2013年5月18日 星期六

I don’t buy that.不同意別人的意見‏

每日 EZ Word 
head in the clouds 不切實際,愛幻想
一個人想法脫離現實,我們會說他「天馬行空」,head in the clouds 就表示同樣的意思,當形容詞寫做 head-in-the-clouds「不切實際的,愛幻想的」。
turn one’s back on 放棄,拋棄
turn one’s back on sb./sth. 可以表示字面上的意思「轉身背對」,也可如同課文中引申為「背棄」。另一個相似的片語是 turn one’s nose up at…,則是表示「拒絕……,看輕……」的意思。
put one’s foot down 堅決表明立場
in touch with 自覺,瞭解自己(的感覺等)
當 in touch with 的受詞是他人時,表示透過書信、電話「聯絡」,一般會說be/get/keep in touch with sb.。當 in touch with 的受詞是自己時,就表示「對自己的瞭解」,一般會說 be/get in touch with oneself。
take a page from (one’s book) 效法,模仿
字面上是「從別人的書上照抄一頁」,引申為「模仿他人的行為或作法」,也可以說 take a page/leaf out of one’s book。
up-and-coming 有前途的,成名在望的
今日會話 EZ Talk 

Adam: I’m never living with anyone before marriage. I think living together is for a 1)committed relationship only.
亞 當:我結婚之前絕對不跟人同居。我認為一定要互許終身才能住在一起。
Ursula: Wow. How’ll you know if you can 2)tolerate that person, then? You have to try it before you buy it.
Adam: I beg to 3)differ. I think if you live together 4)beforehand, you’ll just take each other for granted.
亞 當:恕難同意。我覺得假如先同居,只會讓人不珍惜彼此。
Ursula: You sound like my mom. She says, “Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?”
Adam: Yep, that’s the way lots of men think. My aunt moved in with her boyfriend, and then he broke off their 1)engagement.
亞 當:是啊,很多男性會這麼想。我阿姨搬去跟她男友住,然後他卻毀了婚約。
Ursula: I definitely want to make sure I can stand living with my boyfriend before we get married.
Adam: Well, to each his own.
亞 當:嗯,人各有志囉。
Gabriel: You spend too much time on that computer!
Phil: Dad, everyone does. We play games together online.
菲 爾:老爸,大家都這樣。我們都一起在線上玩遊戲。
Gabriel: You should be doing chores or getting a part-time job. When I was your age, I was 1)shoveling snow, rakingleaves and 2)mowing the lawn.
Phil: Times have changed, Dad.
菲 爾:時代不一樣了,老爸。
Gabriel: You just don’t understand the value of hard work. If you spend all your time in front of a computer, you won’t learn anything.
Phil: I’m learning hand-eye 3)coordination. I can get a job at a video game company.
菲 爾:我在訓練手眼協調。我可以在電玩公司找到工作……。
Gabriel: You kids these days, I 4)swear you’ve got your heads in the clouds….
Ricky: You want to paint our bedroom purple? Honey, are you serious?
Julie: But it’s not purple. It’s 1)lilac. There’s a huge difference.
Ricky: I don’t think so. It’s purple mixed with white, so it’s still purple. What’s wrong with white?
Julie: No one paints their house just plain white anymore.
Ricky: Sorry, I’m putting my foot down. No purple, no lilac, no 2)lavender!
Julie: But it’ll help you get in touch with your 3)feminine side!
Lucy: How could you have let that client 1)get away?
Bob: It was your responsibility to make sure they were taken care of.
Lucy: Says who? We already agreed that you were going to handle them and I was going to 2)go after new business.
Bob: That was your 2)interpretation of our agreement. That wasn’t my 3)understanding.
Lucy: How can you say that? You specifically told me to go after new business.
Bob: I had two other accounts the boss told me to take over.
Tony: Dad, you need to see a doctor! You can’t even walk up the stairs without 1)panting!
湯 尼:爸,你得去看醫生!你連上樓梯都會喘了!
Clark: You’re 2)entitled to your opinion, but I’m perfectly fine. In fact, I’ve never felt better.
Tony: Dad, you’re not fine. You’re in denial.
湯 尼:爸,你的狀況一點都不好。你是在拒絕接受事實。
Clark: Son, I understand your concern. But I don’t need a doctor. Besides, doctors only make things worse. People get sick going to the hospital with all those diseases.
Tony: That’s just an excuse! How can you be so stubborn?
湯 尼:那只是你的藉口!你怎麼這麼頑固啊?
Clark: I’m not going and that’s final
committed (a.) 忠誠的,堅定的(v.) commit 許諾,承擔義務,
tolerate (v.) 忍受,容忍
differ (v.) 意見不同,相異
beforehand (adv.) 事先
engagement (v.) 訂婚,婚約
shovel (v./n.) 用鏟子挖起;鏟子
mow (v.)(用除草機)割草
coordination (n.) 協調,hand-eye coordination 即「手眼協調能力」
swear (v.) 斷言,發誓
lilac (n.) 紫丁香花,丁香色(偏粉紅的淡紫色)
lavender (n.) 薰衣草,偏藍的淡紫色
feminine (a.) 女性(化)的,嬌柔的,陰性的,feminine side 是指男性不自覺的內心陰柔面
get away (phr.) 脫逃,跑掉
go after (n.) 追求,追逐
understanding (n./a.) 瞭解,理解 (v.) understand [,9nd0`st1nd] 理解,懂
pant (v.) 喘氣
entitle (v.) 給(某人)權利、資格(做某事)

