2011年12月21日 星期三

Ancient X-Files 遠古X檔案

 Experts travel to incredible locations across the world to find out the truth behind some famous unsolved mysteries
  What would you do to get to the bottom of something? Would you travel the globe to hunt down every last clue? Would you risk your life to find out the truth? The scholars, archeologists1, and scientists on National Geographic Channel's "Ancient X-Files" do these and more. Each story in this series is a piece of detective2 work. The experts follow clues and put theories to the test in an attempt to explain the unexplained.
  In "The Holy Grail3" episode, Janice Bennett investigates whether a chalice4 in Spain could be the famous cup used by Jesus Christ. As a Grail researcher, Bennett has come across many fakes in her time. However, this particular chalice is guarded by a brotherhood5 that has sworn to defend it with their lives.
  Another mystery presented in the same episode is that of the Minotaur's labyrinth6. According to Greek mythology7, the Minotaur was a creature with the head and tail of a bull on the body of a man. It was locked up in a massive labyrinth with no way out. Now a scholar from Oxford University believes he has found its mysterious location.

@Building Your Vocabulary
1. investigate vt. 查明,調查
The police are investigating the disappearance of all the dogs in our neighborhood.
2. particular a. 特定的
Is there any particular food that Doris can't eat?
3. defend vt. 保衛,保護
The knight vowed to defend his king and castle.
@Phrases for Learning
1. get to the bottom of...  找出……的真相
Did you get to the bottom of all your car troubles?
2. hunt down...  (鍥而不捨地)追尋∕尋找……
The librarian helped Lily hunt down the rare book she wanted.
3. put...to the test  使……受到考驗
Crossword puzzles really put a player's word skills to the test.
4. in an attempt to + 原形動詞  試圖(做)……
Bruce stayed up all night in an attempt to finish his science project.
5. come across...  偶遇∕偶然發現……
Sebastian came across an injured cat while he was jogging in the park.
1. archeologist n. 考古學家
2. detective n. 偵探(本文中作形容詞用)
3. Holy Grail n.(耶穌死前用過的)聖杯
4. chalice n.(尤指基督教的)聖餐杯
5. brotherhood n. 兄弟會
6. labyrinth n. 迷宮
7. mythology n. 神話
@Tips In Use
Another mystery presented in the same episode is that of the Minotaur's labyrinth.
  本句原為"Another mystery presented in the same episode is the mystery of the Minotaur's labyrinth."。在英文中,相同的名詞在同一句中出現時,為避免重複,會改用代名詞 that 或 those 代替。若為單數名詞或不可數名詞時,就以 that 取代,若是複數名詞,則以 those 取代之。
My parents are not as strict as those of my best friend.

這頓晚餐 on me !

說法比一比:★★★★學校:Let me pay the bill.(我來買單。)
老外:Let me get this.(這頓我請。)

A:Let me get this.(這頓我請。)
B:Oh, OK. I'll get the tip.(哦,好。小費我出。)

ex:This one is on me.(這頓算我的。)
ex:Why don't you get it next time?(你何不下次請就好?)
ex:Don't even think about it.(連想都別想。)

I just heard. 別再問了!

技術挑戰指數:★★★又到了下午茶時間,今天約在公司旁邊的咖啡館,大家不例外的大聊公司八卦,還因為聊的太大聲而被隔壁桌的白眼!每一次聊到最後總是會有人問:誰告訴你的啊?有時候真的不能說,或者自己根本就忘記是從哪裡聽來的,這種情況就可以丟下一句”I just heard.”,免得大家一直追問!

Gary:Chuck applied again for his old job.
Nancy:No way. Who told you that?  
Gary:I just heard. But I actually think he might have a chance. I hope he gets it. I kind of miss him.
Nancy:Well, it's been almost two years. Who knows.

俚語小解析.I just heard.  我只是聽說。
當你不想洩漏你的消息來源,或你只是在某個地方聽到一些事情,但無法清楚記得是在哪裡(也有可能消息是來自多方面)時,你就可以說”I just heard.”(我只是聽說)。換言之,當消息來源並不重要,或者是一個秘密時,就可以這麼用。

2011年12月15日 星期四


An old song says that “love makes the world go around.” If you watch Americans on Valentine’s Day, you can believe it. The whole country breaks out with little red hearts. Love-struck people give cards, flowers and candy to their sweethearts. You might call it an annual celebration of love.
Americans are romantic all year long, but especially on February 14. Valentine’s Day gives people an excuse to ask someone they admire to “be their valentine.”
Conversation I
Stan: Hey, Angela! I’ve been looking all over for you!
Angela: Well, hi, Stan! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Stan: Thanks! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too! Uh, Angela…
Angela: Yes?
Stan: Well, I...uh...got you a little something for Valentine’s Day. Would you be my valentine?
Angela: How sweet! The flowers are beautiful! And you know how much I love chocolate! Sure, I’d be honored to.
Stan: Would you like to go to the school party with me this
Angela: Yes, I would. I’ll look forward to it.
The American concept of love and romance begins with dating. Young people date in several ways. At first they might have group dates with several boys and girls together. Later, they start going on single dates—just one boy and one girl. Sometimes a boy and a girl will go to a movie. Maybe they will go to a party at a friend’s house. Or they might go out to eat.
When two couples go out together, we call it double dating. A friend might even
arrange a blind date for you with someone you don't know. That doesn’t mean you
keep your eyes closed the whole evening! You just don’t know who your partner will be untilthe time for the date. If someone asks you for any kind of date, and you don’t want to go, you may politely say, “No, thanks.”
幫你相親。所謂相親(blind date)並不是指讓你整晚都把眼睛矇起來,而是一直
Conversation II
Jeff: Hi, Tanya! Boy, it’s freezing today, isn’t it?
Tanya: You’re not kidding! I’m glad I’m wearing a hat and gloves!
Jeff: Yeah, you look warm all bundled up like that. Say, I was wondering, would you like to go to the Valentine's banquet with me next week?
Tanya: Well, I really don't think I can. I have other plans. Thanks for asking, though.
Jeff: That’s O.K. Maybe some other time.
Tanya: Yeah. Well, here comes my bus. See you later!
Americans view dating differently from people in other cultures. American young people see a
date as a time just to have fun. They don’t always have a romantic interest in mind. Someone
may go out with one person this week, and another person the next. After a while, a boy and
a girl may decide they want to “go steady.” This means they think of each other as
“boyfriend and girlfriend.” It also means they don’t want to date anyone else. Romance is
beginning to bloom.
Romantic love is very much a part of American culture. Movies, TV shows and books in
America all picture people falling in love. Americans know that no romance is perfect, but
still they try to find the ideal person. Actually, love is a part of every culture, not just
American culture. People all over the world search for happiness in a loving relationship.
Maybe love does make the world go around.

@word bank
sweetheart (n) 情人
double date (n phr) 兩對式約會
blind date (n phr) 相親 
bundle up (v phr) 裹暖(全身);包裹起來
go steady (v phr) 只跟一個固定的異性來往

@The Day's Phrase
Tips for timing your high-tech toy purchases
We don't need the air conditioner anymore.
It makes a big difference at what age a person starts to smoke or drink
It's hard to find good pineapples at this time of year.
This popular drink has many surprising uses
Let's leave by 4:30. I want to get home before dark.
The television industry is as popular as ever
This weekend will be a good time for a hike in the mountains.
Don't run on the trail! You could slip and fall.
What are your fad favorites?
Are you in the mood for Chinese or Western food tonight?
A winter vacation in Sweden offers more than just snow
I know a good dumpling restaurant that is very reasonable.

Japan's Energy Saving Plans 日本限電大作戰

這是您的 check !

說法比一比:★★★★學校:Check, please.
老外:Could we have the check, please?

A:Excuse me. Could we have the check, please?
B:Sure. I'll take that for you whenever you're ready.

ex:We'd like the bill, please.
ex:We're ready to go. 
ex:Do we pay here or at the register? 

我必須 clarify 這一點!


ex:Let's go over the cost comparison again.
ex:Could you clarify point two of your offer?
ex:Would you be willing to increase the size of your order?
ex:Is it possible to customize the order?

俚語小解析.clarify    澄清; 闡明
 clarify除了”澄清、闡明”的意思外,也有”淨化”或”使清楚、使清醒”的意思。同義字有”explain、simplify、make clear”。

2011年12月13日 星期二

Destination: Dubai 前進杜拜

 This one-of-a-kind place offers travelers unique experiences and a glimpse into its past

  Dubai is a one-of-a-kind place. It is both a city and a country in the United Arab Emirates. After oil was discovered in the region in the mid-1960s, Dubai started to grow. Using foreign workers, Dubai constructed fantastic buildings. Now, Dubai has the tallest one in the world—the Burj Khalifa. The structure was opened in 2010 and stands 828 meters tall. It is an incredible building that really reaches for the stars.
  Just like the amazing Burj Khalifa, the iconic Burj Al Arab is another great example of what makes Dubai unique. The luxurious hotel looks like a billowing1 sail and is just minutes away from the stunning Jumeirah Beach. For those wanting a taste of the old world, the Heritage2 Village of Hatta has a history that dates back 3,000 years. In addition, the nearby Diving Village offers travelers a glimpse into the area's pearl diving past.
  Dubai, the eighth most visited city in the world, is also a shopping heaven. It has over 70 shopping malls as well as traditional marketplaces3 where bargains can be found. Save up your money, pack your credit cards, and come to Dubai.

@Building Your Vocabulary
1. one-of-a-kind a. 獨一無二的
be one of a kind  獨一無二的
Sally's mother knitted the scarf especially for her, so it's one of a kind.
2. construct vt. 建造,構築
The government has constructed many facilities to benefit the local residents.
3. luxurious a. 奢華的
They couldn't afford to stay in a luxurious hotel, so they booked a cheap one instead.
4. stunning a. 極吸引人的,極美麗的
Sandra looks stunning in that fancy evening dress.
5. glimpse n. 一瞥;快速地窺知(某事)
The documentary offers a glimpse of the superstar's life before he became famous.
6. bargain n. 便宜的貨品;低廉的價格
Jonathan got a great bargain on that used car.
@Phrase for Learning
1. date back + 一段時間  回溯至某段時間之前
date back to...  回溯到……(的時候)
The vase is quite precious because it dates back to the Ming Dynasty.
2. save up...  存……(錢)
Nick is trying to save up NT$5,000 for those limited edition shoes.
@Extra Words
1. billow vi. 鼓起(本文中以現在分詞作形容詞用)
2. heritage n. 傳統;遺產(本文中作形容詞用)
3. marketplace n. 市場,市集
@Grammar Check
Using foreign workers, Dubai constructed fantastic buildings.
  本句原本為"Dubai used foreign workers, Dubai constructed fantastic buildings.",但如此一來就形成兩個句子無連接詞連接的錯誤句構,解決之道就是將第一個句子化簡成分詞片語,其法則如下:
a. 相同的主詞要刪除,不同的主詞則保留
b. 之後的動詞要變成現在分詞
c. 若動詞為 be 動詞時,變成現在分詞 being 之後可省略
Al was bitten by a snake, Al was rushed to a hospital. (X)
(Being) Bitten by a snake, Al was rushed to a hospital. (○)

2011年12月11日 星期日


Football VS. Rugby 美式足球VS橄欖球

You have a call on line two 二線有你的電話

Would you tell him I'm out? 迴避不想接聽的電話

Would you tell him I'm out? 迴避不想接聽的電話

Going GAGA for Laday Gaga 瘋卡卡女神降臨



I'm a big eater! 我是大胃王!