2012年7月26日 星期四

轉角有 convenience store!

說法比一比:★★★★學校:Where is a 7-11 in this area?
老外:Is there a 7-11 around here?

A:Is there a 7-11 around here?
B:Yeah, there's one right around the corner.

ex:Where's the nearest 7-11?
ex:Do you know if there's a 7-11 near here? 
ex:Is there a convenience store around here? 

Call it 一點心意!

技術挑戰指數:★★★小時候每年過年,總是很期待爸媽和親戚給的紅包,對小孩來說是一筆不小的金額!沒想到今年要換我給爸媽紅包了,心情好複雜喔!有能力給爸媽是很開心,可是相反的,覺得爸媽真的老了!除夕夜吃完飯後,慎重的拿了紅包給爸媽,雖然金額不多,但”Call it a small token”。

Ken:Looks like another day without sweet buns for Ken.
Nancy:Call it a small token of our appreciation.
Ken:I think I might just ban sweet buns from the office after I become division manager.
Nancy:What was that? Sorry, I can't hear you while I'm chewing.

俚語小解析Call it.....  稱它為..... 
當你用這個句型時,你是在建議某人該如何看待一個局勢。如果你的午餐時間就要過了,來不及趕回去上班,拿出你的手提電腦跟你的同事說,”Let's call it a working lunch.”咱們就稱它為工作午餐。

2012年7月24日 星期二

The 2012 London Games 2012倫敦奧運開賽

Every four years, the world stops what it is doing and turns its attention to an event so spectacular that billions of people tune in to see what happens. If you guessed that this is the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, then you are right. This summer, the Olympic Games will be held in London, England from July 27 to August 12. Athletes from 205 nations around the world will be competing in feats of strength, speed, and accuracy. Overall, there will be 300 events at the Olympics this year, with women's boxing making its debut.
  London is the only city ever to host the games three times. It is home to many famous sporting venues like Wimbledon, Wembley Stadium, Lord's Cricket Ground, Millennium Stadium, and Hyde Park, which will all be hosting events. The newly built Olympic Stadium will also feature many of the events, along with the opening and closing ceremonies that will be watched by billions worldwide. The Olympic organizers are making a big effort to go green this year. Everything is designed to have low carbon emissions, produce little waste, and involve green technology wherever possible.

@Words & Phrases
1. spectacular a. 引人注目的,精彩的
There are spectacular fireworks displays every year on the Fourth of July.
2. overall adv. 總共,整體而言
The cost for installing six new windows is NT$12,000 overall.
3. make + 所有格 + debut  (某物∕人)首次出現∕登台
Country music singer Taylor Swift made her debut with her self-titled album in 2006.
4. host vt. 主辦;主持
The organization hosted a fundraiser to help those who lost their homes in the earthquake.
5. feature vt. 以……為主要內容 & n. 特色,特徵
The suite features spacious bedrooms and gorgeous views from the hotel's top floor.
6. along with...  以及……;與……一起
Paula, along with her parents, traveled to France to visit her cousins.
7. worldwide adv. 遍及全世界地
The killing of Osama bin Laden made headlines worldwide last May.
8. make an effort to + 原形動詞  盡力做……
The parents are making every effort to give their children the best possible education.
@Extra Words
1. feat n. 壯舉
2. venue n. 舉行場所,舉辦地點
3. cricket n. 板球
4. millennium n. 一千年,千年期
5. organizer n. 籌辦者
6. carbon n. 碳
7. emission n. 排放
@Tip In Use
"so...that..."的用法so + 形容詞∕副詞 + that + 主詞 + 動詞  如此……以致於……
such + a/an + 名詞 + that + 主詞 + 動詞  如此……以致於……
在上述句構中,so 為副詞,故其後須接形容詞或副詞以供修飾;而 such 為形容詞,因此其後要接名詞。
Nina is so rude that no one likes to be around her.
= Nina is such a rude person that no one likes to be around her.
all over the world  全世界,世界各地
= the world over
= worldwide
上述用法可作形容詞用,置於名詞後,修飾該名詞;亦可作副詞用,修飾句中動詞,且使用"the world over"時,其前不可再置介詞 in,即無 "in the world over"的用法。
People all over the world are against terrorism.
This kind of smartphone can be bought the world over.

2012年7月19日 星期四

那邊有 ticket machine!

說法比一比:★★★★學校:How to buy a ticket from the machine?
老外:Can you show me how to buy a ticket from the machine?

A:Problem, sir?
B:Yeah, can you show me how to buy a ticket from the machine?

ex:Can you show me how the ticket machine works?
ex:Can you show me how to use the ticket machine? 

新一季的 campaign!


來聽老美怎麼說?ex:We are planning our new marketing campaign at the moment.
ex:You did a great job of organizing such a successful public relations campaign!
ex:This year we are going to launch three new advertising campaigns.
ex:We will begin the new promotional campaign at the start of Q3.

單字小補充campaign 宣傳活動(可數名詞) 
 .可搭配形容詞:successful、new、advertising、public relations、marketing、promotional

Only Boring People Are Bored 只有讓人無聊的人才會感到無聊

by Brian Foden
What started off as a joke may actually be a serious problem.
  It's likely you are familiar with some of the special days, weeks, and months created by organizations around the world to spread awareness of important concerns. Some examples of this include Earth Day, AIDS Awareness Month, and World Poverty Day. But have you ever heard of National Anti-Boredom Month in the US? Anything designed to _(1)_ boredom must be interesting, so read on to discover the origins of this special month.
  What is National Anti-Boredom Month and how did it start? The answers _(2)_ in understanding the mindset of a New Jersey public relations expert named Alan Caruba. The initiative grew out of Caruba's 1984 spoof that involved _(3)_ a fake organization called The Boring Institute. His _(4)_ came about while he was watching the famed Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV. _(5)_ that the parade always seemed the same year after year, he decided to have a bit of fun by developing a press release claiming it was actually a hoax. _(6)_ from his newly created institute, the release stated that what was shown on TV was actually a video of the parade from a decade earlier. This _(7)_ to other spoofs on celebritydom, and National Anti-Boredom Month was born.
全國反無聊月是什麼,又是如何開始的?這些問題的答案在於要先了解新澤西州一位名為艾倫‧卡魯巴公關專家的心態。全國反無聊月的創始源自克魯巴在 1984 年的一次整人計劃,在該計劃中,他創立了一個叫作『無聊協會』的假機構。克魯巴在觀賞梅西百貨感恩節遊行時產生了這個動機。他觀察到那場遊行似乎年年都是相同的活動,便決定擬一份新聞稿,聲稱那場感恩節遊行其實是場騙局,藉此來獲得一點兒樂趣。他利用新成立的協會來發佈新聞稿,聲稱電視上所呈現的遊行其實是 10 年前的錄影節目。這也造成日後對名人界出現了一些整人活動,全國反無聊月於焉誕生。
  While Caruba's organization and Anti-Boredom Month started as a joke on the media, there is a serious _(8)_ message to it all. Caruba wrote in an Internet article in 2008 that boredom was a precursor to _(9)_ and suicide and that it may lead to crime. He also stated boredom was the cause of some divorces and that it was trouble. _(10)_ National Anti-Boredom Month might be a joke, boredom can be a serious problem, so find something fun to do right now.
雖然克魯巴的組織和全國反無聊月起初對媒體開了一個玩笑,這一切卻帶有一個嚴肅的基本訊息。克魯巴在 2008 年的網路文章上寫道,無聊是憂鬱症和自殺的前兆,同時無聊亦可能會導致犯罪。他還指出,無聊是一些人離婚的原因,並表示那會造成麻煩。雖然全國反無聊月可能是個笑話,無聊還是可能會成為嚴重的問題,所以現在就去找些樂事做做吧。
(A) underlying (B) lie (C) motivation (D) Observing (E) depression
(F) While (G) Issued (H) conquer (I) led (J) creating

1. Anything designed to conquer boredom must be interesting, so read on to discover the origins of this special month.
a. 原句實等於:
Anything which is designed to _______ boredom must be interesting,...
b. 得知本題測試下列固定句構
be designed to V  被設計來……
This book is designed to teach students how to write.
c. 根據上述,空格內應置原形及物動詞,使 boredom 作其受詞。選項中僅(B) lie(躺、說謊、在於)、(H) conquer(克服)為原形動詞。但 (B) 為不及物動詞。根據語意,僅 (H) 為正選。
2. The answers lie in understanding the mindset of a New Jersey public relations expert named Alan Caruba.
a. 本句句首以複數名詞 The answers(這些答案)作為主詞,得知空格內應置複數動詞,且為現在式,因為空格前的句子 "What is National Anti-Boredom Month...?" 為現在式。
b. 選項中僅 (B) lie(說謊、躺、在於)為現在式動詞,且因為空格後有介詞 in,形成下列固定用法:
lie in...  在於……
In my view, success lies in hard work.
c. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
3. The initiative grew out of Caruba's 1984 spoof that involved creating a fake organization called The Boring Institute.
a. 空格前有 that 引導的形容詞子句,此處 that 等於 which,之後的動詞 involved 表『包括』,得知之後須接名詞或動名詞作受詞,形成下列固定用法:
involve vt. 包括,包含
The test involves answering a series of questions about a photograph.
Many of the crimes in the city involve drugs.
c. 然而因為空格後有名詞詞組 a fake organization(假組織),得知空格應置動名詞,使該名詞作動名詞的受詞,形成的動名詞片語同時作 involved 的受詞。選項中僅 (A) underlying(凸顯……的重要)、(J) creating(創造)為動名詞。根據語意,僅 (J) 為正選。
4. His motivation came about while he was watching the famed Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV.
a. 空格前有所有格 His,得知空格內應置名詞作主詞,使空格後有動詞 came about(發生)作動詞。
b. 選項中,僅(C) motivation(動機)、(E) depression(憂鬱症)可作名詞。根據語意,僅 (C) 為正選。
c. motivation n. 動機
His biggest problem is his lack of motivation.
5. Observing that the parade always seemed the same year after year, he decided to have a bit of fun by developing a press release claiming it was actually a hoax.
a. 由於空格位於句首,故應選單字開頭字母為大寫的選項,選項中 (D) Observing(觀察)、(G) Issued(被發佈)、(F) While(當、而、雖然) 均為大寫開頭單字。然而,空格後有 that 子句,勢必作為動詞的受詞。
b. 原句實等於:
He observed that the parade..., he decided to...(×)
(1) 刪除相同主詞;
(2) 將動詞改為現在分詞,此處 observed 改為 observing。
c. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
6. Issued from his newly created institute, the release stated that what was shown on TV was actually a video of the parade from a decade earlier.
a. 空格在句首,得知只能選開頭字母大寫的答案,且因為空格後並不是完整子句,故空格不得置連接詞。(G) 及 (F) 項為大寫開頭,而 (F) While 為連接詞,故僅 (G) 為正選。
b. 原句實等於:
The release was issued from his newly created institute, the release stated that...(×)
(1) 刪除相同主詞;
(2) 將動詞改為現在分詞,此處 was issued 改為 being issued,且 being 可以省略。
c. 根據上述,僅 (G) 項為正選。
d. issue vt. 發佈
They issued a joint statement denying the charges.
7. This led to other spoofs on celebritydom, and National Anti-Boredom Month was born.
a. 空格前有主詞 This,得知空格應置動詞,且此動詞可與介詞 to 搭配形成下列固定用法:
lead to...  造成……
The driver's carelessness led to the accident.
b. 由於空格前句子為過去式,得知空格也須置過去式動詞,以形成時態一致,選項中僅 (I) 符合上述條件,故為正選。
8. While Caruba's organization and Anti-Boredom Month started as a joke on the media, there is a serious underlying message to it all.
a. 空格後為名詞 message(訊息),空格前為形容詞 serious(嚴肅的),得知空格就算不加字也合乎語法。若此處要加字,則須加形容詞,使該形容詞與 message 搭配成為複合字,被 serious 修飾。
b. 選項中僅剩 (A) underlying(根本的)為形容詞,故為正選。
c. underlying a. 根本的
Unemployment is the underlying cause of the rising crime rate.
9. Caruba wrote in an Internet article in 2008 that boredom was a precursor to depression and suicide and that it may lead to crime.
a. 空格後有對等連接詞 and,之後有名詞 suicide(自殺),得知空格須置名詞以作空格前介詞 to 的受詞。此外,由於是對等連接詞連接兩屬性相同的詞或片語,故此處應選 (E) depression(憂鬱症)。
b. depression n. 憂鬱症
John has been suffering from depression since 2008.
約翰自從 2008 年以來一直受憂鬱症所苦。
10. While National Anti-Boredom Month might be a joke, boredom can be a serious problem,...
a. 由於空格後為一完整子句 "National Anti-Boredom Month might be a joke"(全國反無聊月可能是個玩笑話)空格後又有一完整子句 "boredom can be a serious problem"(無聊可能會是個嚴重的問題),得知空格應置連接詞以連接兩個完整子句,故僅 (F) 為正選。
b. while conj. 雖然
While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless.

1. boredom n. 無聊
2. mindset n. 心態
3. spoof n. 欺騙,愚弄
4. famed a. 知名的
5. parade n. 遊行;閱兵典禮
6. press release n. 新聞稿
7. hoax n. 欺騙,愚弄
8. institute n. 協會
9. celebritydom n. 名人界
10. precursor n. 前兆

@Usage Tips
a. celebritydom, kingdom, stardom
b. 比較 year after year / day after day / year by year / day by day。
year after year 表『年復一年』;day after day 表『日復一日』;day by day 表『一天一天地(強調情況在漸漸地變化)』。
Kevin studied day after day for the exam.
My grandfather's health is improving day by day.

Issued from his newly created institute, the release stated that what was shown on TV...
= Issued from his newly created institute, the release stated that the thing which was shown on TV...

1. It's likely (that)...  很可能……
It is likely that the economy will improve this year.
2. be familiar with sth  熟悉某事
be familiar to sb  對某人而言很熟悉
I won't get lost because I'm familiar with this part of town.
3. awareness n. 體認
aware a. 了解的,知道的
Are you aware of the fact that you are making me angry?
4. concern n. 關懷;關心的事
The rich man showed no concern for the poor.
5. initiative n. 主動行動;進取心
on one's own initiative  主動地
Richard showed a lot of initiative and was promoted to manager after only a year.
The rookie cop disobeyed the captain's orders and acted on his own initiative.
6. come about  發生
= come to pass
= happen
Can you tell me how the accident came about?
7. state vt. 聲明(之後接 that 子句作受詞)
Al stated that he would be running for president.
答案:1.(H) 2.(B) 3.(J) 4.(C) 5.(D) 6.(G) 7.(I) 8.(A) 9.(E) 10.(F)

2012年7月17日 星期二

Beyond the Cosmos 超乎想像的宇宙

Imagine opening your closet door and finding a whole other world on the other side. Sounds pretty fantastic, doesn't it? Anyone who has read the book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, or seen the movie by the same name knows about this possibility. In fact, there are many people who believe in the idea of parallel universes. For them, life may be bad in the world they live in now, while everything is perfect on the other side.
  The concept of parallel universes may be hard to swallow. This is because science teachers have been telling students for a long time that there is only one universe. However, scientists are now suggesting that ours may not be the only one out there. They believe that there may be a multiverse made up of a limitless number of worlds. Some of these could be similar to ours but with all the laws of physics turned upside down. Others could be so completely different that we wouldn't recognize any of it. If this is too hard to picture, then tune in to Beyond the Cosmos on National Geographic Channel this month to see the universe in a whole new light.

@Words & Phrases
1. possibility n. 可能性
There is a good possibility that Sandra is pregnant.
2. be hard to swallow  (事情)令人難以置信∕接受
swallow vt. 吞下;輕易接受
Jason's lame excuse for standing me up was hard to swallow.
3. suggest vt. 暗示;顯示
The evidence suggests that there were two people involved in the crime.
4. limitless a. 無限的,沒有限制的
The wedding guests had access to a limitless supply of drinks.
5. upside down  顛倒地,倒置地
I thought the painting looked fine, but Ann said I hung it upside down.
6. recognize vt. 認得,認出
Nick's grandmother didn't recognize him after she developed Alzheimer's disease.
7. picture vt. 想像
I can't picture what life will be like 20 years from now.
8. in a + 形容詞 + light  從……的角度
I couldn't believe that the film showed global warming in a good light.

@Extra Words
1. wardrobe n. 衣櫥
2. parallel universe n. 平行宇宙
parallel a. 平行的
3. law n. 法則
4. physics n. 物理學
5. the cosmos n. 宇宙
@Tips In Use
"tune in to..."(收看……)
本片語中的 tune 為一動詞,表『轉台;調頻』,另一個由 tune 形成的常用片語則為:
stay tuned to...  繼續收看∕收聽……
Stay tuned to this radio station for the latest in popular music.
上述片語多用於媒體上作為宣傳節目之用,日常生活的對話中則較常用 turn 或 switch 來表『轉台』。
Ben switched to a different channel because he didn't want to watch the news.

2012年7月16日 星期一


Is humor a universal experience? Well, it's true that people all over the world enjoy a good laugh. But every culture's funny bone is tickled a different way. Humor is based on shared experiences and background knowledge. As a result, non-Americans have a hard time seeing why American jokes are funny, even if they know what the words mean. But if you know what to look for, you can learn to appreciate American humor.
The pun, or the play on words, is a basic part of American humor. Puns are
based on words that have a double meaning or words that sound alike. For example, one man saw an expensive car wrapped around a tree after an accident. He said, “That's the way the Mercedes Benz!” The obvious pun is that Benz sounds like bends. Some people consider the pun a low form ofhumor, but many Americans still enjoy “pun”-ishing each other.
Other types of American humor are based on language, too. Knock-knock jokes, popular with
children, follow a standard format:
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Dozen who?
Dozen (Doesn't) anybody want to let me in?

People in America like making each other laugh. Even if they are not professional comedians, most people think they have a good sense of humor. A favorite American style of joking around is “pulling somebody's leg.” That means telling someone a story which is untrue—maybe even a “tall tale”—while keeping a straight face. At other times, Americans use funny voices or sound effects to spice up a story. Their body language and facial expressions add to the humor.
Sometimes, though, people in America make jokes about others. Mothers-in-law, politicians, teachers and ethnic groups are the target o f many jokes. Here's one: An absent-minded college professor left a note on his office door that said, “I'II be back in one hour.” When he returned, he read the note and sat down to wait for himself. Get it?
America is a funny place. lf you need a laugh, it's not far away. Just pick up a newspaper and scan the “funny pages” for your favorite comic strip. Or turn on the TV and watch a comedy show. Mail a smile to a friend by sending a humorous greeting card. And watch for amusing situations around you in real life. Telling stories about funny experiences is a great way to brighten up someone's day. Hey, did you hear about the time I...

@Word Bank
funny bone (n phr) 肘上方恥骨之端(碰到時會發麻)
tickle (v) 搔癢;覺得酥癢
pun (n) 雙關語
wrap around (v phr) 纏裹
comedian (n) 喜劇演員
pull somebody's leg (v phr) 開某人玩笑使其信以為真 
target (n)(被開玩笑的)目標
absent-minded (adj) 心不在焉的 
comic strip (n phr) 連環圖畫

@The Day's Phrase
Six tips to protect you in the sun this summer
Marie's parents have very strict rules. I would hate to be in her shoes when she gets home after curfew.
Making life brighter for special families
Robert got front row seats at the last Chicago Bulls game. He knew people in high places to get those tickets.
Don't give up - you can do it
Laura exclaimed, "Grandma has lost her marbles! She keeps calling me Roy!"
Kelly can eat a whole cake by herself. I wonder how she can eat like a pig and stay slender?
An amazing world of animal and plant life hides just under the water's surface
It seems like Hollywood filmmakers have money to burn. They spend extravagant amounts of money to make movies.
Paul heard about his brother's engagement before the rest of the family did.
He said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, my lips are sealed."
The many surprising ways cacti can be used
Camping is not Brian's scene. He hates sleeping on the ground and fighting off the hungry mosquitoes.
The square was a sea of people.

2012年7月12日 星期四

Man-Eater Manhunt 食人猛獸真面目

by Marcus Maurice
Gordon Buchanan is on a mission to battle blood-thirsty beasts.
  There's a serial killer lurking around Chitwan National Park in Nepal and her name is Nangara Pothi. Nicknamed The Claw, this deadly tigress has killed at least 10 people since 2008. Gordon Buchanan, host of Man-Eater Manhunt on National Geographic Channel (NGC), travels to Nepal to investigate. He hopes to unlock the myths and mysteries of the man-eating tigress.
有一個連環殺手潛伏在尼泊爾奇旺國家公園附近,她名叫南加拉‧博提。這隻綽號名為『爪子』的致命母老虎自 2008 年起已經將至少 10 人攻擊致死。國家地理頻道《食人猛獸真面目》節目的主持人高登‧布坎南前往尼泊爾調查。他希望能解開這隻食人母老虎的迷思與奧秘。
  Buchanan's mission is to know and understand man-eaters—animals that have killed or even eaten humans. He wonders if the reasons for the attacks on humans are due to the predators' loss of natural space. Buchanan is determined to put himself directly in the path to find out the answers. In Tanzania, Buchanan hooks up with a local researcher to try and learn why lions that normally don't eat people now have a taste for human flesh. Buchanan finds out that most of the farmers that were killed by the lions had been sleeping in makeshift shelters while trying to protect their harvests. The only way to get to the bottom of the mystery, Buchanan thinks, is to spend a night in one of the shelters.
  Lions and tigers are dangerous, but leopards are renowned as elusive and resourceful predators. In Mumbai, India, one of the most populous cities in the world, 57 people have been killed by leopards, and Buchanan wants to know why. He sets up thermal camera traps and visits the city's suburbs at night. By doing so, Buchanan feels he gets a handle on what the opportunistic predators known for their diverse diets do at night. Dig into the leopards' secrets and more on NGC's Man-Eater Manhunt.
獅子和老虎都很危險,但豹卻以難以捉摸且足智多謀而出名。在全球人口最多城市之一的印度孟買,57 個人被豹咬死,布坎南想要知道為什麼。他架設起熱能攝影機陷阱,並在夜晚探訪了該市的近郊處。布坎南覺得他這樣做便可了解這種以其多樣化飲食而出名的機會主義掠食者會有什麼作為。觀賞國家地理頻道的《食人猛獸真面目》節目以探討豹的秘密及其他更多的資訊。

1. lurk vi. 埋伏
Why are you lurking around my house?
2. myth n. 錯誤的概念,迷思
Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men.
3. mystery n. 神秘的事物,謎團
Time travel is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century.
How the pyramids in Egypt were constructed remains a mystery.
4. determined a. 已下決心的
be determined to V  決心要從事……
Mary is determined to succeed at all costs.
5. hook up with sb  開始與某人共事
The singer hooked up with the guitar player to create a band in 2000.
那位歌手開始與該吉他手共事,於 2000 年組成了一個樂團。
6. have a taste for...  對……有興趣
taste n. 愛好,興趣
The trip to Africa gave me my first taste for foreign travel.
7. get to the bottom of...  弄清……的真相
I won't give up until I get to the bottom of the problem.
8. be renowned as...  因身為……而出名
renowned a. 有名的
Marco Polo is renowned as an explorer.
9. elusive a. 難以理解的
elude vt. 躲避,逃避
The criminals managed to elude the police for two weeks.
10. resourceful a. 富於機智的
resource n. 資源
Richard is a very resourceful manager.
11. set up...  架設……
John helped me set up my stereo in my room the other day.
12. suburb n. 郊區(常用複數)
in the suburbs  在郊區
I used to live in the suburbs, but I moved downtown a few weeks ago.
13. get a handle on...  了解……
Although we had discussed the concept for quite some time, I still couldn't get a handle on it.
14. diverse a. 多樣性的
diversity n. 多樣性(= variety)
The city's diverse population makes life colorful.
15. dig into...  致力於找出……的資訊
I need you to dig into his past and see what you can find.

@Words Comparison
flesh 與 meat 的比較:
flesh 與 meat 這兩個字都含有『肉』的意思,但用法確有很大的差別。
flesh 是指『人體或動物身上的肉』或『水果的果肉』。
meat 是指『食用的肉』。
The next thing to do is to cut the meat into small pieces.
The thorn went deep into the flesh of my left hand.
The flesh of the fruit is yellow.
1. serial killer n. 連環殺人兇手
2. claw n.(動物的)爪子
3. deadly a. 致命的
4. unlock vt. 揭開
5. predator n. 食肉動物,捕食者
6. researcher n. 研究員
7. normally adv. 通常地
8. flesh n.(人的)肉;(果實的)果肉
9. makeshift a. 臨時代用的
10. shelter n. 躲避處;避難處
11. harvest n. 收成
12. leopard n. 美洲豹
13. populous a. 人口眾多的
14. thermal a. 熱能的
15. trap n. 陷阱
16. opportunistic a. 機會主義的
1. due to...  由於……
2. in the path  在路徑上

到箱根有 express train 嗎?

 說法比一比:★★★★學校:How can I go to Hakkone?
老外:How do I get to Hakkone from here?

A:Excuse me, how do I get to Hakkone from here?
B:There's an express train leaving in 20 minutes.

ex:What's the best way to get to Hakkone?
ex:Can I get an express train to Hakkone from here? 
ex:Do I have to transfer? 

True enough. 但你確定不要嗎?

 技術挑戰指數:★★★一群姐妹淘聚在一起,總是免不了討論哪裡有好吃的蛋糕、點心、下午茶。昨天大家剛好就在討論要不要團購網路上第一名的重乳酪起士蛋糕,A同事說:可是熱量好像很高,這樣吃了會變胖耶!B同事則說:True enough. 但你確定不要嗎?之後不要後悔喔!結果就是大家都各訂了兩盒,團購力量大啊!

Sophie:Nancy, would you like a sweet bun?
Nancy:No. Those things make you fat.
Sophie:True enough. But this is the last one, and I think maybe Ken wanted it.
Nancy:Say no more. Let me have it.

True enough. 那倒是真的。 
當你要對某一論點作讓步時,就可以說:"True enough."(那倒是真的。)但也常常聽到有人說:"True enough. But..."(那倒是真的。但是...),因為使用"True enough."表示接受某個意見的人,經常還有其他更重要的意見要說。

2012年7月5日 星期四

打電話 reservation 了嗎?

說法比一比:★★★★學校:I'm Liu. I reserved a room.
   (我是 Liu。我訂了房間。)
老外:I have a reservation under Liu, L-I-U.
  (我有訂房,名字是 Liu, L-I-U。)

A:Welcome to the Chicago Sheraton.
B:Thanks, I have a reservation under Liu, L-I-U.
 (謝謝。我有訂房,名字是 Liu, L-I-U。)

ex:I have a reservation. My last name is Chen.
 (我有訂房,我姓 Chen。)
ex:I don't have a reservation. Do you have any singles available? 

business 風格大不同!


ex:I run a medium-sized business. We export lenses to China.
ex:This is a very profitable business enterprise.
ex:It's a good business, even though its not large.
ex:I don't think the new regulations will affect the business too much.

business  企業(可數名詞) 

2012年7月2日 星期一

Folk Tales

In the world of American folk tales, almost anything can happen: A cowboy rides a tornado without a saddle. A huge lumberjack digs the Great Lakes to give his giant blue ox drinking water. A rabbit's big mouth gets him stuck in a bunch of tar. Sometimes, though, this world seems more like real life: A young farmer plants apple trees everywhere he goes. A man wins a race against a machine. Above all, this fantasy world finds people struggling
against circumstances— and winning.
Tall tales, extraordinary tales of ordinary people and events, sprang from the days of the American pioneers. As the early settlers faced a rugged environment, they told stories of superhuman heroes. Paul Bunyan was a giant lumberjack who helped settle the Northwestern Territory. Bunyan could cut down a whole forest in less than an hour. His giant blue ox, Babe, could carry off the logs in one load.
Pecos Bill was the hero of American cowboys. Bill almost single-handedly
tamed the rough wilderness in the American Southwest. He was so tough he used a rattlesnake
for a lasso to rope in his cattle.
Not all American folk tales are so far from the truth. Some developed from real historical events. For example, Johnny Appleseed planted thousands of acres of apple trees in the Midwest. He gave apple seeds to everyone he met, encouraging them to plant trees, too. In fact, the real person behind the legend was John Chapman, an early pioneer. Chapman did indeed own many apple orchards.
Another legend grew up around John Henry, a black laborer helping dig a tunnel on a rail road line. A man with a steam drill boasted he could do the work of 20 men using hammers. John Henry challenged him to a race. After John Henry won, so the legend goes, he died from exhaustion. Actually, after winning the race, John Henry was killed by the collapse of the tunnel.
Some folk tales have come directly from the pages of American literature. Uncle Remus and his stories about Brer (Brother) Rabbit delight many young Americans. The most famous one,“Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby, ” tells how a big-mouthed rabbit gets himself into—and then out of—trouble. The writer, Joel Chandler Harris, heard many of the stories from slaves on a Southern plantation.
Another popular tale came from the pen of Washington Irving. Rip Van Winkle, a poor farmer from New England, falls asleep during a hunting trip and sleeps for 20 years. When he awakens, his whole world has changed.
Of course, Americans didn't invent folk tales. Every culture has its own stories of common people dealing with life's challenges. Often these tales are passed down orally from generation to generation. Some of them, like Snow White, Cinderella and even Santa Claus, exist in different versions all over the world. Many others are unique to the cultures that tell them. But all reflect a common hope: to live “happily ever after.”

@Word Bank
tornado (n) 龍捲風;颶風
saddle (n) 馬鞍
lumberjack (n) 伐木工人
tar (n) 黑油;焦油
single-handedly (adv) 獨自地
rattlesnake (n) 響尾蛇
orchard (n) 果園
tunnel (n) 隧道
hammer (n) 鐵鎚
orally (adv) 口頭地
reflect (v) 反映
big-mouthed (adj) 大嘴巴的;愛說話的

@The Day's Phrase
Sorting out your snapshots today will make reliving memories easier tomorrow
Would you like a cup of tea? No thanks, I'm fine.
It's over now. No one will bother you ever again.
Marketers can use neuroscience to find out what you're thinking, even before you
know yourself
Do you really want fish for dinner tonight? On second thought, let's have pork instead.
Is James going to be at the party on Saturday? Good question.
Mike spilled Coke on Julie's new white dress. It was an accident, so Julie
decided to grin and bear it rather than get angry.
Singing out the beauty of hope
After Kerry broke up with her boyfriend, her best friend wanted to know all the details. Kerry met her friend for coffee and spilled the beans.

April's mom is planning a surprise birthday party for her. She wrote on the invitation,
"Please don't let the cat out of the bag!"
In America, workers at fast food restaurants take your order and then they usually say,
"Have a nice day." Sometimes they really mean it!

Andy Pettitte fractured his ankle in win.