2011年8月9日 星期二

Every Dog Has His Day 壓力很大嗎?到圖書館借狗來舒壓!

 Usually, when something goes to the dogs, it gets worse. However, this is not the case for Yale University Law School. Instead, a dog is making the campus more popular. Monty is a 21-pound border terrier1 mix, and he spends his days at the Yale Law Library. He is not there to keep the books or the staff safe. In fact, he is there to offer his services to the law students.
  Monty's full name is General Montgomery, and he is a certified2 therapy3 dog. This means he is professionally4 trained to be handled by lots of strangers. Students at the law school can sign up to check out Monty for 30 minutes. Most just sit quietly on a couch in a back office of the library and pet Monty. Students are also allowed to give him a drink5 of water or a biscuit6. All this helps the students take pressure off their studies and relax even if it is only for a little while. It also increases happiness, calmness, and their emotional health. Everyone agrees that Monty is the best addition7 that the library has had in a long time.

1. What is true about Monty?
(A) He was a general in an army.
(B) He keeps the staff away from harm.
(C) He helps students feel calmer and happier.
(D) He attacks strangers that break into the library.

2. The article is mainly about ______.
(A) a method of relieving stress
(B) Yale Law School's new pet policy
(C) how Monty became a professional therapy dog
(D) how law students are handling Monty's court case
1. 關於蒙弟,下列何者為真?
(A) 牠以前是軍中的一位將軍。
(B) 牠會維護館員的安危。
(C) 牠會幫助學生感到更平靜、更快樂。
(D) 牠會攻擊闖入圖書館的陌生人。
2. 本文主要是關於______。
(A) 一種抒解壓力的方法
(B) 耶魯法學院裡與寵物有關的新措施
(C) 蒙弟如何成為一隻專業的治療犬
(D) 法學院學生如何處理蒙弟的法律案件

答案:1. (C) 2. (A)

@Building Your Vocabulary
1. handle vt. 觸摸,拿,碰;處理,應付
The customer service center has already handled over 300 calls this morning.
2. pet vt.(表示憐愛地)輕撫,輕摸
Elizabeth gently petted her grandson's head.
3. emotional a. 情緒(上)的,情感(上)的
Shirley dealt with some serious emotional problems during her teenage years.
4. relieve vt. 減輕,緩解
Ed's joke helped relieve the tension in the meeting.

@Phrase For Learning
1. be the case  情況∕情形正是如此
If what the teacher says is really the case, then we need to keep an eye on our kids.
2. sign up to + 原形動詞/for + 名詞  報名(做)……
In order to be more competitive, Peter decided to sign up for a computer class.
3. check out.../check...out  (從圖書館等)借出……(書籍等資料)
Marion checked nine books out from the library.
4. break into...  闖入……
Someone broke into Vivian's dorm room and stole her laptop.
@Extra Words
1. border terrier n. 邊界梗犬
2. certified a. 經過認證的
3. therapy n. 治療(本文中作形容詞用)
4. professionally adv. 專業地
  professional a. 專業的
5. drink n. 一杯(水、飲品等)
6. biscuit n. 餅乾
7. addition n. 增添,添加
@Tips In Use
...something goes to the dogs...
  上述句子源自"be going to the dogs",此片語意指某事物『每況愈下,一蹶不振』,因為人不要的東西才拿去給狗,所以才有此一說。此外,標題的"every dog has his day"也是片語,指『每個人皆有得意之時』。以下再為各位列舉幾個與 dog 有關的常見片語:
a dog's life 生活困苦
as sick as a dog 病得很重
let sleeping dogs lie 不要自找麻煩
treat + 人 + like a dog 把某人當狗看待
the tail wagging the dog 本末倒置、主次顛倒
Bill couldn't get out of the bed because he was as sick as a dog.
Janet was going to say something to Greg about his dirty socks on the table, but she decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

