2012年6月28日 星期四

需要給 tip?

說法比一比:★★★★學校:Here's a tip for you.
老外:This is for you.

A:That'll be $35.
B:OK, and this is for you.

ex:Please, keep the change.
ex:Thank you very much. 

It sounds like 麻煩 to me!

技術挑戰指數:★★★某天上facebook時,遇到好久沒聯絡的國小同學,稍微聊了一下之後發現,我們居然在同一間公司上班耶!因為在不同部門,平常也沒有交集,所以才沒發現,真的是好巧喔!而且還是在差不多的時間進公司!不過聊到後來,他想打聽我的薪水,可是這可以說嗎?It sounds like trouble to me!

Gary:I'm going to go tell Ken about the sweet buns. Stash these last few so that there are none
    left when he gets here.
Sophie:That sounds like trouble to me.
Gary:It's hitting below the belt, I know.
Sophie:I'll do it. Here, just eat one more quick before you go.

俚語小解析It/That sounds like ..... to me. 對我來說,那聽起來像是....。
此一句型可以用來提供一種簡單的評估。如果你認為某件事是個餿主意,你就可以說:”Sounds like trouble to me.”。在這個句型中,”like”之後亦可以使用形容詞。

2012年6月26日 星期二

Big Fun with the Dragon Boat Festival

As one of the major summer celebrations, the Dragon Boat Festival is a special time for families and communities. It is observed on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and this year, it falls on June 23. The holiday got its name because it is celebrated around the summer solstice, the day with the longest period of sunlight. The sun is associated with the dragon, which is one reason why these mythical creatures are linked to the festival.
  There are many methods to celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival. One of the primary ways is to eat zongzis, savory rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves. They can be found in markets and restaurants or prepared at home as part of a family tradition. Another fun pastime that children especially love is standing eggs on end. During this particular time of year, eggs will stand straight up on their widest ends at noon. Doing this is said to bring good luck for the year. For adults, realgar wine is enjoyed. Realgar is a mineral that was regarded as the antidote for all poisons. The wine is drunk for good health.

@Word & Phrases
1. major a. 主要的,非常重要的
Smoking is one of the major causes of lung cancer.
2. community n. 群體;社區
Residents are working together to keep the community clean and safe.
3. primary a. 首要的,主要的
Finding other sources of green energy is our primary goal right now.
4. wrap vt. 包,裹
Terry gave me a gift wrapped in paper with a beautiful pattern on it.
5. pastime n. 娛樂,消遣
Vincent's favorite pastime is playing video games at home.
6. particular a. 特定的
The travel agent asked Mark if he had any particular needs for the in-flight meal.
7. be said to + 原形動詞  據說……
This home remedy is said to stop pimples from forming.
8. be regarded as...  被認為是……
This statue is regarded as one of the artist's masterpieces.

@Extra Words
1. lunar calendar n. 農曆,陰曆
2. summer solstice n. 夏至
3. savory a. 美味可口的;鹹味的
4. rice dumpling n. 粽子
5. realgar n. 雄黃(本文中作形容詞用)
6. mineral n. 礦物
7. antidote n. 解毒劑

@Tips In Use
Stand作及物動詞stand 在本文中作及物動詞,表『使站立』之意,以下介紹 stand 當及物動詞時的其他意思及用法:
1. 表『忍受,容忍』,常用於否定句或疑問句。
I can't stand Sam's negative attitude toward everything.
2. 意指『禁得起』。
These plants can stand extremely hot and dry climates.
3. 用於片語"stand + 人 + up"中,指『放某人鴿子,爽約』。
Tom's girlfriend was upset because he stood her up last night.

2012年6月22日 星期五


Can money buy happiness? Many Americans think so—at least they act like they do. Americans believe in the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." And just what does the pursuit of happiness mean? For many, it means pursuing money. Success- oriented Americans often measure people's worth by how much they have. For that reason, keeping up with the Joneses has become almost a fulltime occupation.
Why do Americans emphasize money so much? Well, this “land of plenty” has long enjoyed abundant natural resources, and people have gotten used to material wealth. Besides that, Americans believe that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. People aren't bound by social class. They can work hard and improve their status. Many immigrants have come to this land of opportunity for that reason— to seek a better future. This belief in equal opportunity has produced a spirit of competition. lt's like a race to the top of the success ladder.
On average, Americans save around 5 percent of their income. Some find ways to invest their money. Investments range from individual retirement accounts (lRA's) to stocks and bonds. Not all Americans are rich, but most are concerned about money.
道。投資的範圍自個人退休儲金( IRA'S )到股票和債券都有。並非每個美國人都
Interestingly, though, “money” doesn't mean just cash—dollar bills and coins. The United States is fast becoming a cashless society. Nowadays, checks and credit cards work just as well as “real money,” if not better. A checking account has become almost a necessity for most Americans. Stores accept checks drawn on local banks as payment for purchases. People send checks through the mail as a saferalternative to sending cash.
Credit cards symbolize American shopping habits: “Buy now, pay later. ” Loan companies—such as VISA and MasterCard—as well as gas companies and stores issue credit cards to people with a good credit record. Even teenagers have their own credit cards. This “plastic money” allows people more spending freedom. But it also gets them into a lot of debt! Moreover, just as with cash, there are still dangers from loss or theft. With checks and credit cards, Americans can be cashless, but they still can't afford to be careless.
如:VISA 和Master Card——以及天然瓦斯公司和其他的商店,會對信用好的人
Even a casual observer would notice that America is a consumer society. The media bombard people with advertisements. Commercials interrupt TV and radio programs with catchy appeals to go out and buy. Shopping has almost replaced baseball as the national pastime. Still, Americans realize that life is more than having things. Volunteering and giving to charity organizations occupy part of
Americans' time and money, as well. Deep down, they realize that happiness can't be bought, but it can be given away.

@Word Bank
pursuit (n) 精通的
oriented (adj) 以?為導向的;以?為目的的
keep up with the Joneses (v phr) 在物資上和別人比較、競爭
emphasize (v) 強調
ladder (n) 進身階梯 
invest (v) 投資
bond (n) 債券
draw (v) 支領;提取
alternative (n) 另一可選擇之事物
credit record (n phr) 信用記錄 bombard (v) 攻擊;轟炸
catchy (adj) 引誘人的;動人的
appeal (n) 吸引力

@The Day's Phrase
Knowing what people want is the first step in creating the next great product
Aren't you going a little fast? The speed limit here is 40 km/h.
The same old stories take on brand new expression when you can step inside of them
You got 100% on the test! Good for you.
Is it possible to duplicate the artistry and sound of a 300-yearold
musical masterpiece using x-ray machines?
What are you up to? Nothing, just reading my email.
Life down under can be sweet, especially in one of these breathtaking vacation spots!
You're right!Aren't I always?
Sorry about that. I didn't know you wanted to keep that food.
I'm angry with you today. What did I do?

2012年6月21日 星期四

Step by Step 1 + 1 > 2:重組家庭的歡樂與哀愁

by Marcus Maurice
Divorce is hard on parents and kids.

  The harsh reality of marriage is that nearly half of them end in divorce. This is extremely difficult for all parties, especially when there are children involved. The youngsters usually have to adjust to one parent becoming the primary caregiver and seeing the other parent a lot less. This usually coincides with emotional disagreements between the parents, which take a heavy toll on the kids. Sooner or later, one or both of the parents may find someone else to spend their lives with. These families must find ways to co-exist with each other, and a lot of times, it ends up being a bumpy road.
  Children don't automatically take to their stepparents right away. Therapists have a few suggestions to make the reconstituted families' lives easier. For parents, the number one rule is to be positive about the previous marriages. Kids don't want to hear about how great the new stepparents are, while their real parents are openly criticized. Another way is for the stepparents to form bonds with their stepchildren by going on outings together. These can be as simple as trips to the grocery store, going for walks, or watching movies together. Soon, the stepparent and stepchild will have their own stories and jokes to share with each other.
  Being a stepparent or a stepchild is never simple, and every situation is very different. The things that both sides need to remember are never to give up on each other and that things will work out in the end.

1. According to the article, what happens to kids when their parents get divorced?
(A) They become much more difficult to get along with.
(B) It is difficult for them to get used to seeing less of one parent.
(C) They usually despise their new stepmother or stepfather.
(D) They have a hard time finding true love later on in life.

2. What does "which" in the first paragraph refer to?
(A) The cost of a divorce.
(B) The harmony in a household.
(C) Two parents quarreling.
(D) The parent they choose to live with after a divorce.

3. What is something a stepparent should NOT say to a stepchild?
(A) "Stop playing with your food."
(B) "You should remember to flush the toilet after using it."
(C) "You need to cut down on the amount of sugar you eat."
(D) "I am a much better cook than your mother, who doesn't even know how to boil water."

4. What is the author's purpose for writing this article?
(A) To help families blend together.
(B) To warn children about the evils of divorce.
(C) To show that children can easily adapt to new family members.
(D) To teach parents how to live without their children after a divorce.

1. divorce n. 離婚 & vt. 和……離婚
2. primary a. 主要的
3. caregiver n. 照顧孩子的家人
4. disagreement n. 爭吵;意見不同
5. co-exist vi. 共存
6. stepparent n. 繼父,繼母
stepchild n. 繼子女
stepmother n. 繼母
stepfather n. 繼父
stepson n. 繼子
stepdaughter n. 繼女
7. therapist n. 治療師
8. reconstituted a. 重新組成的
a reconstituted family  重組家庭
9. openly adv. 公開地
10. outing n. 外出
11. household n. 家庭
12. flush vt.(用水)沖洗
13. blend vi. 交融,融和


旅途中穿山越嶺, 飛天跨海, 花樣繁多. 這些過程使用的交通類型 ( transport type ), 可透過航空. 道路行駛車輛. 火車或海陸的途徑 ( by air, road, rail or sae ), 而其中經由航空方式的履行或許昂貴, 但不可否認確是最快速的方式 ( Air travel is probably expensive, but it is undeniably the fastest of the transport modes. )
空中飛行載客工具有飛機. 噴射機. 超音速飛機. 直升機等 ( Air vehicles are airplanes, jets, supersonic aircrafts, and helicopters. ). 等待翱翔天際之餘, 你曾有過必須久候機場的經驗嗎? ( Have you ever had to wait a long time at an airport? ) 旅客在機場可以怎樣打發時間呢? ( How can passengers pass time / kill time while waiting at the airport? )
為了不讓等待交息旅遊熱忱且淡定, 或許可以考慮以下建議: 閱讀書. 報紙. 雜誌或小說 ( read a book, newspapers, magazine or novel ); 傾聽音樂 ( listen to music ); 打盹, 小憩一番 ( take a nap ); 上網 ( surf the internet / Net ); 傳簡訊或打電話給家人或朋友 ( text / call your family or friends ); 瀏覽商店櫥窗或購物 ( go window shopping / go shopping ); 喝杯咖啡或吃頓飯 ( have a cup of coffee / have a meal ); 與附近的旅客聊天 ( talk to passengers around ), 但視情況並適可而止; 時間許可的話甚至來趟腳底按摩或休閒式水療 ( enjoy a foot massage or a spy ).
至於過往人群與起降的扳機, 那更是一幅最植德欣賞的動人畫面! 畢竟, 再機場裡就像深楚一個小世界呢! ( After all, in an airport, it's a small world! )


    撰文 / Gwen

2012年6月20日 星期三


縮短跨國或遠距的旅途時間, 飛行是最佳方式. 雖而致伸高空且侷限於有限空間 ( limited space ), 難免有些不便性, 因此每個旅客需謹記機上禁忌, 遵守機上禮儀 ( airplane eiquette ), 話不便為便利, 享有愉快的旅程.
首先, 勿成為快速後仰的乘客 ( Don't be a fast recliner ): 就後座, 為多些空間而調整可後仰座位 ( reclined seat )時, 切忌以快速往後靠, 甚至調整到最極限造成後座乘客的不便.
其次, 勿霸佔全部的共用座位手把 ( Don't hog the entire arm rest ): 您與鄰座乘客都有權使用此公用把手,謹守分寸以避免成為所謂的 "獨占停靠手臂手把的土匪" " arm rest bandit ". 接著, 勿當座位掠奪者 ( Don't be a seat grabber ): 起身或坐下時避免手扶前座位置而驚動前座乘客.
第四, 勿將鄰座陌生乘客的肩膀當枕頭靠 ( Don't slip your head off onto a stranger next to you while sleeping ): 盡量控制自己的睡姿, 勿干擾別人.
第五, 選走道座位  Choose an aisle seat ): 若需經常使用洗手間的乘客 ( a passenger who needs to pay frequent visits to the bathroom ), 劃位時最好要求走道座位.
第六, 勿飲酒過度 ( Don't get drunk ): 狂喝酒的人 ( boozer ), 酒氣沖天會造成隔鄰不舒適感, 因此黃湯下度須適量.
最後, 父母須管校調皮或哭鬧的隨行孩童, 勿讓他們踢前座位置或喧嘩, 管教時也要避免大聲吼叫, 以免造成其他乘客的困擾.


    撰文 / Gwen

He dumped me! 他甩了我!

"三國演義"云: "話說天下大勢, 分久必合, 合久必分", 感情亦如是, "分手"的英文怎麼說? 可以說: " He broke up with me. He left me. " 都是 "他跟我分手" 之意.
此外也可以說: " He split up with me. " 這裡 split 是指 "分手. 絕交" 之意. 更鸝雨的說法還有: " H3 dumped me. " (他甩了我) " He ditched me. " ditch 口語上有 "拋棄" 之意. 都可以傳神的表達那種被甩時的椎心之痛!

A: Why haven't I seen your cute boyfriend recently?
B: Don't mention it. He dumped me last month for a rich widow!
    別提了. 他上個月甩了我去追一個有錢的寡婦了.


    資料來源: 台科大應用外語系助理教授 黃玟君

He's from a rich family! 他是小開!

有錢人家或企業家第二代, 都可稱為 "小開", 但英文中並沒有直接比對的說法. 用字, 因此我們只可以用 " He's from a rich family. " 或者 " He's an heir to fotune. " ( 他是大筆財富的繼承人 ) 來表達小開的概念.

A: He's short and bald - so why are there girls around him all the time?
    他長得又矮又禿頭, 可是為什麼總有一堆女生天天黏著他咧?
B: Don't you know? He's form a rich family - his father is the owner of a listed company!
    你不知道嗎? 他是上市公司的小開耶!


    資料來源: 台科大應用外語系助理教授 黃玟君

You're so retarded! 你很豬頭耶!

中文說一個人 "豬頭", 就是說這個人很笨. 不用大腦, 英文也有類似用語, 有人會說: " You're so retarded! " 或者 " You're such a retard! " 這裡的 retarded 是形容詞 "致力遲緩的", retard 則是名詞.
此外也可說: " You are brainless. " ( 你沒大腦 ) 或者更狠一點: " You are a moron. " ( 妳白痴. 低能 ), 都很能讓被罵的人了解他有多欠罵. 只不過罵人畢竟不好, 因此這些字還是少用的好!

A: I locked my keys in the car and had to call a locksmith to open the door. Then when I was going to pay
    him I realized I left my wallet at home.
    我把車要石鎖在車裡, 只好請鎖匠來開鎖, 結果要付他錢時, 才發現忘了帶皮夾出門
B: You're so retarded!

    資料來源: 台科大應用外語系助理教授 黃玟君

My face is covered with zits. 我滿臉豆花

曾有調查顯示, 年輕人日常生活當中最擔心的不是學業, 也不是感情, 而是 "豆花"! 也就是 "青春痘. 面皰",  那英文怎麼說呢? zit 和 pimple 是也!
若要說一個人滿臉豆花, 便可以說:  " His face is covered with zits. " " He has pimple all over his face. " 或 " His face is breaking out. " 還可以說 " He has terrible acne. " acne在醫學上是 "座瘡. 粉刺". 當然也可以用老派說法: " He has a pizza face. " 怎樣? 十分傳神吧!

A: Why were you so shy on your blind date yesterday? You kept looking down at the table.
     妳昨天相親的時候幹麻裝害羞, 頭一直低著看桌子?
B: Please! My face was covered with zits.
    拜託! 我滿臉豆花耶!

    自由時報A10教育. 生活版

    資料來源: 台科大應用外語系助理教授 黃玟君

Let's place a group order for these cookies! 我們來團購餅乾吧!

古人說 "團結力量大", 這句話用在科技發達的今天也沒錯, 現今許多公司行號流行團購, 網路上甚至有人將團購當成全職工作! 至於 "團購" 的英文怎麼說? place a group order! 此外也可以用 put in a big order 表達 "團購; 大量購買", 例如: " We are putting in a big order online so we can get a discount. " 意思就是指一堆人一起購買某項產品, 以求打折!

A: What are you guys gossiping about over there? Are you talking about the boss?
     你們在那邊嘰嘰喳喳的做什麼? 在聊老闆的八卦嗎?
B: No, we're placing a group order for egg rolls. Do you want in?
    不是啦. 我們在團購蛋捲. 要不要參一腳啊?

    資料來源: 台科大應用外語系助理教授 黃玟君

Don't be so indecisive! 別三心兩意!

說一個人 "三心兩意", 通常是指此人常改變心意, 做了決定又一直更改. 對付這種人我們可以說: " Don't be so indecisive! " 這裡indecisive是從decision ( 決定 ) 來的, 意為 "無決斷力的; 優柔寡斷的", 此外可說: " Don't be so fickle. " 是 "易變的; 反覆無常的". 如果講了這些還是無法讓此人 "一心一意", 這時便可以接對他說: " Please make up your mind! " (下定決心吧!)

A: I don't know what we should have - Japanese or French food? Hot pot or Korean barbecue?
    日本料理好, 還是法國菜好? 火鍋好, 還是韓式烤肉好?
B: Don't be so indecisive! I'm starving; just choose something!
    別三心二億了. 我快餓斃了, 隨便選啦

 資料來源: 台科大應用外語系助理教授 黃玟君

He is a womanizer. 他喜歡到處留情

用英文形容喜歡與女生搭訕.與不同女生發生關係的男性,可以說: " He is always messing around with women. " 這裡的 " mess around " 是 "勾搭.調情" 之意. 也可以說: " He is a womanizer. " ( 沉溺於女色的人 )
若一個男人婚後不守 "夫道", 則我們可以說: " He's a cheat. " ( 騙子.不忠者 )
A: He got divorced again? Isn't it the third time for him?
    他又離婚了? 這是第三次了吧?
B: He deserves it. He's always messing around with women while he's married. he's such a womanizer!
    他活該! 誰叫他婚後還到處拈花惹草,處處留情!

@本文轉載自 2012/06/18
    資料來源:台科大應用外語系助理教授 黃玟君

今晚 stay at 喜來登?

說法比一比:★★★★學校:We're living at the Sheraton.
老外:We're staying at the Sheraton.

A:Where to, ma'am?
B:We're staying at the Sheraton.

ex:The Hilton, please.
ex:Do you know where the Hyatt is? 

上個月 budget 超支了?


ex:We have a tight entertainment budget this year.(我們今年的娛樂預算很緊。)
ex:We are on a limited production budget.(我們的生產預算有限。)
ex:They cut departmental budgets in an effort to control spending.
ex:We need to reduce budgets for the second half of the year.

budget 預算(可數名詞) 
 .可搭配動詞:have、be on、cut、reduce

2012年6月14日 星期四

suitcase 被偷了!

說法比一比:★★★★學校:I lost something from my suitcase.
老外:Something was stolen from my suitcase.

A:What seems to be the matter, sir?
B:Something was stolen from my suitcase.

ex:I was robbed.
ex:My bags haven't arrived. 
ex:My luggage is damaged. 

截止日提前了!I kid you not.

技術挑戰指數:★★★這幾個月來,全班同學都在忙”畢業製作”的事! 從去年10月分組後,每組依據各自的主題,找好指導老師後,只要有課餘時間,各組都聚在一起討論,包含連絡廠商、設計商品、輸出成品.....等事項。今天上課時教授忽然宣佈,主任決定提前各組上台報告的日期,I kid you not!

Gary:You'd better take an extra bun for yourself. You're going to need the energy.
Sophie:The energy? For what? You don't mean the deadline was...
Gary:Un-huh. I kid you not.
Sophie:Ugh. I think I'd better take three.

單字小補充I kid you not. 我不騙你。  
上面對話中如果葛瑞說”I'm not kidding.”就太呆板了。把”not”放在句尾,形成”I kid you not.”的句子,或是如”I think not.”的句子,可以讓這些句子有一種很典雅、世故的感覺。

The Beauty of Food 重視內在美,英國成立『醜食物』公司

by Rebecca A. Fratzke
Some people today are just as obsessed with the way their food looks as the way they look.
  At any market, it's common to see vendors carefully choosing produce that is good enough to sell. Everyone wants the best of what is _(1)_. However, when does worrying about the appearance of food go too far? For one woman in the UK, the answer is clear—when it makes us wasteful. Laura Sandys has a big idea that could change the way we look at food and ourselves. She wants to start selling food that would _(2)_ be considered too ugly to be sold in stores. An example would be an apple that is not uniformly red. Sandys criticizes the current produce rules _(3)_ by the European Union for encouraging wastefulness. A two-tone apple and a one-tone apple taste exactly the same. Therefore, why should one be suitable for purchase in the marketplace and _(4)_ only for juice?
在任何一個市場裡,我們常看見小販精挑細選賣相好的農產品販售。而每個人在選購時,都想買到最好的產品。但是,講求食物的賣相到哪種地步算太過火?對 1 位英國女性而言,答案很簡單,那就是造成浪費食物的時候。蘿拉‧山迪斯有個可以改變我們看待食物和自己的遠大計劃。她想開始販售原先被認為賣相不佳而遭商店拒賣的食物,像是表皮紅得不夠均勻的蘋果。山迪斯批評,目前由歐盟訂定的農產品法規變相鼓勵浪費。色澤不均勻的蘋果跟色澤均勻的蘋果嚐起來並無二致。所以,為什麼一顆能在市場上供人選購,而另一顆卻只能拿去榨果汁?
  Sandys believes that by selling the ugly items, the general price of food in the UK will be kept down. It will also help the country lower its need to _(5)_ produce. Ideally, Sandys would like to include other food groups in her ugly mission. Fish like pollack are less popular, and _(6)_ are certain cuts of meat and organs like kidneys. Sandys _(7)_ that these types are just as valuable and delicious. The problem is that the method of cooking them has been lost. All in all, what Sandys really wants the UK and the world to understand is that we must start valuing all of our resources, or we'll suffer the consequences.
1. (A) capable  (B) flexible  (C) invisible  (D) available
2. (A) likewise  (B) otherwise  (C) clockwise  (D) edgewise
3. (A) to be set  (B) have set  (C) setting  (D) set
4. (A) another  (B) others  (C) the other  (D) one another
5. (A) import  (B) consume  (C) retail  (D) supply
6. (A) alike  (B) so  (C) nor  (D) just
7. (A) points out  (B) turns out  (C) gives out  (D) watches out

1. Everyone wants the best of what is available.
a. (A) capable a. 能幹的;有能力的
(B) flexible a. 有彈性的;可變通的
I prefer to keep my itinerary flexible when I'm traveling abroad.
(C) invisible a. 看不見的;隱形的
Germs that are invisible to the naked eye are everywhere.
(D) available a. 可得到的
I'm sorry, but this book is out of print and no longer available.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
2. She wants to start selling food that would otherwise be considered too ugly to be sold in stores.
a. (A) likewise adv. 照樣地
Watch me operate this machine and then do likewise.
(B) otherwise adv. 本來應當,不然可能會
otherwise 用在形容詞子句中,且其前有助動詞 would 或 might,意為『本來應當……』或『不然可能會……』。
The lifeguard's quick response saved the boy who would have otherwise drowned.
(C) clockwise adv. 順時針方向地
By turning the key clockwise, you unlock the door.
(D) edgewise adv. 向外緣地(常用於下列片語中)
get a word in edgewise  伺機插嘴
When talking to Anita, I can never get a word in edgewise.
b. 根據上述用法,可知應選 (B)。
3. Sandys criticizes the current produce rules set by the European Union for encouraging wastefulness.
a. 空格前省略關係代名詞 which 及 be 動詞 are,本句實等於:
Sandys criticizes the current produce rules which are set by the European Union for encouraging wastefulness.
b. 限定修飾的形容詞子句(即關係代名詞前無逗點)中,若關係代名詞為主詞時,該子句可化簡為分詞片語,化簡原則為:1) 刪除關係代名詞;2) 之後的動詞變成現在分詞;3) 若動詞為 be 動詞,則變成現在分詞 being 後可省略。
The man who ran down the street was a fugitive.
= The man running down the street was a fugitive.
在大街上奔跑的那名男子是 1 名逃犯。
c. 根據上述,可知 (D) set 應為正選。
4. Therefore, why should one be suitable for purchase in the marketplace and the other only for juice?
a. (A) one...another...  一個……另一個……
* 用於非限定的兩者。
Everyone has a favorite season. One might like the summer, while another enjoys the winter.
(B) some...others...  一些……另一些……
* 用於非限定的兩個群體。
Some people like eating durian, and others enjoy watermelon.
(C) one...the other... 一個……另一個……(用於限定的兩者)
My cat has one ear bigger than the other.
我貓咪的耳朵 1 隻大 1 隻小。
(D) one another  彼此
The two men have known one another for more than 30 years.
那 2 名男子彼此已經認識 30 多年了。
b. 空格前的句子提到 A two-tone apple and a one-tone apple(色澤不均勻的蘋果和色澤均勻的蘋果),為限定的兩者,故根據用法,應選 (C)。
5. It will also help the country lower its need to import produce.
a. (A) import vt. 進口
The island nation imports most of its goods from other countries.
(B) consume vt. 吃,喝;消耗
You will get fatter if you consume junk food all the time.
(C) retail vt. 零售
This line of clothing is retailed all over the world.
(D) supply vt. 供應
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。
6. Fish like pollack are less popular, and so are certain cuts of meat and organs like kidneys.
a. 本空格在測試簡應句之用法:
1) 在肯定簡應句中,用 so 或 too。so 是副詞,表示『同樣地』,並非連接詞,故之前應有連接詞 and 連接兩句,而且使用 so 時其後須採倒裝句構,與 too 連用時,簡應句不須倒裝。
Bill is a doctor, and so is his brother.
= Bill is a doctor, and his brother is, too.
2) 否定簡應句中用 neither, nor 或 either。neither 為副詞,故其前須置 and,而 nor 為連接詞,其前不必置 and,且使用 neither 或 nor 之後必須接倒裝句;而 either 則置於句尾使用,其前要有否定副詞 not 及逗點。
Tom can't speak Japanese, and neither can Sam.
= Tom can't speak Japanese, nor can Sam.
= Tom can't speak Japanese, and Sam can't, either.
b. 空格前有逗點,且其前的句子為肯定句,可知空格內應置入 so,故選 (B)。
7. Sandys points out that these types are just as valuable and delicious.
a. (A) point out + that 子句  指出……
The manager pointed out that the workers' low morale has affected productivity.
(B) It turns out + that 子句 結果(竟然)∕最後……
It turned out that Jill was an undercover FBI agent.
結果吉兒竟然是 1 名 FBI 的臥底探員。
(C) give out...  分發……
Carrie helps give out food to homeless people every week.
(D) watch out  小心
We have to watch out for slick roads when driving in the rain.
b. 根據語意及用法,可知 (A) 應為正選。

1. go too/this/that far  (行為舉止)太超過
You've gone too far. You should learn to behave yourself.
2. wasteful a. 浪費的
Mary buys a lot of unnecessary luxury items, so I think she is very wasteful.
3. too + adj./adv. + to V  太……而不能……
本句構中,第一個 too 為副詞,表『太過於』之意,其後通常接形容詞或副詞;第二個 to 則為不定詞,其後須接原形動詞,所形成的不定詞片語當副詞用,修飾其前的 too。
Jack was too sick to go to school yesterday.
Anna is walking too slowly to keep up with her friends.
4. uniformly adv. 均勻地;一致地
All of the children could uniformly recite the English alphabet on command.
所有小朋友在一聲命令下能齊口背誦 26 個英文字母。
5. encourage vt. 鼓勵
encourage sb to V  鼓勵某人(做)……
Anna's parents encouraged her to pursue her dreams.
6. exactly the same  完全一樣地∕的
I have exactly the same T-shirt as yours.
我有一件跟你完全相同的 T 恤。
7. purchase n. & vt. 購買
make a purchase of...  購買……
Jerry made a purchase of a digital TV for his family for Christmas.
傑瑞聖誕節時替家人買了 1 台數位電視。
8. valuable a. 珍貴的,寶貴的
I consider every mistake I make a valuable lesson.
9. All in all, S + V  總之∕總的來說,……
All in all, Bob's schoolwork has improved a lot this semester.
10. value vt. 珍惜
= cherish vt.
= treasure vt.
I value the watch my father gave me for my birthday.
11. suffer vt. 遭受 & vi. 受苦;患病
suffer from...  
John suffered multiple injuries in the car accident.
Oscar suffers from allergies every spring.
Walter was suffering from the flu and had to stay in bed.

1. vendor n. 小販
2. produce n. 農產品(不可數)
3. wastefulness n. 浪費
4. tone n. 色調
5. suitable a. 適合的
6. marketplace n. 市場
7. ideally adv. 理想地
8. pollack n. 綠鱈(魚)
9. organ n. 器官
10. kidney n.(動物可食用的)腰子;腎臟
11. resource n. 資源
答案:1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (A)

2012年6月13日 星期三


East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.”
At least, that’s what English writer Rudyard Kipling said. Truth is, nowadays Easterners and Westerners meet quite often. And when they do meet, naturally, they have to find an appropriate greeting. Aye, there’s the rub. What’s culturally appropriate for people in one culture may be completely out of line in another culture. So the best approach is to follow the well-known maxim, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
So what’s an appropriate salutation for Americans? Maybe you already know how to say, “How are you?” You might even know the customary response, “Fine, thanks, and you?” Is that all there is to greeting people American-style? Well, Americans do often use this trite greeting, and they generally expect nothing but the standard answer. (If you want to shock an American friend, the next time he greets you this way, tell him how you’re really doing.)
那麼,對美國人而言,什麼才是適當的問候語?可能你已經懂得怎麼說「How are you?」
(你好嗎?)你甚至也知道一般常用的回答「Fine, thanks, and you?」(我很好,謝謝,
But most Americans enjoy a little variety now and then. In informal settings, you might hear Americans say, “How’s it going?” (which doesn’t mean, “What’s your destination?”) or “What’s up?” (which isn’t an inquiry about the stock market). Formal situations, on the other hand might call for expressions like “Good morning” or “Hello, it’s nice to see you.”
「How's it going ?」(它不是在問「你的目的地是哪裡?」)或者是「What's up?」(它也不是
詢問股市的動態) 而在另一方面,一個正式的場合所使用的問候語,則可能是「Good morning」
(早安),或是「Hello, it is nice to see you.」(哈囉!很高興見到你。)
After the initial “hello,” what kind of comments are appropriate to kick off a conversation? You might engage in small talk and make a remark about the weather, your job or current events. Or you could ask your American friend about his recent activities or his upcoming plans.
If you know that he’s been under the weather, you might ask him how he’s feeling. But don’t make use of personal comments or questions like “Boy, you’ve put on weight!”or“What are all those bumps on your face?” or “How much money did that necklace cost?”Americans might take offense at questions or comments about money or their appearance.
One other caution: In some social contexts, particularly in an office or a professional setting,greetings between the sexes should be very conservative. If you’re a man, greeting a woman with a statement like “Wow! You look beautiful today!” may be construed as a come-on. So when you’re giving a compliment, the key is to use discretion.
What about overt displays of affection, like hugging and kissing? Contrary to some stereotypes, Americans don’t go around hugging and kissing everyone they meet. Of course, girls might give each other a squeeze as a friendly gesture, and in some high society circles, a little peck on the cheek is a common courtesy. But except with family members and close friends, Americans usually don’t give out wholesale hugs. Besides that, not all Americans are inveterate huggers anyway. So don’t wrap your arms around the next American you see. He or she might be just as uncomfortable as you are.
A man will usually wait for a woman to extend her hand before offering his, however. When you get a chance to shake hands with someone, make it count. People will judge you by the quality of your grip. The “cold fish” approach doesn’t usually go over very well with Americans. Oh, and another thing about handshakes: Let go. You have to know when to stop shaking the other person's hand. Usually, a second or two will do.

@Word Bank
be out of line (idiom) 不合適
maxim (n) 準則;格言
salutation (n) 問候語;寒喧
trite (adj) 平凡普遍的;老套的 
inquiry (n) 詢問
kick off (v phr) 開始
under the weather (idiom) 身體不適 
construe (v) 解釋;推斷
discretion (n) 謹慎
overt (adj) 公然的;公開的
wholesale (adj) 大批的;不分對像的
inveterate (adj)(習慣、疾病等)根深的;積習性的

@The Day's Phrase
The stories behind some of your favorite snacks may surprise you
I can’t put it off. The boss needs that report by tomorrow morning.
People began writing messages in the sky many years ago
I can't go to dinner with you. I have work to do.
Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 60 years as Queen of Britain
You go ahead. I'll meet you later.
Exciting experiences await you on Japan's beautiful northern island
Let's go and visit Bob right now. Now's a good time.
The Queen of England has stayed popular over the decades by changing with the times
Did you call Jane? I just did.
A great gadget goes on your wrist, tips for summer road trips, and competition in the
mobile video-sharing market
Don't lose your head. Things aren't that bad.
It wasn't easy. I had to spend all weekend finishing it.
Like any tool, the Internet works best with a little training, common sense and guidance
I have to have that newspaper immediately!Why is that important?
Knowing what people want is the first step in creating the next great product
Okay, everything is ready. Here we go!

2012年6月7日 星期四

Garfield 加菲貓魅力無法擋

He is grouchy, lazy, and opinionated, and he loves to eat lasagna. Who could this fat, orange cat be? Garfield, of course! Created by Jim Davis, Garfield started out as a character in a comic strip in 1978. Today, he has been in everything from newspapers to movies to theme parks. His TV specials have won Emmys, and he and his friends have become internationally successful. Currently, over 2,600 newspapers run the Garfield comic strip every day.
Garfield has been around for over 30 years and is still adored by fans of all ages. Sales of classic and new Garfield merchandise remain high. Some of the most popular are collections of the comic strips, movies, and how-to drawing books. To keep up with the times, Garfield has also become computer animated. In this way, he has reached a whole new group of children and adults who find his bad manners and grouchy personality irresistible. Garfield and his creator Jim Davis have come a long way since the first comic strip. However, one thing has remained the same-they always have a lot of fun.
C 1. Which of the following is true about Garfield?
(A) He started out as a character in a movie.
(B) He and his friends have only been successful locally.
(C) People can't get enough of his bad manners and grouchy personality.
(D) He failed to make a profit with his merchandise.
1. 關於加菲貓的敘述,下列何者正確?
(A) 他一開始是以電影中的一個角色登場。
(B) 他和他的朋友們只有在國內成名。
(C) 人們很喜愛他粗魯無禮和暴躁的個性。
(D) 他的各種商品無法獲利。
B 2. According to the article, where would you NOT see Garfield?
(A) On DVDs.
(B) In textbooks.
(C) In newspapers.
(D) At amusement parks.
2. 根據本文,您無法在何處看到加菲貓?
(A) DVD中。
(B) 教科書中。
(C) 報紙上。
(D) 遊樂園裡。

@Words & Phrases
1. start out  開始某事(工作、事業等)
When our company first started out, there were only four employees.
2. run vt.(在報章雜誌上)刊登(三態為:run, ran [ rAn ], run。)
The editor-in-chief decided at the last minute not to run the story.
3. adore vt. 愛慕,敬慕
Jenny is very popular. People adore her for her warm personality.
4. keep up with the times  跟上時代
keep up with...  跟上……
Some people don't bother trying to keep up with technology because it is always changing.
5. irresistible a. 無法抗拒的,充滿誘惑力的
After trying on the shoes for fun, I had an irresistible urge to buy them.
6. have come a long way  變化∕進步很大
Information technology has come a long way since the 1980s.
7. can't get enough of...  很喜愛……
People all over the world can't get enough of Kate Middleton's classic and elegant style.
8. make a profit  獲利
Jack is considering closing his restaurant because it hasn't been making a profit.

@Extra Words
1. grouchy a. 脾氣壞的;愛抱怨的
2. opinionated a. 固執己見的,武斷的
3. lasagna n. 義大利千層麵
4. comic strip n. 連環漫畫(本文中亦作形容詞用)
5. merchandise n. 商品

我在關島 on vacation!

說法比一比:★★★★學校:I want to visit my friend.
老外:I'm here to see friends.

A:What is the purpose of your visit?
B:I'm here to see friends.

ex:I'm here on vacation.
ex:We're going to do some sightseeing. 
ex:We're going to go to Disneyland. 

brand 形象差很大!


ex:We sell many different proprietary brands. (我們有販售許多不同的獨家品牌。)
ex:We own the major car brands in the market. (我們擁有市場上主要的汽車品牌。)
ex:We are launching a new luxury brand this month, so I am very busy.
ex:We must be careful not to damage the brand image.(我們必須小心避免損及品牌形象。)

brand  品牌(可數名詞) 

Test Your Brain 腦力大挑戰

by Marcus Maurice
Magicians and directors are always trying to fool the brain.
  The brain is the most complex organ in the body, but it can be misled at the drop of a hat. Examples of master manipulators would be Hollywood directors who devise new ways to elicit emotions, magicians like David Copperfield tricking millions of people with their grand illusions, and even pickpockets creating small distractions to swipe wallets. This month, National Geographic Channel goes inside human skulls to explain how brains are hardwired to make sense of what we see, hear, smell, touch, and taste in Test Your Brain. This three-part series helps viewers get a better understanding about memory and how the senses can be easily distorted.
大腦是人體最複雜的器官,但它也可能瞬間被誤導。設計新穎手法以引發觀眾情緒的好萊塢導演、像大衛.考柏菲等以華麗錯覺唬住數百萬人的魔術師,甚至是使人稍微分心好偷走錢包的扒手,都是矇騙高手的例子。本月國家地理頻道的《腦力大挑戰》系列,將探索頭殼內的奧秘,解開大腦神經如何聯結,以使我們理解五種感官知覺。這個系列共分 3 部,幫助觀眾更加了解自己的記憶力,以及我們的感官有多容易受到扭曲。
  If the brain is the ultimate supercomputer, Copperfield is one of the best hackers the world has ever known. He, along with a group of experts, tests, tricks, and deceives a group of volunteers with audience control. Hollywood directors also know how to hoodwink viewers to make them feel the sensations they want. Have you ever watched a movie scene so gruesome that you had to turn away because you felt you were being hurt? Test Your Brain reveals why people actually feel illusions with their eyes.
如果大腦是終極超級電腦,那大衛.考柏菲就是世界上最著名的駭客之一了。他和 1 群好手以操控觀眾的方式,試探、唬弄而騙倒一些志願上台的觀眾。好萊塢導演也知道該如何矇蔽觀眾,讓他們的喜怒哀樂照自己的劇本走。你可曾看到某部片的恐怖場景,因為錯覺自己會受傷而別過頭不看?《腦力大挑戰》系列將揭曉為什麼人類用雙眼看東西會產生錯覺。
  Detectives don't have easy jobs, and to make it even harder, 10 witnesses to the same crime can pick 10 different suspects out of a police line-up. This means that every single person has his or her own selective memory, and sometimes false memories are created during recollection. Test Your Brain dives into the tiniest intricacies of the brains which make us who we are.
警探的工作一點也不簡單,而讓他們的工作更加艱難之處在於,同一宗犯罪案件的 10 個目擊證人可以在警局的一排嫌疑犯中,指認出 10 個不同的嫌犯。這表示每個人都有選擇性記憶,有時候在回想時還會產生錯誤的記憶。《腦力大挑戰》系列探究人類頭腦最細微錯綜複雜之處,就是這些成就了每個人的獨特之處。

1. complex a. 複雜的
= complicated a.
The philosopher's ideas were too complex for me to understand.
2. mislead vt. 誤導
Don't be misled by David's appearance. He is actually a very nice person.
3. at the drop of a hat  瞬間;立刻
Sally would go to that concert at the drop of a hat if the tickets weren't so expensive.
4. manipulator n. 善於擺佈他人者,善於操控者
manipulate vt. 操縱,控制
Kathy is good at manipulating her husband into buying her what she wants.
5. devise vt. 設計;策劃
The teacher devised a game to make learning more interesting and effective.
這位老師設計出 1 個遊戲讓學習更有趣也更有效果。
6. elicit vt. 引出;誘出
elicit sth from sb  從某人誘出(事實、回應等)
Sean elicited a smile from his girlfriend with his silly joke.
7. trick vt. 欺騙
trick sb into + V-ing  欺騙某人(做)……
The conman tricked me into giving him NT$10,000.
那個騙子從我這兒騙走 1 萬塊新台幣。
8. distraction n. 使人分心的事物
distract vt. 使分心
distract sb from + N/V-ing  
The noise from the construction site distracted David from his studies.
9. swipe vt. 偷竊(= steal vt.)
Someone swiped my cell phone from my pocket while I was on the MRT.
10. make sense of...  理解∕懂得……
John couldn't make sense of the street signs because they were written in Japanese.
11. get a better understanding about/of...
The geography teacher helped the students get a better understanding of earthquakes.
12. distort vt. 扭曲;曲解
Beth distorted what I said to her during our conversation.
13. hacker n. 駭客(企圖不法入侵他人電腦系統者)
hack vt. 入侵(電腦)
Someone hacked my account and stole all my banking information.
14. deceive vt. 欺騙
You should never deceive others. Eventually, the truth will come to light.
15. sensation n. 感覺,知覺;轟動
cause a sensation  引起轟動
Rose's acting debut caused a sensation on Broadway.
16. reveal vt. 揭露;揭示
The serial killer refused to reveal his motives at the trial.
17. selective a. 有選擇性的
selective memory  選擇性記憶
We should always be selective with the information we share with others.
18. dive into...  探究……;埋首於……
After completing his studies, Ricky dove into looking for his dream job.

1. organ n. 器官
2. illusion n. 錯覺
3. pickpocket n. 扒手
4. skull n. 頭骨
5. hardwired a.(電腦作業)由硬體控制的;(引申為)天生的
6. ultimate a. 終極的;最終的
7. supercomputer n. 超級電腦
8. hoodwink vt. 欺瞞,矇蔽
9. gruesome a. 可怕的
10. detective n. 刑警,警探;偵探
11. suspect n. 嫌犯
12. line-up n.(待目擊者辨認的)一排嫌疑犯
13. recollection n. 回憶
14. intricacy n. 錯綜複雜