2012年4月26日 星期四

請 think about it.

說法比一比:★★★★學校:No, I don't want it.
老外:Thanks, but I'm going to think about it.

A:Can I take that up to the register for you?
B:Thanks, but I'm going to think about it.

ex:It's nice, but just a little out of my budget.
ex:Thanks, but I think I'll pass. 

appointment 要遵守!


ex:Sorry, I have to go. I've got an urgent appointment with Kate.
ex:I'd like to make an appointment with Colin to talk about the new project.
ex:It's very difficult to find time to meet with him. He's always missing our appointments.
ex:I'm calling to confirm my appointment. Is it still on?

單字小補充appointment 約定(可數名詞) 
 .可搭配動詞:have got、make、confirm、miss

2012年4月25日 星期三


What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual. What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual. What do you call someone who speaks one language? An American.
To people in many countries, being bilingual or even trilingual is a way of life. But since the mother tongue of most Americans is English—a language widely spoken around the world—they often don't feel the need to learn a foreign language. Moreover, people who live in the heartland of America have little contact with other linguistic groups, making foreign language skills irrelevant.
Actually, though, this “land of immigrants” has always had people of many different nationalities—and languages. The 1990 census indicates that almost 14% of Americans speak a non-English language at home. Ye t only 3% reported that they spoke English "not well” or “not at all.” That means that slightly more than one out of 10 Americans could be considered bilingual. Besides that, many high school and college students—and even some elementary school students—are required to take a foreign language as a part of their curriculum.
Ethnic enclaves, found particularly in major metropolitan centers, have
preserved the language and culture of American immigrants. Some local residents can function quite well in their native language, without having to bother learning English. Regions such as southern Florida and the Southwest have numerous Spanish-speaking neighborhoods.
In fact, Spanish speakers—numbering over 17 million—compose the largest non-English
linguistic group in America. But Chinese, Vietnamese, Italian, Polish and many other ethnic groups add to the linguistic flavor of America. Foreign languages are so commonly used in some ethnic neighborhoods that visitors might think they are in another country!
Although some Americans welcome this linguistic and cultural diversity,
others have begun to fear that the English language is being threatened. Since the 1980s, the“English Only” movement has sought to promote legislation which would establish English as the “official language” and restrict the use of non-English languages.
一九八○年代以來,「唯用英語」(English Only)運動即試著開始推動立法,將英語訂
However, some groups, including TESOL, the organization for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, object to such “language restrictionism.” Their view, known as“English Plus,” suggests that Americans should have respect for people’s native language and culture, while promoting the teaching of English to help them fit into the mainstream of society. But so far, 19 states have passed English Only legislation, and the topic is the focus of an ongoing debate.
但有些團體,如「教導母語為其他語言學生的英語教師組織」(簡稱T E S O L ),就反對
這種「語言限制主義」。他們提倡的「英語與外語」(English Plus),建議美國人應尊重其他族
Whether or not English is the official language of the United States, it remains the "language of wider communication.” Nearly everyone recognizes the need to develop proficiency in English in order to do well in America.
To help those who want to brush up on their English skills, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes abound. Cities with large numbers of recent immigrants often set up bilingual education programs to teach students content subjects in their native language while they improve their English.
教導英語為第二語言的機構(E S L )到處都是。擁有大批新進移民的一些大都市,都設
Language educators often have strong and divergent views as to which approach helps learners achieve better results: a bilingual approach, an ESL approach—or even a pure immersion (“sink or swim”) approach. However, all these teachers share a common commitment: to help students function well in English.
語言教育學家對何種方法才能幫助學生更有效地學習英語——利用雙語教學、E S L
Americans recognize that English is the de facto international language, and people with good English skills can get by in many international settings. On the other hand, in a world growing increasingly smaller, second language skills can be a great boon. They can build cross-cultural bridges and give people an edge in a variety of career fields. Indeed, lack of foreign language proficiency can limit one’s chances for advancement—and keep one in a cultural cul-de-sac. As many people in America are discovering, being monolingual is no laughing matter.

@Word Bank
bilingual (adj) 能說二種語言的
mother tongue (n phr) 母語
linguistic group (n phr) 語言族群
curriculum (n) 課程
enclave (n) 被包領土
cultural diversity (n phr) 文化多樣化
language restrictionism (n phr) 語言限制主義
divergent (adj) 分歧的;差異的
immersion (n) 浸入
de facto (adv) 實際地;事實上
boon (n) 恩賜;益處
cul-de-sac (n) 窮途末路;死路;死巷

@The Day's Phrase
Decisions! Decisions! The constant need to decide may be affecting
the quality of your decisions
Did you win the race? Pretty good guess.
Creating a cool, successful product is not as easy as you might think
I don't recognize you John. You’ve changed a lot.
Look below the surface to learn about these giant islands
Was he happy to see you? Yes and no.
What's for dinner? You’ll see.
This week the world remembers the famous ship's historic journey
Let's hear it for R.O.C. Happy double ten day!
Meet a man who changed the way the world thinks
Do you want me to make you some tea? I’d like that.
Do you want me to make you some tea? I’d like that.
Some English words and expressions have interesting origins
After the police finally caught "Mean Marvin", they locked him up.
Chen takes next step in getting acclimated to US.
No win, but Chen looks like a winner
Try something new - Croatia's seaside escape
Do you like taking the MRT? I suppose so.
If you see yourself here, it might be time to change your ways
Let's go out. I'm tired of cooking at home.
Forgiveness can wait. Right now all Ozzie Guillen asks for is a second chance from Cuban - Americans.

Tianmu Flea Market 挖寶的好去處 ── 天母生活市集

 The Tianmu Market has a mix of cultures and a special section which really sets it apart from other flea markets
  Popular in the West, flea markets are places where people go to hunt down bargains on second-hand goods. They can be housed in permanent indoor facilities or pop up as temporary weekend bazaars. Since 2007, a small neighborhood in Taipei's Shilin District has been the place for flea market enthusiasts in Taiwan. Located at the intersection of Zhongshan North Road and Tianmu East Road, the Tianmu Market is not your typical Western-style flea market.
  The Tianmu Market has a mix of cultures. Every Friday through Sunday, the nearly 200 stalls attract an average of 30,000 to 50,000 national and international visitors who are looking to buy or just browsing. Not only are there traditional vendors selling second-hand goods, but also individuals promoting their creativity. This special section displays handmade products like soap, clothing, jewelry, and even food. It really sets the Tianmu Market apart from other flea markets. In addition, up-and-coming musicians, street performers, and underground bands can show off their stuff at the market's outdoor stage. The sights and sounds of the Tianmu Market are perfect for happy hunting.
[ Questions ]
1. Which is NOT a reason why visitors go to the Tianmu Market?
(A) To show off their musical talent.
(B) To check out or purchase goods.
(C) To see some unique performances at the outdoor stage.
(D) To experience a wide variety of cultures.
1. 哪一個不是遊客去天母生活市集的理由?
(A) 炫耀他們的音樂才華。
(B) 瀏覽或購買商品。
(C) 觀賞戶外舞台上一些獨特的表演。
(D) 體驗豐富多元的文化。
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
(A) How to become a flea market vendor.
(B) Why flea markets are good places for musicians.
(C) How the Tianmu Market differs from others.
(D) The origins of flea markets.
2. 本文第二段的主旨為何?
(A) 如何成為一名跳蚤市場攤販。
(B) 為何跳蚤市場是適合音樂家的好去處。
(C) 天母生活市集如何有別於其他跳蚤市場。
(D) 跳蚤市場的起源。

答案:1. (A) 2. (C)

@Words & Phrases
1. bargain n. 便宜的貨品;低廉的價格
Judy got a great bargain on some cosmetics at the sale.
2. house vt. 安置;存放,收藏
That museum houses a variety of ancient and modern artwork.
3. pop up  冒出來,突然出現
Before I started writing, many ideas popped up in my head.
4. temporary a. 暫時的,臨時的
The school served as a temporary shelter when the war broke out.
5. browse vi. 隨意瀏覽(商品、書刊等)
I browsed through a bookstore while I was waiting for my friend to pick me up.
6. set A apart from B  使A有別於B
The amazing service at that restaurant really sets it apart from others.
7. show off...  展現∕炫耀……
Lucas likes to show off his sports car wherever he goes.
8. differ from...  與……不同
Peter's views on education differ from those of his wife.
@Extra Words
1. flea market n. 跳蚤市場(本文中亦作形容詞用)
2. bazaar n. 市集,市場
3. enthusiast n. 熱衷者,狂熱者
4. intersection n. 交叉口;十字路口
5. stall n. 攤販,攤位
6. up-and-coming a. 有前途的,有希望的
7. underground band n. 地下樂團
Where Did the Term Flea Market Come From?

  關於『跳蚤市場』這個名稱的由來眾說紛紜,不過主要可歸納出三個常見的說法,其一就是從法文的marche aux puces而來。據說在中世紀時,法國巴黎聖母院旁有個小小的市集,專賣皇室不要的舊衣物,該處後來因為跳蚤肆虐而被迫搬遷到他處,因此跳蚤市場的稱號不脛而走。
  也有人說跳蚤市場是出自於十八世紀的紐約市集,當時被稱為fly market,荷蘭人則稱之為vlaie,其發音近似flea所致。不論跳蚤市場的名稱由來為何,它們總是能讓大家買到便宜划算的東西,並且滿載而歸。

2012年4月19日 星期四

The End of Finning 搶救鯊魚大作戰


麻煩幫我 check out.

說法比一比:★★★★學校:I want to buy this.
老外:I'll take it.

A:You look so cute in that!
B:Thanks! I'll take it.

ex:Excuse me, we're ready to check out.
ex:Can you ring me up, please? 
ex:Where can I pay for this? 

You did not 聽到那些消息?

技術挑戰指數:★★★今天一進公司,發現氣氛怪怪的,大家總是眉來眼去,似乎是發生了什麼大事!坐下之後問了旁邊的同事,才發現原來是聽說有人去墮胎,因為和男朋友分手,卻發現已經懷孕了!當你想表達無法相信對方還不知道這則消息時,就可以用”You did not hear that.”開頭。

Sophie:I heard the deadline has been moved up again.
Gary:You did not hear that.
Sophie:I'm afraid I did. Now we only have one week.
Gary:Oh, well. What do you say we run out and grab some of those sweet buns?

單字小補充You did not + v. 你沒有做某事。  
”You did not hear that.”是表達:「你真的聽到了那樣的消息?我無法相信!」的一種方式。這種說法比較時髦、比較俚語。當你想表達你所認為的某件事情不可思議、或不太可能發生或太過反常時就可以這麼說。注意,”not”這個字必須要重讀。

2012年4月17日 星期二

Swimming and Diving 游泳與跳水——結合力與美的優雅運動

 On a hot summer's day, nothing beats relaxing or exercising in cool waters
  It is boiling hot outside, and swimming is the only way to beat the heat. Jumping into the nearest pool is a perfect way to relax as well as get some exercise. When people first learn to swim, they usually do what is known as the doggy paddle. This may come from children watching their dogs or other animals in the water and imitating them.
  The main swimming style is called the freestyle stroke or the front crawl. This is when swimmers put their faces in the water and move their arms in turn. In the meantime, they kick their feet while turning their heads to breathe. The freestyle stroke is the fastest.
  On the other hand, the breaststroke is the slowest because of its movements. People swimming in this style stretch their arms in front of them with their heads in the water. When they drag their arms backwards, their faces lift out of the water and their legs do a frog kick. The hardest style to perfect is the butterfly stroke. The difficulty lies in lifting the arms, shoulders, head, and part of the chest out of the water while doing a dolphin kick. Finally, the backstroke is where people swim while floating on their backs. It is relatively simple because of the ease of breathing.

@Words & Phrases
1. imitate vt. 模仿
Benson was upset when his new classmates started imitating his British accent.
2. in turn  輪流地,依次地
The club's leaders introduced themselves in turn at the first meeting.
3. in the meantime  在此期間
My wife went grocery shopping. In the meantime, I picked our kids up from school.
4. movement n. 動作
The dancers amazed the audience with their highly skilled movements.
5. backwards adv. 向後地;倒退地
The figure skater moved backwards over the ice in preparation for his jump.
6. perfect vt. 使完美,使完善
The actor took lessons from a kung fu master to perfect his fighting skills.
7. lie in...  在於∕存在於……
The difficulty of the project lies in getting thousands of people involved.
8. relatively adv. 相對地,比較
The test was relatively easy, so all the students passed.
@Extra Words
1. doggy paddle n. 狗爬式游法
2. stroke n.(游泳的)游法
3. ease n. 容易,不費力
@More to Know
@Tips In Use

2012年4月12日 星期四

請問有 special 嗎?

說法比一比:★★★★學校:Do you have any discount?
老外:Do you have any specials?

A:Do you have any specials?
B:Everything on these two racks is 15% off today.

ex:Are these on sale?
 (這些在特價嗎 ?)
ex:Is there a discount if I sign up for a credit card? 
ex:Is there any kind of discount if I buy three? 

analysis 可以找出問題!


ex:We did more analysis and found the problem.
ex:We performed an in-depth analysis of the problem.
ex:The consultant undertook an extensive financial analysis for us.
ex:A detailed financial analysis will show more results.

單字小補充analysis 分析(可數名詞) 


Jelly for Your Belly 魔幻豆豆糖