2013年7月19日 星期五

Speaking Like a Native 本地腔‏

每日 EZ Word 
go for it 儘管去做
go 有「追尋某個目標」的意思,it 是代名詞,代表前面所說想做的事情。下次再有人猶豫不決,你就可以說 Go for it! 鼓勵他囉。
Is that a trick question? 問這個是在耍我嗎?這問題有詐嗎?
trick question 是以「陷害答題人為目的」的問題,題目本身就是個玩笑,因此不管回答什麼都不太對,或是可以用在答案太明顯,問題本身根本就是多此一舉的時候。
Don’t get me wrong. 不要誤會我。
get 可以表示「理解」,所以 get someone wrong 就是「用錯誤的方式理解某人的意思」,這句話幾乎都只用在 Don’t get me wrong. 的情況。
do no/any good 沒好處,沒有用處
do no good、do any good 用法差別在於 do no good 用於肯定句,do any good 用於否定句:I tried to convince him, but it didn’t do any good.「我試著說服他,但沒發揮任何作用。」
今日會話 EZ Talk 

At the apartment, Fabio answers the phone
Fabio: Wei?
Kelly: A-Feng?
凱 莉:阿逢嗎?
Fabio: No, this is Fa-Bing-wu. A-Feng isn’t home right now.
Kelly: I’m sorry, but could you check in his room and see if he’s still in there playing video games?
凱 莉:不好意思,但你能去他房間看看他是不是還在打電動?
Fabio: Actually, I’m sure he’s not there. When he plays video games, he always hangs a “Do Not 1)Disturb” sign on/on to his door. He’s very/so 2)disciplined and focused when it comes to video games.
Kelly: OK. Well, thank you. I’ll call back later.
凱 莉:好吧。謝了。我晚點再打來。
Fabio:Wait—can I ask you a question?
Kelly:Sure. Go f
凱 莉:當然。請說。
Fabio:Am I a foreigner?
Kelly:Is that a trick question? Of course you are.
凱 莉:這不是廢話嗎?你當然是啊。
Fabio:A-Feng told/tells you about me?
Kelly:No, I can tell by your 1)accent.
凱 莉:沒,我從你的口音就聽得出來。
Fabio:No you can’t. That’s impossible!
Kelly:Don’t get me wrong. Your Chinese is very good. But it’s too perfect—nobody talks like that!
凱 莉:不要誤會我的意思。你的中文很好,但是好過頭了——沒人這樣講話!
Fabio:What if I told you you were wrong—I’m not a foreigner. I’m from Puli.
Kelly: Ha-ha! Puli! People from Puli definitely don’t talk like that.
凱 莉:哈哈!埔里!埔里人講話絕對不是這副德行。
Fabio: OK, OK. I’m not from Puli.
Kelly: No kidding!
凱 莉:廢話!
Fabio: So really, what you’re saying is that speaking perfectly does me no good. To speak Chinese like a 1)native, I need to introduce some 2)sloppiness into my speech?
Kelly: Just talk like a normal person, not like a robot.
凱 莉:像個正常人在說話就好,別像個機器人。
Fabio: Thank you. Thank you for the advice. This has been a most helpful conversation.
Kelly: Wait. Now I want to ask you a favor….
凱 莉:等等。我想請你幫個忙……。
Fabio: She’s worried about you. She said, “He’s going down the tubes and I don’t know what to do.”
A-Feng: Oh yeah?
阿 逢:是嗎?
Fabio: She’s probably just 1)overreacting, right?
A-Feng: When I’m not playing Grand Theft Auto, I have to work. I 2)slave away at the office fourteen or fifteen hours a day.
阿 逢:我沒在玩《俠盜獵車手》的時候都得工作。我一天在公司做牛做馬十四、五個小時。
Fabio: That’s what I told her. I said, “A-Feng is a hard worker. He works more in a day than most/most of Italians do in a week/a week.”
disturb (v.) 打擾,妨礙
disciplined (a.) 自我要求的,勤於練習的,遵守紀律的(n.) discipline 紀律
accent (n.) 口音,腔調
native (n./a.) 本國/地人;本國/地的
sloppiness (n.)馬虎
overreact (v.) 反應過度
slave (v.) 做苦工,像奴隸般工作 (phr.) slave away 做牛做馬地辛勤工作

