2013年3月30日 星期六


說法比一比:★★★學校:I gave what I've learned back to the teacher.(我把所學的一切都還給老師了。)
老外:I don't remember anything from my classes.(我完全記不得上課的內容了。)

A:What year was the Yuan Dynasty founded?
B:Are you kidding? I don't remember anything from my history classes.

ex:I forgot all that stuff as soon as the test was over.(考試一考完,我就什麼都忘了。)
ex:I wish I had paid more attention in class.(要是我上課能更專心就好了。)

‧from class課堂上的

Oh, stop!別再限制我買東西了!


Terri : Without shoes, I don't know if life would be worth living.
Melinda : Oh, stop!
Terri : You know what I mean. If I don't wear my Blowholios for a day or two, it's like life becomes
   decaffeinated. It's just not the same.
  (泰瑞:妳知道我的意思。如果我一兩天沒有穿上我的Blowholios 鞋的話,就像是生命少了
Melinda : You can have a lot of fun barefoot, too. Believe me.

Oh, stop!  噢,別說了!
當某人一直說個不停,或是誇張地表現自己時,你可以用這句話"Oh, stop!" 對他們演出的戲碼喊停。如此,你不只是說了「停」而已,還為你所聽到的話作出了批判。你批評他們說的話太過誇張或是太多,或是太令人厭煩。你的姊姊是否喜歡不停地發表高見,老是告訴你該這樣,該那樣?當你聽夠了,你就可以說,"Oh, stop!"

Breath of Life 活力呼吸

by Rebecca A. Say
Sometimes what you take for granted can have a big impact on your life.
  If you want to live a better life, stop and smell the roses. Well, not exactly. This common saying means we should slow down and enjoy small moments, but when it comes to health, it means what it says—take a moment to breathe. Breathing comes so naturally to us that we are hardly aware that we are constantly doing it. However, each breath is vitally important to our survival. _(1)_ Regular breaths do this job well enough, but getting into the habit of breathing deeply increases your health substantially. Deep breathing stimulates your lymphatic system, prevents premature aging, clears your mind, and much more. _(2)_ A basic deep breathing exercise begins by sitting up straight and inhaling first to fill your lower abdomen, then middle, and then chest. _(3)_ After practicing these exercises regularly, you will come to a point where you will feel more energized and alert throughout the day.
  Another benefit of deep breathing is revealed during stressful situations. _(4)_ A simple example of this is when a mother is frustrated with a naughty child. _(5)_ In extreme cases, deep breathing can be life saving, such as when it is used during panic attacks. Those who make deep breathing a practice are better at getting through the attack than those who don't. Remember if you want an easy way to improve your health, give your lungs an extra workout today.

(A) To get these benefits, set aside a few minutes several times a day for breathing exercises.
(B) The purpose of breathing in medication is to calm the mind and develop inner peace.
(C) Not only does it bring oxygen into our bodies, but it also expels toxins.
(D) In these stressful situations, deep breaths calm people down quickly by expelling built-up carbon dioxide and giving them something to focus on instead of stress.
(E) When exhaling, start by pushing the air out of the lower abdomen, then middle, and then chest as if you were making waves.
(F) Taking a moment to breathe deeply allows her to calm herself down and better handle the situation in a positive and teaching way.


2013年3月28日 星期四

How did you like.....?

How did you like Tailand?
How did you like in Bankok?
How did you like your papaya smoothie?
How did you like my shirt?
How did you like my dancing?
How did you like being on the show?
How did you like working with me?

How was your stay in Tailand?

The land of smile - Tailand

--NHK おとなの基礎英語

2013年3月22日 星期五

That bad, huh?=這麼糟啊?

技術挑戰指數:★★★★原本租的房子到期了,好不容易找到合適的房子來住,卻發現小小的套房有兩個角落屋頂漏水,戶外下大雨時;室內就下小雨,浴室裡頭的熱水還忽冷忽熱,碰到這種倒楣事的朋友向你訴苦,除了要好好安慰他之外,其實這也是練習"that bad, huh?"的好時機喔!
Claire:Well, he's new. Maybe you should give him another chance.
Nicole:Listen, Claire. The guy didn't even know how to save his work.
Claire:That bad, huh?.

that bad, huh? 這麼糟啊?當用英文說某件事"that bad",就是指"it is really bad"(非常糟糕)的意
思。在"that bad"後面加了"huh"是表示聆聽者原本不理解情況有多糟或發話者為何不滿,而現在總

等等,那杯not your typical啤酒‏

Claire:Hey, what did you put in this martini Zoe?
Zoe:Oh, I just threw in a splash of tomato juice.
Claire:That's not your typical martini.
Zoe:Well, I'm not your typical bartender.

not your typical 不是你想的那種一般的......當某件事可以形容為"not your typical",也就是指它是

From Mayflower to November  感恩‧火雞‧五月花‏


by Jeremy Beacock

Thanksgiving celebrates some of the earliest American colonists.

  After Christmas, the next most important festival towards the end of the American calendar year is Thanksgiving. This November celebration is a time for families to get together, eat turkey, and give thanks. This holiday celebrates some of the first English settlers in America. At the beginning of the 17th century, Europe was in turmoil thanks to religious arguments between older versions of Christianity and a newer one called Protestantism. In England, one group of Protestants in particular wanted to leave the old world to worship in peace. Learning about the new continent, America, they decided to travel there.
美國的一年接近尾聲時,重要性僅次於聖誕節的節日便是感恩節了。這個 11 月的節慶是家人團聚、吃火雞和表達感謝之意的時刻。這個節日紀念美國一些早期的英國移民。17 世紀初,歐洲由於傳統基督教派和新教這個新支派間的宗教紛爭而陷入混亂。當時英格蘭特別有一個新教團體想離開這個舊世界,以便安靜地做禮拜。當他們得知美洲新大陸這地方時,便決定前往。
  More than 100 Pilgrims, as they came to be known, set off in 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower. They landed in New England at a place called Plymouth Rock. However, the Pilgrims' first year was very difficult. Many of them died, but they were able to reap their first harvest in 1621. To celebrate, they followed the old English tradition of holding a harvest festival. They were joined by the local Native Americans, who also brought food. This meal was the first Thanksgiving.
1620 年,一百多名後來被稱為『清教徒』的人搭乘一艘名為『五月花號』的船隻出發。他們在新英格蘭一處名為『普里茅茲岩』的地方登陸。然而,這些清教徒的第一年過得很艱辛。有許多人病死,但他們在 1621 年有了第一次的收成。為了慶祝收成,他們依循英格蘭的舊傳統,舉行豐收慶典。美國原住民也帶了食物來和他們一同慶祝。這場餐會便成了第一次的感恩節。
  The tradition gradually took root across the entire US. At first, Thanksgivings were mostly irregular, local affairs. However, in 1939, US President Franklin Roosevelt cemented its place in the calendar by declaring the fourth Thursday of November to be the national day of Thanksgiving. Since then, Thanksgiving has grown to its current stature. While the Pilgrims might not recognize much of the festivities now, they would recognize the food. The turkey and corn that are the centerpieces of Thanksgiving meals are a direct link to that first harvest celebration.
這項傳統逐漸在全美國紮根。剛開始,感恩節的慶祝多半是不定時舉辦的地方聚會。不過在 1939 年,法蘭克林‧羅斯福總統宣布 11 月的第四個星期四是感恩節,從此奠定感恩節為全國性節日的地位。從那時起,感恩節便逐漸演變至今日的情況。儘管當年的清教徒可能不認識今日的慶祝活動,不過,相信他們一定認得出餐桌上的食物。因為感恩節大餐中的要角――火雞和玉米――是和第一次收成慶典最直接的關連。
1. celebration n. 慶祝
in celebration of...  慶祝……
例: My father bought me a brand-new bike in celebration of my birthday.
2. get together (with sb)  (和某人)相聚∕聚會
例: Peter plans to get together with his former colleagues this weekend.
3. turmoil n. 混亂
in turmoil  在混亂中
例: The global economy has been in turmoil since the fall of the major financial institution.
4. thanks to...  由於∕因為……
例: Thanks to the typhoon, all the flights were delayed.
5. worship vi. 做禮拜;敬神
例: Mary worships at church every Sunday.
6. in 和平地
live in peace with sb  和某人和平共處
例: Frank found it impossible to live in peace with his neighbor, so he moved.
7. set off (for + 地方)  出發∕啟程(前往某地)
= set out (for + 地方)
例: After watching that movie, you'll get the urge to set off for Paris.
8. harvest n. 收成,收獲 & vt. 收割
a good harvest  豐收
例: This year's rice harvest was affected by the typhoon.
例: With the new machines, the farmers find it easier to harvest their crops.
9. gradually adv. 逐漸地
例: Harley gradually recovered from his painful breakup.
10. take root  生根,深植人心
例: Democracy is taking root in that country.
11. irregular a. 不規律的
regular a. 規律的
例: Henry's irregular eating habits resulted in physical problems.
12. affair n. 事務(常用複數);風流韻事,婚外情(單數)
personal affairs  私事
international affairs  國際事務
foreign affairs  外交事務
have an affair with sb  與某人有婚外情
例: Being too curious about the affairs of others can lead to trouble.
例: David had an affair with his secretary, so his wife divorced him.
13. cement vt. 使強固(= strengthen)& n. 水泥
例: The foundation of a good friendship is best cemented in sincerity and honesty.
14. declare vt. 宣佈
例: The candidate declared victory as soon as the election results were announced.
15. recognize vt. 辨認,辨識
例: Bill recognized the handwriting, so he knew who wrote the letter.
16. centerpiece n. 最重要的部分
例: The magic show was the centerpiece of my son's birthday celebration.
1. festival n. 節日
2. calendar n. 日曆
3. turkey n. 火雞;火雞肉
4. settler n. 開拓者;殖民者
5. religious a. 宗教的
religion n. 宗教
6. Christianity n. 基督教
7. Protestantism n. 新教
8. Protestant n. 新教徒 & a. 新教的
9. continent n. 大陸,洲
10. pilgrim n.(大寫)1620 年搭乘五月花號移居美國的英國清教徒;(小寫)朝聖者
11. reap vt. 收割
12. stature n. 身高;規模(本文用法)
13. festivity n. 慶典,慶祝活動
Grammar Tips 
in particular  特別地,尤其是
= particularly adv.
= especially adv.
in particular 與 particularly、especially 均為強調名詞的副詞,但前者置於名詞後,作後位修飾,而後兩者則置於名詞或代名詞之前。
例: I loved the movie, the ending in particular.
= I loved the movie, particularly the ending.
= I loved the movie, especially the ending.


Peggy is looking a little gloomy today and Patrick, her co-worker, goes over to see if he can cheer her up. Peggy 今天看起來有點憂鬱,而她同事 Patrick 過去試著要安慰她一下。
Patrick: Why the long face?Patrick:為什麼扳著一副臉孔呢?
Peggy: My husband just got transferred to China.
Patrick: When does he leave?
Peggy: He has already left. He left last night.
Patrick: Is the transfer temporary or permanent?
Peggy: I'm not sure. All I know is that he will come back once every couple of months for the time being.
Patrick: Ouch! That could put a strain on your marriage.
Peggy: I know. I'm afraid that we'll grow apart or that he'll cheat on me.
Patrick: Yeah. I heard that most Taiwanese men who work in China have a mistress or a girlfriend.
Peggy: I don't know what to do.
Patrick: Did you talk it over with him before he left and tell him your feelings?
Peggy: Yes, but he said that he didn't have a choice because jobs were getting more and more scarce.
Patrick: Why don't you move to China?
Peggy: We have an apartment here and a mortgage to pay. We are considering selling it, but the real estate market has really cooled off lately.
Patrick: Well, let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
Peggy: Thanks. I will.
1. mortgage (n.) 抵押借款

例:We have an apartment here and a mortgage to pay.


例:They have paid off the mortgage.


2. scarce (adj.) 缺乏的

例:He said that he didn't have a choice because jobs were getting more and more scarce.


例:Food and fuel were scarce.


3. mistress (n.) 情婦

例:I heard that most Taiwanese men who work in China have a mistress or a girlfriend.


例:He has a mistress in China.


4. strain (n.) 緊張狀態

例:That could put a strain on your marriage.


例:This could put a strain on our relationship.


5. transfer (n.) 調任

例:Is the transfer temporary or permanent?


例:He wants a transfer to another team.



I have paid the _____.
Books and pens were _____.
He wants a _____ to another school.




I have paid the mortgage.
Books and pens were scarce.
He wants a transfer to another school.


1. 暫時/目前

   for the time being

例:All I know is that he will come back once every couple of months for the time being.


例::Let's buy a smaller house for the time being.


※ 小叮嚀:
可以用 "for now" 或 "for the moment" 取代。

2. (關係)愈來愈遠

   主詞 + grow apart

例:I'm afraid that we'll grow apart or that he'll cheat on me.


例:We really grow apart after graduating.



1. 你必須暫時留在這裡。

2. 我並不在乎我們關係變得越來越遠。_____________________________________________________________________

1. You'll have to stay here for the time being.

2. I don't care about we growing apart.
Patrick and Ada are having a chat about marriage, and they are giving their opinions on marrying someone from a different country. Patrick 和 Ada 正聊到婚姻的事;他們正對異國婚姻表達各自的意見。
Patrick: Would you ever consider marrying a foreigner?Patrick:你有沒有想過嫁給外國人呢?
Ada: Why not? As long as I'm in love with that person, I don't care where he comes from.
Patrick: That's what I thought at first, but now I'm starting to have doubts.
Ada: Why do you say that?
Patrick: Because I have many friends who are married to women from here, and I've heard a lot of horror stories.
Ada: Come on! They were probably just exaggerating.
Patrick: I don't think so. One of my best friend's spouse seems to be psycho! She has these terrible mood swings and he really has to watch out what he says to her. He never knows if he's going to say something that might set her off. He says that he always feels like he's "walking on eggshells".
Ada: That's just one couple. I think that you' re just generalizing!
Patrick: No way! I've got many other examples to back up my opinion! I have three other friends who are in the same boat.
Ada: But maybe those guys are to blame! You've only heard one side of the story.
Patrick: Maybe you're right. But there's no doubt in my mind that you should really think twice before making a life-long commitment.
1. foreigner (n.) 外國人

例:Would you ever consider marrying a foreigner?


例:The foreigner is his wife.


2. exaggerate (v.) 誇大其詞

例:They were probably just exaggerating.


例:He always exaggerates.


3. spouse (n.) 配偶

例:One of my best friend's spouse seems to be psycho!


例:Their spouses are not teachers.


4. generalize (v.) 泛論

例:I just think that you're just generalizing!


例:This teacher is always generalizing.


5. couple (n.) 夫婦

例:That's just one couple.


例:The young couple decided to start their tour tomorrow.



A: That _____'s _____ is a Japanese. The _____ is very young.
B: You're too _____. Both of them are fifty years old.

(A: 那位外國人的配偶是日本人。這對夫婦非常年輕。B: 你太誇大其詞了,他們兩人都 50 歲了。)



A: That foreigner's spouse is a Japanese. The couple is very young.
B: You're too exaggerating. Both of them are fifty years old.


1. 把某人惹毛

   to set sb. off

例:He never knows if he's going to say something that might set her off.


例::I am afraid what I just said has set her off.


※ 小叮嚀:
"to set off" 原指「引爆.../使...爆炸」。

2. 共患難

   be in the same boat

例:I have three other friends who are in the same boat.


例:We're all in the same boat, so let's not criticize each other.



1. 你一但把他惹毛了,他可能採取報復手段。

2. 真正的朋友會與你共患難。_____________________________________________________________________

1. Once you set him off, he will probably take revenge.

2. True friends are in the same boat with you.

Monster Fish 尋找超級大魚‏


It is not unusual to hear about people being attacked in the wild by animals like bears and wolves, but what about fish, specifically "Monster Fish?" This month, National Geographic Channel teams up with Dr. Zeb Hogan to locate, study, and protect the world's largest freshwater1 fish and their natural habitats2. To do this, he travels to some of the deepest as well as longest rivers in the remote corners of the planet.



  For years, Dr. Hogan has been studying freshwater fish, especially megafish. Some of his findings are shocking. Over 700 types of freshwater fish in North America as well as 200 in Europe are in danger of extinction. What is the cause? People and climate change are mostly at fault, along with more powerful fish that invade and take over other species' habitats. Take the flying carp3 from Asia for example. These megafish weigh up to 45 kilograms, can jump three meters into the air, and have invaded4 the Mississippi River system. In the "River Invasion" episode, Dr. Hogan tries to give the native fish a fighting chance against these foreign invaders.
多年來,霍根博士一直在進行淡水魚類的研究,尤其是超級大魚。而他的某些發現令人頗感震驚。北美有超過七百種、而歐洲亦有兩百多種的淡水魚類都身陷絕種的危機。原因為何?人類和氣候變遷要負起最大責任,連同那些入侵並佔據其它物種棲息地的較強壯魚類也難辭其咎。以源自亞洲的銀鯉為例(編按:flying carp亦稱為silver carp)。這些超級大魚的重量可達四十五公斤,還能夠躍出水面至三公尺高,並已入侵了密西西比河流域。在《外來危機》這集節目中,霍根博士試著要給當地的原生魚類一個拼搏的機會,來抵禦這些外來的不速之客。
Building Your Vocabulary 
1. specifically adv. 明確地說;專門地
I wrote this song specifically for my son.
2. locate vt. 找到,找出(某物的確切位置)
The police have yet to locate our stolen car.
3. remote a. 遙遠的,偏遠的
Marion lived in a remote part of Taiwan.
4. extinction n. 滅絕,絕種
Polar bears are at risk of extinction now.
5. invasion n. 入侵,侵略
The new software can prevent the invasion of viruses.
Phrases for Learning 

1. be in danger of...  有……的危險
Those kids are in danger of starving to death.
2. be at fault (for...)  (對……)應負責∕有過錯
The babysitter was at fault for lying to the child's parents.
3. take over...  佔據∕接管……
The boss assigned me to take over Bill's job.
Extra Words 

1. freshwater a. 淡水的
2. habitat n.(動物的)棲息地
3. carp n. 鯉魚
4. invade vt. 侵入,侵犯invader n. 侵略者
Grammar Check 
...the deepest as well as longest...(……最深最長的……)
...are mostly at fault, along with more powerful fish that...
  "...as well as..."以及"along with..."兩者皆表『……和∕以及……』,前者為一對等連接詞,後者為一介詞,兩者在連接主詞時,其動詞皆須跟著第一個主詞作變化。
Josephine as well as her sisters loves reading.
= Josephine along with her sisters loves reading.

輕鬆學會Introducing yourself to another

ex:Hello. I am Josh McDowell, the General Manager of 7-11 in the U.S.
ex:Allow me to introduce myself. I am Jenny Bridges. I work for ABC Company. 
ex:I don't think we have met before. I am Betty Windam. 
ex:I am Harriet Bookman. Please to meet you.


Identifying people 可不能莽莽撞撞‏

ex:Pardon me. Are you Mr. Burk? 
ex:Hi! You must be Robert Johnson. 
ex:Excuse me. You are Julia Roberts, aren't you?
ex:Coule you be Miss Warner, by any chance? 

如果是到機場接機的話,除了基本認人時應有對話,通常還應該詢問對方:"How was your flight?

Fields of Gold  綠色黃金,飢貧救星



by Li Chen

As part of the Manzanar Project, mangroves are providing food and wealth for Eritrea.

  When American biologist Gordon Sato was 14 years old, his family was forced to become self-sufficient in the harsh conditions at the Manzanar relocation camp for Japanese-Americans in 1942. _(1)_ He has focused on the African nation of Eritrea, one of the poorest countries in the world with no sustainable economy. The aim of the Manzanar Project is to eliminate hunger and poverty while relieving global warming. _(2)_ In turn, they gain the necessary skills to be self-sufficient in producing food and wealth for themselves.
1942 年,美國生物學家戈登‧佐藤正值 14 歲,他們全家被迫在為日裔美籍人士設置的曼札納安置營艱困的環境下,過著自給自足的生活。由於歷經這段苦難的日子,佐藤用他的『曼札納計劃』致力於減少飢餓問題已超過 20 年之久。這項計劃的重點放在非洲國家厄利垂亞,它是全世界最貧窮的國家之一,缺少足以自立的經濟。『曼札納計劃』的目標在於減輕全球暖化的同時,也消弭飢餓和貧窮。達到目標的方式是教導厄利垂亞人利用科技來運用其自然資源。接著,人民獲得必要的技能,便能為自己帶來食物和財富,過著自給自足的生活。
  The answer lies in a plant native to the coastal deserts of Eritrea—the mangrove tree. _(3)_ The mangrove has an extensive root system that slows the flow of water, thus protecting the coastal areas from erosion. _(4)_ However, the main benefits for the Manzanar Project are in the mangrove leaves. Since they are rich in protein, mangrove leaves make for excellent fodder for the area's livestock. When mixed with dried mangrove seeds and a small portion of fish meal, the leaves provide enough nutrition for the animals to produce offspring as well as milk. _(5)_
  Since the mid-1980s, Sato and the Manzanar Project have planted over 800,000 mangrove trees and improved the standard of living in Eritrea. Even so, the Project strives to train more people to use low-tech solutions to end hunger and poverty.
從 1980 年代中期開始,佐藤帶著『曼札納計劃』已種植超過 80 萬棵紅樹林樹木,改善了厄利垂亞的生活水平。即使如此,這項計劃還是努力訓練更多人民,不須用高科技的辦法就能終結飢餓和貧窮。
(A) The Project does this by training the locals in Eritrea to use technology to harness its natural resources.
(B) In addition, the roots provide a habitat for young fish and other sea life to flourish.
(C) Because of this trying experience, Sato has been devoted to alleviating hunger with his Manzanar Project for more than 20 years.
(D) Just like the domino effect, the mangroves feed the animals, the animals feed the people, and the people survive to give back to the community.
(E) What makes this tree special is the fact that it grows in seawater.
1. 第一題空格應選 (C)
a. 空格前一句說到,戈登‧佐藤 14 歲時,他們全家被迫在曼札納(Manzanar)安置營艱困的環境下,過著自給自足的生活。
b. (C) 選項的句子提到,由於這段苦難的經歷,佐藤用他的『曼札納計劃』(Manzanar Project)致力於減少飢餓問題已超過 20 年之久,前後語意連貫,其中 Manzanar 形成關鍵字,故選之。
a. trying a. 難受的,嚴酷的
b. be devoted to + N/V-ing  獻身∕致力於……
= be dedicated to + N/V-ing
例: Mr. Chen has been devoted to education his whole life.
c. alleviate vt. 減輕,緩和
例: To alleviate her worries, Mary always turns to her best friend.
2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
a. 空格前一句提到,『曼札納計劃』的目標在於減輕全球暖化的同時,也消弭飢餓和貧窮,推測下一句應是說明達到目標的方式。
b. (A) 選項的句子接著說,達到目標的方式,是教導厄利垂亞人利用科技來運用其自然資源,符合上述推測,且前後語意連貫,故選之。
a. harness vt. 利用;駕馭
例: Some countries harness the sun's rays as a source of energy.
b. resource n. 資源
natural resources  自然資源
3. 第三題空格應選 (E)
a. 空格前一句說,要達成計劃目標的關鍵在於紅樹林,可知下一句應是說明紅樹林的特色。
b. (E) 選項的句子提到,紅樹林特別之處是它生長在海水中。符合推論,且前後語意連貫,故選之。
4. 第四題空格應選 (B)
a. 空格前一句說到,大片蔓延的樹根(an extensive root system)會減緩海流速度,進而保護沿岸土壤免於遭受侵蝕。
b. (B) 選項的句子說,此外,紅樹林的樹根(roots)提供幼魚和其他海中生物一個繁殖的棲息地,補充說明紅樹林樹根的作用,前後語意連貫,故選之。
a. root n.(植物的)根
b. habitat n. 棲息地
c. flourish vi. 繁榮,茂盛
例: My garden flourished this summer because of the warm weather.
5. 第五題空格應選 (D)
a. 空格前一句提到,紅樹林樹葉混入乾燥的紅樹林種子和少許的魚粉,便可提供動物足夠的營養以繁衍後代和製造乳汁。
b. (D) 選項的句子接著說,就好比骨牌效應,紅樹林供給動物養分,動物提供人類食物,而人類生存下來回饋社會,為整個利用紅樹林的效益作總結,且前後語意連貫,故選之。
a. domino n. 骨牌
domino effect  骨牌效應(指一件事情的發生,引致類似事情相繼發生所產生的連鎖反應)
b. mangrove n. 紅樹林
c. survive vi. 生存;活下來,倖存
例:Most underwater organisms cannot survive on land.
d. give back to...  回饋給……
例: I plan to give back to my school once I'm successful.
e. community n. 社會
1. self-sufficient a. 自給自足的
sufficient a. 充分的,足夠的
例: Sufficient sleep is vital to one's health.
2. eliminate vt. 消除,消滅
例: We have to eliminate racial inequality in our society.
3. relieve vt. 減輕,緩和
例: Aspirin will relieve your headache.
4. lie in...  在於……
= consist in...
例: A child's future lies in a good education.
5. be native to + 地方  原產於某地,是某地特有的
= be unique to + 地方
= be indigenous to + 地方
例: The horse, not native to America, was introduced by the French.
6. make for...  能成為……;(有助於)促成……
例: Candlelight, champagne, and music can make for a romantic evening.
7. provide A for B  提供 A 給 B
= provide B with A
例: My cousin provided me with a bed for the night.
8. strive to V  努力∕奮鬥(做)……
strive 三態為:strive , strove , striven 。
例: Every team strives to win the championship.
1. biologist n. 生物學家
2. harsh a. 艱苦的,嚴酷的
3. relocation n. 重新安置;遷移
a relocation camp  拘留營,安置營
4. sustainable a. 能長期維持的
5. coastal a. 沿海的,海岸的
6. extensive a. 廣闊的,廣大的
7. erosion n. 侵蝕,腐蝕
8. protein n. 蛋白質
9. fodder n. 飼料,糧秣
10. livestock n. 家畜(集合名詞,不可數)
11. portion n. 部分
12. fish meal  魚粉
13. nutrition n. 營養(不可數)
14. offspring n. 後代,子孫(視為複數,不可數)
15. standard n. 標準,水準
the standard of living  生活水準,生活水平
16. low-tech a. 低技術的

1. focus on...  專注於……
2. in turn  接著,然後
3. be rich in...  富含……
答案: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (E) 4. (B) 5. (D)


What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual. What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual. What do you call someone who speaks one language? An American.
To people in many countries, being bilingual or even trilingual is a way of life.
But since the mother tongue of most Americans is English—a language widely spoken around the world—they often don’t feel the need to learn a foreign language. Moreover, people who live in the heartland of America have little contact with other linguistic groups, making foreign language skills irrelevant.
Actually, though, this “land of immigrants” has always had people of many different nationalities—and languages. The 1990 census indicates that almost 14% of Americans speak a non-English language at home. Yet only 3% reported that they spoke English “not well” or “not at all.” That means that slightly more than one out of 10 Americans could be considered bilingual. Besides that, many high school and college
students—and even some elementary school students—are required to take a foreign language as a part of their curriculum.
In addition to old standbys like Spanish, German and French, more and more students are opting for Eastern European and Asian languages. Of course, not all students keep up their foreign language abilities. As the old saying goes, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” But still, a growing number of Americans are coming to appreciate the benefits of being multilingual.
Ethnic enclaves, found particularly in major metropolitan centers, have preserved the language and culture of American immigrants. Some local residents can function quite well in their native language, without having to bother learning English. Regions such as southern Florida and the Southwest have numerous Spanish-speaking neighborhoods.
In fact, Spanish speakers—numbering over 17 million—compose the largest non-English linguistic group in America. But Chinese, Vietnamese, Italian, Polish and many other ethnic groups add to the linguistic flavor of America. Foreign languages are so commonly used in some ethnic neighborhoodsthat visitors might think they are in another country!
Although some Americans welcome this linguistic and cultural diversity, others have begun to fear that the English language is being threatened. Since the 1980s, the “English Only” movement has sought to promote legislation which would establish English as the “official language” and restrict the use of non-English languages.
語」(English Only)運動即試著開始推動立
However, some groups, including TESOL, the organization for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, object to such “language restrictionism." Their view, known as “English Plus," suggests that Americans should have respect for people’s native language and culture, while promoting the teaching of English to help them fit into the mainstream of society. But so far, 19 states have passed English Only legislation, and the topic is the focus of an ongoing debate.
(簡稱T E S O L ),就反對這種「語言限制
(English Plus),建議美國人應尊重其他族
Whether or not English is the official language of the United States, it remains the “language of wider communication.” Nearly everyone recognizes the need to develop proficiency in English in order to do well in America. To help those who want to brush up on their English skills, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes abound. Cities with large numbers of recent immigrants often set up bilingual education programs to
teach students content subjects in their native language while they improve their English.
語言的機構(E S L )到處都是。擁有大批
Language educators often have strong and divergent views as to which approach helps learners achieve better results: a bilingual approach, an ESL approach—or even a pure immersion (“sink or swim”) approach. However, all these teachers share a common commitment: to help students function well in English.
有效地學習英語——利用雙語教學、E S L
Americans recognize that English is the de facto international language, and people with good English skills can get by in many international settings. On the other hand, in a world growing increasingly smaller, second language skills can be a great boon. They can build cross-cultural bridges and give people an edge in a variety of career fields. Indeed, lack of foreign language proficiency can limit one’s chances for advancement—and keep one in a cultural cul-de-sac. As many people in America are discovering, being monolingual is no laughing matter.
?Word Bankbilingual (adj) 能說二種語言的
mother tongue (n phr) 母語
linguistic group (n phr) 語言族群
curriculum (n) 課程
standby (n) 大家偏愛且常見的選擇
enclave (n) 被包領土
cultural diversity (n phr) 文化多樣化
language restrictionism (n phr) 語言限制主義
divergent (adj) 分歧的;差異的
immersion (n) 浸入
de facto (adv) 實際地;事實上
boon (n) 恩賜;益處
cul-de-sac (n) 窮途末路;死路;死巷
The Day's Phrase 
An amazing dance style is back
I always feel like I will never measure up to my older brother. 我總覺得我永遠達不到我哥哥的標準。

Brian's face fell when I told him I could not come to his birthday party.
Discover the fantastic world beneath the earth in Lebanon
My birthday is next week. I know that Jason has something up his sleeve to surprise me. 我生日在下禮拜。我知道傑生一定有什麼給我驚喜的花樣。

Give yourself a pat on the back for finishing your homework early.
Don't put me on a pedestal just because I am beautiful!
If you have a problem I will be your shoulder to cry on.
America starts Thanksgiving in style
A fancy car is just a status symbol.一部很炫的車只不過是個社會地位的表徵罷了。
A closer look at where technology is and where it is going
You did a great job in the play. You stole the show!
One hundred years after Twain's death, his memorable characters live on吐溫逝世百年之後,他令人難忘的書中角色仍繼續存留於世
Jenny, please slow down! You are talking a mile a minute!
I had to wake up at the crack of dawn to go to the airport.

John is positioning himself for 面試

Sophie:Did you talk to Ken?
Gary:Yeah. He's definitely up to something. No doubt about it. He's still positioning
   himself for that promotion. 
Sophie:But why would he suddenly start helping me? 
Gary:I'll figure it out. Probably wants you to relax your defenses. Be wary.


.to position oneself for sth. 為了某事而替自己佈局

你就試試看嘛!That's all I ask.

Gary:One minute. That's all I ask. 
Ken:I can't believe I'm considering this. 

.That's all I ask. 我只要求這些。此句是用來談判的句子,使用"That's all I ask."這個句子來清楚

A Worthwhile Cause  遏止愛滋,履行承諾‏


by Marcus Maurice

World AIDS Day is an opportunity to focus on a major problem around the world.

  The idea of choosing a day to simply bring attention to a cause might seem like a small thing. For important issues like AIDS, though, it is not enough that only researchers and doctors are _(1)_ the problem. People all over the world need to know about the situation. With World AIDS Day, the hope is to raise _(2)_ of AIDS and the difficulties people living with HIV and AIDS have.
單純為了引起大眾注意某件事而選擇一天作為紀念日,這看起來或許微不足道,但對於像愛滋病這種重大議題而言,光靠研究人員及醫生努力解決問題是不夠的。世界各地的人都有必要了解情況。藉著世界愛滋病日,希望大眾能對愛滋病、以及感染 HIV 的人和愛滋病患者所面臨的困難有更進一步的了解。
  In 1988, the World Health Organization _(3)_ December 1 World AIDS Day during a summit for AIDS prevention. It has _(4)_ been put into practice by governments and organizations around the world. The object of this day is to shed light on the myths about AIDS and to publicize the fact that there are an _(5)_ 33.4 million children and adults living with HIV and AIDS. Each year around World AIDS Day, charities and organizations have seminars, classes, and fundraisers with the focus on AIDS research.
1988 年,在愛滋病防預計劃的高峰會議上,世界衛生組織宣佈 12 月 1 號為世界愛滋病日。全球各國政府及相關組織從此便將之付諸實行。世界愛滋病日的目的主要是揭開關於愛滋病的神秘面紗,並讓大家知道以下這個事實,就是目前估計約有 3 千 3 百 40 萬大人與小孩感染 HIV 和罹患愛滋病。每年在世界愛滋病日前後,慈善團體及機構都會舉行針對愛滋病相關研究的研討會、課程以及募款活動。
  From the start of the first World AIDS Day, each year has had a slogan. This year's will _(6)_ the last few years' highly successful slogan, "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise." This was decided on because 2010 is the year in which governments the world over promised to provide universal access _(7)_ HIV treatment. On December 1 of this year, take the time to talk about how serious the AIDS epidemic is as a way to honor World AIDS Day.
自從第一屆的世界愛滋病日制訂以來,每年都會有一個口號。今年的口號則是繼續沿用過去幾年相當成功的『遏止愛滋,履行承諾。』選用此口號是因為世界各國政府承諾在 2010 這年提供普及的 HIV 治療管道。今年 12 月 1 號這天,花點時間討論愛滋病這種傳染病的嚴重性,來作為紀念世界愛滋病日的方式吧。
1. (A) coming across (B) filling out (C) taking after(D) working on
2. (A) guidance     (B) awareness (C) response (D) celebration
3. (A) declared     (B) measured (C) notified (D) exposed
4. (A) once     (B) after (C) since (D) until
5. (A) estimating (B) estimated (C) estimation (D) estimates
6. (A) relieve   (B) recall (C) repeat (D) remind
7. (A) to     (B) from (C) of     (D) with
1. For important issues like AIDS, though, it is not enough that only researchers and doctors are working on the problem.
a. (A) come across... 偶然遇見……;無意中發現……
例: Jack came across his ex-girlfriend at the bookstore.
例: Gary came across a wallet with NT$10,000 inside of it this morning.
(B) fill out...  填寫……(表格等)
= fill in...
例: Edward filled out the application while he waited to be interviewed.
(C) take after...  (外表)像……
例: I take after my mother, while my brother takes after my father.
(D) work on...  致力於……;著手……
例: Diane spent the whole night working on her homework assignments.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
2. With World AIDS Day, the hope is to raise awareness of AIDS and the difficulties people living with HIV and AIDS have.
a. (A) guidance n. 指導,指引
under one's guidance  在某人的指導下
例: Under Mr. Chung's guidance, John's English has improved.
(B) awareness n. 察覺,體認
raise awareness of...  喚起對於……的意識;使更進一步了解……
例: This commercial raised awareness of breast cancer.
(C) response n. 反應,回應(其後通常與介詞 to 並用)
例: Currently, the public's response to the mayor's new measures is positive.
(D) celebration n. 慶祝
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B),表藉著世界愛滋病日,希望大眾能對愛滋病、以及感染 HIV 的人和愛滋病患者所面臨的困難有更進一步的『了解』。
3. In 1988, the World Health Organization declared December 1 World AIDS Day during a summit for AIDS prevention.
a. (A) declare vt. 宣佈
declare A (to be) B  宣佈 A 為 B
例: The president declared the city a disaster zone after the earthquake.
(B) measure vt. 測量
(C) notify vt. 通知
notify sb of sth  通知某人某事
= inform sb of sth
例: Please notify me of your safe return.
(D) expose vt. 使接觸;使暴露
expose sb/sth to + N/V-ing  使某人∕某物接觸∕暴露於……
例: Traveling exposes you to different cultures.
b. 根據語意及用法,可知應選 (A),表在愛滋病防預計劃的高峰會議上,世界衛生組織『宣佈』 12 月 1 號為世界愛滋病日。
4. It has since been put into practice by governments and organizations around the world.
a. 空格前為完成式助動詞 has,後有過去分詞 been,因此空格內應置入副詞。選項 (D) until(直到……時)為介詞或連接詞,故不可選。
b. 選項 (A) once(曾經、一度)及 (B) after(之後)雖可作副詞,但 (A) 置入後語意不合,而 (B) 則無置於完成式助動詞之後的用法,故均不可選。
c. 選項 (C) since(從那時起、自此以後)作副詞時,可用來修飾完成式的句子,since 則可置於句尾或句中完成式助動詞 have、has、had 之後。
例: Jimmy and I met five years ago, and we have since become good friends.
(吉米和我 5 年前相識,從那時起我們就變成了好朋友。)
d. 根據上述,故選 (C)。
5. The object of this day is...to publicize the fact that there are an estimated 33.4 million children and adults living with HIV and AIDS.
a. 本空格測試下列固定用法:
an estimated + 數字  估計有……(數目)
例: People will spend an estimated US$4 billion on junk food next year.
(估計明年會有 40 億美元消費在垃圾食物上。)
b. 根據上述,故選 (B)。
6. This year's will repeat the last few years' highly successful slogan, "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise."
a. (A) relieve vt. 解除,緩和
例: This medicine will relieve your toothache.
(B) recall vt. 回想,回憶
例: I can't recall what he just told me.
(C) repeat vt. 重複
例: Excuse me. Can you repeat your question?
(D) remind vt. 提醒;使想起
remind sb to V  提醒某人(做)……
remind sb of...  使某人想起……
例: You have to remind Jane to take out the garbage, or she'll forget.
例: You remind me of my high school teacher.
b. 根據語意,故選 (C),表今年的口號則是『繼續沿用』過去幾年相當成功的『遏止愛滋,履行承諾。』
7. ...because 2010 is the year in which governments the world over promised to provide universal access to HIV treatment.
a. access n. 接近;管道;途徑
* access 其後通常與介詞 to 並用。
例: Students have access to the swimming pool as long as they show their IDs.
b. 根據上述,故選 (A)。

1. worthwhile a. 值得(做)的
It is worthwhile to V  做……是值得的
= It pays to V
例: It is worthwhile to take some time to exercise every day.
2. bring attention to + N/V-ing  使……獲得注意
例: Hopefully, this terrible accident will bring attention to the importance of seatbelts.
3. be put into practice  被付諸實行
put...into practice  將……付諸實行
例: It is sometimes difficult to put theory into practice.
4. shed light on...  澄清……;闡明……
例: The teacher's explanation shed light on the meaning of the difficult poem.
5. publicize vt. 宣揚,宣傳
例: The local government did its best to publicize its new policy.
6. keep the/one's promise(s)  信守(某人的)承諾
break the/one's promise(s)  違背(某人的)承諾
例: I have to keep my promise and meet Cindy at 5:00 PM.
(我得遵守承諾,在下午 5 點和辛蒂碰面。)
例: Mark never breaks his promises.
7. decide on...  選定……
例: Jeremy couldn't decide on a major, so he turned to his father for advice.
8. honor vt. 紀念;表揚
例: They honored the world's top scientists at that conference.
1. cause n. 主張,目標
2. HIV  人體免疫缺乏病毒,愛滋病毒
= human immunodeficiency virus
immunodeficiency n. 免疫缺乏
virus n. 濾過性病毒
3. summit n. 高峰會議
4. prevention n. 預防
5. object n. 目的,宗旨
6. seminar n. 研討會
7. fundraiser n. 募款活動
8. slogan n. 口號,標語
9. universal a. 普遍的;一般的
10. treatment n. 治療(法)
11. epidemic n. 傳染病,流行病
all over the world  世界各地
= around the world
= across the world
= throughout the world
= the world over
答案:1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (C) 7. (A)

The Amazing Woody Allen 無人能敵的伍迪‧艾倫‏


From the man himself comes the words, "My one regret in life is that I am not someone else." However, if this man were truly someone else, then the world would not have laughed along with Woody Allen and his unique sense of humor. Born on December 1, 1935 with the name Allen Stewart Konigsberg, Woody Allen is an American actor, director, screenwriter1, and comedian2. His life off-screen3 is just as remarkable as his on-screen one.


  Allen came from a middle-class Jewish family in New York City. At the age of 17, he started writing gags4 for famous comedians. In 1953, Allen attended New York University and studied film before he dropped out to pursue a writing career and later stand-up comedy5. Oddly enough, it was comedy that brought Allen back to writing and directing films.
  Allen has also had many romantic relationships, most of them with his leading ladies6, including Diane Keaton and Mia Farrow. However, Allen brought a lot of attention on himself when he married Soon-Yi Previn, who was Farrow's adopted daughter from Korea. To know more about the man, you just have to watch his movies.
Building Your Vocabulary 
1. regret n. 遺憾;懊悔
The killer showed no regret when he was arrested.
2. unique a. 獨特的
The exposition displays many unique flowers from around the world.
3. remarkable a. 值得注意的;非凡的
Dr. Lin was awarded for his remarkable dedication to environmental protection.
4. attend vt. 上學;出席,參加
All the branch managers attended the meeting.
5. pursue vt. 追求,繼續進行
Johnny pursued a master's degree after he got his bachelor's.
6. romantic a. 關於愛情的;浪漫的
I had a very romantic dinner with my wife tonight.
Phrases for Learning 
1. drop out  輟學;中途退出
Bill dropped out of the game because of an injury.
2. Oddly enough, 主詞 + 動詞  奇怪的是……
Ada always gives me advice on relationships. Oddly enough, she has never been in one herself.
Extra Words 
1. screenwriter n. 影視編劇
2. comedian n. 諧星
3. off-/on-screen a. & adv. 螢幕後∕前(的)
4. gag n. 笑話,笑梗
5. stand-up comedy n. 單人脫口秀
6. leading lady n. 飾演女主角的女演員
Grammar Check 

...if this man were truly someone else, then the world would not have...
  本句為與現在事實相反的假設語氣。使用本假設語氣時,在 if 子句中的動詞用過去式,主要子句則用過去式助動詞。句型如下:
If + 主詞 + 過去式動詞, 主詞 + would/could/might/should/ought to + 原形動詞
If you joined the club, you could have a lot of fun with us.
不論主詞為第幾人稱,凡是 if 子句中的 be 動詞,均使用 were。
If I were you, I wouldn't marry Rick.


ex:You are saying the traffic is bad at 5:00, right?
ex:You mean the plane will be delayed one hour, right?
ex:You mean we cannot leave until the meeting is finished. Is that right?
ex:Do you mean that the designs won't be finished until March?




ex:This is Lydia Augustine, the Vice President of Sales. 
ex:I would like to introduce Mark Schmeller, the chief researcher of
  our new project. 
ex:Allow me to introduce Bob Barker, our liaison.
ex:May I present my friend, Jonathan? 


The First Nobel Prizes  第一屆諾貝爾頒獎典禮‏


by Nadia Chung

  Fame and fortune came to Alfred Nobel, a 19th-century Swedish chemist, when he invented dynamite, a highly explosive mixture that was safer to handle and use than gunpowder. Nobel acknowledged the destructive potential of dynamite, yet he believed it would pave the way for world peace. However, the invention he had hoped would end all wars came to be used as a lethal weapon by people with different intentions from his own.
阿爾弗雷德‧諾貝爾是 19 世紀瑞典的化學家,他因為發明炸藥(一種比火藥在操作上和使用上更為安全的高爆炸性混和物)而名利雙收。諾貝爾承認炸藥具有毀滅性,但他相信這東西可以為世界帶來和平。然而事與願違,他的發明被人拿來當成致命的武器,這跟他的本意相去甚遠。
  In 1888, French newspapers mistook the death of Nobel's brother for Alfred's. One obituary printed, "The merchant of death is dead." As a pacifist, Alfred Nobel sorely regretted the use and impact of his inventions in war. About a year before his lonely death in Italy on December 10, 1896, Nobel had drawn up a will establishing the now famous Nobel Prize. The will stipulated that the largest part of his estate be used to set up a foundation that would award prizes annually to those who "have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind" in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace. This shocked relatives who were expecting a share of his legacy, and many wanted to contest the document. But on December 10, 1901, the fifth anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death, the first set of Nobel Prizes was finally awarded. Journalists now introduce the Nobel laureates and their contributions to the world every October, with the awards ceremony being held on December 10.
1888 年,法國的報紙把諾貝爾的兄弟死訊誤認為是他本人。有一則訃聞這麼寫道:『死亡販售者已身亡。』身為和平主義者,阿爾弗雷德‧諾貝爾很遺憾他的發明被用於戰爭,以及對戰爭所帶來的影響。1896 年 12 月 10 日他孤獨地在義大利去世,他在死前一年擬定遺囑,設立了現在眾所皆知的諾貝爾獎。遺囑規定他大部分的財產要用來成立基金會,用來每年頒獎給在物理界、化學界、醫學界、文學界以及和平領域中『對人類有重大貢獻』的人。這讓認為自己有望分得一分遺產的親戚甚為震驚,有許多親戚想要對這份文件提出抗辯。但 1901 年 12 月 10 日諾貝爾逝世 5 週年之際,第一屆諾貝爾獎終於頒發。每年 10 月的時候,新聞記者向全世界介紹諾貝爾獎的各項得主,以及他們對世界的貢獻,而頒獎典禮則於每年的 12 月 10 日舉行。
1. acknowledge vt. 承認
例: Jim acknowledged that his mistake had led to the failure of the mission.
2. potential n. 潛力
例: Edward showed his potential to become an inventor when he was a child.
3. pave the way for...  為……鋪路
例: The decision paved the way for a future merger with another company.
4. intention n. 意圖
have no intention of V-ing  無意∕不想……
例: Marty had no intention of dating Claire. He just wanted to be friends.
5. mistake A for B  將 A 誤認為 B
例: A man on the street mistook me for Jolin and asked for my autograph.
(路上一名男子誤將我認作 Jolin,還向我要簽名。)
6. impact n. 影響
have an impact on...  對……有影響
例: The war in the Middle East has had an impact on oil prices.
7. draw up...  擬定……
例: By the end of the day, you need to have a new contract drawn up for the client.
8. stipulate vt. 規定(為意志動詞)
stipulate + that + S + (should) + V  規定……
例:The rules stipulated that all participants answer the questions without using calculators.
9. award A to B  將 A 頒給 B
例: The teacher awarded a prize to the most improved student.
10. confer vt. 給予,賦予;授予(學位等)
例: The Ivy League university conferred an honorary master's degree on the actor.
11. contest vt. 質疑;抗辯
例: The children contested the existence of Santa Claus.
12. contribution n. 貢獻
make a contribution to...  對……有貢獻
例: There's no denying that Albert Einstein made great contributions to physics.
1. chemist n. 化學家
2. dynamite n. 炸藥
3. explosive a. 爆炸的 & n. 炸藥
4. mixture n. 混和物
5. gunpowder n. 火藥
6. destructive a. 毀滅性的
7. invention n. 發明物(可數);發明(不可數)
8. lethal a. 致命的;毀滅性的
9. obituary n. 訃聞
10. merchant n. 商人
11. pacifist n. 和平主義者
12. sorely adv. 痛苦地,悲傷地
13. will n. 遺囑
14. establish vt. 設立
= set up...
15. estate n. 財產
16. foundation n. 基金會
17. legacy n. 遺產
18. anniversary n. 週年紀念日
19. journalist n. 新聞從業人員(如記者、編輯等)
20. laureate n. 重要獎項(由指諾貝爾獎)得獎者

The Best Medicine 笑出健康人生‏


Laughter is the best medicine. One Indian doctor believes this so strongly that he developed a club devoted to laughter. Dr. Madan Kataria, a physician1 from Mumbai, has created a social club, which he calls Laughter Yoga. The idea is simple—get together with other people and laugh for your health. To prevent chest and stomach pain caused from laughing too much, Laughter Yoga involves deep-breathing techniques used in yoga.


  The groups do not use jokes or funny things to make people laugh. Instead, a laughter coach begins the laughing and spreads it by using different techniques like clapping, movement, and talking gibberish2. The members are encouraged to develop childlike playfulness3 so that they can laugh without any reason.
  The body cannot tell the difference between real and fake laughter, so the benefits are identical. Laughter has been shown in studies to relieve stress, increase energy levels, and strengthen the body's natural defenses4 against diseases. Laughter Yoga is bringing this message to people with its over 6,000 social clubs in more than 60 countries. Why not join one and have a good laugh for your health?

1. Which of the following is true about Laughter Yoga?
(A) It was created by an Indian physician named Mumbai.
(B) Breathing methods from yoga are combined with laughter.
(C) Members get the chance to share jokes with the group.
(D) The benefits of a real laugh are greater than a fake one.
1. 關於愛笑瑜珈,下列何者為真?
(A) 它是由一位名叫孟買的印度內科醫師所創。
(B) 它將瑜珈的呼吸法與笑結合在一起。
(C) 成員們有機會能跟團員分享笑話。
(D) 真笑的好處比假笑要來得大。
2. Which is NOT a benefit of Laughter Yoga?
(A) The body's natural defenses against diseases are improved.
(B) It helps reduce stress and increase energy levels.
(C) It strengthens a person's social skills.
(D) Members can get in touch with the child inside them.
2. 何者並非愛笑瑜珈的好處?
(A) 身體對疾病的自然抵抗力會得到改善。
(B) 它有助於減輕壓力及提振精神。
(C) 它會增強一個人的社交能力。
(D) 成員能夠發掘內在的赤子之心。
答案:1. (B) 2. (C)
Building Your Vocabulary 
1. clap vi. & vt. 拍手,鼓掌
Peggy clapped her hands in excitement after her father promised to buy her a doll.
2. fake a. 假的;冒充的;偽造的
Angie bought a fake LV purse at the night market.
3. benefit n. 好處,益處
The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the small town.
4. identical a. 完全相同的
James and his wife are wearing identical T-shirts.
5. relieve vt. 減輕,減緩
Taking a hot bath helps relieve muscle tension.
Phrases for Learning 

1. be devoted to + 名詞∕動名詞  致力於(做)……
These volunteers are devoted to helping the poor.
2. get together with + 人  與某人相聚
I often get together with my friends on Sundays.
3. encourage + 人 + to + 原形動詞  鼓勵某人做……
It was Lily who encouraged me to take up dancing.
Extra Words 
1. physician n. 內科醫生
2. gibberish n. 胡言亂語,胡扯
3. playfulness n. 嬉鬧,玩笑
4. defense n.(人體對疾病的)抵抗力
Tips In Use 

...believes this so strongly that he...
...develop...so that they can laugh...
1. so + 副詞∕形容詞 + that + 主詞 + 動詞
在上述句構中,so 為副詞,故其後須接副詞或形容詞以供修飾;而 that 則為副詞連接詞,引導副詞子句以修飾其前的 so,且 that 在此用法中可予以省略,用逗號來取代,或甚至連逗號也不用。
I was so upset, I couldn't stop crying.
2. so/in order that...  如此∕以便……
"so that"、"in order that"為表『目的』的副詞連接詞,引導副詞子句以修飾主要子句,其所引導的副詞子句中,通常要有助動詞 can, may 或 will。在"so that"用法中,可省略 that 而單獨用 so,但"in order that"中的 that 則不可省。
The teacher used a microphone in order that every student could hear her.