2018年12月28日 星期五

打情骂俏 的英文



rifle with sb. in love; coquet with sb.; joke between a young couple; tease one's lover by showing false displeasure; the lovers exchanged glances and chatted and joked together
(想起)所有的调笑,打情骂俏    all the play fighting all the flirtatious disses...   详细翻译>>
打秋风    (利用各种关系向人索取财物赠与) seek gratuitous financial help; give a small present with a view to some substantial recompense; get money; have a windfall; obtain gifts of money; fawn on others to fish for some improper gains: “张世兄屡次来打秋风, 甚是可厌。” “zhang has come time and again to get money: he is a confounded nuisance.”...   详细翻译>>
打桥牌    play a bridge game...   详细翻译>>
打秋千    have a swing; get on a swing; play on the swing...   详细翻译>>
打敲出    knocking-out...   详细翻译>>
打球    play a ball game...   详细翻译>>
打强心针    (比喻给予刺激) stimulate...   详细翻译>>
打球棒    hurlbat...   详细翻译>>
打墙    build a wall make...   详细翻译>>
打球出界    hit off the table...   详细翻译>>
打枪    shoot; fire with a rifle, pistol etc.; snap...   详细翻译>>
Polly, of course, flirted with the young men .
Don ' t you think they are flirting with each other
And i could shout with you , baby flirt a little , maybe
The script man is flirting with the star
And i could shout with you , baby flirt a little , maybe
She was flirting with her boyfriend
Lisa : but . . . you two were flirting with each other all evening
Stop flirting with the bartender . you ' re making mark green with envy
不要再跟酒保打情骂俏了。 ?让马克忌妒得半死。
A : stop flirting with the bartender . you ' re making mark green with envy
不要再跟酒保打情骂俏了。 ?让马克忌妒得半死。
Uh , yeah , we ' re going . we ' re just flirting here if you mind
是的,我们马上走我们只是在这里打情骂俏,如果你介意的话. .
更多例句:  1  2
打情骂俏的韩语:【성어】 남녀가 서로 시시덕거리며 장난치다.
打情骂俏什么意思:dǎ qíng mà qiào 【解释】指男女调情。【示例】高兴起来,简直不...

Don ' t you think they ' re flirting with each other ? / what makes you think so
你不认为他们互相在打情骂俏吗? /你为什么这样想?
If that happens , the exchanges will soon have to stop flirting and start merging
You have to keep in mind that this type of flirting is common and happens all the time in the workplace
Because you must usually keep office relationships a secret , other employees may flirt with your partner or vice - versa
Ours is a marriage of negotiations and compromise , of flirting when we seem to be arguing . a worthy opponent , it turns out , makes a wonderful spouse
But 77 percent of women also think using the internet for online * ual talk or cavorting in front of a webcam is also cheating , compared to only 57 percent of men
但77 %的女性认为,在网上互相聊一些下流的话题或通过网络摄像头打情骂俏也是不忠的表现,而持此观点的男性只有57 % 。
更多例句:  1  2






覺得Happy Chinese New Year太老套?那麼這句新年的俏皮吉祥話,英語該怎麼說?
“Wish you prosperity and wealth ! May I have the red envelope now ?”
「紅包」的關鍵詞是“red envelope”,也可以說成“red packet”,若要用英文邏輯解釋,就等同於“lucky money”或“new year’s money”。而prosperity有「發達、興隆」的意思;wealth則是「財富、富有」,可更加凸顯中國「發財」中興旺的含意。
說到如何用英語向外國朋友介紹中國新年?其實只要運用最常識的理解,中國新年對華人來說不外乎就是「農曆新年Chinese New Year」,是「一年之中最重要的節日the most important holiday of the year」,與過年最主要的活動「年夜飯reunion dinner」等三個重點,所以只需知道這幾個重點的關鍵字句,也就能用三句簡單的生活英語解釋清楚:
“Chinese New Year is the most important holiday of the year for Chinese people. It’s on the first day of the first month of Lunar Calendar. Family members get together on Chinese New Year’s Eve to have reunion dinner and celebrate the upcoming year.”
是不是很簡單又讓外國朋友一聽就懂呢。另外,以農曆為主的中國新年同時也意味著「春天」的到來,因此,也可用春節Spring Festival來替換Chinese New Year,對外國友人來說更有畫面的想像。


  • 大掃除 a whole house cleaning/ a thorough house cleaning
  • 辦年貨 Spring Festival shopping/ Chinese New Year shopping
  • 春聯 Spring Festival couplets/ red couplets
It’s the busiest time before Chinese New Year, people not only go New Year shopping, but also do a whole house cleaning and put up red couplets on windows and doors to decorate the house.


  • 年夜飯 reunion dinner/ New Year’s Eve dinner
  • 守歲 staying-up
  • 發紅包giving red envelopes
There are many dishes in reunion dinner. But the must-to-have is fish. The pronunciation in Mandarin for fish is “yu” and sounds like the word “extra” in Chinese. It means “wishing everyone to have more than enough year after year”.
On Chinese New Year’s Eve, parents and the elders give red envelopes with money in to children and the youngers.
As a return, children stay up the night till the New Year Day comes to wish their parents health and longevity.



  • 放鞭炮 set off fireworks
  • 拜拜 worship God or ancestors
  • 拜年 make a visit for the Chinese New Year
When the New Year clock strikes, people set off fireworks for celebration which symbolize getting rid of bad lucks and bringing in the good ones.
And from the first day of the New Year, many people will go to the temple to worship God or ancestors for good fortune. Also, some people will make a visit to relatives and friends or go traveling to enjoy the New Year holidays.


  • 恭賀新禧 Best wishes for the year to come
  • 身體健康、萬事如意 Wish you good health and may everything goes well with you
  • 大吉大利 Great fortune and great prosperity
  • 財源廣進 May wealth come generously to you
  • 心想事成 May all your wishes come true



1.  please 跟 kindly 選一個 
常看到Please kindly do something這樣的句型,但其實這樣是很冗的,因為這兩個字的意思差不多,please跟kindly都是請別人、麻煩別人做什麼什麼的意思,所以兩者擇一就好囉!
例句:Please let me know if this time is convenient for you.(請告訴我這個時間你方不方便。)
Kindly let me know the list of the guests. (請讓我知道賓客名單。)
2.  refer to/ for your reference
refer to是動詞片語,有參考、查閱的意思,所以會加在please或是kindly後面。
例句:Please refer to the attached file.(請參考附件檔案。)
for your reference則是指,xxx東西給你參考,放在句末。
例句:Kindly find the attached pictures and link for your reference.(隨附的圖片和連結給你參考。)
3.  attached/ attachment
attached是attach這個動詞的過去式跟過去分詞,所以可以當形容詞使用,the attached file(附加檔案),那attachment是名詞,可以說Please see the attachment(請看附件),或是I can’t open the attachment(我打不開附件),兩個字的詞性和用法不要搞錯了。
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2018年8月10日 星期五



破梗 = Spoiler
“Spoil” 本來的意思是「敗壞」,後來引用為這個意思。動詞的話是 “to spoil something”,名詞的話會說 “spoiler”。所以如果你看影片有人說 “spoiler warning/alert” 就是說他有可能會破梗,不想要聽的人就不要聽的意思。


A: Don’t spoil it! Don’t tell me anything!
B: The main character died.
A: Dang! I told you not to spoil it! Can’t you just let me read the New Testament in peace?
A: 不要劇透!什麼都不要跟我講!
B: 主角死了。
A: 吼!你很煩耶!你就不能讓我好好讀完新約嗎?
文/ Crown Du
圖/ http://goo.gl/yQQI1s

2018年8月7日 星期二

have enough money



•I don't have enough money.例文帳に追加
お金が足らない。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I don't have enough money recently.例文帳に追加
最近お金が足りない。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I have enough money―sufficient money for the purpose.例文帳に追加
金は十分にある - 斎藤和英大辞典
•Have you enough money?例文帳に追加
金は間に合うだけあるか - 斎藤和英大辞典
•I don't have enough money right now.例文帳に追加
今十分なお金を持っていません。 - Weblio Email例文集
•He did not have enough money.例文帳に追加
彼には必要なだけの金がなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus
•I have not enough money to buy it.例文帳に追加
私はそれを買えるほど金持ちだ。 - Tanaka Corpus
•I have money enough to buy it.例文帳に追加
私はそれを買うだけのお金がある。 - Tanaka Corpus
•“Do you have enough money?"—“Yes, enough and to spare."例文帳に追加
「金は足りるかい」「うん, あり余るほどあるよ」. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
•I am not carrying enough money to buy those books.:I don't have the money to buy those books on me.例文帳に追加
それらの本を買うお金を持ち合わせていない。 - Weblio Email例文集
•Do you have enough money to buy this bicycle?例文帳に追加
あなたはこの自転車を買うだけのお金をもっていますか? - Weblio Email例文集
•I have enough money to buy a book.例文帳に追加
私は本を買う十分なお金を持っている。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I have enough money to buy a book.例文帳に追加
本を買う十分なお金を持っている。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I can't buy that because I don't have enough money.例文帳に追加
お金が足りなくてそれを買えない。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I don't have enough money to give you.例文帳に追加
私はあなたに渡せるだけのお金を持っていない。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I don't have enough money to buy a new watch.例文帳に追加
私には新しい時計を買う十分なお金がありません。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I don't have enough money for that.例文帳に追加
私はそのための十分なお金を持っていない。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I never have enough money.例文帳に追加
私はいつも十分なお金がありません。 - Weblio Email例文集
•They don't have enough money to live on.例文帳に追加
彼らは生活するのに十分なお金を持っていません。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I want that, but I don't have enough money.例文帳に追加
私はそれが欲しいけど、お金が足りないわ - Weblio Email例文集
•Your card probably doesn’t have enough money in it.例文帳に追加
カードのお金が足りないんだと思いますよ。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
•We have enough money to buy the machine with, but no space to house it.例文帳に追加
その機械を買う金はあるが, 置く場所がない. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
•I can't afford [haven't enough money] to have a house of my own.例文帳に追加
私には家を建てるだけの力がない. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
Have you enough money to buy the article?例文帳に追加
その品物を買うだけの金があるか - 斎藤和英大辞典
•Will you please―kindly―be so kind as to―be good enough to―have the goodness to―lend me some money?例文帳に追加
どうぞ金を貸して下さいませんか - 斎藤和英大辞典
•Please―Kindly―Be so kind as to―Be good enough to―Have the goodness to―lend me some money.例文帳に追加
金を少々貸して下さい - 斎藤和英大辞典
•If you have not enough money, you may make a part payment.例文帳に追加
金が足らなけれや内金を払っておくがよい - 斎藤和英大辞典
•Another thing , we don't have enough money.例文帳に追加
もう1つ別の問題は僕たちにお金が十分ないことだ - Eゲイト英和辞典
•“Do you have enough money to pay for all of this?"“That's a good point."例文帳に追加
「これ全部払うお金あるの?」「それはよい指摘だ」 - Eゲイト英和辞典
•The problem is that we don't have enough money.例文帳に追加
問題は我々が十分なお金を持っていないことだ。 - Tanaka Corpus
•He didn't have enough money to ride home on the train.例文帳に追加
彼には電車に乗って帰るだけのお金がなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus
•The fact is that they don't have enough money.例文帳に追加
実は彼らはお金を十分に持っていなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus
•Plenty of time I have, but not enough money.例文帳に追加
時間はたっぷりあるのだが、お金が足りない。 - Tanaka Corpus
•I have enough money to buy a car.例文帳に追加
私は車を買えるだけのお金がある。 - Tanaka Corpus
•I have enough money to buy this book.例文帳に追加
私はこの本を買うのに十分なお金を持っている。 - Tanaka Corpus
•The trouble is that we do not have enough money.例文帳に追加
困ったことに私たちにはお金がたりない。 - Tanaka Corpus
•If I had enough money, I could have bought it.例文帳に追加
もし私におかねが十分あったら、それを変えたのだが。 - Tanaka Corpus
•Had I had enough money, I would have bought that computer.例文帳に追加
お金があれば、あのコンピューターを買ったのに。 - Tanaka Corpus
•Now that I have enough money, I can get that camera.例文帳に追加
お金があるから、私はあのカメラを手に入れられる。 - Tanaka Corpus
•If I had enough money, I would have been able to buy that book.例文帳に追加
もし私が十分なお金をもっていたら、その本が買えたのに。 - Weblio Email例文集
•If I had enough money, I would have been able to buy that book.
もし私が十分なお金をもっていたら、私はその本が買えたのに。 - Weblio Email例文集
•I worried that I may not have enough money to buy that.例文帳に追加
私はそれを買うにはお金が不足しているのではないかと心配した。 - Weblio Email例文集
•We should have been glad to be there, if only we'd had enough money.例文帳に追加
お金さえ十分あったなら喜んで行くところでしたが. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
•I don't have enough money to buy a brand‐new computer.例文帳に追加
新品のコンピュータを購入するのに十分なお金がない - Eゲイト英和辞典
•“Give me some more money."“You have more than enough already."例文帳に追加
「もっとお金ちょうだい」「あなたはもう十分すぎるほど持ってるでしょ」 - Eゲイト英和辞典
•If I had had enough money, I should have bought that personal computer.例文帳に追加
十分なお金があったら,あのパソコンを買っていたのが - Eゲイト英和辞典
•I have a lot of money and enough time to use it.例文帳に追加
私にはお金がたくさんあるし、それを使う暇も十分ある。 - Tanaka Corpus
•I want a cellular phone, but I don't have enough money to pay for one.例文帳に追加
携帯電話がほしいのですが、支払うのに十分なお金がありません。 - Tanaka Corpus
•If I had enough money, I would have bought the book.例文帳に追加
もし買えるだけの金をもっていたら、その本を買っていただろう。 - Tanaka Corpus
•If I had had enough money, I would have bought the bag.例文帳に追加
もしも十分に金があったなら、私はそのかばんを買っただろうに。 - Tanaka Corpus
•However, Anan did not have enough money for that, so that he asked Sakyamuni Buddha for help.例文帳に追加
しかしそのような金銭がない阿難は、釈迦仏に助けを求めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
•I didn’t have enough money to go to a university or even a confectionery school.例文帳に追加
私には大学や製菓学校にさえ通うお金がありませんでした。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
•As I do not have enough money, I will have to do without a new coat this winter.例文帳に追加
あまりお金がないので、私はこの冬は新しいコートなしで過ごさなければならない。 - Tanaka Corpus
•Would I have enough money to pay the four flights by my credit card?例文帳に追加
私は4つのフライトをクレジットカードで払うのに十分なお金をもっていますか? - Weblio Email例文集
•I could borrow some money from my brother, but even then I would not have enough.例文帳に追加
兄弟からいくらかお金を借りることもできるが,それでもなお十分ではないだろう - Eゲイト英和辞典
•Please keep this dress for me. I don't have enough money with me right now.例文帳に追加
このドレスを私のためにとっておいてもらえますか.今手持ちのお金が足りないんです - Eゲイト英和辞典
•I think that's a good idea, but the thing is, we don't have enough money for it.例文帳に追加
それはいい考えだと思いますよ.でも問題はそれをするだけのお金が足りないということです - Eゲイト英和辞典
•Though he had a longing to be a painter, he gave up because it was difficult to become one because he didn't have enough money at that time.例文帳に追加
画家に憧れていたが、当時は財産がないと難しかったのであきらめる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
•It would have been too costly to introduce the stored fare system, and there wasn't enough return by collecting money afterwards.例文帳に追加
ストアードフェアシステムを導入するにはコストがかかりすぎ、増収効果では追いつかないこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
•To carry out a job by performing closing processing with the use of another electronic money terminal in place of the electronic money terminal presented before by a user when the previously presented electronic money terminal does not have an enough remaining amount but another electronic money terminal has a sufficient remaining amount.例文帳に追加
利用者が先に提示した電子マネー端末が残金不足であっても、他の電子マネー端末に十分な残金がある場合には、先の電子マネー端末に代えて他の電子マネー端末で決算処理を行い、ジョブの実行を可能にする。 - 特許庁
•Moreover, because the lord of the domain, Naito Masaatsu (Sasaki Kuranosuke), and his retainers have just returned from a sankinkotai, the domain does not have enough money for another one.例文帳に追加
その上,藩主の内藤政(まさ)醇(あつ)(佐々木蔵(くら)之(の)介(すけ))と藩士たちはちょうど参勤交代から戻ってきたばかりなので,藩にはもう1回参勤交代をするのに十分な資金がない。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
•At any rate, preservation societies, Ko and Ren that perform danjiri-bayashi only in the form of 'hetari' were on the increase for various reasons, such as that they sometimes didn't have enough money to repair their danjiri in the high economic growth.例文帳に追加
いずれにせよ、高度経済成長の途上では地車を修理する予算がない場合もあり、それだけではないせよ、「へたり」のみで演奏をおこなう保存会や講・連が増えていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
•A huge amount of money is needed for operating the Shinkansen, and the only companies with enough funds to shoulder such costs are the JR companies that have taken over operations of the Japanese National Railways.例文帳に追加
新幹線の経営には莫大な費用がかかり、それを負担できる資本力があるのは日本国有鉄道の業務を継承したJR各社しか存在しない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
•Furthermore, many domestic companies are faced with the pressing issue of having to fundamentally restructure their businesses in order to reduce interest-bearing debt and enhance asset effectiveness. In a situation where there are hardly enough reserves for proactive risk-taking in new business fields, let alone bailouts of affiliated companies (keiretsu) or trading partners that have gone bankrupt or are faced with financial difficulty,foreign investment can be expected to provide new so-called risk money that exploits their wealth of risk management know-how.例文帳に追加
また、多くの国内企業にとって、有利子負債の削減や資産効率の改善に向けた抜本的な事業再構築が喫緊の課題であり、破綻や経営難に陥った系列企業や取引企業の救済はもとより、新たな事業分野に対して積極的にリスクテイクする余力が乏しい現状の中で、海外からの投資は、豊富なリスク管理のノウハウをいかし、いわゆるリスクマネーの新たな提供者としても期待できる。 - 経済産業省
•Member Satowa Yoshimori says “Mothers can conduct business, but it is difficult to start a business alone – it is important to have many people to support one another.” Yoshimori stresses the importance of their shared view of the partnership as a place to work while raising children. She says “I think a big reason why everything is working out well is our shared understanding that we just want to earn enough for pocket money, within the range that is not a real burden, rather than trying to increase sales.”例文帳に追加
「母親でも事業はできる。しかし、一人で起業することは困難であり、複数人で支え合ってやることが大事。」と語る同組合の吉森里和組合員は、「売上を拡大するという考えではなく、負担のない範囲で、お小遣い程度に稼げれば良いという考えを皆で共有していることが、うまくいっている大きな要因。」と考えており、子育てをしながら働ける場所という意識を、全員で共有することの重要性を指摘する。 - 経済産業省
•The question is, how should risks be managed? And of course, there are various needs in society: there is demand for funds among large companies, and as I just mentioned, there is demand for funds among microenterprises. In everyday life, there are times when an individual may not have enough money to pay for a doctor in the sudden event of a traffic accident. Including such matters, it is important to know the warmth, pain and sadness of each individual, based on my 40-years of experience as a doctor. Bearing this in mind, I shall give serious thought to this by taking all factors into consideration as a politician, by treating it as a crucial challenge in the medium and long run.例文帳に追加
いかにリスクを管理していくかと。それからもう当然、社会の色々なニーズがあるわけですから、大企業に対する資金需要もありますし、今言いましたように、本当に零細企業に対する資金需要もございますし、それから個人が生活していくうちに、急に交通事故に遭ったとか、そんなことも私は医者ですから、交通事故に遭ってお医者さんに払う金がないというようなこともしばしば、今まで40年医者してきていますからね、そんな目にも遭っていますし、そんなことも含めて、一人ひとりのぬくもり、苦しさ、悲しさというのが大事でございます。そういったこともきちんと視野に入れつつ、総合的に政治家として、中長期的な大変大事な課題として、きっちり考えていかねばならないというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁





聞きます→①ききて[kikite]→②[ki(k)ite]→③きいて[ki ː te]



会います→ああない[aanai] →あわない[awanai]



Step1. お願いの告知をまずする(相手の状況や機嫌などを伺うため)
Step2. 状況を説明してからお願いをする(なぜお願いをしているのかを手短く、簡単に説明)
英語お願いをされたら何と返していますか?「Sure!」「Of course!」でも十分ですが、それらのみで返していると親切ですが、もうすでに忙しいのに責任が増えてしまうこともあると思います。お願いをされた時の断り方も覚えておくと便利です。
この記事の後にこちらもよろしければどうぞ → 英語でお礼をする時に使う色々な「ありがとう」と返し95選

(1) お願いの告知をする
(2) やや大げさなお願いの仕方
(3) 小さなお願いをする
(4) 相手の対応が難しそうな場合に付け加える一言
(5) お願いされた時の返し
(6) お願いをする

(1) お願いの告知をする

I need a favor.
I have a favor to ask (you).
I’ve got a 
favor to ask.
I’d like to ask you a favor.
Can I ask you a favor?
Can I ask for a favor?
Can you do me a favor?

Could I ask you a  favor?
Could I ask you to do me a favor?
Could you possibly do me a
Could you do me a favor?

May I ask you a favor?
Do you mind doing me a favor?
Would you do me a favor?
Would you mind doing me a favor?
I was wondering if you could do me a favor.

Sorry to bother you but can I ask you a favor?
Is this a good time? I need to ask you a favor.
I understand you are busy but would you mind helping me?
I’d like to call in a favor.
Can I call in a favor?

(2) やや大げさなお願いの仕方

I need a huge favor.I have a really big favor.I’ve got an enormous favor to ask.
Can I ask you a massive favor?May I ask you an immense favor?I was wondering if you could do me a really really big favor.「無理を言ってもいいかな?」

(3) 小さなお願いをする

I need a small favor.I have a tiny favor.I’ve got a very small favor to ask.
Can I ask you a tiny tiny favor?I was wondering if you could do me a really really small favor.「ちょっとしたお願いをしてもいいかな?」

(4) 相手の対応が難しそうな場合に付け加える一言

I need a favor and you can say no.
I understand if you say no.「断っても大丈夫だから。」
I understand if you can’t.
If you can’t help out, I completely understand.
I completely understand if you can’t help. I know you are very busy.「難しそうだったら、気にしないで。」
If you don’t feel comfortable helping me, I won’t blame you for it.「手伝うのが気まずかったら、決して恨んだりしないから。」
I don’t want to create an uncomfortable situation for you.「厄介な立場に君を立たせたくない。」
Don’t sweat it if you can’t help. I can manage.

(5) お願いされた時の返し


Of course!
No problem!
By all means!
Sure! What do you need?
I’d be happy to help.
I’d be glad to help.
It would be my pleasure. 
What can I do for you?
How can I help (out)?
How can I be of service?
I’ll see what I can do.
I’ll do my best to help.
I can’t guarantee anything but I’ll do my best.
OK, but don’t expect too much.
OK, but I don’t know how much I can help.OK, but I don’t know how much I can be of help.


That depends. What is it?
Sorry, I’m a little busy at the moment. Can you ask me later?
Sorry, I can’t.
I’m afraid I can’t at the moment.
Sorry, but I’m unable to help.
Sorry I can’t be of much help.
I’m not sure I can help.
Unfortunately, I’m not able to help. Why don’t you ask Michael?
I’m not sure I’m the right person to ask.
That’s a little difficult.
That’s going to be a little difficult.

(6) お願いをする

I couldn’t catch a cab. Could you please drive me to the airport?
I was sick all week. Could I possibly get an extension on the deadline?
I was sick all week. May I get an extension on the deadline?
I wrote this email in English. Could you possibly proofread my email?
The deadline is tomorrow. Could I ask you to help me with this report?
Could I trouble you to help me with this report?
Could I bother you to help me with this report?
My boss is breathing down my neck. Could you help me translate this document?
Would you please send this report to Mr. A by 7pm?
Would it be too much trouble for you to help me with my essay?
I’d like your opinion on my essay. Would you mind taking a look at it?
I’d appreciate it if you could keep it down. I’m trying to study.

The takeaway(要点):

また、お願い英語でされたら「Sure!」「Of course!」の他にも様々な表現がありました。自分の立場、機嫌や忙しさによってこれらを上手に使い分けてみましょう。特に相手のお願いに何らかの理由で対応できない場合はためらう必要はありません。
Thank you for reading until the end! You’ll be doing me a bit favor by clicking  the “Like” button!