2012年11月29日 星期四


 說法比一比:★★★學校:Can you cook? (你會做菜嗎?)
老外:Do you like to cook? (你喜歡做菜嗎?)

A:Do you like to cook? (你喜歡做菜嗎?)
B:Yeah, I wish I had more time to do it.(喜歡。真希望我有更多的時間可以做。)

ex:Do you cook much? (你常煮東西嗎?)
ex:What kind of stuff do you make? (你都煮些什麼?)
ex:Have you ever made any Chinese dishes? (你做過什麼中式料理嗎?)

.cook 煮、Chinese dishes 中式料理



Nancy:The deadline has been moved up again.(南希:最後期限又被提前了。)
Sophie:That's not possible. How could they?(蘇菲:這怎麼可能,他們怎麼可以這樣?)
Nancy:It's been moved to this Friday, to be exact.(南希:精確地說,提前到這個禮拜五。)
Sophie:That's just two days!(蘇菲:那只剩兩天了!)

to be exact  精確地說
"To be exact."『精確地說』。這句話表面的意思是不言自喻的:她現在精確地說出新的最後期限為何。這句話看似累贅,其實這是強調新資訊的一種方式。在此案例中,南希利用她將自己揭露真相的舉動戲劇化,以突顯新期限的令人錯愕。


Leisure Sickness 休閒病

Life and Language (West)

Mention America’s West to Sarah Ann McIntosh, and her face lights up like a jack-o-lantern. She becomes animated when talking about one of the largest, most diverse regions in the United States.“Wide open spaces. Cowboys. Movies. Music. Computer chips. Tacos. Espresso stands,” she says in rapid succession. “Beautiful people. Surfers. Mountain men. Buffaloes. Las Vegas strip. Blizzards. Icebergs.”
晶片、炸玉米餅、e s p r e s so咖啡攤,」她一個接著一個地說:「還有美麗的居民、衝浪者
As Ms. McIntosh shows, the West covers a vast expanse—not only the Pacific and Rocky
Mountain states, but Alaska as well. It is a territory that has held a mythical appeal for centuries and comprises what many consider America’s last frontier. For many, the American West is an idea, a promise, a seed of hope. Henry David Thoreau once wrote: “Eastward I go only by force; westward I go free.”
In the 1800s, Horace Greeley exhorted
his countrymen to “Go west,” and
millions took up his call. The stoic individuals who ventured to the frontier were reverently referred to as pioneers, individuals who embodied the true character of the nation.
The West today continues to be a magnet for immigrants and travelers alike. The pioneer days are gone, of course, but when it comes to language, the past is still very much evident in the present. The region became a hodgepodge of languages and dialects, some from the East, some from the South and some from other countries entirely.
Spanish words and phrases crept into the language of the West, eventually entering the American language mainstream. Terms such as canyon, plaza, sombrero, patio, burro, stampede, rodeo, bonanza and pronto all trace their origins to the Spaniards who owned the Southwest before the Americans did.
The days of the “Wild, Wild West” also contributed to language in the western regions. Words and phrases like bogus, rip-roaring, joint (as in a place to gather with friends), gunplay, hold up and caught between a rock and a hard place came into the English language when life in the West was wild and peopled with outlaws, sheriffs and cowboys.
Hollywood greatly contributed to the cowboy culture and the cowboy legend as well. The producers and directors who churned out the Western flicks would have everyone believe that the West was filled mostly with cowboys, when in fact farmers outnumbered them almost 1,000 to one. Terms such as bounty hunter, gunslinger and to have an itchy trigger finger came from the pens of Hollywood scriptwriters rather than the dusty cattle drives.
比例大約是1,000 比1。一些字彙像是追捕懸賞之罪犯者、槍戰者,以及愛扣板
Outside Hollywood, California itself is an incubator of American slang, producing phrases such as bodacious, awesome and many more. The state’s Silicon Valley also contributed to English’s high tech lingo: software, hardware and megabyte. And as the computer age has just begun, more are surely on the way.
No discussion of the West would be complete without mention of food. Words for foods of
immigrant cultures can now be found in many grocery stores. Typical American housewives
can buy pesto, tomatillos, focaccia, bok choy and tofu. As un-American as these may sound, foods such as these appear more and more often in dishes on menus in restaurants, particularly in California and the Pacific Northwest.
發現移民文化帶來的飲食字眼。典型的美國家庭主婦可以買到p e s to醬(義大利
No discussion of the West would be complete without mention of food. Words for foods of
immigrant cultures can now be found in many grocery stores. Typical American housewives
can buy pesto, tomatillos, focaccia, bok choy and tofu. As un-American as these may sound, foods such as these appear more and more often in dishes on menus in restaurants, particularly in California and the Pacific Northwest.
發現移民文化帶來的飲食字眼。典型的美國家庭主婦可以買到p e s to醬(義大利
As in every area of the United States, language and culture of the West ebb and flow as society changes. Whether it’s new groups of people adding their individual characteristics to the linguistic melting pot or Hollywood, popular novelists, and technological advances changing the lexicon, English continues to change. And as language changes, America changes with it.
Nothing is more pleasant for a host than a well-mannered guest. But when you’re the guest, what do you say? How do you act? It’s really not too difficult to be a good guest if you follow a few simple rules. Sometimes children invite a friend over to play after school. Little guests should be well-behaved and respectful to their hosts. It’s OK to ask, “May I have a drink of water?” or “May I use the bathroom?” However, it’s best not to talk about personal matters, such as Mom’s age or Dad’s salary.

⊙Word Bankjack-o-lantern (n) 南瓜燈
exhort (v) 勸告;勸誡
hodgepodge (n) 大雜燴
hodgepodge (n) 大雜燴
people (v) 居住於
outlaw (n) 亡命之徒;罪犯  
flick (n)(俚)電影
flick (n)(俚)電影
ebb and flow (n phr) 如潮汐變化,時漲時落
lexicon (n) 詞彙
well-mannered (adj) 懂禮節、很得體的

@The Day's Phrase
The BBC has been broadcasting news and entertainment for 90 years and counting
"Have you seen my glasses?" "Here they are!"
Don't miss a chance to see some of the world's most interesting tropical
plants and animals - all in one place!
Did you remember to lock the door?
I have to run. See you again on Monday.我得走了, 禮拜一見.
Some of these beautiful creatures are flying away, never to return
Try not to eat too much. Overeating is not good for you.
試著別吃太多. 吃太多對你身體不好
Judy gave me a strang-looking shirt. I'll probably never wear it.茱蒂送我一件很古怪的襯衫, 我可能永遠都不會穿.
Meet the star of Thanksgiving Day
You say I can improve my English by simply taking it easy? I don't think so.
你說我只要放輕鬆就可以把英語學好? 我不認為!
Celebrating 50 years of Bond, James Bond
Take the stairs to my office everyday? That should be easy.
每天走樓梯到我的辦公室? 那應該很容易.
Serious filmmakers are experimenting with smartphones
Hay, that reminds me! I need to buy milk on my way home.
嘿! 那倒提醒了我, 我回家的時候得去買牛奶
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud.
愛是恆久忍耐, 又有恩慈. 愛是不嫉妒, 愛是不自誇, 不張狂.
Why did you decide not to go to the movies this weekend? Did somthing come up?
你為什麼決定這週末不去看電影? 有什麼事嗎?
This superhero keeps coming back for more
"I bet you'll have to pay a speeding fine!" "I sure hope not!"
I'm kind of busy right now. Can I call you back in 5 minutes?
我現在有點忙, 五分鐘後再回電給你好嗎?

2012年11月22日 星期四


說法比一比:★★★學校:Do you enjoy reading?(你喜歡看書嗎?)
老外:Do you read much?(你看書看得多嗎?)

A: Do you read much?(你看書看得多嗎?)
B: Not as much as I'd like to.(沒我希望的那麼多。)

ex:What kind of stuff do you like to read?(你喜歡看哪類書?)
ex:Are you a big reader?(你是個很愛看書的人嗎?)
ex:Do you do a lot of reading?(你看很多書嗎?)

.read 看書、a big reader 看很多書的人



ex:If you do not fulfill the written contract, then we shall be forced to cancel it.
ex:We shall seek legal advice to enforce the contract if you do not follow it.
ex:They didn't honor the contract, so we cancelled it.
ex:Please follow (the terms of) the contract.

contract 合約(可數名詞)
 .可搭配形容詞:written、terms of the

Happy Veterans Day 退伍軍人節快樂


2012年11月20日 星期二

A Day for Giving Thanks 表達感激的溫馨節日──感恩節

 While some people can't get enough of Christmas, others love a different holiday more. Celebrated in November, Thanksgiving is an American holiday that has its roots in history. The first Thanksgiving was held by early settlers in America and Native Americans. The settlers were having a hard time living in the new land, so the Native Americans gave them a hand. They provided them with corn, squash, and other local foods. To celebrate working together, they shared a large meal and gave thanks for everything they had.
  Thanksgiving is now a national holiday and a time for families to get together. It is held on the fourth Thursday in November. It is also a holiday that celebrates all the crops harvested in the fall. Foods like squash, beans, and cranberries are traditionally served at a Thanksgiving meal. Typically, a roasted turkey filled with rice or bread stuffing is the main dish.
  New methods of cooking a whole turkey are invented each year. One tasty way is to deep fry the turkey in oil. However, this is also extremely risky. Many phone calls are made to the fire department each year because of turkey-frying disasters.

@Words & Phrases
1. can't get enough of...  很喜愛……
Steve can't get enough of video games and plays them for hours on end.
2. have + 所有格 + roots in...  (某物)起源於……
Jazz has its roots in the black communities of the American South.
3. have a hard time + 動名詞  做……有困難
Tim had a hard time understanding what the foreigner was saying.
4. provide + 人 + with + 物  為某人提供某物
The foundation provides homeless children with a chance at a good education.
5. harvest  vt. 收割,收穫
The farmer spent the whole day harvesting the rice in his fields.
6. typically adv. 典型地;通常
Male birds are typically more colorful than female birds.
7. risky a. 危險的,冒險的
Traveling through that part of the country can be risky, so you might want to reconsider.
8. disaster n. 災難,災禍
During the past five years, Taiwan has experienced many natural disasters.

@Extra Words
1. settler n. 移居者;殖民者
2. native a. 土生土長的
3. squash n. 南瓜屬植物(如南瓜、葫蘆等)
4. thanks n. 感謝的話∕舉動(恆用複數)
5. cranberry n. 蔓越莓
6. stuffing n. 填餡,餡料
7. deep fry vt. 油炸

@Tips In Use
分詞句構的使用時機本文"Celebrated in November, Thanksgiving is..."的這句原為"Thanksgiving is celebrated in November, Thanksgiving is an American holiday that has its roots in history.",但如此一來會形成一句有兩個動詞,但無連接詞連接的錯誤句構。若想將兩句合併而不使用連接詞或分號連接時,則需將其中之一的子句化為分詞句構,其法則如下:
1. 被化簡子句中的主詞與主要子句中的主詞相同時,該主詞要被刪除;若主詞不同時則需保留(此種寫法較為少見);
2. 之後的動詞要變成現在分詞;
3. 若該動詞為 be 動詞時,變成現在分詞 being 之後可省略。
Sick of studying, Todd took a break and went out for a walk.
Having nothing to do, Jason felt bored.