2013年5月18日 星期六

The Science of Magic Meets the Magic of Science看魔術搞什麼鬼?—魔術、科學大車拼‏

文.林欣靜 圖.莊坤儒


  On April 8 1983, iconic American magician David Copperfield unveiled a stunning piece of magic. In front of the watchful gaze of his audience, he made the 93-meter-tall Statue of Liberty vanish. Broadcast live around the world, the trick left millions dumbstruck in front of their televisions, with some so shocked that they unconsciously crossed themselves for comfort.
1983 年 4 月 8 日,著名美國魔術師大衛.考柏菲,表演了一個舉世震驚的魔術──在眾目睽睽下將 93 公尺高的『自由女神像』變不見!透過現場直播,全世界守候在電視機旁的無數觀眾無不目瞪口呆,有人甚至在驚訝之餘還不自覺地在胸口劃起『十字』來安定心神。
  Was it witchcraft or some sort of superpower? Those in attendance and watching on television around the world were left wondering about this and more. The real answer, though, is none of the above. The statue never left its pedestal; Copperfield was simply using physiology and mechanics to fool the audience into temporarily not being able to see it.
  Firstly, the audience in attendance that night was seated on an outdoor stage specially made to rotate. When the show began, Copperfield started off with spotlights, searchlights, and a helicopter to prove to everyone that the statue was in fact there. Then as the curtain was raised in front of the statue, they went to commercial and followed that with Copperfield telling the audience about the history of the Statue of Liberty. While the audience's attention was elsewhere, the stage slowly turned, and the helicopter overhead turned with them.
  After a few minutes, the curtain was lowered, and not aware of having been turned, the audience naturally couldn't see the statue anymore. At the same time, the searchlights and spotlights set up at the second site, where the audience would be looking, proved that the miraculous disappearance had occurred. Amidst the gasps and applause, Copperfield again raised the curtain, and in moments the statue was once again standing in front of the audience, completing possibly the greatest feat of illusion of the 20th century.
數分鐘後,布幕降下來,不知不覺被『轉了身』的觀眾,當然看不見原本的女神像,此時再開啟已預先安排在第二現場的探照燈及聚光燈『佐證』,於是,『奇蹟』出現了!在一片驚嘆聲和掌聲中,大衛將布幕再度升起,沒多久自由女神像又再度出現,現身在觀眾眼前,20 世紀最經典的幻術也大功告成。

1. unveil vt. 展示;揭露
例: A new exhibition by the local artist will be unveiled at the museum on Friday.
2. stunning a. 令人震驚的
stun vt. 使震驚,使大吃一驚
be stunned by...   為……所震驚,被……嚇呆
例: The whole audience was left in awe at the stunning ending of the play.
例: Kathy was stunned by the death of her husband.
3. gaze n. & vi. 注視,凝視
gaze at...  注視……
例: Tony was so handsome that women couldn't help but gaze at him as he walked by.
4. vanish vi. 不見,消失
vanish from...  從……消失
= disappear from...
例: This species of snake has vanished from the Earth.
5. live adv. 現場轉播地 & a. 實況播送的
例: The basketball game was broadcast live.
例: The talk show is a live program, not a pre-recorded one.
6. unconsciously adv. 下意識地
例: Most people develop certain habits unconsciously.
7. attendance n. 到場,出席
in attendance  在場,出席
例: There were a host of recruiters from universities in attendance at the University Fair.
8. fool sb into + V-ing  欺騙某人(做)……
例: That salesman fooled my mother into buying a second-hand car.
9. be seated  被安排就座
seat oneself  使自己就座
例: Karen is seated to the left of Laura.
例: Feel free to seat yourself at any table you wish.
10. rotate vi. 旋轉,轉動;自轉
revolve vi. 旋轉;公轉;以……為中心
revolve around...  繞著……轉;以……為中心
例: The restaurant rotates so slowly that the customers can't even feel that it moves.
例: Beth's whole life revolves around her family.
11. be aware of...  注意∕覺察到……
例: Brad is not aware of the damage he has done to his body by drinking.
12. naturally adv. 自然地;當然
例: Cindy loves to sing, so naturally KTVs are her favorite places to go.
(辛蒂很喜歡唱歌,所以 KTV 當然是她最愛去的地方。)
13. at the same time  同時
例: Ed has to go to work. At the same time, his son has to catch the school bus.
14. applause n. 鼓掌
a round of applause  一陣掌聲
applaud vi. 鼓掌
例: The kids applauded loudly when Peter Pan defeated Captain Hook.
15. illusion n. 幻覺,假象
例: Mirages are just optical illusions in the desert.
1. iconic a. 指標性的,有代表性的
2. watchful a. 注意的
3. broadcast vt. 播放(三態同形)
4. dumbstruck a. 震驚得說不出話來
5. cross vt. 劃十字於
cross oneself  用手在胸前劃十字,祈求保佑
6. witchcraft n. 巫術
7. pedesta n.(雕像的)臺座
8. physiology n. 生理學
9. mechanics n. 機械學
10. temporarily adv. 暫時地
11. spotlight n. 聚光燈
12. searchlight n. 探照燈
13. helicopter n. 直昇機
14. commercial n.(廣播、電視的)廣告
15. elsewhere adv. 在別處
16. overhead adv. 在上頭
17. miraculous a. 神奇的
18. gasp n. 倒抽一口氣;喘氣
19. feat n. 功績;技藝

