2012年5月8日 星期二

Celebrating Mothers 讚頌母親的節日

 It is obvious to everyone that mothers are very important. They are who we look to for examples of how to be caring and loving people. In fact, few of us could imagine our lives without our mothers' help and guidance. Therefore, it comes as no surprise to know that every country has a holiday to honor mothers, motherhood, and their influence on society. The most common day for this celebration is the second Sunday in May. This year, Mother's Day falls on May 13.
  The idea to have a holiday just for celebrating mothers comes from many sources. Long ago, there were ancient events that included honoring women and mothers. However, it was the influence of women in the US that really set the stage for this holiday. Julia Ward Howe, a writer, poet, and social activist, first suggested the idea of Mother's Day in 1870. Her inspiration was her belief that women had a responsibility to make societies better. Some years later, Ann Jarvis turned this idea into Mother's Friendship Day as a way to cope with the aftermath of the Civil War. After Jarvis' death, her daughter Anna became the first to fight for Mother's Day becoming an official holiday. She finally succeeded in 1914.

@Words & Phrases
1. obvious a. 顯然的,顯而易見的
It is obvious when Pinocchio lies because his nose grows longer.
2. guidance n. 指導,指引
The nurse offered Anita guidance on how to care for her baby.
3. it comes as no surprise  (某事)並不意外∕突然
It came as no surprise that the hard-working employee got promoted.
4. influence n. 影響
Parents have a huge influence over their children's personalities and behavior.
5. fall on + 日子  (特殊事件、慶典等)落在某個日子
The Moon Festival falls on a Sunday this year.
6. set the stage for...  使……成為可能;為……做準備
The negotiations fell through, setting the stage for the bus drivers' strike.
7. cope with...  處理∕應付……
I was amazed at Cindy's ability to cope with the difficult situation.
8. succeed vi. 成功
We finally succeeded in getting our stubborn grandfather to have a health check-up.
@Extra Words
1. motherhood n. 母性
2. activist n.(欲改善社會或政治現況的)積極份子
3. aftermath n.(災難、戰爭等結束後的)餘殃,餘波
4. civil war n. 內戰(字首大寫時專指1861年的美國南北內戰)
@Tips In Use
few 和 a few 的不同
few 和 a few 之後接的都是可數名詞,但 few 含否定意味,表『幾乎沒有』之意;而 a few 則含有肯定意味,意指『還有一些』。此外,類似情況的還有 little(幾乎沒有)以及 a little(還有一點),唯兩者之後接的都是不可數名詞,各位讀者在使用時務必小心。
Those eggs should hatch in a few days.
There has been too much rain and too little sun recently.

