2012年1月17日 星期二

A Gift that Saves Lives 捐血一袋,救人一命

 We all have it, and donating it can save up to three people's lives. The donation process only takes about 10 minutes of your time, but the benefits to yourself and others are priceless. What exactly is this simple act of kindness? It is donating blood. Every two seconds in the US, someone needs this precious resource1, and approximately 40,000 units of blood are needed in hospitals and emergency treatment facilities every day. Without this selfless gift from their fellow2 Americans, an estimated five million people would die each year.
  The need for blood donations is strongly felt during the winter months in the US. People are busy getting ready for the holidays, which can mean tight travel schedules, little rest, and no time to donate. In addition, the winter weather results in seasonal colds and more traumatic3 injuries which may require increased amounts of blood. All these add up to a shortage in blood supplies, which is especially noticeable in January. Luckily, since 1970, January has been recognized as National Blood Donor4 Month. The American Red Cross tries to raise more public awareness about the importance of donating blood. Local chapters5 have offered incentives6 like getting a pound of coffee for giving a pint7 of blood. Celebrities have even dropped by blood donation centers to thank donors that have already shared generously. They also encourage others to help save lives with the simple act of giving blood.

1. priceless a. 無價的;極其貴重的
The museum boasts a collection of priceless artifacts from the Song Dynasty.
2. approximately adv. 大約
The flight from Taipei to Seoul takes approximately two and a half hours.
3. selfless a. 無私的,忘我的
Mother Teresa's selfless devotion to the sick and poor is highly respected.
4. estimated a. 估計的,估算的
The estimated value of the painting is NT$100,000.
5. shortage n. 缺乏,不足
We were asked to conserve water due to a shortage.
@Phrases for Learning
1. result in...  導致∕造成……
Unfortunately, Michael's careless driving resulted in the death of a little girl.
2. add up to...  累積成為……
All of Jill's hard work added up to a successful career.
3. be recognized as...  被公認為……
The ritual is recognized as part of the cultural heritage of the country.
@Extra Words
1. resource n. 資源
2. fellow a. 同胞的;同學的;同伴的
3. traumatic a. 外傷的
4. donor n. 捐贈者(本文中亦作形容詞用)
5. chapter n.(組織機構等的)地方分會
6. incentive n. 鼓勵;刺激;動力
7. pint n. 品脫(一品脫為0.47317公升)
@More To Know
Blood Donation Restrictions in Taiwan
★ 懷疑自己感染愛滋病毒或兩年內曾經與可能感染愛滋病毒之人士發生性行為者。
★ 男性間發生性行為或一年內發生過危險性行為者(與陌生人發生性行為、進行性交易、超過一位以上的性伴侶等)。
★ 曾罹患性病(梅毒、淋病等)。
★ 曾經從事性工作者。
★ 靜脈注射藥物成癮、曾經吸毒或慢性酒精中毒者。
★ 愛滋病毒檢驗呈陽性反應或愛滋病患者。
★ 長期使用血液製劑者。
◆ 感冒正在治療中。
◆ 在三天內拔牙。
◆ 曾在七天內服用含阿斯匹靈類或其他藥物。
◆ 懷孕中或產後(含流產)六個月以內。
◆ 大手術未滿一年或一年內曾經接受輸血。
◆ 於一年內有刺青者(包括紋身、紋眉)。
◆ B型肝炎、C型肝炎病患或帶原者。
◆ 一年內曾出國到瘧疾地區,或自西尼羅病毒流行區離境日起未滿一個月者。

