2012年12月28日 星期五

Banking Needs 到銀行辦事去

He's a real charmer. 他是萬人迷

He made a spectacle of himself. 他出洋相

You're on your own. 自己看著辦吧

He likes to make things up. 他喜歡無中生有

He always at work - related events. 他常應酬

Put yourself in my shoes. 將心比心吧


He finds fault in everything. 他很吹毛求疵


2012年12月27日 星期四


說法比一比:★★★學校:I live outside.(我住外面。)
老外:I have my own place.(我有自己的住處。)

A: Do you live at home?(你住家裡嗎?)
B: No, I have my own place.(不是,我有自己的住處。)

ex:I don't live with my parents.(我不跟爸媽住。)
ex:I'm sharing a place with some friends.(我跟一些朋友一起住。)
ex:I have a studio near my office.(我在辦公室附近有個套房。)

.share 共用、studio 套房

老天,I figured it was something like that


Nancy:The boss thinks we're all screwing around down here. He moved the deadline up to punish
Sophie:I figured it was something like that.
Nancy:It's all Ken's fault.
Sophie:There's nothing we can do. We've just got to find a way to get it done.

I figured it was something like that.  我就知道是這一類的事。
蘇菲原本就認為老闆之所以將最後期限往前推是因為他對於團隊的表現及行為非常不滿。當她說"I figured it was something like that.",就表示她的推論被證實了。注意,這個句子也可以簡化成:"I figured."『我就知道。』

2012年12月26日 星期三

When You Agree or Disagree

Conversation 1(after school)
Mary: Wow! Did you see Sarah’s new haircut? I’ve never seen her with short hair
before. It looks great!
Jane: I couldn’t agree more! She looks so sophisticated
. Seeing her
makes me want to get my hair cut, too.
Mary: Me, too! Let’s experiment with a comb and mirror to see which length looks best.
Then, we can make appointments for cuts at the beauty parlor on Saturday.
珍 :我非常贊成!她看起來好成熟。看著她讓我也想去剪短頭髮呢!
At times a person may not be ready to agree, yet hesitates to disagree strongly. In this situation, using an indirect approach is more effective. It usually results in the positive exchange of information and avoids conflict. It is also more polite than a direct approach. Sometimes more formal expressions are called for, such as in disagreements with a supervisor. Close friends can more easily use informal words without damaging their relationship.
Here are some useful phrases to use when you don’t agree.
(Formal) I’m not sure I agree. Are you absolutely sure? I may be wrong, but . . .(Informal) Oh, I don’t know . . .Yes, but . . .Really?
(正式用語) 我不確定我贊成。你真的那麼確定嗎?我可能不對,但是...
(非正式用語) 嗯,我不知道耶...對啊,但是...真的嗎?
Conversation 2
I’m really looking forward to the movie on Saturday. It will be great to see
Mel Gibson again. He was so cool in Sleepless in Seattle!
Sharon: Are you sure Mel Gibson was in that one? I thought it was Tom Hanks.
Joan: Me, too. I may be wrong, but wasn’t Mel Gibson the lead in Braveheart?
Hank: Well, maybe you’re right. I have the Sleepless in Seattle video at home. I’ll check.
瓊 :我也這麼想。我可能錯了,不過梅爾.吉柏遜不是那個主演「英雄本色」的嗎?
Sometimes you may have strong feelings against an idea or opinion. Although it is difficult,
you can disagree directly if you handle it in the proper way. Try phrases from the following
list to help. It’s usually best to include a reason for opposing what the other
person has said.
(Formal) I’m sorry, but I have to disagree. I strongly disagree. I refuse to believe that . . .
(Informal) No, that’s wrong. You’re dead wrong. Nope!
(正式用語) 我很抱歉,但我必須反對。我非常不贊成。我不願意相信...
(非正式用語) 不,那是錯的。你大錯特錯了。不對!
Conversation 3
Hey! Look! Someone dropped their wallet. It has some money. We can share it
and get a snack at McDonald’s!
George: No way! That would be like stealing. Let’s look to see if the owner’s name
and address are inside. We should return it.
Tom: Are you crazy? We found it. We should keep it.
George: I disagree. Maybe the owner will be so glad to have it back he will give us a
reward. Then we will know we’ve done the right thing, and we’ll have money for a snack.
Tom: Well, OK. Maybe your plan is better.
湯姆: 嘿!你看!有人掉了皮夾,裡面還有一些錢。我們可以把它分了,去麥當勞買點心吃。
喬治: 不可以!那就像偷竊啦!我們來看看失主的名字和地址有沒有在裡面。
湯姆: 你瘋了嗎?是我們發現它的,我們應該可以留下它。
喬治: 我不同意。也許這位失主會因為找回皮夾很高興,而給我們獎賞。那我們就
ActivitiesWith a friend, practice agreeing and disagreeing in the following situations:
1. You and a friend have just come from the art museum. Both of you agree that the paintings by a new artist are the best you’ve ever seen.
2. You and a friend are going across town to a movie. You want to go by bus, but your friend insists that a taxi is best.
3. You are planning a vacation with your husband (or wife). You want to go to the beach, but your spouse wants to go to the mountains.
1. 你和一位朋友剛從美術館裡出來。你們都認為一位新出道畫家的畫,是你們看過最好的作品。
2. 你和一位朋友要到城的另一頭看電影。你想搭公車,可是你的朋友堅持搭計程車。
3. 你正計畫和先生(或太太)共度假期。你想要去海邊,可是你的配偶想去山上。

⊙Word Banksophisticated (adj) 成熟的;老練的
beauty parlor (n phr) 美容院
hesitate (v) 猶豫;躊躇
approach (n) 方法;步驟
conflict (n) 爭執;意見抵觸
absolutely (adv) 完全地;肯定地
oppose (v) 反對
insist (v) 堅持
spouse (n) 配偶

@The Day's Phrase
Our dance teacher laid it on thick before the recital, because she wanted us to do our best.
Could you lend me an ear, dad? I have a problem.爸爸,你可以注意聽我一下嗎?我有個難題。

Amy knows her poem by heart. She recited it without even glancing at her notes.
I'll butter up our landlord and he won't mind if our rent is a few days late.
Lauren cheered up Casandra by giving her a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Skiing is right up Curt's alley, so he moved to Colorado to be a ski instructor.

2012年12月22日 星期六

你的姊妹是old or younger?

說法比一比:★★★★學校:Do you have any siblings?(你有什麼兄弟姊妹嗎?)
老外:Do you have any brothers or sisters?(你有什麼兄弟或姊妹嗎?)

A: Do you have any brothers or sisters?(你有什麼兄弟或姊妹嗎?)
B: No, I'm an only child.(沒有,我是獨子。)

ex:Is your sister older or younger?(你的是姊姊還是妹妹?)
ex:What does your brother do?(令兄在哪高就?)

.only child 獨子



ex:I'm afraid we cannot give credit for this purchase—it's against our company policy.
ex:If you place a large order, we can extend 6 months interest-free credit to you.
ex:Because our company has a bad credit rating with the bank, it's difficult to get
  credit from them.
ex:This is an acceptable level of credit risk to us.

credit 信用貸款(可數名詞)

啪? 靜電不要來!

2012年12月13日 星期四


說法比一比:★★★學校:How many members are there in your family?  (你家有幾個成員?)
老外:How many people are there in your family?  (你家有多少人?)

A:How many people are there in your family? (你家有多少人?)
B:Including my parents there are eight of us. (連我爸媽共八個人。)

ex:Do you have a big family? (你家人很多嗎?)
ex:Do you come from a big family? (你是來自大家庭嗎?)

.how many 多少、a big family 大家庭

左邊?右邊?選錯邊,cost you。


Ken:We've never had any problems before,Gary.
Gary:And now?
Ken:Your sympathy for Sophie might cost you. If you side with her and Nancy....
Gary:Lighten up, Ken. You're not Julius Caesar.

sth.cost you  某事物讓你付出代價。

When You’re a Guest

Nothing is more pleasant for a host than a well-mannered guest. But when you’re the guest, what do you say? How do you act? It’s really not too difficult to be a good guest if you follow a few simple rules. Sometimes children invite a friend over to play after school. Little guests should be well-behaved and respectful to their hosts. It’s OK to ask, “May I have a drink of water?” or “May I use the bathroom?” However, it’s best not to talk about personal matters, such as Mom’s age or Dad’s salary.
Conversation 1
Jeff: Hi, Mom! This is Steve.
Steve: Hi, Mrs. Smith! Mom says I can stay ’til 5:00.
Mrs. Smith: Hello, boys! Wipe your feet on the doormat
and come in. Jeff,
don’t let the door slam!
Jeff: Mom, can we play with my train set?
Mrs. Smith: Sure, just set it up in the family room.
Steve: Hey, Jeff, how do you put the tracks together?
Mrs. Smith: Would you like something to drink? Maybe some juice?
Steve: That sounds great!
傑 夫:嗨,媽!這位是史提夫。
史密斯太太: 哈囉,孩子們!在門墊上擦擦你的鞋,再進來。傑夫,不要大聲關門!
傑   夫: 媽,我們可不可以玩那套玩具火車組?
史密斯太太: 當然可以。就在起居室裡組合好了。
史 提 夫: 嘿,傑夫,要怎麼把這些軌道接起來?
史密司太太: 你們要不要喝點東西?果汁好不好?
史 提 夫: 喔!那太棒了。
If you’re ever invited to a formal reception, be sure to dress appropriately. Wear a coat and tie or a formal dress—not jeans and a T-shirt. The host may provide a buffet of fruits, sandwiches, cheeses and desserts. If so, help yourself to a sampling of what’s available.
But don’t touch food you don’t take. And by all means, don’t dip your vegetable or fruit in the
sauce again after you’ve taken a bite! As you nibble on the delicious treats,
you can mingle with the other guests.
Conversation 2Susan: What a lovely reception! Congratulations, Mr. And Mrs. Johns!
Tom: Yes, 25 years of marriage is an achievement to be proud of!
Mr. Johns: Thank you, Tom and Susan. We’re glad you are here to celebrate with us. The years have gone by so quickly. Before you know it, you’ll be standing here in our place.
Tom: We certainly hope so!
蘇  珊: 好可愛的茶會啊!恭禧你們,瓊斯先生、瓊斯太太。
湯  姆: 是啊,結婚二十五年可真是一項值得驕傲的成就啊。
瓊斯先生: 謝謝你們,湯姆、蘇珊。很高興你們來和我們一起慶祝。時間過得可真快,不知不覺中,你們也會和我們一樣要慶祝二十五週年呢。
湯  姆: 我們當然也希望像你們一樣!
Mr. Johns: Why don’t you help yourself to some goodies?
Susan: Thank you, Mrs. Johns. Everything looks so lovely. Are the flowers from your garden?
Mr. Johns: Yes, my niece arranged them. Well, I need to check on things in the kitchen. You folks just enjoy yourselves.
瓊斯太太: 何不去拿點好東西來吃?
蘇  珊: 謝謝,瓊斯太太。每一樣東西看起來都好精緻,這些花是從你花園裡摘來的嗎?
瓊斯太太: 是啊,我姪女幫我插的。我去廚房看看,你們好好享用吧。
Sometimes guests have the privilege of staying in a friend’s home. During their stay, house guests should be considerate
of their hosts. They should try to fit into the family’s established schedule. And if they have any questions about living arrangements, they should feel free to ask.
Conversation 3
Lucy: Hello, Angela! I made it!
Angela: It’s so good to see you! Come in! Let me help you with your suitcase. Did you have a good trip?
Lucy: Yes, it was fun riding on the train. Oh, here’s a little gift. It’s some homemade jam from Mom.
露 西: 哈囉,安琪拉!我終於到了!
安琪拉: 真高興能見到你!進來嘛!我來幫你拿行李箱。一路上還好嗎?
露 西: 好啊,坐火車蠻好玩的。喔,這小禮物送給你,是我媽媽自製的果醬。
Angela: Mmmm! I love your mom’s jam. We’ll have some for breakfast. Let me show you to your room.
(later, in the guest room)
Angela: Now, make yourself right at home. You can hang your coat here in the closet. The bathroom
is down the hall on the right. Here are your towels.
Lucy: This is all so nice. You’ve thought of everything! When should I take my bath?
Angela: Anytime after dinner. Let me show you how we tuck the shower curtain
inside the tub in case you prefer a shower.
What’s the bottom line for guests? Be a blessing, not a burden, to your hosts.
安琪拉: 嗯!我最愛你媽媽的果醬了,我們早餐的時候可以吃。我帶你去看你的房間。
安琪拉: 就把這兒當作你的家,你可以把東西吊在這個衣櫥裡。浴室就在這條走廊下去的右手邊。這是給你用的毛巾。
露 西: 好棒喔,你什麼都想到了!我什麼時候可以洗澡?
安琪拉: 晚餐後隨時都可以。我教你怎麼把浴簾子塞進浴缸內側,如果你想要淋浴的話就會弄了。

@Word Bank
well-mannered (adj) 懂禮節、很得體的
doormat (n) 門前擦去鞋底污泥的墊子
slam (v) 砰然關閉
track (n) 軌道
sampling (n) 稍作品嚐
nibble (v) 小口地輕咬(食物)
mingle (v) 來往;交談
goodies (n pl) 可口的點心
considerate (adj) 體諒的;顧慮週到的
jam (n) 果醬
tuck (v) 塞置
bottom line (n phr) 最重要的原則

@The Day's Phrase
This superhero keeps coming back for more
I'm kind of busy right now. Can I call you back in 5 minutes?
我現在有點忙, 五分鐘後再回電給你好嗎?
Is everything you hear about food true? Find out!
This month’s expert, Kristopher Schmidt, explains the Human Genome Project
I can't wait to see how my photos turned out.
Would you like to take a seat? Mr. Yen will be right with you.你坐一下好嗎? 嚴先生馬上來了.
There's nothing more to do inside. You can come and help me in the garden.裡面沒事好做, 你可以到花園來幫我.
"Do you like going out on weeknights?" "I usually don't."
"你喜歡週間的晚上出門嗎?" "我通常不喜歡."
A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.
人有見識, 就不輕易發怒; 寬恕人的過失, 便是自己的榮耀