2012年3月29日 星期四

Black and White Stripes 話說斑馬


It's tight in 肩膀.

說法比一比:★★★★學校:It's too small.
老外:It's tight in the shoulders.

A:Does it fit?
B:Well, it's tight in the shoulders.

ex:It's a little too small in the seat.
ex:Ugh. I can't breathe in these.
ex:My toes are a bit squished.

決定組成策略 alliance!


ex:We need to study the advantages and disadvantages of making an alliance with them.
ex:It's important to forge strong alliances with partners and customers.
ex:We are seeking an alliance with an overseas company.
ex:We found them to be very unreliable, so we had to break off the alliance.

單字小補充alliance 聯盟(可數名詞) 

Live and Let Live. 自己活也讓別人活

He beat the crap out of me. 他K得我滿頭包



2012年3月27日 星期二

Frame by Frame 以靜『製』動的定格動畫

 Stop-motion animation is a very slow and time-consuming process, but it also creates a special magic that people love
  Chicken Run, Coraline, James and the Giant Peach, and The Nightmare Before Christmas were all big hits1. Moreover, these movies were all made using stop-motion animation2. This filming technique is still used, although not nearly as often as the main forms of animation like computer-generated or hand-drawn images. There is a good reason why it is not frequently used. Stop-motion animation is a very slow and time-consuming3 process.
  The technique involves shooting something on film frame by frame4. For example, filmmakers5 shoot one frame of a doll. Then the doll's arm is moved a tiny bit and another frame is shot. This process is repeated over and over until the full movement is completed. Usually, one minute of stop-motion animation requires 1,440 individual frames. Afterwards, the frames are put together and played one after another, creating the appearance of the doll lifting its arm. Now imagine making a whole movie with many characters and lots of complex actions. Not only would filmmakers need lots of patience, but they would also have to have a good eye for detail.
  Stop-motion animation has a special magic that people love. It is used to make objects in real life move, whereas CGI6 might seem real enough in movies like Avatar. People are attracted to stop-motion animation because there is nothing like seeing a real desk, lamp, or ordinary object come to life.

@Words & Phrases
1. technique n. 技巧,手法
We loved Scott's photographic technique, so we asked him to shoot our wedding.

2. generate vt. 產生
Eco-friendly ways to generate electricity include using water, the wind, and the sun.

3. frequently adv. 經常地,頻繁地
Jason goes to that restaurant frequently because he enjoys the food there.

4. afterwards adv. 隨後,後來
Vincent had a big fight with his girlfriend, and they broke up afterwards.

5. complex a. 複雜的;難以理解的
Not everyone can understand complex scientific concepts like nanotechnology.

6. whereas conj. 但是,然而
My brother had three helpings of pasta, whereas I only ate one.

7. be nothing like...  完全比不上……
There is nothing like a hot bath after a day out in the cold.

8. come to life  變得栩栩如生;有了生命∕生機
Everything comes to life again in the spring.

@Extra Words
1. hit n. 風行一時的事物
2. stop-motion animation n. 定格動畫
3. time-consuming a. 耗時的
4. frame n.(影片的)畫格,畫面
5. filmmaker n. 製片者
6. CGI n. 電腦繪圖(computer-generated imagery的縮寫)

@Tips In Use
1. 名詞 + 過去分詞
 The buildings which are covered with snow look beautiful from a distance.
→ The snow-covered buildings look beautiful from a distance.
2. 名詞 + 現在分詞
 This is an animal that eats men.
→ This is a man-eating animal.

2012年3月22日 星期四

The Right Way to Take Vitamins 服用維他命有撇


我要 try this on.

說法比一比:★★★★學校:I want to try this on.
老外:I'd like to try this on.

A:I'd like to try this on.
B:Sure, the dressing rooms are right over there.

ex:Can I try this on?
ex:I'd like to see how this fits. 
ex:Where are the dressing rooms? 

他必須 take the fall.

技術挑戰指數:★★★社會上,形形色色的人都有,不太可能都只遇到好人,有時候就是會遇到一些”小人”。”小人”處事不厚道,常以不良手段達成目的。學會分辨”小人”很重要,通常有以下特色:喜歡造謠生事、挑撥離間、陽奉陰違、見風轉舵、找替死鬼,常會設計一些狀況讓別人take the fall 。

Gary:Don't let your guard down, Sophie. Ken is still plotting.
Sophie:He's been trying to make me feel uncomfortable and nervous, and it's working.
Gary:He's mad about the spreadsheet. Keep your eyes open-he might engineer some sort of
   foul-up and then try to make you take the fall.
Sophie:I'll be careful.(蘇菲:我會小心。)

俚語小解析.Sb. take the fall. 某人一肩承擔。
To take the fall 指因某些失當行為而承擔其後果。通常用在一個人,不論公平與否,為了其實是別人所做的某些事情而接受指責時。

Names & Titles

"What’s in a name?” According to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, not too much. “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But Shakespeare may have been wrong. In most cultures, names and titles matter a great deal.
Americans choose names for their children with care. Parents usually think about the impression a name gives, not its meaning. Most Americans would consider a “Jennifer” more attractive than a “Bertha,”for example. The last name, or surname, must also be considered when choosing a first and middle name. A name like Lester Chester Hester would sound poetic, but odd.
本身的意義。比如說:大部份的美國人會覺得J e n n i f e r這個名字比B e r t h a要來得吸
Parents may avoid names that remind them of people they don’t like. On the other hand, people might name their children after a respected older relative or even a famous person. The popularity of certain names can change with each new generation. Names that were once common, like Fanny or Elmer, sound old-fashioned today. But other names—like John and David, Mary and Sarah— have stood the test of time and continue to be favorites.
同。曾經相當普遍的名字像是F a n n y或E l m e r,現今聽起來都過時了,不過有些名字像
People in America don’t always call their friends and relatives by their given names. Instead, they often use nicknames. Sometimes nicknames are short forms of a longer name. For instance, a girl named Elizabeth may be called Lisa, Beth or Betsy.
名字的簡稱。例如說,名為伊麗莎白 (Elizabeth)的女孩,可能被叫做麗莎 (Lisa)
,貝絲(Beth),或是貝茲 Betsy(Betsy)。
As children grow up, they may decide for themselves which nickname they wish to be called. If they consider their nickname childish, they may start using a more adult form. Some people just go by the initials of their first and middle names, like B.J. or R.C. And of course, people may call their children or their sweethearts other special nicknames. Often they have a “sweet” flavor, like Honey or Sugar.
作為稱謂,像是B . J .或R . C .。當然,人們還會有一些特殊的暱稱來稱呼他們的孩子或
In informal settings, people are normally on a first-name basis. Sometimes older
folks even allow young people to call them by their first name. But in most formal situations, people use an appropriate title—such as Mr. (Mister), Ms. (“Miz”), Dr. (doctor) or Prof. (professor)—with a person’s last name. After an introduction, the person may say, for example, "Please call me Tom.” If not, use his or her surname.
上姓來稱呼人。經過介紹之後,對方可能會說:「請叫我T o m就好了。」否則,還是以他
Americans still use a few very formal titles which reflect their Old World heritage. The British address their king and queen as Your Majesty; Americans address the judge in a court as Your Honor. Americans speaking to their nation’s leader respectfully call him Mr. President. And many churches refer to their leader as Reverend.
In everyday situations, the polite forms sir and madam (or ma’am)
show a measure of respect. But Americans don’t generally use the names of occupations or positions as formal titles. Students might address their teacher as Mr. (or Ms.) Hudson, but not Teacher Hudson.
What’s in a name? A world of significance. So if you’re choosing an English name for yourself, take care to choose a good one. A made-up name could sound strange to native English speakers. And a translation of your Chinese name may not make an appropriate name, either. But a good name can leave a positive and lasting impression. As an American politician once remarked, “In real life, unlike in Shakespeare, the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name it bears.”

@Word Bank
surname (n) 姓
poetic (adj) 詩意的
given name (n phr) 姓名中的名字的部份
nickname (n) 小名;暱稱
childish (adj) 孩子氣的;幼稚的
first-name basis (n phr) 只以名字相稱的方式
heritage (n) 遺產;傳承
refer to (v phr) 提到
occupation (n) 職業
significance (n) 意義;重要

@The Day's Phrase
People around the world make music in a wide variety of ways
I guess you're right. We don't need to buy a new photocopier.
Tongue exercises can be fun
A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
Happy Moon Festival! Do you have anything special planned for tonight?
中秋節快樂! 你今晚有沒有什麼特別的計劃?
Plain living among the rolling hills of Pennsylvania
I like that watch over there. How much is it?
You can buy all kinds of bread at that bakery. You name it, they have it.
Six steps to help you spring-clean your mind, body and emotions
What time is it? I need to take the six o'clock train to Taichung.
Randall has no idea what's happening. He's clueless.
We definitely don't have any more overdue bills. I checked that.
Size matters in Japan's national sport
A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
One family describes their adoption experience
A-Rod does something nice for a family member, still gets trashed in the tabs.

2012年3月20日 星期二

Fitness the Army Way 塑身新兵營

 Fitness boot camps treat people who want to get in shape like they are in the army
  The latest trend in fitness1 centers is known as boot camp2. It doesn't use high-tech machines and isn't a new form of yoga. Instead, it involves treating clients like they are in the army. Even though it seems to be made for soldiers, fitness boot camps are becoming popular ways to stay in shape in fashionable places like New York City. Of course, these trendy boot camps are rather different from those of the army.
  One thing is that people pay a lot of money to join fitness boot camps. Even so, they perform military-style routines of simple yet tough exercises like running, push-ups3, pull-ups4, squats5, and more. Most importantly, they have instructors pushing them hard, just like military officers6. In addition, the large group of participants helps motivate everyone to try harder and not give up.
  Fitness boot camps may just be a fad7, but they seem to get results. The exercises help people reduce high blood pressure and stress, increase strength, and lose weight. If you are looking for a more intensive workout than you've ever had, why not sign up for a boot camp today?
1. Which of the following is true about fitness boot camps?
(A) They are military agencies that train people how to fight.
(B) They use fancy equipment to help people lose weight.
(C) Army officers lead the participants in simple stretches8.
(D) Instructors push the participants hard, just like military officers do.
(A) 它們是訓練人們戰鬥技巧的軍事單位。
(B) 它使用高檔的儀器幫助人們減重。
(C) 軍官會帶領學員做簡單的伸展運動。
(D) 教練會像軍官一樣嚴厲地鞭策學員。
2. What can the exercises at fitness boot camps NOT do for the participants?
(A) Solve their sleeping problems.
(B) Lower their blood pressure.
(C) Make their bodies stronger.
(D) Help them lose weight.
2. 塑身新兵營裡的運動無法幫助學員達成何事?
(A) 解決他們的睡眠問題。
(B) 降低他們的血壓。
(C) 讓他們的身體更強壯。
(D) 幫助他們減重

答案:1. (D) 2. (A)

@Words & Phrases
1. stay/keep/be in shape  (保持)健康∕身體狀況良好
Kathy kept herself in shape by jogging every day.
2. routine n. 一套固定的動作或舞步;例行工作
Tracy's routine includes making breakfast for her family every morning.
3. participant n. 參加者,參與者
All the participants in the survey got a book of coupons.
4. motivate vt. 激發,激勵
The teacher motivated his students to be more active in class.
5. reduce vt. 降低,減少
The mayor took steps to reduce crime in the city.
6. intensive a. 密集的
Josh took an intensive language course right before he left for Berlin.
7. fancy a. 花俏的;昂貴的
Al couldn't afford to stay in a fancy hotel, so he booked a bed at a youth hostel.
8. sign up for…  報名參加……
Carol signed up for a special training course on the weekends.

@Extra Words
1. fitness n. 健康(本文中作形容詞用)
2. boot camp n. 新兵訓練營
3. push-up n. 伏地挺身
4. pull-up n. 拉單槓
5. squat n. 蹲踞
6. military officer n. 軍官
7. fad n. 一時的流行
8. stretch n. 伸展

2012年3月15日 星期四

什麼時候會 get it in?

說法比一比:★★★★學校:When will you have it?
老外:When will you get it in?

A:When will you get it in?
B:Try coming back on Wednesday.

ex:Will you be getting any more in?
ex:Do you have anything similar? 

準備一份會議 agenda!

技術挑戰指數:★★★星期五要參加一場關於數位典藏的會議,本來不是很清楚會議的內容,還好有收到主辦單位寄來的 會議流程!會議大致分成三個部份,分別由三位教授來主講,每位教授專精的項目都不同,最後還有半小時的辯論,看來這場會議一定會很精彩!

ex:Do we have an agenda for this meeting?
ex:Please include this item on the next meeting agenda.
ex:I'd like to go through the agenda as quickly as possible.
ex:I'd like to turn to the next item on the agenda now.

agenda 議程(可數名詞) 
 .可搭配動詞:have、approve、draft、draw up、go through、stick to

Like Me! Like Me! 給我一個讚!