students to study subjects that interest them. The menu of choices might include typing, band and home economics, as well as special academic classes. Other activities occupy students’time after school hours. Most schools have sports teams, clubs and publications that give students valuable experience.
The American system of education is far from perfect. Teachers in America fight to control cheating and plagiarism
. Drugs, violence, sex and peer pressure interfere with students’ education. Test scores are declining. In light of these issues, American teachers have an important and challenging job. They must instill cultural and moral values, as well as knowledge, in young American citizens. Wake up, Johnny! You've got work to do!
⊙Word Bankreason (v) 說服;勸服
elementary (adj) 基礎的
youngster (n) 兒童;青年;少年
tuition (n) 學費
academic (adj) 學院的; 學術性的
enroll (v) 入學
evaluate (v) 評估
absent (adj) 缺席的
elective (adj) 選修的
plagiarism (n) 剽竊;抄襲
instill (v) 逐漸灌輸
The Day's Phrase 
These glasses may improve the sight of millions
Why did you decide not to go to the movies this weekend? Did somthing come up?
你為什麼決定這週末不去看電影? 有什麼事嗎?
Birds find a new home in this refuge on Vancouver Island
"I bet you'll have to pay a speeding fine!" "I sure hope not!"
I'm kind of busy right now. Can I call you back in 5 minutes?
我現在有點忙, 五分鐘後再回電給你好嗎?
Chang Feng-Hsiang's dreams came true
Would you like to take a seat? Mr. Yen will be right with you.
你坐一下好嗎? 嚴先生馬上來了.
Do you know what Easter is all about?
It's time for Luke to head home
There's nothing more to do inside. You can come and help me in the garden.
裡面沒事好做, 你可以到花園來幫我.
Celebrate the Earth today
"Do you like going out on weeknights?" "I usually don't."
"你喜歡週間的晚上出門嗎?" "我通常不喜歡."

Happy Easter!春神來了,復活節報到‏

每日 EZ Word 
leave it to sb. 靠某人就對了
這邊的 it 是某件事的代名詞,leave it to sb. 字面上是「把……留給某人(來辦)」的意思,也就是非那個人去做不行的意思。
coax sb. into… 哄某人去做(某事)
coax [koks] 是「哄騙」的意思,coax sb. into… 就好像把人騙進某個圈套,也就是好說歹說讓人答應去做一件事。對話中下一句 Carol 說 Bribed. 是 Bribed into. 的省略,意思是「賄賂某人去做某事」。
sb. be in denial 某人拒絕接受(事實)
denial 是一種拒絕承認既定事實的心理狀態,當某人 be in denial 時,就算嘴巴上承認,行為上也會一副好像沒那回事的表現。
I’m starting to show. 我開始看得出來懷孕了。
這邊的 show 專指孕婦凸出來的肚子,只能用於懷孕的情況,因為發胖而凸出的肚子不算喔!
make it worth one’s while 讓人值回票價
while 在這邊是指「耗費的時間、精神」,worth one’s while 就是「值得某人投注下去的時間、精神」,也就是得到適當的報酬,但說這句話時,一般不是指金錢,而是其他形式的補償。
I second that motion. 我附議。
second 在這邊是動詞「支持,贊同」,motion 是會議上的「提議,動議」。這句話就是用來表示同意他人的提議。
so much for…(原則)破功,破局
so much for… 字面上是「多到讓……難以承受」,承受不了就垮啦!所以當你說 so much for… 的時候,就表示那件事已經沒戲唱了。
I’m all egged out. 我吃蛋吃膩了。
這個用法很特別,直接把吃膩的食物加上 –ed 字尾 + out 就表示那樣東西吃膩了。除此之外,也可以把食物加上 –ed 字尾換成其他事物,如:I’m all movied out.「我電影看膩了。」
今日會話 EZ Talk 

Carol: Are the eggs boiled yet? It’s been about fifteen minutes.
Jack: Yep, they’re done. “PAAS Easter Egg Color 1)Kit”—is this what we’re using?
傑克:熟了,蛋準備好了。「PAAS 復活節蛋上色工具組」——我們是要用這個嗎?
Carol: Uh-huh. Now pour some cold water in the 2)saucepan with the eggs so they cool faster.
Jack: OK. It says on the box that we need vinegar to put the food color 3)tablets in. Do we have any?
Carol: It’s in that cupboard. OK, let’s mix, dip and dye. The colorless crayon is for drawing designs.
Jack: This is actually looks like fun. I feel like I 4)missed out as a child.
Carol: OK, Picasso. Show me your inner “5)artiste”!
Jack: How do you like my Chinese 1)calligraphy egg?
Carol: Wow! I’ve never seen such a 2)classy 3)looking egg. Leave it to my 4)perfectionist husband to outdo the Americans on their own holiday.
Jack: But honey, your 5)tie-dye egg is totally 6)psychedelic. I can’t compete with that!
Carol: OK, enough with the 7)compliments. Time for you to put on your Easter Bunny suit.
Jack: I can’t believe you coaxed me into doing this.
Carol: Bribed, babe. I told you I’d make it worth your while. Now be a good sport and suit up.
In the bedroom
Carol: Sigh. This is depressing. I can’t fit into my favorite Easter dress.
Jack: No biggie. We’ll just buy you a new one.
Carol: I guess I’ve been in 1)denial. This baby 2)bump is something I should embrace.
Jack: I second that motion. And you don’t want to be a party pooper today.
Carol: Yeah, you’re right. OK, do you have everything? The chocolate bunnies, the Peeps and the Easter eggs?
Jack: Check, check and check. Let’s go, you gorgeous mother-to-be.
At a friend’s house for Easter
Carol: Happy Easter! Oh, the girls look 1)adorable in their 2)ruffles and 3)lace! And I love the white 4)patent shoes and ribbons!
Hannah: Thanks. It took me an hour to 5)braid the ribbons into their hair. So how are you?
Carol: Pretty good, I guess. I’m starting to show. Do you think you can hook me up with some 6)hand-me-down 7)maternity clothes?
Hannah: Sure thing. Now let’s hide some eggs. We were up half the night dying them.
Carol: Ha-ha. So were we. I told Jack to go put on his bunny suit.
Hannah: Don’s going to hide the eggs while we entertain the kids in the game room.
Carol: Great. Did the girls get some nice 1)goodies in their Easter baskets?
Hannah: See the candy 2)wrappers all over the floor? So much for my “one piece before brunch” rule.
Carol: Ha-ha. Well, I hope they’ll be excited to see the Easter Bunny here to help them hunt for his eggs.
Hannah: I just hope Jill won’t be 3)traumatized by the Easter Bunny like she was by Santa.
At the hunt, Jill starts crying
Carol: Honey, hop around and act silly. Maybe you can get Jill to laugh.
Jack: OK. [pretends to fall down] Ouch!
Carol: It worked like a charm. They’re all 1)cracking up.
Jack: Oh, look! Jill found the golden egg.
Carol: I 2)stashed ten dollars in that one. It’ll teach her that 3)plastic pays, ha-ha!
Jack: I wouldn’t mind a plastic egg filled with money either. I’m all egged out.
Carol: Well, you’re not supposed to eat half the eggs while you’re coloring them….
After the egg hunt
Hannah: Thanks for all your help, Jack. The kids loved it.
Jack: I think I enjoyed it even more than they did.
Hannah: Ha-ha. Better change into your church clothes—it’s almost time for Easter 1)Mass.
Jack: OK. So we’re going to a brunch party after Mass?
Hannah: We’re actually going to our favorite brunch buffet. It’s a family tradition. They have king crab, lobster and 2)prime rib.
Jack: Wow. Sounds like the perfect cure for egg overload.
Hannah: That’s the idea—’cause for the next few weeks, we’ll be eating nothing but egg salad, 3)deviled eggs, egg casserole….
At the restaurant
Jack: Wow! People really dress up for this holiday. I’ve never seen so much patent leather or pastels in my life.
Carol: And did you notice all the hats at Mass? Girls just love Easter hats.
Jack: It was cool to see all the kids so happy. I’m getting excited about this family life thing.
Carol: You’ll be able to dress up as the Easter Bunny for our own baby 1)in no time.
Jack: Yeah. Oh, look! They have a huge chocolate fountain! Yummy!
Carol: Looks like I have a big baby already….
kit (n.) 成套工具
saucepan (n.) 長柄湯鍋
tablet (n.) 小片,藥片
miss out (on) (n.) 錯過,無緣經歷到
artiste (n.)(開玩笑的口吻)高手,大師
calligraphy (n.) 書法,Chinese calligraphy 即「中國毛筆字」
classy (a.) 高級的,別緻的
looking (a.) 看起來…的樣子。常用來構成複合詞,如對話中的 classy looking(看來很別緻的樣子)
perfectionist (n.) 完美主義者
tie-dye (n.)(手工)紮染。以線纏繞棉布再染色,製造出放射、漸層的圖案,深受六○年代嬉皮 (hippy) 喜愛,據說是因為很接近使用迷幻藥後的視覺
psychedelic (a.) 迷幻的
compliment (n./v.) 讚美,恭維 發音相同:complement (n./v.) 補足;與…相配
denial (n.) 拒絕承認,否認
bump (n.) 凸起的塊狀物
adorable (a.) 可愛的
ruffle(n.) 皺褶花邊
lace (n.) 蕾絲,花邊裝飾
patent (a.) 漆皮的
braid (v.) 編(辮子)
hand-me-down (a.) 別人用過的(舊東西)(n.) hand me down 別人用過的舊東西
maternity (a.) 孕婦的,產科的
goody (n.) 好東西,尤指甜食。也拼做 goodie,複數均為 goodies
wrapper (n.) 包裝紙,candy wrapper 即「糖果紙」
traumatize (v.) 使人心理受創
crack up [(phr.)(使)開懷大笑
stash (v.) 藏起來,存放
plastic (n.) 塑膠,口語中代表「信用卡」
Mass (n.) 彌撒(字首大寫)
prime rib (phr.) 牛肋條。prime 是「最好的,頂級的」
deviled (a.) 加很多嗆辣辛香料的
in no time (phr.) 立刻

Shopping for Underwear and Accessories 買內衣配件‏

每日 EZ Word 
That’s the idea. 正是如此。
scare the pants off of sb. 把某人嚇壞
show sb. who’s boss 給人下馬威
boss 是「主管,老大」的意思。show sb. who’s boss 這句話表示向對方示威,以令其乖乖聽話。
今日會話 EZ Talk 

Dialogue 1
Customer: Could you take my 1)measurements, please? I need a strapless bra for my party dress.
Clerk: Sure. Let’s see. You’re a 32B. What kind of fabric and effect are you looking for?
店員:沒問題,我看看。妳是 32B。妳想要什麼材質和效果?
Customer: I’d like a push-up effect. And Lycra or satin would be nice.
Clerk: Actually, I’d recommend our new satin lace-up corset. It’s very lifting. Try it on.
Dialogue 2
Customer: I think it’s a little large. Could you bring me a size smaller?
Clerk: Here, let me help you. There are three rows of 2)hooks for different fits. See, this way we can make it tighter without going down a cup size.
Customer: Wow! That looks great. And no 3)bulge.
Clerk: This way, if you eat too much or 4)retain water you can just adjust it.
Dialogue 1
Customer: What type of underwear would you recommend for my body type?
Clerk: Do you wear skirts and dress pants to work?
Customer: Yes. And I hate 1)panty lines.
Clerk: I’d recommend the nylon/Lycra spandex 2)blend then. This one fits any figure and it’s very 3)flattering.
Customer: Oh, these are 4)comfy. And it doesn’t even look like I’m wearing underwear.
Customer: Is this real or 1)faux 2)leather? It certainly has a nice 3)grain.
Clerk: You know your stuff. It’s real leather.
Customer: So that means it’s not waterproof…hmm.
Clerk: We sell a leather waterproofing 4)spray that works wonders.
Customer: Now that’s a great solution. Does the bag fit A4 documents and folders?
顧客:真是不錯的解決之道。這包包裝得下 A4 文件和資料夾嗎?
Clerk: It sure does. It’s a 5)handbag, but it can double as a 6)briefcase.
Customer: I’ll take it.
measurement (n.) 尺寸。measurements 也有「三圍」的意思
hook (n.)(衣服的)鉤扣
bulge (n.) (小腹等)凸起
retain (v.) 保留,留住。 retain water 即「水腫」
panty (n.) 女用內褲,多用複數 panties
blend (n./v.)混合(物)
flattering (a.) 讓(身材等)更好看的(v.) flatter 讓…更好看
comfy (a.) 舒服的
faux (a.) 人造的,假的
leather (n./a.) 皮革;皮革製的
grain (n.) 紋路,紋面
spray (n.) 噴霧,噴液
handbag (n.)(女用)手提包
briefcase (n.) 公事包

Racial Issues‏

Once a man had a dream. He dreamed of a land of peace and harmony. He dreamed of a place where people were not judged by their skin color. He dreamed of a country where children of different races could play together. He dreamed of a nation where all people were equal. Some people didn't like his dream. They said it would never happen. Some people applauded
his dream. They wanted to make it happen. This noble vision has come true for some. For others, it's still just a fantasy.
In 1963, this man, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., expressed his vision in the famous speech,“I Have a Dream.”Butthe dream - rooted in the American Dream - wasn't really new. From the beginning,this nation of immigrants welcomed people desiring freedom and a new start. However, the coming together of different races and ethnic
groups created some tensions. The early Americans (except for the native "Indians”) were almost all white Europeans. As more immigrants arrived, European groups fit into society easily. Others found it more difficult.
Black people were the only“immigrants”who didn't choose to come to America. For hundreds of years, Africans were taken from their homes to be slaves in the New World. Even George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had slaves. The phrase "all men are created equal”didn't apply to blacks in their day.
The end of the Civil War finally brought freedom to the slaves in 1865, but blacks still had a lower position in society. Many Southern states practicedsegregation
to “keep blacks in their place.” Blacks and whites went to different schools, ate at different restaurants, even drank from different water fountains.
The Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s helped black people secure many of the rights promised in the Constitution. A 1954 Supreme Court decision ruled that segregation had no place in public schools. Gradually, American education became more fair.
In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus for a white man. Her courage sparked a bus boycott
in Montgomery, Alabama, that ended segregation on city buses. Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged black people to use nonviolent means to achieve their goals of equal treatment. Finally, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to stop discrimination in all public places.
In spite of the gains
of the Civil Rights Movement, racial problems still exist. The laws have changed, but some people—on all sides of the color spectrum —remain prejudiced. Tensions sometimes erupt in violence. The 1992 Los Angeles riots sprang from the verdict of a racially-charged court case. Moreover,
blacks and whites are not the only racial groups struggling to get along. Multicultural America has numerous minority groups that argue for equal treatment. Some contend that current immigration laws unfairly discriminate against certain racial groups.
Even so, in the past 40 years, race relations in America have greatly improved.
Minority groups now have equal opportunities in many areas of education, employment and housing. Interracial marriages are becoming more accepted. Children of different races—and their parents— are learning to play together and work together. Maybe Dr. King's dream will come true after all.
⊙Word Bankapplaud (v) 鼓掌
noble (adj) 偉大的;崇高的
vision (n) 理想;遠見
ethnic (adj) 種族的
tension (n) 緊張的狀態
segregation (n) 種族隔離
in one’s place (prep phr) 在其所應在之處
boycott (n) 杯葛;抵制
discrimination (n) 歧視
gain (n) 收穫
spectrum (n) 範圍;領域;光譜
verdict (n) 判決
contend (v) 爭論;爭執
The Day's Phrase 
Many English idioms come from this popular sport
Will you be going for a run? I guess I will, too.
你會去跑步嗎? 我想我會去.
The life and works of England's most famous poet, William Shakespeare
Now that's news! Why didn't you tell me before?
這到是新鮮事! 你為什麼沒告訴過我?
A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.
人有見識, 就不輕易發怒; 寬恕人的過失, 便是自己的榮耀.
Tomorrow's a national holiday. What are your plans for the day?
明天是國定假日, 您有何計劃呢?
Do you send as many text messages as these teens do?
Do not withold good from those who deserve it.
你手若有行善的力量, 不可推辭.
"Have you seen my glasses?" "Here they are!"
This amazing plant is now being made into clothes!
Mom's choice of music is strange, but it has grown on me.
Jimmy put two and two together and realized his girlfriend is going to break up with him.


Lucy is considering taking up tennis, and she asks Rick if he could give her some pointers and teach her how to play. Lucy 正考慮打網球,她問 Rick 是否能指點她一些,並教她如何打。
Wendy: What happens if you get three strikes?Wendy: 如果你得到三個好球會怎樣呢?
Lucy: I heard that you're a good tennis player. Do you think that you could teach me how to play or give me a few pointers?
Lucy: 我聽說你很會打網球,可以教我如何打,或是給我一些建議呢?
Rick: Sure. Have you ever played before?
Rick: 沒問題。你之前打過網球嗎?
Lucy: Just for fun. I don't really know the rules and I'm not sure if I'm using the correct technique.
Lucy: 只是打好玩而已。實際上我不了解規則,而且也不確定技巧是否正確。
Rick: We can go to the tennis court in the park when you have free time. I can help you work on your forehand and backhand ground strokes, and I'll show you the basic footwork patterns for better balance.
Rick: 等你有空時,我們可以到公園的網球場。我可以協助你用正、反手揮拍擊反彈球,我還會展示保持平衡的基本步伐給你看。
Lucy: Sounds great!
Lucy: 聽起來很棒!
Rick: I also have a DVD that I can lend you. It's a step-by-step video instruction guide for beginners. You can learn a lot of the basics just by watching, and then we can go to the court and practice.
Rick: 我也有一部 DVD 可借你。初學者可從錄影帶中的指示一步步學習。你可以邊看邊學許多基本技巧,然後我們再到球場去練習。
Lucy: How much do you charge per hour? Tennis instructors usually charge a lot.
Lucy: 你每小時收費多少?網球教練通常收費很高。
Rick: You can teach me Chinese. Does that sound fair to you?
Rick: 你可以教我中文,聽起來對你很公平吧?
Lucy: Sure. I'll go shopping for a tennis racquet this afternoon.
Lucy: 當然。我下午去買網球拍。
1. racquet (n.) 球拍

例:I'll go shopping for a tennis racquet this afternoon.


例:The man bought two racquets yesterday.


2. instructor(n.) 教練

例:Tennis instructors usually charge a lot.


例:I wish to be a tennis instructor one day.


3. step-by-step (a.) 按步的

例:It's a step-by-step video instruction guide for beginners.


例:The rule is step-by-step.


4. tennis court(n.) 網球場

例:We can go to the tennis court in the park when you have free time.


例:A tennis court is a rectangle, with lines that mark the outside boundaries of the court.


5. technique (n.) 技巧

例:I don't really know the rules and I'm not sure if I'm using the correct technique.


例:He needs to learn modern management techniques.



1. The _____ owns 5 _____. He always teaches students using good _____.

2. They went to the _____ _____ to practice tennis last weekend.

(1. 教練擁有 5 副球拍。他用好的網球技術教學生。)

(2. 他們上週末去網球場練習網球。)



1. The instructor owns 5 racquets. He always teaches students using good techniques.

2. They went to the tennis court to practice tennis last weekend.


1. 收費多少?

   How much do you charge...?

例:How much do you charge per hour? Tennis instructors usually charge a lot.


例:I don't know how much the service charges.


※ 小叮嚀:

常見於 "to charge + 費用 + for sth."(某事物索價費用為...)的句型中。

2. ...聽起來對某人是公平的

   to sound fair to sb.

例:You can teach me Chinese. Does that sound fair to you?


例:Your comments sound fair to me.


※ 小叮嚀:

形容詞 fair 的反義字為 unfair。


1. 一打汽水在這家店裡僅賣 100 元。

2. 這樣的說法對他來說公平嗎?

1. This store charges only 100 dollars for a dozen of soft drinks.

2. Do the remarks sound fair to him?
Lucy is going to the pro shop this afternoon to look at tennis racquets, and she asks Rick for his advice on how to choose a good tennis racquet. Lucy 下午要去球具專門店選購網球拍,她詢問 Rick 如何選購一支好的網球拍。
Lucy: So what should I look for in a good tennis racquet?Lucy: 我該如何選購一支好的網球拍呢?
Rick: That would depend on your budget.
Rick: 那要看你的預算了。
Lucy: Money is not an issue. I just need to find one that is suitable for me.
Lucy: 錢不是問題,我只是需要找到一支適合我的球拍。
Rick: I suggest that you buy a cheaper model with an oversized head to begin with. That way a larger hitting area will likely make it easier for you to connect the ball with the strings instead of the racquet frame. There's no sense in spending a lot of money on a racquet if you aren't yet sure that you want to pursue this sport.
Rick: 我建議你可以先買一支較便宜且拍面較大的球拍,對你來說,較大的擊球面積較容易擊中網子,而不是球框。假如你還不確定你想從事這種運動,那就沒道理花大錢買球拍。
Lucy: That's sound advice. Anything else I should be aware of?
Lucy: 這是很好的建議,還有其他我需要注意的事情嗎?
Rick: Maybe you should consider getting a head-heavy racquet which is usually stiffer and will add power to your swing.
Rick: 也許你應考慮買一支拍面較重的球拍,通常重量將增加你揮拍的力道。
Lucy: Great. Any specific company or brand name I should buy?
Lucy: 好的,我該買哪些特定公司或是品牌的球拍?
Rick: The best advice that I can give you is to rent a demo racquet at a tennis club and try out a few different ones before you make your purchase. I can take you to my tennis club where I'm a member, and I'll help you select one.
Lucy: Thanks a bunch!
Lucy: 真是多謝囉!
1. budget (n.) 預算

例:That would depend on your budget.


例:It is important to balance one's budget.


2. suitable(a.) 合適的

例:I just need to find one that is suitable for me.


例:Helen was suitable for the job.

(Helen 適合做這份工作。)

3. oversized (a.) 超大型的

例:I suggest that you buy a cheaper model with an oversized head to begin with.


例:The tennis racquet is oversized.


4. frame(n.) 框架

例:That way a larger hitting area will likely make it easier for you to connect the ball with the strings instead of the racquet frame.


例:The spectacle frames are new.


5. swing (n.) 揮動

例:Maybe you should consider getting a head-heavy racquet which is usually stiffer and will add power to your swing.


例:His swing is pretty powerful.



1. The _____ is _____.

2. The price is not expensive; it's below your _____.

(1. 框架是過大的。)

(2. 價格不貴;它在你的預算之下。)



1. The frame is oversized.

2. The price is not expensive; it's below your budget.


1. 針對某事詢問某人之意見

   to ask for sb's advice on + N.

例:She asks Rick for his advice on how to choose a good tennis racquet.

(她詢問 Rick 如何選購一支好的網球拍。)

例:He seldom asks me for my advice on how to do it.


※ 小叮嚀:

常見於 "to ask for sb's advice" 也可以用 "to ask for one's advice" 表示。

2. ...是沒道理的

   There's no sense in...

例:There's no sense in spending a lot of money on a racquet if you aren't yet sure that you want to pursue this sport.


例:Is there any sense in spending so much money on it?


※ 小叮嚀:

"There's no sense in / that..." 可以用 "It doesn't make any sense in / that..." 取代。


1. 該不該買,你應該去問一下他的意見。

2. 我有什麼道理需要借你錢呢?

1. You ought to ask for his advice on whether to buy it or not.

2. Does it make any sense that I lend you the money?
Becky and Zack are talking about their favorite tennis players over a cup of coffee. Becky 和 Zack 正在喝咖啡,討論著他們喜愛的網球選手。
Becky: So who is your favorite tennis player?Becky: 誰是你最愛的網球選手?
Zack: I would have to say John McEnroe
Zack: 我想說的是 John McEnroe(約翰馬克安諾)。
Becky: Isn't he retired?
Becky: 他不是退休了嗎?
Zack: He came out of retirement and returned to top-level doubles competition last year and won a title in San Jose.
Zack: 他復出了,並在去年再度打入男子雙打決賽,且在聖荷西的一場比賽中贏得冠軍。
Becky: Wow! That's quite impressive for someone his age.
Becky: 哇!以他年紀來說,相當讓人敬佩。
Zack: Yeah. I used to idolize him when I was younger. During his career he won seven Grand Slam singles titles – three at Wimbledon and four at the U.S Open.
Zack: 沒錯。我年輕時十分崇拜他。他在職業生涯中,贏得七座單打大滿貫:三座溫布敦及四座美國公開賽。
Becky: I remember that he used to be quite mouthy on the court.
Becky: 我記得他之前在球場上講話相當大聲。
Zack: Oh Yeah! He was just as well known for his fiery on-court temperament as he was for his tennis skills! He used to get in a lot of arguments with the umpires and he's famous for using the catchphrase "You cannot be serious!"
Zack: 喔,是啊!他在場上的火爆脾氣跟他的球技一樣出名!他常跟裁判爭論,而他最有名的一句就是:「你在開什麼玩笑了!」。
Becky: Sounds like he was quite the character!
Becky: 聽起來他相當有個性!
Zach: What about you? Who's your favorite?
Zach: 那你呢?你最愛的球員是誰?
Becky: Lleyton Hewitt.
Becky: Lleyton Hewitt(休伊特)。
Zach: Why do you like him?
Zach: 你為何喜歡他?
Becky: Because he's easy on the eyes!
Becky: 因為他看得順眼!
1. doubles (n.) (網球等的)雙打

例:He came out of retirement and returned to top-level doubles competition last year.


例:Doubles in tennis refers to games with two players on each side.


2. impressive (a.) 令人欽佩的

例:That's quite impressive for someone his age.


例:That cathedral is an impressive building.


3. mouthy (a.) 大聲叫囂的

例:I remember that he used to be quite mouthy on the court.


例:That puppy is very mouthy.


4. idolize (v.) 把...當偶像崇拜

例:I used to idolize him when I was younger.


例:He idolizes Jay Zhou a lot.


5. umpire (n.) 裁判

例:He used to get in a lot of arguments with the umpires.


例:They accepted the umpire's decision.



1. He _____ the _____ _____.
2. He returned to the _____ competition last year.

(1. 他把這位令人欽佩的裁判當偶像崇拜。)
(2. 他去年回到了雙打比賽。)



1. He idolizes the impressive umpire.
2. He returned to the doubles competition last year.


1. 以... 聞名,就如...

   to be as well-known for...as...

例:He was just as well known for his fiery on-court temperament as he was for his tennis skills!


例:Wang is just as well known for his presence of mind as he was for his secret weapons!


※ 小叮嚀:

第二個 as 之後為避免重複,省略 well-known。此外,well-known 可以用 famous、renowned、famed、noted... 等取代。

2. ...(某人)看得順眼

   sb. be easy on the eyes

例:Why do you like him? Because he's easy on the eyes!


例:I chose the man not because he's wealthy, but he's easy on the eyes.


※ 小叮嚀:

名詞 eyes 可以用 ears、mouths... 等取代,解釋為「....好聽/味道不錯」。


1. 她在劇中的演出,與她在現實生活中一樣有名。

2. 難道你只是為他看得順眼而選擇他?

1. She is just as famous for her role in the drama as she was in the actual life.

2. Do you choose the guy just because he's easy on the eyes?
Jenny is going on vacation to see her sister in New York this September. She has a ticket to the U.S Open, and she is telling Derek how excited she is to have the opportunity to see some of her favorite tennis players perform live. Jenny 今年九月將前往紐約渡假順道拜訪她姊姊。她拿到一張美國網球公開賽的票,且正興奮地告訴 Derek,她有機會到現場看她喜愛的網球選手打球。
Derek: Are you going anywhere on vacation this summer?
Derek: 今年暑假你要去哪渡假?
Jenny: Yeah. I'm going to New York to see my sister. She called me yesterday and told me that she has two tickets to the U.S Open. I was astounded when I heard the news.

Jenny: 是的。我會要去紐約看我姊姊。她昨天打電話給我,說她有兩張美國公開賽的票。我聽到這消息時非常驚訝。
Derek: Wow! I've never been to a Grand Slam tournament before.

Derek: 哇!我從來沒看過大滿貫賽事。
Jenny: It's the fourth and final event of the Grand Slam tennis tournaments.

Jenny: 這是大滿貫賽事中的第四場,也是最後一場。
Derek: What are the other three?

Derek: 那其他三場呢?
Jenny: Well there's Wimbledon, the French Open and the Australian Open.

Jenny: 嗯。溫布頓、法國公開賽及澳洲公開賽。
Derek: Are those the four most important tournaments of the year?

Derek: 這四場是今年最重要的賽事嗎?
Jenny: Yeah. They are the most important tournaments of the year in terms of world ranking points, tradition, prize-money awarded and public attention.

Jenny: 是的。就世界排名、傳統、獎金及大眾注目度而言,它們的確是今年最重要的比賽。
Derek: Who are the defending champions this year?

Derek: 誰是今年的男女冠軍?
Jenny: Roger Federer and Maria Sharapova.

Jenny: Roger Federer(羅傑.費德勒)及 Maria Sharapova(瑪莉亞.莎拉波娃)。
Derek: Isn't Sharapova that gorgeous blond from Russia?

Derek: 莎拉波娃不就是那位來自俄羅斯的金髮美女?
Jenny: Yeah. I'll bring you back a souvenir. I'll try and find a poster of her!

Jenny: 是啊。我會幫你帶個紀念品回來。我會想辦法找一張她的海報給你!
1. U.S Open (n.) 美國公開賽

例:She has a ticket to the U.S Open.


例:She called me yesterday and told me that she has two tickets to the U.S Open.


2. Grand Slam (n.) (網球)大滿貫

例:I've never been to a Grand Slam tournament before.


例:It's the fourth and final event of the Grand Slam tennis tournaments.


3. astounded (a.) 大驚的

例:I was astounded when I heard the news.


例:I was astounded that he was a nurse.


4. tournament (n.) 比賽

例:Are those the four most important tournaments of the year?


例:They are the most important tournaments of the year in terms of world ranking points, tradition, prize-money awarded and public attention.


5. souvenir (n.) 紀念品

例:I'll bring you back a souvenir.


例:She spent all day buying souvenirs.



1. In her short career she has won 4 _____ _____ singles titles, including _____ _____ and Wimbledon Championships.
2. Fans are excited about seeing so many big names on each day of the _____.
3. Ray bought Lisa a _____ during the trip.

(1. 在她短暫的職業生涯裡,她贏得了 4 座大滿貫單打冠軍,包括美國公開賽和溫布頓公開賽冠軍。)
(2. 能在每一天的比賽中看見許多大人物,粉絲們都感到興奮。)
(3. Ray 在旅行期間買給 Lisa 一份紀念品。)



1. In her short career she has won 4 Grand Slam singles titles, including US Open and Wimbledon Championships.
2. Fans are excited about seeing so many big names on each day of the tournament.
3. Ray bought Lisa a souvenir during the trip.


1. 為某人帶回...

   to bring sb. back + N.

例:I'll bring you back a souvenir.


例:Would you bring me back the dinner?


※ 小叮嚀:

這裡的 bring 為授予動詞,"to bring sb. sth." 表示「帶給某人某物」,也可以用 "to bring sth. to sb."。

2. 就... 而言

   in terms of...

例:The tournaments are the most important in the year in terms of world ranking points, tradition, prize-money awarded and public attention.


例:I don't like this girl in terms of her appearance.


※ 小叮嚀:

"in terms of" 可以用 "in light of" 或 "speaking of" 取代。


1. 他為我們全家帶回笑聲與歡樂。

2. 就錢來說他很窮,但就幸福來說就不然了。

1. He brought us back laughter and hapiness.

2. In terms of money, he's quite poor, but not in terms of happiness.
Tiffany is moving and she asks Mike if he could lend her a hand, and help move some of her heavy furniture. Tiffany 正在搬家,她詢問 Mike 是否能幫她搬一些大型家具。
Tiffany: I'm moving this weekend and I was wondering if you could lend me a hand. I have a lot of heavy furniture and your strength would sure come in handy.
Mike: I'd love to help you, but I have tennis elbow and I can just barely lift my coffee mug in the morning.

Mike: 我很樂意幫你,但我有網球肘(傷),而且早上時只舉得動咖啡杯。
Tiffany: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know that you were a tennis player.

Tiffany: 喔,很遺憾聽到這消息。我不知道你曾經是網球選手。
Mike: I'm not. Tennis elbow isn't restricted to tennis players. Any person who hyper-extends their elbow or does repetitive movements at the wrist is susceptible to tennis elbow.

Tiffany: Have you been to a doctor to get it checked out?

Tiffany: 你曾給醫生檢查過嗎?
Mike: I have physiotherapy a couple times a week and it has helped a lot.

Mike: 我一週要接受好幾次物理療法,並且真的很有幫助。
Tiffany: That's good. Oh! I'm having a housewarming party next weekend. Do you think you can make it?

Tiffany: 那很好。喔!我下週末要辦喬遷派對,你可以來嗎?
Mike: Sure. I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Mike: 當然。我絕對不會錯過的!
Tiffany: I'll send you all the details by e-mail.

Tiffany: 我會以 E-mail 方式告訴你所有細節。
Mike: Okay. See you next weekend.

Mike: 好的。下週末見。
1. furniture (n.) 家具

例:Tiffany is moving and she asks Mike if he could lend her a hand, and help move some of her heavy furniture.

(Tiffany 正在搬家,她詢問 Mike 是否能幫她搬一些大型家具。)

例:I have a lot of heavy furniture and your strength would sure come in handy.


2. tennis elbow (n.) 網球肘(傷)

例:I'd love to help you, but I have tennis elbow.


例:Tennis elbow isn't restricted to tennis players.


3. hyper-extend (v.) 過度延伸

例:Any person who hyper-extends their elbow or does repetitive movements at the wrist is susceptible to tennis elbow.


例:Don't hyper-extend the neck.


4. physiotherapy (n.) 物理療法

例:I have physiotherapy a couple times a week and it has helped a lot.


例:Physiotherapy is an alias for physical therapy.


5. housewarming party (n.) 喬遷派對

例:I'm having a housewarming party next weekend.


例:A housewarming party is a party held on the occasion of moving into a new residence.



1. Joe moved in and wanted to host a _____ _____.
2. Don't _____ your elbow or you'll be susceptible to _____ _____.
3. Irene has a lot of heavy _____.

(1. Joe 搬進新居,並想辦一個喬遷派對。)
(2. 不要過度延伸你的肘部,否則你將容易得網球肘。)
(3. Irene 有很多大型家具。)



1. Joe moved in and wanted to host a housewarming party.
2. Don't hyper-extend your elbow or you'll be susceptible to tennis elbow.
3. Irene has a lot of heavy furniture.


1. 遲早有用/可幫的上忙

   to come in handy

例:I have a lot of heavy furniture and your strength would sure come in handy.


例:Keep this money with you; it'll come in handy.


※ 小叮嚀:

形容詞 handy 表示「隨手可用的」,例如,"Is there a hotel handy?"(附近有飯店嗎?)。

2. 僅限於...

   be restricted to + N.

例:Tennis elbow isn't restricted to tennis players.


例:Membership of the club is restricted to women only.


※ 小叮嚀:

小叮嚀:動詞 restrict 可以用 limit 或 confine 取代。


1. 把傘帶著,會用得著的。

2. 這部電影是限制級的。

1. Bring with you the umbrella; it may come in handy.

2. The movie is only restricted to audlts.

Over My Dead Body!「等我死了再說!」表示拒絕的方法‏

每日 EZ Word 

squeeze 這個動詞是「擠,擰」的意思,引申為「勉強才能夠……」,squeeze in 就是「勉強安插」,常用在時間滿檔、客滿等狀況。
There’s no Ving sb. 這種口語說法是在表達「沒辦法讓某人做某件事」。例如 There’s no stopping him. 表示「沒辦法讓他停止。」
rise to fame 成名
rise 表示「上升,增加」,fame 表示「聲譽,名望」,而 rise to fame 照字面解釋就是開始走紅的意思。另外,要注意一下 rise 的動詞三態為 rise- rose-risen,而且 rise 也很容易與 raise [rez](舉起,升高)此字混淆,其動詞三態為 raise-raised-raised。
out of luck 不走運,運氣差
out of… 表示「用盡」,out of luck 就是「缺乏好運」的意思。相反的,「運氣好」就是 in luck。
up to one’s ears 工作堆積如山
字面上是「(事情)堆到耳朵這麼高」,簡直要滅頂了,常用在待辦工作很多的情況,也可以說 up to one’s neck。
out of one’s league 高攀不上
eague [lig] 表示競賽時的等級,當我們說 … is out of one’s league 時,表示某人自不量力。口語常用來表示想交往的對象高攀不上,或是想買的東西太貴買不起。
bring oneself to… 勉強自己去……
bring 有「勉強,說服」的意思,因此 bring oneself to… 就是「勉強自己去做某件事」,經常用於否定句。
今日會話 EZ Talk 
Alison: Dan, we’re all going out for beers and a game of 1)pool. Are you coming?
Dan: I’ll have to pass. I’m 2)swamped. I have to finish this report tonight.
丹  :我不去了。我抽不出身,今晚必須完成這份報告。
Alison: You’re such a 3)workaholic. You need to let 4)loose!
Dan: I wish I could, but I’ll be 5)dead meat if this doesn’t get done.
丹  :我也想要啊,但這報告要是沒做完,我就死定了。
Alison: All right. But don’t work too hard, or you’ll have a heart attack before you’re thirty.
Dan: I’ll have one tomorrow if I don’t finish this. My job will be 6)on the line.
丹  :如果這報告沒完成,我明天就會發作了。我的工作會不保。
Alison: OK, suit yourself. This is why you’re the 7)boss’s favorite, I guess.
Dan: I wish that were true!
丹  :最好是啦!
Sue: Dana, why aren’t you ready to go? We’re on our way to pick you up!
蘇 :黛娜,妳怎麼還沒準備好要出門啊?我們已經在路上要去接妳了!
Dana: I’ve changed my mind. I don’t feel like going out.
Sue: But we planned this girls’ night out a month ago. We have reservations!
蘇 :但我們一個月前就計畫好這個女生之夜了,位子都訂好了!
Dana: I know, but I’m not feeling well.
Sue: We can bring you back early if you want.
蘇 :如果妳要的話,我們可以早點送妳回家。
Dana: I think I’m 1)coming down with something. I just want to rest.
Sue: So there’s no 2)convincing you?
蘇 :說不動妳了?
Dana: Sorry, but not tonight. I’ll make it up to you guys another time.
Sue: All right, party pooper.
蘇 :好吧,妳這個掃興鬼。
Frank: But we’re offering you a 1)once in a lifetime chance to join our wine of the month club for only….
Cathy: No way. I don’t even drink.
凱 西:不可能。我根本不喝酒。
Frank: Then how about purchasing a 2)membership for a friend as a gift?
Cathy: I don’t think so. My friends don’t drink either.
凱 西:我不覺得行得通。我的朋友也都不喝酒。
Frank: It could be a great gift for a relative.
Cathy: Look, no one I know drinks, OK. I’m a Mormon.
凱 西:聽著,我認識的人都不喝酒,好嗎。我是摩門教徒。
Holly: Can you 1)edit these documents for me? I have to visit a client.
荷 莉:你能幫我修一修這幾份文件嗎?我得去拜訪一個客戶。
Justin: Sorry, I’ve got too much on my plate right now.
Holly: But you’re the only one 2)familiar with the case.
荷 莉:但你是唯一熟悉這個案子的人。
Justin: You’re out of luck. I’m working on a rush project myself.
Holly: Can’t you find time to squeeze it in?
荷 莉:你沒辦法擠出一點時間處理嗎?
Justin: Sorry, but I’m on a tight deadline already.
Melvin: Ellen, you and I could discuss the project over a glass of wine tonight at my place. What do you say?
Ellen: I say keep dreaming.
Melvin: Oh, come on! Don’t you want to explore the 1)possibility of mixing business with pleasure?
Ellen: Over my dead body. I’m taken. And even if I weren’t, I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole!
Melvin: But I’m the hottest guy at the firm.
Ellen: Uh, whatever….
Stefani: Jim, want a 1)cigarette?
Jim: That’s the last thing I want. I just spent a year trying to quit.
吉  姆:我最不想要的就是菸了。我剛花了一年努力戒菸。
Stefani: Then just have one. One can’t hurt.
Jim: Are you kidding me? One will turn into two, then three….
吉  姆:妳開什麼玩笑?有一就有二,然後就無三不成禮了……。
Stefani: Hey, I’m impressed by your 2)willpower.
Jim: I just learned how to say no. I never should have started in the first place.
吉  姆:我只是學會怎麼說「不」。我打從一開始就不應該抽菸的。
Stefani: Just say no. Great idea. I’ll have to think about that over a smoke.
Eva: Oh my God, Jane. You have to try my freshly squeezed juice!
Jane: No thanks. I’m not a fan of carrot juice.
珍 :不,謝了。我不喜歡胡蘿蔔汁。
Eva: But it’s so good for you. It’s 1)packed with 2)beta-carotene.
Jane: I know it’s good for you, but I just can’t bring myself to drink it. It makes my tongue 3)itch.
珍 :我知道那對身體好,但我就是沒辦法勉強自己喝,那會讓我舌頭發癢。
Eva: What? I’ve never heard of that.
Jane: I think I’m 4)allergic to it.
珍 :我大概是對它過敏吧。
pool (n.) 撞球
swamp (v.)(使)忙得不可開交
workaholic (n./a.) 工作狂;工作第一的
loose (a.) 放鬆的,無拘無束的。let loose 表示「好好放輕鬆,盡情地玩」
dead meat (phr.)(誇張語氣)完蛋,死定
on the line (phr.) 有失去、失敗的風險
boss’s favorite (phr.)(常帶輕蔑之意)老闆特別寵信的人,類似的說法有teacher’s pet「老師的寵兒」
come down with [(phr.) 罹患(感冒等小病)
convince (v.) 說服,使人信服 (a.) convincing 有說服力的,令人信服的
once in a lifetime (phr.) 一生難逢的,少有的(機會)
membership (n.) 會員身分、資格
edit (v.) 編輯,校訂
familiar (a.) 熟悉的 句型:人+ be familiar with +事
possibility (n.) 可能性
cigarette (n.) 香菸
willpower (n.) 意志力
packed (a.) 充滿的,塞滿的
itch (v./n.)(使)癢
beta-carotene (n.) β胡蘿蔔素,即胡蘿蔔素
allergic (a.) 過敏的(phr.) be allergic to… 對…過敏