2012年6月20日 星期三

He is a womanizer. 他喜歡到處留情

用英文形容喜歡與女生搭訕.與不同女生發生關係的男性,可以說: " He is always messing around with women. " 這裡的 " mess around " 是 "勾搭.調情" 之意. 也可以說: " He is a womanizer. " ( 沉溺於女色的人 )
若一個男人婚後不守 "夫道", 則我們可以說: " He's a cheat. " ( 騙子.不忠者 )
A: He got divorced again? Isn't it the third time for him?
    他又離婚了? 這是第三次了吧?
B: He deserves it. He's always messing around with women while he's married. he's such a womanizer!
    他活該! 誰叫他婚後還到處拈花惹草,處處留情!

@本文轉載自 2012/06/18
    資料來源:台科大應用外語系助理教授 黃玟君

