2011年11月22日 星期二

The Collection Agency Is Calling 催款公司找上門

Dialogue AEve, a representative1 from a collection agency2, is calling Jack.催款公司的代表人員,依芙,打電話給債務人傑克。
Eve: Hello. Could I please speak with Jack?
依 芙: 您好。請問傑克在嗎?
Jack: I'm Jack. What do you need?
傑 克: 我就是。請問有什麼事嗎?
Eve: Good afternoon. My name is Eve, and I work for a collection agency.
依 芙: 午安。我叫做依芙,是催款公司的催收人員。
Jack: Oh...OK. What's up?
傑 克: 喔……是。有什麼事嗎?
Eve: Your credit card company hired me since you haven't made a payment in over 15 months.
依 芙: 您的信用卡公司委託我來催收帳款,因為您已經超過十五個月都沒有繳卡費了。
Jack: I did, three months ago!
傑 克: 我有啊,三個月前才繳的!
Eve: Sorry, sir, but our records say otherwise.
依 芙: 很抱歉,先生,但我們這邊的記錄卻不是這麼顯示的。
Jack: Well, I tried to pay the minimum, but it didn't work because there was a problem with my bank account3.
傑 克: 喔,我試過要付最低的應繳金額,但因為我的銀行帳戶出了點問題,所以沒有成功。
Dialogue B
Eve: The important thing now is that you pay it off.
依 芙: 現在最重要的事就是您要還清卡債。
Jack: Tell me something I don't know.
傑 克: 還用妳說。
Eve: Do you have the money to make a large payment right away? Say4, half your total?
依 芙: 您手頭上有錢能立刻支付一大筆款項嗎?嗯,比如說卡債總額的一半?
Jack: That's impossible. I just bought a new computer, so I'm broke.
傑 克: 不可能。我才剛買一台電腦,所以我現在破產了。
Eve: Then we should discuss setting up a payment plan.
依 芙: 那我們就應該來討論一下要如何安排還款計畫。
Jack: What does that mean?
傑 克: 那是什麼意思啊?
Eve: It means you agree to pay a set amount each month for the next five to six months until your debt is cleared.
依 芙: 這就是說,您必須同意在接下來的五到六個月中,每月都支付一筆固定的金額,直到您把錢還清為止。
Jack: That won't work, either.
傑 克: 這也行不通啦。

@Building Your Vocabulary
1. hire vt. 雇用,聘任
The manager hired Kim because she had experience in the field.
2. otherwise adv. 並非如此(置於動詞後)
Thomas said that the bride was very pretty, but Betty thought otherwise.
3. minimum n. 最少量
The pianist practices his craft for a minimum of four hours each day.
4. set a.(數目、時間、種類等)固定不變的
Keep an eye on your progress because the set time limit for this section is 30 minutes.

@Phrases for Learning
1. What's up (with...)?  (……)怎麼啦?
What's up with Al? He's never been this angry before.
2. pay...off/pay off...  還清∕付清……
Joey paid off his student loan in less than five years.
3. be/go broke  破產
Mr. Lin's company went broke due to the recession.
4. set up...  安排∕架設……
The crew finished setting up the stage in no time.

@Extra Words
1. representative n. 代表
2. collection agency n. 催債公司
3. bank account n. 銀行帳戶
4. say int. 嗯,咦(用於提出詢問、表示驚訝、或突然想到某個主意時)

@Tips In Use
...but our records say otherwise.
以下為各位介紹 otherwise 的用法:
1. 意指『並非如此;以另一種樣子』,可等於"another way",常用以表示對稱或相反的情況。本句為此用。
 You were there when it happened, so why did you pretend otherwise?
2. 作連接性副詞,表『否則』之意,使用時其前需置分號,而其後加不加逗點均可。
 You'd better come back early; otherwise, you will miss dinner.
3. 用於形容詞子句,其前有助動詞 might 或 would,意為『本來應當∕不然可能會……』。
 The lifeguard's quick reaction saved the girl who would have otherwise drowned.
4. 表『除此之外;在其他方面』。
 Janet was slightly bruised but otherwise unhurt.

