2011年6月30日 星期四

The Frankincense Trail 乳香之路

by Marcus Maurice
One of the world's oldest professions is selling frankincense.
  In the story of Christmas as told in the Bible, the Three Wise Men followed a star and found baby Jesus in a manger on December 25. Each of the Wise Men brought a gift for Jesus—gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Everyone knows what gold is as it is used as money and in making jewelry. But what are frankincense and myrrh? Both of these are resin, or tree sap, which is dried and used mostly as incense. It is acquired by cutting into the bark of certain species of trees and then waiting a few days for the sap to ooze out. The hardened sap is then harvested and mixed into products or made into incense.
聖經記載的耶誕故事說到,東方三智者跟隨著一顆星星前進,在 12 月 25 日這天發現誕生在馬槽的耶穌。每位智者都帶來一項禮物送給耶穌──黃金、乳香和沒藥。大家都知道黃金的用途是拿來當作錢幣和打造成珠寶首飾。但乳香和沒藥又是什麼東西呢?這兩種東西都是樹脂,也就是樹汁,曬乾後大部分都拿來薰香用。取得的方式是在特定樹種的樹皮上劃一刀,等上幾天的工夫待樹汁滲出。樹汁乾掉變硬後即可採收,可添加在其他產品或製成薰香。
  Frankincense is the focus of National Geographic Channel's (NGC) series this month. On The Frankincense Trail, Kate Humble takes a journey along the old trade route across the Arabian Peninsula to see the history and understand the importance of frankincense in this part of the world. As she travels more than 3,200 kilometers through Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel, she shares many amazing experiences with the locals and the viewers.
本月分國家地理頻道的專題就是乳香。在《乳香之路》中,凱特‧哈勃沿著古代貿易的路線旅行,她穿越阿拉伯半島探索這段歷史,以及了解乳香在這個地區所佔的重要性。在她途經阿曼、葉門、沙烏地阿拉伯、埃及、約旦和以色列等 3,200 多公里的路程上,也跟當地人和觀眾分享許多奇特的經驗。
  The frankincense trail starts in Oman, where Humble journeys in a caravan with over 300 camels through the desert to Shibam, Yemen, the first city in the world to build skyscrapers. From there, she goes to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and finds that the nation is amazingly modern, which is nothing like how it's portrayed in the news. After seeing the mummies and pyramids of Egypt, Humble travels through Jordan to Israel, where she ends her journey by following in the footsteps of the Three Wise Men. Catch The Frankincense Trail this month on NGC.
這趟乳香之旅從阿曼開始,哈勃跟著一支有 300 頭駱駝的商隊旅行,橫越沙漠到達葉門的希巴姆,這是歷史上第一座建造摩天大樓的城市。她接著走訪沙烏地阿拉伯王國,發現該國出乎意料地現代化,跟新聞裡描述的完全不同。看過埃及的木乃伊和金字塔後,她穿越約旦抵達以色列,跟隨東方三智者的腳步前往耶穌的誕生地,並結束她的旅程。務必收看本月國家地理頻道的《乳香之路》喲!

1. trail n. 小徑 & vt. 跟蹤
= track sb to + 地方
= follow sb to + 地方
例: The police officer trailed the suspect to his hideout.
2. be used as...  被用來(當作)……
be used for (doing) sth  被用來做某事
例: My old vehicle is now used as a delivery truck.
例: This machine is used for creating 3D models.
3. acquire vt. 取得,獲得
例: Mr. White acquired his wealth by investing in stocks.
4. ooze vi. 滴出,徐徐流出
ooze out  流出來
例: Large tears oozed out of Mary's tightly-shut eyes.
5. hardened a. 變硬的
harden vt. 使變硬 & vi. 變硬
例: The sun hardened the mud on the road.
例: Don't touch the toffee until it hardens.
6. harvest vt. 收割 & n. 收成,收獲
例: With the new machines, the farmers find it easier to harvest their crops.
例: Last year's rice harvest was affected by the typhoon.
7. journey n. & vi. 旅行(尤指長途旅行)
go on a journey to + 地方  去某地旅行
例: Do you want to go on a journey to Tainan with me this weekend?
例: I journeyed to Canada last summer and had a fantastic time there.
= I took a journey to Canada last summer and had a great time there.
= I traveled to Canada last summer and had a wonderful time there.
8. route n. 路線
例: Paul took a different route home and almost got lost.
9. share A with B  與 B 分享 A
例: The actress shared her glory with her husband when she won the Oscar.
10. amazingly adv. 令人驚奇地
例: The little boy's likeness to his father is amazingly striking.
11. portray vt. 描繪,描寫
portray A as B  把 A 描繪成 B
例: This famous painting portrays the war between the Greeks and Trojans.
例: The fox is often portrayed as a cunning animal in fairy tales.
12. follow in the footsteps of sb  跟隨某人的腳步
= follow in one's footsteps
例: Ann decided to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a teacher.
1. frankincense n. 乳香
2. manger n. 馬槽
3. myrrh n. 沒藥
4. jewelry n. 寶石,珠寶(集合名詞,不可數)
jewel n. 寶石,珠寶(可數)
5. resin n. 樹脂
6. sap n. 樹汁
7. incense n. 香;香的煙∕氣味
8. bark n. 樹皮
9. peninsula n. 半島
10. caravan n. 商隊
11. camel n. 駱駝
12. desert n. 沙漠
13. skyscraper n. 摩天樓
14. mummy n. 木乃伊
15. pyramid n. 金字塔


技術挑戰指數:★★★★現代人越來越重視養生,希望自己吃進去的食物是沒有農藥、健康的!去逛超市時,不難發現很多蔬菜水果的旁邊多了一些包裝精美的 有機蔬果,標榜著”有機”價格通常會高一點,主要是強調種植的過程沒有使用非天然的化學物質或化學肥料!其實如果自己家裡有陽台,不妨動手種一些蔬果來吃,又健康又省錢呢!

ex:Cucumbers can be pickled for flavor or for longer shelf life.
ex:Tomatoes are now eaten throughout the world, and their consumption is believed to have many
   health benefits.  
ex:More and more people now eat organic food.  
ex:We all know that a jack-o-lantern is a hollow pumpkin cut to resemble a human-or ghostly
強化小知識.organic  有機  
organic 除了”有機”這個解釋,也可當作”器官的、組織的、建制的、基本的”。organic chemistry(有機化學)、bio organic weapon(有機生物體武器)也是用這個字。

If you don't like 這些食物,we can 換間餐廳!


ex:You don't look well. Would you like to go back to the hotel and take a rest?
ex:If you're not having fun, we can go somewhere else. 
ex:If you don't like the food, we can eat something else.
ex:If you would prefer something else, we can try other flavors.  

俚語小解析.除了上述那些句型,以下這些句型也很常用到,Is everything okay/alright? (一切都還好嗎?)、Is there anything you need?(你需要些什麼東西嗎?)、Is there anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable?(我可以幫你做些什麼好讓你停留的這段時間更舒適?)

2011年6月22日 星期三


推薦 → recommend
科幻(小說)電影 → science fiction film
1. 我推薦你去看一部很棒的科幻電影「太陽浩劫」,故事是關於我們的太陽。這句話,英文要怎麼掰?
I recommend that you should see a great science fiction film, "Sunshine", which is a story about our Sun.
[解析]: "recommend(推薦)"或"suggest(建議)"是個很容易被誤用的動詞。我們常對老外說:「我建議你去士林夜市。」
I suggest you to go to Shi-lin night market.
就好像「我把你推薦給史密斯教授。」是:I recommended you to Professor Smith.
所以,「我建議你去士林夜市。」的正確說法是:I suggest that you should go to Shi-lin night market.

垂死、衰竭的 → dying
人類 → mankind
2. 距離現在50年後,太陽在衰竭,因而不再提供人類生存所需要的能量與光。這句話,英文要怎麼掰?
In 50 years from now, the Sun is dying, providing no longer the energy and the light that mankind needs to survive.
[解析]:" dying"是形容詞,不是現在式的「正在死」。
社會、社區 → community
特遣隊 → mission
點燃 → ignite
3. 整個地球社會集合了資源,送出一個特遣隊到太空投炸彈來重新點燃太陽。這句話,英文要怎麼掰?
The entire global community pools its resources to send a mission into space to deliver a bomb to reignite the Sun.
[解析]:"pool"最常用的是游泳池的意思,像是"swimming pool"。但做動詞時,是指「集合」大家的,就像是把大家的東西丟到一個大池子裡。比方說"Car pool is recommended."是說「停車位不夠,建議大家共乘前往。」
渴望 → desire
外太空 → outer space
4. 看完這部電影,我真渴望到深遠的外太空去旅行,如果我夠有錢的話。這句話,英文要怎麼掰?
After seeing this movie, I really desire to travel into the deep outer space if I am rich enough.
I recommend that you should see a great science fiction film, " Sunshine ", which is a story about our Sun. In 50 years from now, the Sun is dying, providing no longer the energy and the light that mankind needs to survive. The entire global community pools its resources to send a mission into space to deliver a bomb to reignite the Sun. After seeing this movie, I really desire to travel into the deep outer spae if I am rich enough.
Jia - ling

With a little help from my government 政府救救我‏

每日 EZ Word 
living hell 夭壽……
A: How's your new boss?
B: Terrible! He works the living hell out of us!
somewhere around… ……上下、左右,在……一帶
問地點、問價錢,最重要的就是「精確」兩個字。但人腦又不是電腦,怎麼可能永遠備齊所有資訊、精確無誤?遇到不知怎麼回答時,只好說個大概It's somewhere around…,假如正好介於兩者之間,可以說It's somewhere between…。
A: What will the new apartment cost?
B: Probably somewhere around two-hundred thousand.
今日會話 EZ Talk 
Xiao-ling: Hey, Marcus, I've been 1)meaning to ask you about Canada.
Marcus: Sure. What's on your mind?
Xiao-ling: Well, you guys have a lot of social benefits that US citizens don't, right?
Marcus: Yes. Many things like 2)healthcare and education are, if not free, then very cheap.
Xiao-ling: How does your government afford those?
Marcus: It's easy. They tax the living hell out of us!
Xiao-ling: Ha, OK. But, really?
Marcus: Really, our taxes are like those in much of Europe- somewhere around 30-40 percent. 
Xiao-ling: Sounds a bit like what I've heard of Norway and Sweden.
Marcus: Yes, and France, too. Some people say that our economies are somewhere between 1)capitalist and 2)socialist.
Xiao-ling: What are the 3)drawbacks?
Marcus: Well, I already mentioned the high taxes. Plus, many businesses have to comply with extra regulations.
Xiao-ling: Such as?
Marcus: Well, there are laws in some places, especially France, that make it hard for employers to fire or 1)layoff workers. This makes the business less 2)efficient.
Xiao-ling: But keeps the government from needing to pay 3)unemployment.
Marcus: Yep, that's how it works.
mean (v.) 想要,意圖
healthcare (n.) 健保醫療 
capitalist (a.) 資本主義(的)
socialist (a.) 社會主義(的)
drawback (n.) 缺點 
layoff (v.) 資遣
EX: The factory had to layoff many employees.
efficient (a.) 有效率的 
EX: Her method of analysis is the most efficient.
unemployment (n.) 失業
EX: Unemployment is an undesired effect of globalization.


台北有「悠遊卡」,一卡在手,悠遊自在,搭公車、捷運都很方便。香港也有個「八達通卡」,一卡在手,四通八達,可搭地鐵、電車、巴士、機場快速列車等等。最近日本交通運輸最繁忙的東京也推出了一種可搭各種交通工具的儲值卡,叫做Pasmo card。是日本華僑的台銘,興奮地發e-mail給台北的日本友人,告訴他們這個好消息!一卡在手,各種車通用要怎麼掰?
通勤族 → commuter 
多功能卡 → all-in-one card
Living in the busiest city on earth, I am glad to tell you that commuters in Tokyo will have an all-in-one card.
[解析]:"Living in the busiest city on earth"是分詞構句,形容主要句的主詞"I"。
所謂的 → so-called 
讀卡機 → reader 
This so-called Pasmo card can let the commuters take most buses and trains in the city by touching the card on a reader.
[解析]:「搭巴士」可以用"take a bus","get a bus",或"ride a bus"。
自動的 → automatic 
車資 → fare 
商品 → goods 
便利商店 → convenience store 
In addition to the function of automatic fare deduction, this card can be used to pay for goods at the convenience stores.
Living in the busiest city on earth, I am glad to tell you that commuters in Tokyo will have an all - in - one card. This so - called Pasmo can let the commuters take most buses and trains in the city by touching the card on a reader. In addition to the function of automatic fare deduction, this card can be used to pay for goods at the convenience stores.
Tai - ming

Crazy for Coupons §é»ù¨é°Å°Å°Å‏

Mrs. Stevens: So, noticed you still have the Sunday newspaper?
Mrs.Lee: Yes. I never have time to read it all on Sunday.
Mrs.Stevens: I usually save it, too. But mostly for the coupons.
Mrs.Lee: [ Surprised ] Me, too! Look at this from last week. [ Shows her some 
coupons ].
Mrs. Steven: Oh my! Two for one on orange juice. That's hard to beat!
Mrs.Lee: It sure is. But it needs to be used before the end of the month.
Mrs. Steven: Yes, they always have time limits.
Mrs. Lee: This is a good one, too. [ Reading ] Free pairs of socks with every pair of 
Mrs. Steven: Not bad. And if you buy two pair of shoelaces you can get one pair free. 
Mrs. Lee: Oh wait. That one has restriction. It says the shoes must be children's 
shoes. Here, take it, you have kids.
Mrs. Steven: Thank you! It's valid until the end of the month.
Mrs. Lee: I may have some more for you. [ Open a large box ]
Mrs. Steven: Oh my! That's full.
Mrs. Lee: Yes, help me look through them. You can have any you find that are for 
children's products.
Mrs. Steven: Excellent. I'll bring some by for you tomorrow.
@word bank
notice (v.) ª`·N
mostly (adv.) ¤j¦h
beat (v.) ¥´À»;¹ï§Ü
use (v.) ¨Ï¥Î
limit (n.) ­­¨î; time limit ´Á­­
pair (n.) ¤@Âù;¤@¹ï
restriction (n.) ­­¨î
valid (adj.) <´Á­­¤º>¦³®Äªº
look through Àˬd;¬D¬D¬Ý
product (n.) ²£«~
excellent (adj.) Åå¤Hªº;¤Ó¦nªº

你敢吃 mutton 嗎?


ex:Beef is one of the principle meats used in European and American cuisines.
ex:Tonight we're going to have hot pot. I bought some marbled beef, mutton, and chicken.  
ex:Grilled T-bone steaks are her favorite.  
ex:You need to stir-fry the cabbage if you want it to stay crisp.  
強化小知識.stir-fry  快炒  
單看stir一個字,有”攪拌、攪動;傳佈、流通”的意思,比較口語的說法有”起床,搬弄是非”的意思。另外,stirring(激動人心)、heart-stirring(感人的)、stir up(激起、煽動)也常出現在文章中。

it's time 來討論新規定了!

技術挑戰指數:★★★一個組織或團體中總會有一些規定,但時間久了,這些規則免不了會變得有些不符現狀,這時候適當的討論調整是必要的,這樣做起事來才能更順利!每個人的夢想會隨著年紀成長而不斷的改變,當面臨畢業或進新公司這種轉換生活環境時,是訂定新目標的好時機,這時候就可以用”it's time

Nicole:Claire, I think it's time we changed our rules.
Claire:But we have a system and it works.  
Nicole:If you're stressing about toilet paper, Claire, the system is not working.
Claire:OK, but if I buy toilet paper, what will you do?
Nicole:I'll be in charge of nail polish remover!

.it's time......  該是....的時候了
這個句型的意思是:現在該做點不一樣的事情了!這句話通常給人一種感覺:某件事已經持續好一段時間,應該有所改變,原本的規則老早就不管用了!It's time for you to go out and use this expression!(該是你練習使用這個句子的時候了!)。

2011年6月18日 星期六

Good Karma for Penny 種善因得善果‏

We might forget the things we do, but that doesn't mean they forget us. If you believe in karma, then you believe everything a person does is a cause. Some day their actions will return as an effect. Whether it is a good deed or a mean trick, every action stays in the karma circle. If you hurt someone, which is bad karma, you too will be hurt sometime in the future. However, if you assist people, an example of good karma, you will find help in your hour of need.
There are lots of stories about bad karma. Every time we do something wrong, we get punished in one way or another. It seems that there is no easy escape from the awful things that we have done.
But how often do you hear about a good deed that's rewarded? We should help others and make lots of good karma even if you think good deeds are a waste of time. Penny Brown found out just how important good karma is the day she almost choked to death.
Building Your Vocabulary 
1.awful a. 糟糕的,惡劣的
I felt awful about not being able to help.
2.reward vt. 報答,酬謝
The company rewarded Allen's hard work with a big bonus.
3.choke vi. 噎住;窒息
Children can easily choke on candies.
Phrases for Learning 
1.in + 所有格 + hour of need 某人患難時
Al is a friend I can turn to in my hour of need.
2.(in) one way or another 用某種方法(雖然還不知道用哪一種)
We'll get the work done one way or another.
3.a waste of... 浪費……
That expensive car is a total waste of money.
1.karma n.(佛教)業,因果報應
2.cause n. 起因,原因
3.deed n. 行為,事蹟
4.escape n. 逃脫,逃避 
Tips In Use 
If you believe in karma, then you believe everything a person does...
believe in 與 believe 大致上說來都是表『相似』,但意思略有不同,使用時務必小心。
1.believe in + 物  相信某物的存在
Bobby doesn't believe in Santa Claus.
2.believe in + 人  信賴某人
Children need a teacher that they can believe in.
3.believe...  相信……是真的
I don't believe a word Terry says.

Cult of the iZombies iPod¡@ª¼¥Ø¯»µ·±Ð¬£

¨C¤é EZ Word 
crack someone up¡@¯º¯}¨{¥Ö
§â¤@ªT¥Ê¤l©Î¶}¤ßªGªº´ß¼·¶}¡A­^¤å´N¥scrack up¡C°²¦p¤H¤]¹³¶}¤ßªG¤@¼Ëcrack up¡A­ì¥»§N¦B¦Bªºªí±¡³Q³r¦a¯º¶}Ãh¡A·N«ä´N¬O¡u¯º¯}¨{¥Ö¡v¡C
A: Hey, why is six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine! 
B: That's funny. You really crack me up!
You got me there.¡@§A°Ý­Ë§Ú¤F¡A§A¶e¨ì§Ú¤F¡C
¤HÃø§K·|¦³¦^µª¤£¥X°ÝÃDªº®É­Ô¡A¦¹®É¡A¥u­n»¡¤@Án "You got me there." Åý¦Û¤v¦³¥x¶¥¤U´N¦æ¤F¡C
A: Why do people drive on 'parkways', and park on 'driveways' ?
B: I don't know. You got me there!
¤µ¤é·|¸Ü EZ Talk 
Larry:¡@Any luck finding a new cell phone?
Carmen:¡@No, I decided I'm going to wait.
Larry:¡@For what?
Carmen:¡@The iPhone!
Larry:¡@(Laughing) Oh¡Kmy¡Kgod! Are you serious?
Carmen:¡@Why's that funny?
Larry:¡@You! A member of Steve Jobs' 1)cult. You guys crack me up!
Carmen:¡@Excuse me?!
Larry:¡@You're 2)devoted to Apple, but for no good reason. Take your old iPod: Why don't you use it anymore?
Carmen:¡@It was hard to copy my music onto it. And I didn't want to repurchase all my music from iTunes. 
Larry:¡@See? There have been MP3 players for sale for years that had none of the 3)DRM 4)issues.
Carmen:¡@But the iPods have huge 1)storage 2)capacities.
Larry:¡@Sure, but how long did the battery last?
Carmen:¡@Seven or eight hours when it was new. But, it's 3)dead now. I need to send it to Apple to get it replaced.
Larry:¡@The iPhone will have the same battery problem.
Carmen:¡@But have you even seen the thing? It just looks so cool. It's very well-designed.
Larry:¡@OK, you got me there. Apple does design its products very well. 
Carmen:¡@That's why so many people can forgive their 4)flaws¡Kincluding me!
cult (n.) ±R«ô¡AºÆ¨g°gÅÊ
be devoted to¡@µÛ°g©ó¡K¡K
DRM = digital right management 
Issues (n.) °ÝÃD¡A³Â·Ð 
dead (a.) ¹q¦À¨S¹q¡A¹q¦À¥¢®Ä
flaw (n.) ¯ÊÂI

Tips on Answering the Telephone 接聽電話的重要原則‏

Tios on Answering the Telephone 接聽電話的重要原則
The telephone is your link to the outside world. Through the telephone, you give and receive information and pass instruction to people.
People often form impressions of you by the way you speak to them on the telephone. Your telephone skills can influence their willingness to work with you. So just how strong are your conversational skills when you answer the telephone?
To find out, take this brief quiz. Listed below are a series of statements, each describing a particular telphone skill: If you practice it consistently, give yourself a " 3 ". If you usually practice it, rate youself with a " 2 ". If you practice occasionally, you get a " 1 ", and if you rarely practice the skill, you rate a " 0 ".
1. I answer the telephone within four rings.
2. After answering the telephone, I immediately indentify myself.
3. When I receive calls, I open each conversation with a cheery greeting.
4. When a caller wishes to speak to an absent colleague, I offer to take a message or help.
5. When I take messages, I note the name and telephone number of the caller and repeat it back to him.
6. I am careful not to interrupt the other person while he is speaking.
7. I repeat the other person's name several times during the conversation.
8. I speak in a professional, but relaxed tone of voice.
9. I take notes during my conversations to ensure proper follow up.
10. I avoid placing persons "on hold."
So how'd you do? Total your score. If you totaled between 27 and 30, you're doing a great job answering the telephone. Keep it up! A score of 23 to 26 means you're doing well and, with a bit of practice, you'll perfect your already good skills. If you score between 19 and 22, you're not doing too badly, but your telephone skills may be a little rough around the edges. If you're below 18, you need study and practice!
Telephone conversation is one of the most critical everyday business skills, but it's frequently overlooked by people at every level of business. Many first—and lasting—impressions are formed over the telephone, and profits are made and lost there. If you practice top-notch telephone skills, you already know the difference those skills make: People at the other end of the line are much more pleasant with you and are usually delighted to work with you after the conversations are over.
If you want to improve your telephone performance, follow these ten tips.
1. Answer the telephone promptly.
2. Let callers know your name.
3. Be cheerful, without appearing insincere.
4. Never leave callers unattended.
5. Listen carefully.
6. Use the other person's name.
7. Encourage honest conversation by asking questions.
8. Speak in a polished but relaxed tone.
9. Summarize key points toward the end of the conversation.
10. Let the other person close the conversation.
Always avoid the following ten "telephone turn-offs."
1. "Yeah?"
2. "He's busy now."
3. "Can you call back later?"
4. "Sorry, that's not my department."
5. "I have no idea why this call was sent to me."
6. "What do you want?"
7. "I only have a minute."
8. "Wait a minute, while I put you on hold."
9. "Better make this quick."
10. "I don't need to hear any more."

@word bank
consistently (adv.) 一定地;不變地
identify (v.) 表明身分
cheery (adj) 愉快的
ensure (v) 確保
rough around the edges (adj phr) 形容不夠完美、成熟
critical (adj) 重要的
promptly (adv) 迅速地;立刻地
polished (adj) 洗鍊的;專業的
turn-off (n phr) 使人不高興的事物
put someone on hold (v phr) 讓某人在電話中等候

@The Day's Phrase
Bamboo: Nature's Wonder Plant
This Aisan grass is gaining world - wide appreciation.
I would like to know more about employee benefits at your company.
Traveling isn't always easy when you're in a foreign place!
I can start working as early as the first of next month.
I'm really excited to be a new addition to your company.
The boss treated me and another new employee to lunch today.
A Studio Classroom teacher learns some important lessons about friendship
I need to withdraw some money from the bank.
If you want to open a new account, bring your ID and your chop with you.
Steve Fossett has set records in the air and on the sea
You will have to pay a small fee for using another bank's ATM machine.
Steve Fossett has set records in the air and on the sea
Do you remember your PIN code?


「伸卡球」的英文是:" sinker ",因其英文發音而被稱為「伸卡」。
The newly built boat sank in an accident.
Speaking of Wang's sinker, it is like trying to hit a bowling ball.
bowling (n.) 保齡球
[解析]:「談到.../至於...」可以用"speaking of ..."
Speaking of Tao-zhe, he is a famous singer.
The sinker that Wang pitches is so heavy and it moves so late.
pitch (v.) 投;擲 
pitcher (n.) 投手
[解析]: 本句主詞是"The sinker"
Wang made the hitters just beat the ball in the ground, getting 10 groundball outs.
hitter (n.) 打擊手
groundball (n.) 滾地球, 又叫"grounder".
out (n.) (棒球的)出局


I am excited to know that Princess Kiko has smoothly given birth to a boy by Caesarean operation last Wednesday.
birth (n.) 出生
smoothly (a.) 順利地
「生小孩」要用"give birth to"
「剖腹生」要用"Caesarean operation"或"Caesarean section"
This boy is the third in line to inherit the throne, putting an end to the discussions about the throne succession.
inherit (v.) 繼承
(例句): Mary inherited her mother's long legs.
throne (n.) 王位
succession (n.) 繼承權
"in line"是排隊的意思
(例):We have been waiting in line for three hours. (我們已排隊等三小時了)
A mother of two daughters already, Kiko devoted herself to the role of royal wife and mother.
devote (v.) 投身;致力 
royal (a.) 王室的
「致力於...」可用"devoted oneself to"或是"be devoted to".
"A mother of two daughters already"是"Kiko"的同位語.
She is always seen wearing a demure smile with her family and the public.
demure (a.) 端莊的;矜持的
"seen"是被動式,省略了"by people",意思是「她被人們看到是...」.
I am excited to know that Princess Kiko has smoothly given birth to a boy by Caesarean operation last Wednesday. This boy is the third in line to inherit the throne, putting an end to the discussions about the throne sucession. A mother of two daughters already, Kiko devoted herself to the role to royal wife and mother. She is always seen wearing a demure smile with her family and the public.
Tao - zi


¡÷ prescription pills
¡÷ over-the-counter pills
Women, who aged at 18 or older, now can buy the morning-after pills without a doctor's description.
Easy access to this emergency contraception could greatly reduce the unplanned pregnancy.
access (n.) ±µªñ¡F³q¸ô
contraception (n.) Á×¥¥ªk
¦³¨¾Å@±¹¬Iªº©Ê¦æ¬°¥s°µ¡u¦³protection¡v©Î¬O"protected sex"¡C¦pªG¤@®É·N¶Ă±¡°g©Î¬O¥ô¦ó¨S¦³¨¾Å@ªº±¡ªp¤U°µ·R¡A¡u¨Æ«á¤Y¡v¥i¥H­°§CĂh¥¥¾÷·|.
If a woman takes the morning-after pill within 72 hours of unprotected sex, she can lower the risk of pregnancy by up to 90 percent.
within (prep.) ¦b¡K¤§¤º
pregnancy (n.) Ăh¥¥


Pei-cen really hopes he can join this birthday party.
Pei-cen expressed strong hopes for playing the role of a female CEO in this film.
This team is hopeful of winning the champion in this game.
我們這期的重點是要介紹"hope"的副詞 -- "hopefully"。
Hopefully, Jie-lun can arrive in Europe by tomorrow.
Hopefully, this young couple can find a proper baby-sitter within this week.
Hopefully, I will get married at the year-end.
噢! 對了,不一定是今年底哦!


某服裝秀主辦單位想要遏止模特兒一味追求過瘦的不健康概念,用「身體質量指標(BMI)」做為標準,凡是未達規定的模特兒都被禁止上伸展台。消息一出,時尚界大嘩。志玲是一個一心嚮往當模特兒的少女,常常為了節食而營養不良。她媽媽一聽到BMI指標禁令時,舉雙手表示贊成。 她寫了封email給服裝秀主辦單位。
服裝秀→ fashion show
身體質量指標→ Body Mass Index (BMI)
身體健康→ health
→As far as health is concerned, I agree that fashion show uses Body Mass Index(BMI) to measure models' height and weight.
[解析]:「就...而言」可以用"as far as...is concerned, "的句型。
時尚界→ fashion industry
形象→ image
模仿→ imitate
→I think fashion industry has a responsibility to represent healthy body images to prevent teenagers from imitating in wrong ways.
禁令→ ban
過瘦的模特兒→ overly thin models
厭食症→ anorexia
→Maybe this ban would turn away some overly thin models, but it would protect the other females from eating disorders like anorexia.
[解析]: "ban"在此是名詞,而且是本句的「主詞」。
As far as health is concerned, I agree that fashion show uses Body Mass Index ( BMI ) to measure models' height and weight. I think fashion industry has a responsibility to represent healthy body images to prevent teenagers from imitating in wrong ways. Maybe this ban would turn away some overly thin models, but it would protect the other females from eating disorder like anorexia.
Be - Mei


→ I don't think she is an ugly girl.
→ There is an ugly scar on his forehead.
→ Most of the people do not like to see an ugly face.
→ The lion in the cage turned ugly.
→ The protests against the government are turning ugly after a riot happened.
→ John and Bill's Christmas celebration turned ugly when they exchanged gifts and were offended by what the other gave.
→ Their relationship developed smoothly, but the whole thing turned ugly because of a photo.


臭氧層破洞 → ozone hole
南極 → South Pole
This year's ozone hole over the South Pole is bigger and deeper than any other on record.
臭氧層 → ozone layer
防護…以免… → shield…from…
紫外線 → ultraviolet rays
The ozone layer shields Earth from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.
破紀錄的 → record
表面 → surface
The record ozone hole would reach a size of about the surface of North America.
This film gained a record box-office. (這部電影得到破紀錄的票房。)


The DPP narrowly defeated the KMT in the Kaohsiung mayoral election.
margin → (得票的)票差
Chen Ju beat her rival by a narrow margin of 1,114 votes.
The DPP won the Kaohsiung mayoral election by a very thin margin.


→ Ichiro said he never underestimated Wong's potential.
→ Don't underestimate this young man, who looks stupid but is the champion of the math contest.
→ Some people undervalued this kind of low-end job.
說到「瞧不起」,最常用的表達方法就是"look down on…",比方說:
→ They looked down on her as a poor people.
除了"look down on", "despise"也是一個常用的動詞。
→ The diligent students despise those who cheated on exams.


昏倒 → pass out
法院 → court
審判 → trial
First Lady passed out in court during trial on several charges against her.
昏倒 → faint
開庭、會期 → session 
First lady fainted after the first session of her trail.
頭昏 → light-headed
熬夜 → stay up
I feel light-headed because I stayed up last night and I didn't eat breakfast.
不停地做… → keep on
頭昏 → dizzy
She kept on drinking beer, so she was always dizzy.


高速鐵路系統 → High-Speed Rail system
初次登台 → debut
I heard that Taiwan's High-Speed Rail system will officially debut on Friday morning.
基礎建設 → infrastructure
Undoubtedly, the HSR is an important infrastructure although we saw its ticket-selling machines had some problems.
景觀 → landscape
縮短 → shorten
From news report, this system altering Taiwan's economic landscape will dramatically shorten the distance between the north and the south.
I heard that Taiwan's High - Speed Rail system will offically debut on Friday morning. Undoubtedly, the HSR is an important infrastructure althought we saw it ticket - selling machines had some problems. From news report, this system altering Taiwan's economic landscape will dramatically shorten the distance between the north and the south.
Sheng - wen


存款戶 → depositor
提款 → withdraw
無力償還的 → insolvent
Many depositors of the Chinese Bank hurried to withdraw their money after the bank's parent company, Rebar Group, declared insolvent.
當局 → authority
接管 → take over
Top financial authorities announced to take over two insolvent banks.
調查 → investigate
Premier Su has ordered to investigate the Rebar Group insolvency case.


有一部動畫電影叫做"Chicken Run",中文翻譯成「落跑雞」,故事是說有一群農場養的雞計劃要逃出農場。力霸集團的財務危機與中華銀行的擠兌,使得"bank run"這個詞頻頻出現在英文媒體上。"bank run"不是銀行要落跑,而是「銀行擠兌」的意思。
財務的 → financial
引發 → trigger
銀行擠兌 → bank run
Rebar's financial problems triggered the first bank run on this island in several decades.
呼籲 → urge
利息 → interest
Finance Minister urged the depositors not to join the run on the bank because they surely will suffer interest loss.


恭賀 → congratulate
最佳男配角 → best supporting actor
I would like to congratulate you on your winning the Golden Globe award for best supporting actor in the "Dreamgirls".
握著 → hold up
榮耀 → honor
When I saw you hold up the award, I am happy for you that you finally gained an honor after 25-year career in Hollywood.
超級巨星 → superstar
I hope that you go on to win the Oscar award because you are really a superstar in people's mind.
I would like to congratulate you on your winning the Golden Globe award for best supporting act in the " Dreamgirls ". When I saw you hold up the award, I am happy for you that you finally gained an honor after 25 - year career in Hollywood. I hope that you go on to win the Oscar award because you are really a supersatr in people's mind.
Ling - lin


憂鬱症 → depression 
→ She suffered depression from the pressure associated with the release of her second album.
[解析]:一看到"suffer"這個字,馬上要想到它的跟班"from"。"the pressure associated"在這裡是"the pressure which was associated with…"的簡化式。
冬天憂鬱症 → winter blues
→ Some people suffered from the winter blues, which is a mild depression brought on by a decrease in exposure to sunlight.
老是疲倦想睡 → increased feelings of laziness
覺得活著沒價值 → feeling worthless for no reason
體重驟升或驟降 → significant weight loss/gain
無法專心或正面思考 → difficulty concentrating or thinking creatively

Cowboy Take Me Away 德州牛仔生活‏

每日 EZ Word 
get someone back 報仇
get someone back 是報仇的意思,如果閩南語連續劇「天下第X味」有一天開口說英文的話,I'm gonna get you/ him / her back!(我有一天要報仇)這類台詞應該會層出不窮吧。至於下列例句中的so是年輕人用法,表示「絕對」「一定」。
A: OK, Sara. Time for you to give a speech!
B: What? I have to give a speech?!? I'm so getting you back for this.
在日常生活會話中,you guys是「你們」,不過對南方人來說,y'all才是「你們」,可以代替you all或everyone。美國其他地方的人常會瞧不起這類南方人的特殊說法與他們的鄉音,但南方人可是為自己的語言和腔調感到光榮。
pull some strings 拉關係,人情
台灣人不論做什麼事都最喜歡「套關係」、「走後門」,也因此累積許多沈重的人情債。假如下次朋友問你為什麼總是可以得到免費的好康、首映票或限量商品,你就可以回答他:Well, I pulled some strings.(我動用了一點關係。)或是I got connections.(我有人脈。)
A: How'd you get tickets to this concert? I thought it was sold-out.
B: I just pulled some strings.
Howdy! 你好!
Howdy是美國的南方人和西部牛仔的打招呼用語,意思等於How do you do或Hello。Howdy之後除了接對方的名字之外,接partner「伙伴」的機率最高,原因也許是因為partner這個字帶給人一種親切感吧! 
mighty 超級,非常
We were mighty impressed by the size of the pumpkin you grew.
It's a mighty long way from the Golden Gate to the Empire State.
Cholesterol smesterol!
對於非母語人士來說,這個好用句的箇中真意只能意味無法言傳。對話中Rachel提到了膽固醇Cholesterol,Bob對於Cholesterol很不以為然,因此才會說Cholesterol Smesterol 。這個語言遊戲的規則是,只要在你不以為然的那個字的字首,加上一個sm或shm開頭的自創字,就可以了。有點像是中文的「……你個頭啦。」或「……什麼鬼。」
A: You were speeding back there!
B: Speeding, shmeeding. I was driving slow enough!
quite a character 狠角色,某人很寶
Character是小說或連續劇裡頭的「角色」,通常這些角色的個性都比現實生活中的人來得誇張,反應也比較戲劇性。因此假如你身旁有這類愛耍寶,總是不按牌理出牌的朋友,形容他(她)是quite a character再恰當不過了。
A: Marcia is quite a character!
B: Yeah, I saw she was wearing her rainbow-colored wig again.
get to someone 影響某人情緒 
看家庭倫理悲喜劇,把你搞得一把鼻涕一把淚,別人問你怎麼了,你就可以說Oh, It really gets to me. 表示它「真是直達我心深處」。也就是「感人肺腑」。相反的,朋友的行為把你惹毛,你也可以說He/ She really got to me.表示「我快被氣炸了。」
A: Why are you crying?
B: These sad movies really get to me.
On one condition 只要你答應我一個條件
俗話說「天下沒有白吃的午餐」,朋友答應幫你忙,請先別高興得太早,因為他的回答可能會是OK!…but on one condition:…!
A: Can you help me with these files?
B: Sure, but on one condition: you help me with mine later.
[At work, New York City, Culture Magazine]
Rachel: I can't believe you're sending me to some 1)Podunk place in Texas to report on a cowboy fest!
Gene: Calm down. We all have to do painful projects sometime. And this article will add 2)diversity to our magazine content.
Rachel: Sending me to Texas is like sending me to prison.
Gene: It will be good for you. You may come back "a little country"…(laughs)
Rachel: That's not funny! Look at the 3)brochure. The event is called a "Cowboy 4)Symposium." As if they had culture….
Gene: And there are 5)trail rides, poetry readings, and storytelling. Ooh…I'm jealous.
Rachel: I'm so getting you back for this.
Gene: Now get going or you'll miss your flight, Cowgirl. 6)Giddy up!
[At the *DFW airport]
Haley: Hi. Are you Rachel? I'm Haley, the King Ranch PR *rep.
Rachel: Yes. You're Haley? You don't look like a ….
Haley: Cowgirl? Haha. Yes, I work and live on the 1)ranch. Ya'll New Yorkers have a lot to learn about us cowgirls.
Rachel: You're right. I didn't know you dressed so fashionably.
Haley: Well, we do here. And we get our nails done, our hair done, our boobs done…
Rachel: Haha! And I thought that was a California thing.
Haley: Oh, it's big in Texas, too. But then again, you've heard the phrase: "Everything's bigger in Texas."
Rachel: Haha. Thanks for picking me up at the airport. That wasn't necessary. 
Haley: No problem. 2)Hospitality is something we 3)take pride in at the King Ranch.
[A) At the King's Ranch]
Rachel: Is this where I'm staying? I thought I was staying at the King Ranch.
Haley: Yeah, only the biggest ranch in the world! You're lucky to have been invited. Your 1)chief editor must have pulled some strings.
Rachel: I had no idea…
Haley: That our ranch was so rich? I see you didn't do your research! The King Ranch is over 800 thousand 2)acres big, with 60,000 cattle and 300 horses. Any girl would die to spend the night here!
Rachel: Wow. And I thought ranches were more "3)modest."
Haley: Not in Texas. Oil and cattle 4)make for rich cowboys. Just think of this as the Manhattan of Texas. This is 5)prime real estate.
Shane: Howdy, Ma'am! I'm Shane. (Takes off his hat, shakes her hand) Welcome to the King Ranch. Let me get your bags.
Rachel: Oh, I can get it…really.
Shane: Oh, no. We wouldn't let a lady lift all that weight. You don't want to 1)wear yourself out. Allow me.
Rachel: Well, thank you. This is a lovely 2)property. Did I see a museum on the way in?
Shane: Yes, Ma'am. This ranch has an interesting history. It was started by a man from New York City, just like yourself.
Rachel: How interesting. I must take a look.
Shane: There are many events here that 3)showcase the life here on the ranch in the 1940's. I'd be happy to 4)escort you. Here is your room.
Rachel: Thank you so much.
Shane: Now, I'm sure you're 1)weary from the 2)journey. You have a rest, and we will serve you a meal in two hours.
Rachel: Great. Thanks. Oh - are you going to the cowboy symposium as well?
Shane: Of course. I am performing music and poetry. I 3)take part every year.
Rachel: I look forward to seeing you.
Shane: Why thank you. Now, they've prepared a few things for you to wear to the event. They are here in the closet. 
Rachel: [looking] Cowboy hats! Boots! Oh, I couldn't wear these…
Shane: I think you'd look mighty charming in them, Ma'am. But if you're more comfortable in those three-inch 4)heels, we understand. 
Rachel: Well, we'll see, Shane. Thanks again.
[At dinner]
Bob: Welcome, Miss Burns. We're mighty glad to have you here.
Rachel: Glad to be here. You can call me Rachel…What smells so wonderful?
Bob: Why, Rachel, that's Texas beef, right off the ranch. When you're in Texas, you have to enjoy a nice big, juicy steak.
Rachel: Oh, but I don't really eat 1)red meat. I'm watching my 2)cholesterol.
Bob: Cholesterol smesterol! The King's have been eating beef for decades and not one has had a problem with cholesterol!
Rachel: Well, I guess I could try a bit… 
Bob: That's a 3)sport! Here you are, Dear! (gives her a huge steak)
Rachel: Oh my God. That's enough for four people.
Bob: Eat as much as you'd like. We might just put some meat on your bones here in Texas!
[The first day of the Cowboy Symposium]
Shane: How was your first night? Did Bob scare you?
Rachel: Haha. He's quite a character. Very 1)animated and 2)enthusiastic.
Shane: He means well. Don't let him 3)intimidate you. Come on. We're here!
Rachel: Wow. This is a huge 4)complex! And look at everyone. They're all so 5)decked out!
Shane: People take this event very seriously….now it's poetry time for me. Have a seat here.
Rachel: May I take photographs and record your 6)performance?
Shane: Sure. As long as you promise to make me famous back in New York City! 7)tips his cowboy hat to her)
Rachel: You got it!
[After the performance]
Shane: What did you think? Hey…You're eyes are all red. Are you all right?
Rachel: Oh yeah. There was something in my eye…
Shane: Now Miss Burns …You're not afraid to tell me that some of our cowboy poetry and love songs got to you. Are you?
Rachel: Oh, no. Really….there must be sand in my eye.
Shane: All righty. Well, here's some tissue. Now I'd like to introduce you to Austin Meyer, a fellow King rancher.
Rachel: Was he the last performer? 
Shane: Yes! And the best-lookin' - how did you know?
Rachel: Oh…his poetry was very…1)memorable. 
Shane: Yes. I can tell by your face that you were 2)smitten, so I asked him to come over.
Austin: Hello, Ma'am. [Takes his hat off to her] Welcome to Texas.
Rachel: Nice to meet you. Your performance was wonderful. I've never seen anything like it.
Austin: Why, that's very kind of you.
Rachel: Would you mind if I interview you for a magazine article I'm writing?
Austin: Oh, I would be honored. But only on one condition: if you 1)accompany me to the Cowboy's game tonight.
Rachel: What game? Is it a rodeo?
Austin: Haha. No, that's tomorrow. And you're invited to that too. But the Cowboy's Game is football. You know the Dallas Cowboys?
Rachel: OH! Haha. I didn't know real cowboys watched THOSE cowboys.
[At the Cowboy's game]
Austin: You look 1)stunning tonight. 
Rachel: As do you. These are amazing seats! 
Austin: Yes, they are. I have season tickets with my 2)fellow cowboys. We never miss a game.
Rachel: So besides football, rodeos, poetry-writing and guitar playing, what else do you do for fun?
Austin: Western Dancing. It's easy, even if you 3)have two left feet. 
Rachel: And what do all the cowboys wear dancing?
Austin: Just like what I'm wearing now…designer cowboy fashion.
Rachel: There is such a thing?
Austin: Sure. Ya'll ain't the only ones who have fashion!
Podunk (a.) 荒涼的,鳥不生蛋的,此形容詞來自於美國幾個實際存在的荒涼小鎮名,因此必須大寫
diversity (n.) 多樣性
brochure (n.) 簡介,小冊子
symposium (n.) 研討會,座談會
trail ride 騎馬
giddy up 叫馬兒「上路!」或「快一點!」的命令 
ranch (n.) 牧場
hospitality (n.) 好客
take pride 引以為傲
rep = representative (n.) 代表,代理人
DFW airport = Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport 達拉斯/ 沃爾斯堡機場
chief editor 主編
acre (n.) 英畝
modest (a.) 樸素的
make for 組成,導致,引起,產生
prime (a.) 首要的,首屈一指的 
wear someone out (v.) 使人精疲力盡
property (n.) 財產,土地
showcase (v.) 展覽
escort (v.) 護送 
weary (a.) 疲累的
journey 旅程
take part 參加
heel = high heel 高跟鞋
red meat 紅肉,指牛肉、羊肉
cholesterol (n.) 膽固醇
sport (n.) 有運動精神的人,好玩伴
animated (a.) 生動的
enthusiastic (a.) 熱心的,熱情的
intimidate (v.) 嚇到
complex (a.) 複合住宅 
decked out (n.) 穿著正式
performance (n.) 演出
tip (v.) 使傾斜,將帽緣傾斜(tip one's hat)是禮貌的打招呼方式 
memorable (a.) 印象深刻的
smitten (a.) 煞到(某人)
accompany 陪伴,伴隨
EX: His wife accompanied him to the conference. 
stunning (a.) 令人驚豔的
fellow (a.) 同輩的,同夥的
have two left feet 不會跳舞

The Real Dracula 吸血鬼傳說‏

In stories, Dracula is a vampire that sleeps in a coffin during the day. As soon as the sun goes down, he turns into a bat at will. This means he can fly around to search for victims. Dracula bites his victims on the neck with his long teeth and goes on to drink their blood. This blood helps him survive forever. Even though Dracula is not a real person, he was based on a real man who was much more evil.
Vlad "Dracula" Tepes was a prince during the 13th century in what is now known as Romania. He was a cruel warrior who enjoyed killing his enemies. Tepes may have been responsible for as many as 100,000 deaths. It was commonly known at the time that Tepes would enjoy savage meals in the garden of his castle. This was where he would soak up the blood of his enemies with pieces of bread and then eat them. These true stories were the basis for the myths that surround Dracula and vampires.
Building Your Vocabulary 
1. evil a. 邪惡的
Jason has an evil look on his face.
2. surround vt. 圍繞,包圍
The fans surrounded the popular singer.
Phrases for Learning 
1.turn into...  轉變成……
I turn into a mean man if I don't get enough sleep.
2.at will  任意,隨意
The boss can't just fire people at will, can he?
3.be based on...  以……為根據
This movie is based on a famous novel.
4.soak up...  吸乾……
Ann soaked up the water on the floor with a mop.
1.vampire n. 吸血鬼
2.coffin n. 棺材
3.victim n. 受害者
4.warrior n. 戰士
5.savage a. 野蠻的;殘酷的
6.myth n. 傳說;無根據的觀念
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1897年,愛爾蘭作家布拉姆‧史托克(Bram Stoker)寫了一本吸血鬼小說《德古拉》,對後世吸血鬼的形象影響最深遠。在小說中,他創造了『德古拉伯爵』這個經典的吸血鬼形象,其靈感來自羅馬尼亞歷史上最著名的特佩斯王子。因此每年世界各地都有很多吸血鬼迷前往羅馬尼亞,就是為了要一睹吸血鬼的故鄉。由於吸血鬼為羅馬尼亞帶來了龐大的商機,甚至有人開始籌畫建造一座吸血鬼主題公園。儘管這個點子能給當地帶來更多的經濟利益,但反對的人也不在少數。對許多羅馬尼亞人來說,吸血鬼是令他們難堪的文學形象。吸血鬼文化在給羅馬尼亞旅遊業帶來經濟利益的同時,也讓外國人對羅馬尼亞產生了一些誤解。
Tips In Use 
Dracula bites his victims on the neck with his long teeth...
1. 凡表『抓、握』的動詞,其用法如下:
take/grab/hold/seize + 人 + by the + 身體部位
The boy grabbed me by the hand.
2. 凡表『打、拍』的動詞,其用法如下:
pat/hit/slap/punch + 人 + on the + 身體部位
Grandma patted me on the shoulder.
"slap + 人 + in the face"(打耳光)、"punch + 人 + in the stomach"(打腹部)的介詞則固定用 in。

Knocking at Death's Door碍闽玡ǐ綝‏

Dialogue A
Sam and Della are having a little talk.
SamI'm really feeling under the weather today.
DellaYou don't look well. What's wrong?
SamI have a high temperature and I feel dizzy. I think I caught a cold.
DellaLet me feel your forehead. Wow! You're burning up.
SamI know, but the doctor says that I should be back on my feet again in a few days.
DellaWell, get some rest and I'll visit you this weekend.
Dialogue B
Della is back over at Samˇs house.
SamMy stomach hurts.
DellaIt looks like you've taken a turn for the worse.
SamMy fever is gone now, but I think I have food poisoning.
DellaWhat did you eat?
SamI went out for dinner and had some seafood last night.
DellaWell, stay in bed then. I'm sure you'll pull through after a few days.
SamThanks. But it feels like I'm knocking at death's door at the moment.
Phrases for Learning

1.under the weatherō砰ぃ滴狝
My father is a little bit under the weather.
2.be burning up祇蔼縉
Dan is burning up. He has to see a doctor now.
3.be back on + ┮Τ + feet琘確胺眃
After being sick for 10 days, Simon is finally back on his feet again.
4.take a turn for the worse 碿て
Her marriage has taken a turn for the worse.
5.pull through眖痜┪端い眃確
Don't worry. Your wife will pull through soon.
6.be knocking at death's door
The patient is knocking at death's door.

1.temperaturen. 砰放放
2.dizzya. 繷穡ヘ痶
3.foreheadn. 肂繷
4.food poisoningn. い瑀
Tips In Use

I have a high temperature and I feel dizzy.
AI made an appointment with the doctor at 3 o'clock.
BWhat's your name, please?
AWhat seems to be the trouble?
BI have a fever/cough.
AMay I take your temperature?
BYes, please.

Flushed Away 鼠國流浪記‏

Mouse is turning 78 this month, but that doesn't matter much because a new mouse is in the house. The mouse's name is Roddy. Roddy isn't just an ordinary pet mouse. He lives the upper-class life and looks down on those with less money. Roddy wouldn't be caught dead hanging around with the poor. However, everything changes when
Roddy is flushed away.
Roddy's world reaches an all-time low when he finds himself in the sewers. Here, he learns the major differences between the world he lives in and the real world. In the real world, life isn't easy. Mice and rats have to do whatever it takes to make it. After a long journey, he finally wakes up to the reality of life. When Roddy is trying to get back to his world, he meets many characters that inspire him to be different. Adventure, romance, and comedy are all a part of the new Dreamworks' animated movie, Flushed Away.
Building Your Vocabulary

1.flush vt. 用水沖洗(馬桶)
Remember to flush the toilet after each use.
2.all-time a. 空前的;創紀錄的
The price of oil has reached an all-time high.
3.inspire vt. 激勵;使啟發
The girl's courage inspired everyone.
Phrases for Learning

1.look down on...  輕視∕瞧不起……
Don't look down on Tom. He's a hard worker.
2.wouldn't be caught dead + 現在分詞 死也不要被人看見(做)……
Joe wouldn't be caught dead driving around in that old car.
3.wake up to...  自…中醒悟;從…中醒來
Why won't you wake up to your mistakes?

1.upper-class a. 上流社會的
2.sewer n. 下水道,污水管
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Tips In Use
...because a new mouse is in the house.(……因為一隻新老鼠就要登場了。)
1.本句中的"in the house"表『出現、在場』的意思,是較為口語的用法。例:
The famous DJ Marcus is in the house.
2.另外,"on the house"是表示『店家招待』的意思。例:
This dessert is on the house. Enjoy your meal.

Pricing Strategy 定價策略‏

Dialogue A 
Adam and Sheila are talking about the pricing strategy for their new drinks.
Adam: I love the peach flavor. It's delicious.
亞 當:我很喜歡桃子口味。它真好喝。
Sheila: It's my son's new favorite drink. Now, all we need to do is introduce it to the public.
席 拉:這是我兒子新愛上的飲料。現在我們所要做的就是把它介紹給大眾。
Adam: I've been going over the figures and we need to decide on a plan.
亞 當:我一直在檢查數據,我們得決定好一套計劃。
Sheila: First, let's talk about the market. Who are we targeting?
席 拉:我們先來討論市場。我們要以誰為銷售對象?
Adam: Everyone. The people who buy All- Fresh juice are the average citizens.
亞 當:每個人。買鮮多汁的人都是一般市民。
 Dialogue B 
Sheila: Let's start things off with some huge promotions at department stores around Taiwan.
席 拉:我們先開始在台灣的各大百貨公司舉辦一些大型的促銷活動好了。
Adam: Great. How about having contests where we give away free prizes?
亞 當:好極了。你覺得我們來辦比賽,送出免費贈品如何?
Sheila: If we invite some celebrities to join the games, we'll get more media attention.
席 拉:如果我們邀請一些名人參賽,我們會得到更多媒體的關注。
Adam: That'll get the job done. But we need to think about what to do afterwards.
亞 當:這樣定能成事。但是我們需要想想之後要做些什麼。
Sheila: Wait, first things first. What about the price? How much should one bottle of juice cost?
席 拉:等一下,事有輕重緩急。那價錢呢?一瓶果汁要賣多少?
Building Your Vocabulary

1.target vt. 把……選作目標
Our sale targeted teens and their parents.
2.average a. 普通的,平常的
Eddie is a student with average abilities.
3.afterwards adv. 之後,後來
We'll have curry for dinner and some ice cream afterwards.
Phrases for Learning

1.go over...  審查∕檢查……
Go over the data first before you make a decision.
2.give away...  贈送……
The shop on the corner is giving away balloons.
3.first things first  凡事應有輕重緩急
First things first. Stop complaining and start doing your homework.

1.pricing strategy n. 定價策略
2.figure n. 數據
3.promotion n.(商品的)促銷
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市場佔有率(Market Share)可幫助企業體瞭解市場上誰的商品賣的比較多、比較強;或商品在市場如何定位上;行銷時要採高姿態或低姿態的策略等。企業通常會委託具公信力的市調公司,針對該商品來廣泛列出同質或近似商品。調查方法包括分發問卷、電話訪問等。所得的數據量化後,可呈現商品在市場上的佔有率。現今的市場佔有率大都以『產值』來表示,計算公式為:某產品銷售量除以市場上該同型產品總銷售量,再換算成百分比。
Grammar Check

But we need to think about what to do afterwards.
句中的"what to do"表『做什麼』之意,為名詞片語。名詞片語乃由『疑問詞 + 不定詞片語』形成,名詞片語同名詞子句,在主要子句中可作主詞、受詞或置於 be 動詞後作主詞補語。此處的"what to do afterwards"即作介詞 about 的受詞。『名詞片語』依疑問詞的種類可分為下列兩種:
1.疑問代名詞 + 不定詞片語
I don't know which to buy for his birthday.
2.疑問副詞 + 不定詞片語
Matthew doesn't know how to swim.


Taiwan's vice president, whom China has called "insane" and the "scum of the nation," said she was campaigning to be the first female president.
瘋狂的 → insane 
浮渣 → scum 
從事競選活動 → campaign 
I know that man who wears a black coat.
Yesterday, I met President Clinton, who was the governor of Arkansas.
這個關係代名詞如果是子句裡的主詞,就應該用who。如果不是主詞而是受詞,就要用"whom"。在CNN的句子中,子句裡的主詞不是代表前面的名詞"vice president"而是"China",而且"vice president"是「被稱為…(call)」的對象,是個受格,所以要用"whom"。
A-mei will meet Michael Jackson, whom the entire American pop music fans loved.
(阿妹將會遇到Michael Jackson,他是全美熱門音樂粉絲熱愛的人。)
[解析]:"whom"代表Michael Jackson,是love的受詞。
All the staffs voted for Nai-lin, whom people enjoyed working with.
[解析]:"whom"代表乃麟,是work with的受詞。

Honey, I Shrunk the T-shirt 親愛的,我把衣服縮小了‏

 Dialogue A 
Mark and Janice are at a clothing store.
Mark:I really like this green T-shirt.
馬 克:我好喜歡這件綠色的運動衫。
Janice:It fits like a glove and looks great on you. But I doubt if it is preshrunk.
Mark:That's what it's labeled.
馬 克:它是這麼標示的。
Janice:Good. I know you always toss everything in the dryer. If the shirt shrinks, it won't fit you that well.
Mark:You're right, but I think I'm still going to buy it.
馬 克:妳說的對,但我想我還是會把它買下來。
Janice:OK. Do that and let's go get some lunch.
 Dialogue B 
One week later…
Mark:Look at this shirt! Can you believe it is the same one I bought last week?
馬 克:看看這件上衣!妳相信它跟我上星期買的是同一件嗎?
Janice:No way! It looks like it would fit your little brother.
Mark:I only washed it once.
馬 克:我只洗了一次而已。
Janice:Wasn't it supposed to be preshrunk?
Mark:I thought so, too.
馬 克:我也是這麼想。
Janice:Well, the shirt is obviously defective.
Mark:I'm going to call the store and file a complaint.
馬 克:我要打電話到這家店申訴。
Janice:Good idea. You should try and see if they'll give you your money back.

Building Your Vocabulary

1.label vt. 標示著 & n. 標籤
The box is labeled "glass inside."
2.toss vt. 投;扔
Can you toss me the keys?
3.shrink vi. 縮小(三態為:shrink, shrank, shrunk。)
This material won't shrink in the wash.
4.obviously adv. 明顯地,顯然地
Obviously, Kate is falling in love.

Phrases for Learning

1.fit like a glove   非常合身
This new pair of shoes fits like a glove.
2.file a complaint   提出申訴
I have every reason to file a complaint against you for being so rude.


1.preshrunk a.(衣服在出售前)已預縮的
2.dryer n. 烘衣機
3.defective a. 有瑕疵的

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到了30年代,白棉T-shirt已經是某些美國大學的運動服。60年代,T-shirt開始成為促銷商品的媒介。70年代初期,首批印有迪士尼卡通的T-shirt問世,反應空前熱烈。隨著流行音樂的廣受歡迎,流行樂手的大頭照也開始印製在T-shirt上。自此時起,T-shirt便成為流行樂迷公開宣揚自己音樂喜好的理想物品。 現今的二十一世紀,人們對T-shirt的喜愛有增無減,而T-shirt始終是自由、舒適、休閒的代名詞。

Tips In Use
But I doubt if it is preshrunk.
iron            可熨燙的
100 percent cotton     百分之百純棉
machine-washable      可用機器洗滌的
hand-made/hand-dyed     手工製的∕手染的
dry-cleaned/hand-washed   需乾洗的∕手洗的
genuine leather       真皮製的
water-proof      防水的
high-tech       高科技的

Destination:Israel 前進以色列‏

Dialogue A 
Jason and his roommate, Linda, are in the living room.
Jason:Do you want to rent a DVD tonight?
傑 森:妳今晚想不想租片DVD來看?
Linda:Sorry, I'm occupied with planning my trip to Israel.
琳 達:不好意思,我正忙著計劃我的以色列之旅。
Jason:Why are you going there?
傑 森:妳為什麼要去那裡?
Linda:My family lives in Israel and I'm eager to celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas with them this year.
琳 達:我的家人住在以色列,所以我今年很想跟他們一起慶祝光明節和聖誕節。
Jason:I didn't know you were Jewish.
傑 森:我不知道妳是猶太人。
Linda:Actually, I'm only half Jewish. I guess that's why I celebrate both.
琳 達:其實我是半個猶太人,我想這就是我兩個節日都慶祝的原因。
Dialogue B 
Jason:Which holiday do you like better?
傑 森:妳比較喜歡哪個節日?
Linda:It's really hard to say. Hanukkah is more meaningful to me, but I also enjoy giving presents to my friends for Christmas.
琳 達:很難說。光明節對我來說比較有意義,但我也喜歡送聖誕禮物給我的朋友。
Jason:So you have two holidays at the end of the year. Sounds like a lot of fun.
傑 森:所以年底妳會過兩個假日。聽起來好好玩。
Linda:It is. Being side by side with my friends and family always makes me very happy.
琳 達:的確。跟親朋好友聚在一起總是令我很開心。
Jason:When you come back, you'll have to fill me in on your trip.
傑 森:回來時,妳得好好跟我說妳這趟旅遊的事。

Building Your Vocabulary

1.rent vt. 租用
Do you know where I can rent a car?
2.meaningful a. 有意義的
Roy has been leading a meaningful life since he met Annie.

Phrases for Learning

1.be occupied with + 名詞∕動名詞  忙碌於……
The secretary is occupied with paperwork.
2.be eager to + 原形動詞  渴望(做)……
Oscar is eager to go to the beach this weekend.
3.side by side  一起;肩並肩地
The couple sat side by side on the park bench.
4.fill + 人 + in on...  向某人提供……的最新消息
Let me fill you in on what happened yesterday.


1.Hanukkah n.(猶太教的)光明節
2.Jewish n. 猶太人的,猶太教的

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Tips In Use
It's really hard to say.
1.I don't know.    我不知道。
2.I'm not sure.    我不確定。
3.Who knows?     誰知道?
4.It's not certain.  不確定。
5.Nothing is set yet. 一切都還不確定。
6.It's not clear.   事情還不明朗。
7.It's up in the air. 事情懸而未決。

B-Boys and B-Girls Get Down 嘻哈舞翻天‏

"I want to get down on the good foot."
With these words, the Godfather of Soul, James Brown, created a new dance that spread across America in the early 1970s. This dance included spins and leg kicks that would eventually turn into breakdancing.
DJs back then noticed that during certain parts of a song, people would dance much more energetically. Therefore, DJs would buy two copies of the same record and play that special part back to back. Sometimes this would extend a beat that was only 10 seconds long to more than five minutes.
Kool DJ Herc, the founder of hip-hop, was the first one to play records like this. Whenever he started to play, Herc would yell on the microphone, "B-boys and B-girls get down." This signaled to all of the dancers that it was time for breakdancing. Soon, this special form of dancing would sweep across the world.
嘻哈樂的創始者--Kool DJ Herc,是頭一個這樣放唱片的人。當他開始播放時,他會拿麥克風大喊:『各位B-boy和B-girl盡情跳吧。』這示意所有跳舞的人,跳霹靂舞的時間到了。不久,這種特殊舞蹈便席捲全球。 
Building Your Vocabulary 
1.energetically adv. 精力充沛地
The kids ran around the park energetically.
2.extend vt. 延長
The deadline was extended one month.
3.sweep vi. 風行,迅速傳播
1970s fashion is sweeping through Europe.
Phrases for Learning 
1.get down   (盡情)放鬆∕享樂
Gary went out and got down with some old friends from college.
2.back to back   連續地,一個接一個地
Helen watched five movies back to back.
3.signal to...   向……示意
Larry signaled to the waiter for a menu.
1.godfather n. 教父
2.soul n. 靈魂樂
3.spin n. & vi. 旋轉
4.beat n. 節拍,拍子
5.founder n. 創始者;創辦人
6.microphone n. 麥克風 
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1.the good foot 此為靈魂樂教父詹姆士‧布朗的招牌舞步之一,主要是以腳步左右搖擺的動作為主。
2.breakdancing n. 霹靂舞
 breakdance vi. 跳霹靂舞
 breakdancer n. 霹靂舞者(= breaker)
3.B-boy n. 男霹靂舞者(= break boy)
B-girl n. 女霹靂舞者(= break girl)
4.battle n. 尬舞
5.back spin n. 背部旋轉動作
 head spin n. 頭部旋轉動作
 windmill n. 風車動作(舞者倒立用雙肩在 地板上轉動,雙腳也持續在空中旋轉,狀似風車而得名) 
Tips In Use 
Therefore, DJs would buy two copies of the same record...
本句中的 record 為名詞,表『唱片』;record 亦可作動詞用,此時卻有不同唸法。以下為各位介紹 record 及類似單字:
1.record n. 唱片;紀錄;成績
 record vt. 將……錄下;記載
2.desert n. 沙漠
 desert vt. 拋棄,遺棄
3.lead n. 鉛
 lead vt. 領導;引領
4.bow n. 弓;弦樂器的弓
 bow vi. 鞠躬,欠身

Taking Legal Action 訴諸於法‏

 Dialogue A 
Ron and Trish are at the night market.
Trish:Do you see that?
Ron :That looks just like the T-shirt that I designed. Let's take a closer look.
(Ron and Trish talk to the vendor.)
Ron :Excuse me, sir. Can you hand me that shirt?
Trish:Just as I thought. It's exactly like your design.
Ron :Where did you get this?
Vendor:Um…I forgot.
Trish:We need to know where you got these shirts or I'll tell the police on you.
 Dialogue B 
Vendor:OK. A woman named Claire comes by here at five o'clock every day.
    She sells a lot of the fake things you see around this market.
(The next day, Ron is waiting for Claire.)
Ron :May I inspect the trunk of your car?
Claire:Who are you?
Ron :I'm the one who designed those T-shirts. Now, open your trunk!
Claire:What do you want?
Ron :I'm afraid I'm going to have to take legal action.
Claire:Wait! I got them from a factory in Taoyuan.
Ron :Tell me where and I won't sue you.

Building Your Vocabulary

1.hand vt. 交,遞
My boyfriend handed me a handkerchief.
2.exactly adv. 完全地;正好
That's exactly what I meant.
3.inspect vt. 檢查;視察
Nick inspected all the windows before the typhoon came.
4.sue vt. 控告
Ralph sued Alex for $100,000.

Phrases for Learning

1.tell A on B  向 A 告發 B
I told my teacher on Dolly for stealing my book.
2.take legal action  採取法律行動
Why don't you take legal action against the store that sold you bad food?


1.vendor n. 小販;叫賣者
2.trunk n. 汽車的後行李箱

Enjoy Box


Tips In Use

Excuse me, sir
"Excuse me."和"I'm sorry."都是表『抱歉∕對不起』。不過前者是在『引起別人的注意』、『向人請教事情』、『在人群中借過』或『表示要打擾對方』時使用的客氣用語。而後者則是在『事與願違』、『犯錯』、『冒犯』或『傷害』等情形下道歉使用。
"Excuse me"之後要用 but 作連接詞來連接另一個句子,而不用 and,且 but 不須翻譯出來(不可譯成『但是』); 而"I am sorry, but..."亦同。例:
I'm sorry, but I can't go with you.

Arthur and the Minimoys 亞瑟的奇幻王國:毫髮人的冒險‏

Every child wants a good bedtime story before they fall asleep and go into their dream world. Arthur was no different and his grandmother read stories to him every night. She amazed him with legends of African tribes, great inventions, and magical spells. She also told him about the Minimoys, a group of small people that lived in their backyard4. These tales were the true adventures of his grandfather, who disappeared mysteriously four years ago.
Arthur's grandmother had a hard time making ends meet after her husband went missing. In fact, a businessman was going to tear down her house and develop the land if she didn't pay the money she owed. Arthur then thought of a hidden treasure he heard about in one of his grandfather's stories. He decided to search for it in the land of the Minimoys and try to save the day. Arthur and the Minimoys, directed by Luc Besson, combines real actors and animated characters. This fantastic film takes the audience to places that only exist in their imaginations.

Building Your Vocabulary

1.magical a. 有魔力的;神奇的
This stone seems to have magical powers.
2.mysteriously adv. 神秘地
The magician mysteriously disappeared.

Phrases for Learning

1.amaze + 人 + with...  以……使某人感到驚奇
Sam amazed his girlfriend with a love song.
2.make ends meet  使收支平衡
Gary tries to make ends meet, but he fails.
3.tear down...  拆毀……
The government plans to tear down these old buildings and make a parking lot.
4.save the day  扭轉局面;解圍
Marcus made a great shot and saved the day for his team.


1.bedtime story n. 睡前故事
2.tribe n. 部落;種族
3.spell n. 咒語
4.backyard n. 後院
5.imagination n. 想像(力)

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盧貝松(Luc Besson)是當代擁有最佳票房成績,且最為世人熟知的法國導演。1959年出生於巴黎的盧貝松,因父母為潛水教練,使他從小接觸海洋,對海洋有特別的感情。這份來自於他童年的夢想和回憶,在他1988年推出的作品《碧海藍天》中表露無遺。這部作品讓盧貝松一夕成名,除了在全球賣座甚佳,也成為法國影史賣座前五名的電影之一。

Tips In Use
Arthur's grandmother had a hard time making ends meet...
''have a hard time/problems/trouble/difficulty + (in) 動名詞∕with+名詞''是『做……有困難;在……方面有難處』之意。例:
Sandy has trouble with her math homework.
time 在此用法中為可數名詞,"a + 形容詞 + time" 表『一段……的時間』;而 problem 為可數名詞,在此用法中習慣用複數名詞 problems;trouble 與 difficulty 則為不可數名詞,故不可加 s。

The Paper Bag Princess 紙袋公主‏

A princess named Elizabeth was going to marry a prince named Ronald. One day, a dragon flew down from the mountains and burned their whole castle down. The castle was completely destroyed and the prince was captured. Elizabeth, however, managed to survive. She wanted to go rescue Ronald, but everything was burned, including her clothes. Elizabeth had no choice but to put on the only thing that was left—a paper bag.
Princess Elizabeth went into the mountains and found the cave where the dragon lived. She knocked on the door and the dragon yelled, "Go away!" Elizabeth wouldn't leave. Instead, she asked the dragon if he could burn five forests down with one breath. The dragon laughed at her question, came out of the cave, took a deep breath, and burned the five forests easily. The princess pretended to be amazed and begged him to do it again. The dragon agreed and did what Elizabeth said. "Wow!" she screamed, "I heard you can do something else, too."
Building Your Vocabulary 
1.capture vt. 俘虜;逮捕
The captain was captured by the enemies.
2.rescue vt. 援救
Help! Someone please rescue me.
3.scream vi. 尖叫
The fans screamed when the singer arrived.
Phrases for Learning 
1.burn...down  燒毀……
The troops burned the whole city down.
2.manage to + 原形動詞  設法……
Did you manage to get that money for me?
3.pretend to + 原形動詞  假裝……
Alex pretended to be sad at the funeral.
Grammar Check 
She wanted to go rescue Ronald...
go, come 這兩個動詞,在口語中常採用"go/come + and + 原形動詞"的句型,以代替"go/come + to + 原形動詞"的用法。 而在美式口語用法中,go, come 兩動詞後的 and 或 to 則常被省略。例:
I'd like to go (and) see a movie tomorrow.
Come (and) take a look at this photo.

Destination: New Orleans 前進紐奧良‏

 Dialogue A 
Karen is greeting Martin.
Karen: Welcome to New Orleans!
凱 倫:歡迎來到紐奧良!
Martin: Thanks, I've come to experience Mardi Gras.
馬 汀:謝謝,我是來體驗狂歡節的。
Karen: Well, you're in the right place.
凱 倫:那你可來對了地方。
Martin: I can't wait to see people in costumes parade through the city. Why do people celebrate Mardi Gras1 anyway?
馬 汀:我等不及看到穿著各式服裝的人們穿梭在整座城市中。不過人們到底為什麼要慶祝狂歡節?
Karen: Mardi Gras is the last day of a festival called Carnival. Other places celebrate it, but New Orleans has its own unique traditions.
凱 倫:有一個慶典叫嘉年華會,而狂歡節是其中的最後一天。別的地方也會慶祝這項活動,但紐奧良有其獨特的傳統。
 Dialogue B 
Martin: Why does everyone wear masks?
馬 汀:為什麼大家都戴著面具?
Karen: Our French ancestors loved throwing masked parties. Masks are a good way to make everyone have fun. People who are usually quiet have a chance to go crazy.
凱 倫:我們的法國老祖宗喜歡舉辦面具派對。面具是讓人玩得盡興的好方法。平常沉默寡言的人都可以玩得很瘋。
Martin: Maybe I should buy a mask! Boy, I'm hungry…
馬 汀:或許我該買個面具來戴!天啊,我餓了……
Karen: You should try some Creole food and check out a jazz club.
凱 倫:你應該吃吃看克里奧爾式料理,再到爵士俱樂部瞧瞧。
Martin: I'm definitely in the mood for some fresh sounds.
馬 汀:我的確想聽一些令人耳目一新的音樂。
Karen: Then you will want to swing by the French Quarter.
凱 倫:那你就會想到法國區看看。
Martin: That'll be my first stop.
馬 汀:那裡就是我的第一站。 
Building Your Vocabulary 
1.parade vi. 遊行
The football players paraded through the city after they won the championship.
2.unique a. 獨特的
Where is the most unique restaurant in town?
3.masked a. 戴面具的
Three masked men robbed a bank.
Phrases for Learning 
1.throw a party  舉辦派對
Did you throw a party for Patty's birthday?
2.be in the mood for...  想做∕有心情做……
I'm not in the mood for ping pong right now.
3.swing by...  順便到訪……
Let's swing by Erin's house and surprise her.
1.Mardi Gras n. 狂歡節
2.Carnival n. 嘉年華會
3.ancestor n. 祖先
4.Creole a. 克里奧爾人的(克里奧爾人為在美國路易斯安那州出生的法國後裔)
5.fresh a. 新的;清新的
6.quarter n.(城市中的)區 
Enjoy Box 
爵士樂最早的起源可回溯到殖民時期。當時,初到美洲的黑奴工作時所哼唱的做活歌(work song)有輪流應答的特色,此特色為日後爵士樂表演的重要技巧。19世紀末,美國南北戰爭結束,黑人獲得解放,醞釀已久的黑人文化終於爆發。再加上戰後軍樂器價格大跌,讓黑人有機會帶著樂器到處表演謀生,早期的爵士樂於是誕生。曾為法國、西班牙殖民地的紐奧良,因當地黑人眾多,便成為孕育爵士樂的大搖籃,進而享有爵士樂之都的美名。
Tips In Use 
Maybe I should buy a mask!
maybe 譯成『也許』。
maybe 與 may be 完全不同。maybe 是副詞,相當於 perhaps,使用時通常置於句首修飾全句,但 perhaps 則是句首或句中均可使用。
May be he'll be coming tomorrow. (X)
→Maybe he'll be coming tomorrow. (○)
=Perhaps he'll be coming tomorrow.
而 may be 是 be 動詞之前加了助動詞 may,譯成『也許是』。
You maybe right. (X)
→You may be right. (○)

雙鬼月禁忌多 但可千萬別迷信過了頭!‏

With the door to the netherworld set to open Tuesday, crowds of worshippers flocked to temples around the island on Monday.
Many people in Taiwan believe that worshipping at a temple is the best protection against the evils of Ghost Month.
Although there are two seventh months in this year's lunar calendar, only the first one will be Ghost Month.
Another superstition says that during Ghost Month, you shouldn't pat someone on the back in case you put out a person's internal fire, causing ghosts to come near them and cause them trouble. It's also forbidden to say the word "ghost," step on ghost money, and when you are outdoors it's best not to catch and keep insects like dragonflies and grasshoppers.
Having two seventh months in a lunar year is also considered to be a threat to the lives of elderly people whose daughters are getting married during this time. To prevent having the family elders coming to an untimely end, their daughters need to prepare three types of food: pig's feet in noodle-soup, sugar cane and longan fruit.
Eating pig's feet makes the body strong, said feng-shui master Jhang Syu-chu. Sugar cane lifts a person and longan represent peace for your parents.
There are plenty of rules to remember at this special time of year. But, don't worry, if you forget, most people take a light-hearted attitude to these folk customs anyway.

人算不如天算 算命街大漏水!

When walking down into the underpass the moist, warm air causes many a pedestrian to break into a sweat. When looking up at the ceiling, leaks give the impression one has entered a cave.
The leaks have been here for a long time, said one fortune teller. If you wanted to fix the whole place you would have to re-build it from scratch.
Because so many fortune tellers have set up stalls in the underpass in front of Taipei City's Hsing Tien Temple, the underpass is know as Fortune Tellers Street and it has become a tourist attraction. The underpass was constructed in 1973 but now, more than 30 years later, the walls and ceiling are showing their age. Leaks are common and none of the three ventilation fans still works. In addition, despite the limited number of exits, fire-safety equipment is limited to a single fire extinguisher.
Past plans for the underpass did not include fire-safety equipment, said Wang Guo-dong from Taipei City's New Construction Office. Our regulations state that underpasses have to be of a certain length before they need such equipment.
Taipei City government arranged for the stalls to be set up here, said Taipei City councilor Chou Wei-yu. People are doing business here, so that makes it different to ordinary underpasses.
Because it is a tourist attraction the city government has now lined-up a NT$9 million budget to repair the leaking walls and ceiling. As for whether a full renovation of the underpass will be carried out, even the fortune tellers couldn't say.


With cell phones becoming a indispensible piece of personal equipment, many in Taiwan reacted with disbelief to claims by a British microbiologist that cell phones harbor more bacteria than the average toilet seat. Local doctors warned that the germs could possibly cause fatal diseases such as meningitis and advised cell phone users to regularly clean off their phones.
You may have never thought about the hygiene of your cell phone before, but British research shows that there are more germs on your phone than on a toilet seat.
講手機時,你可曾注意過,手機的衛生!英國研究發現,手機上的細菌比馬桶蓋還多。That's frightening, said this woman. But I'd have to question those findings.
Dr. Huang Jheng-hua from Taipei's Cathay General Hospital explained that people clean their toilet seats often but few have ever given any thought to cleaning their cell phones, making them a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, especially the kind that causes pus in boils and abscesses.
The cell phones we all frequently use may harbor Staphylococcus aureus from your hands, he said. When you press the keys, bacterial microorganisms may well conceal themselves on your phone.
The bacteria can cause a number of diseases, including acne, rashes, food poisoning or in severe cases meningitis or endocarditis. Huang suggested phone users regularly give their phones a good wipe down. Or, if you are still concerned about the cleanliness of your phone, you can minimize the risk by using a hands-free set.

Destination: Keelung 前進基隆‏

Dialogue A
 Joe: Wow! Look at all the food here.
阿 喬:哇!看看這一堆吃的。
Cindy: I really love the night markets in Taiwan.
辛 蒂:我超愛台灣的夜市。
 Joe: Let's go over there. I'm hungry. How do you feel about oyster omelets?
阿 喬:咱們到那裡去吧。我餓壞了。妳覺得蚵仔煎怎樣?
Cindy: Sounds great, but I want to have a sausage first.
辛 蒂:聽起來很棒,不過我想先吃條香腸。
 Joe: Sure. I see a sausage stand over there.
阿 喬:好啊。我看到那邊有個香腸攤。
Cindy: Yummy! I can't resist night market food. Now where's that oyster omelet place?
辛 蒂:真好吃!我真是無法抗拒夜市裡的食物。賣蚵仔煎的到底在哪裡啊?
 Joe: There's one right around the corner. Let's grab a bite we go see the water lanterns.
阿 喬:角處就有一家。咱們來吃點東西,然後看放水燈前再去血拼一下。
Dialogue B
Joe and Cindy have just finished eating dinner.
Cindy: That hit the spot. I'm full.
辛 蒂:真是大碗滿意啊。我撐爆了。
 Joe: Me, too. But there is nothing better than a cup of bubble ice on a hot summer night.Then we can walk some of it off by shopping.
阿 喬:我也是。不過炎炎夏夜,沒有什麼比來杯泡泡冰更讚的。然後我們可以壓馬路來消化消化。
Cindy: You're right. After all, we are in Miaokou. There is no way that we should miss out on this famous dessert.
辛 蒂:你說的對。畢竟我們來到了廟口。說什麼也不能錯過這項有名的甜點。
 Joe: OK, let's try that place over there. I heard it's the best.
阿 喬:好啦,我們去那邊那一攤吧。我聽說那一家最好吃。

Building Your Vocabulary

resist vt. 抗拒;抵抗
It was hard for Margo to resist ice cream while she was on the diet.

Phrases for Learning

1.grab a bite (to eat)  吃一點東西
Let's grab a bite to eat before we leave.
2.hit the spot  (食物)讓人吃得飽而滿意
This hot dog really hits the spot.
3.walk + 食物 + off  用散步來消除……的飽足感
You can walk that pie off by going to the park.
4.after all  畢竟;終究
I guess I don't know who stole my bag after all.

5.miss out on...  失去∕錯失……
If you don't come, you'll miss out on all of the good food.


1.oyster omelet n. 蚵仔煎
2.sausage n. 香腸;臘腸
3.stand n. 攤子
4.lantern n. 燈籠;提燈
5.bubble ice n. 泡泡冰

Enjoy Box

Old Street 金包里老街

One of the most popular places that people like to go to when they are near Keelung is the famous market called Jinbaoli. Residents are very proud of their "old street," which dates back to the Ching Dynasty. In the 1950s, most of the fish and the goods that the ships brought in were sold on this street. When you visit, be sure to try all the traditional local snacks. They have been made the same way for years.

Tips In Use
...and then do some shopping before we go see the water lanterns.
do + the/some/a lot of + 動名詞  從事……的活動

此用法中的動名詞並非任何動詞均可適用,只限於表工作或活動方面,且具有可分配或替代性質的動詞,如:shop、wash、clean等表活動的動詞;至於eat、sleep等動詞因非工作,且亦非他人可代我們進行的活動,故不可用於本片語中。另外,此處的 the、some、a lot of 均不可省略,亦即不可直接寫出"do + 動名詞"之用法。
When you do the washing, make sure you separate the darks from the lights.

An Online Store 網路商店‏

  Dialogue A  
Judy and Mike are walking down the street.
Judy:We've been looking all day.
茱 蒂:我們已經找了一整天。
Mike:So far all of the stores are in bad locations.
麥 克:目前看到的店面地點都蠻差的。
Judy:The rent is also much too high for our budget.
茱 蒂:租金也比我們的預算高太多了。
Mike:What do you think we should do?
麥 克:妳認為我們該怎麼辦?
Judy:Well, I have an idea that might be better than a physical store.
茱 蒂:嗯,我有個點子或許比真的店面還要好。
Mike:I'm all ears.
麥 克:我洗耳恭聽。
Judy:I think we should run an online store instead.
茱 蒂:我覺得我們應該改成經營網路商店。
  Dialogue B  
Judy:So what do you think of the idea?
茱 蒂:你覺得這個主意怎麼樣?
Mike:I think it might work.
麥 克:我認為或許行得通。
Judy:I think so, too. Lots of companies are doing it these days.
茱 蒂:我也是這麼想。很多公司現在都這麼做。
Mike:It will be much cheaper than a traditional store. And we can work from our apartment.
麥 克:這樣會比傳統商店便宜的多。而且我們在自家的公寓上班就行了。
Judy:With good marketing, we'll be able to reach many people.
茱 蒂:只要有好的行銷手法,我們就能讓許多人認識我們。
Mike:Do you know how to design websites?
麥 克:妳知道要怎麼設計網站嗎?
Judy:I took a few courses back in college.
茱 蒂:我讀大學時有修過一些課。
Mike:I did as well. Great, I think we've made our decision then.
麥 克:我也是。太好了,那我們就這麼決定吧。

Building Your Vocabulary

1.budget n. 預算
The budget for the event is too high.
2.reach vt. 被看到;被聽到(尤指透過大眾媒體)
Through this commercial, we can reach people around the globe.

Phrases for Learning

1.so far  目前為止
I have saved up almost $200,000 so far.
2.be all ears  洗耳恭聽
If you want to say something to me, I'm all ears.
3.these days  最近;現在
It seems that few people buy CDs these days.
4.as well  也;同樣地
Verne invited me to go to the dance as well.

1.location n. 位置,所在地
2.rent n. 租金
3.physical a. 真實的;有形體的
4.marketing n.(市場)行銷

Enjoy Box


網路興起造就不少網購族。為了順應網路時代來臨,許多網路商店便因應而生。不過像本篇主角一樣自行設立網站並不容易,因此許多網路賣家轉而求其次,在知名拍賣網站上開設個人商店。拿知名的 eBay 為例,許多想當『頭家』的人可以在上面創立自己的專屬商店。
您不但可以自訂商店首頁的外觀,展現自我風格;還可以讓系統自動幫您推銷其它商品。使用 eBay 商店的好處是您能輕易接觸到上百萬名的 eBay 顧客,這是一般網路商店所不及之處。不過這項服務可不是免費的,因為在這裡成交的每一筆生意都會被 eBay 抽取佣金。不過已有許多人靠這個網站賺進了不少銀子。網路的商機無窮,只要用創意,再加上一些些的想像力,把商品包裝得宜,您也能變成網拍達人。

Grammar Check
With good marketing...
with 所引導的介詞片語(with + 名詞)譯為
With your help, we can finish the job on time.
= Having your help, we can finish the job on time.