2013年6月22日 星期六

Pronunciation Primer‏

Two lips, one tongue, 32 teeth. A handy device, the mouth. But when you're trying to pronounce sounds in a new language, sometimes its functions seem all too limited.
Pronunciation difficulties often occur when sounds in the new language are different from those in your native language. Recognizing the sounds is half the battle. Can you distinguish feel from fear, thick from sick, or leave from live? English spelling can also cause pronunciation problems. For example, cough, through, enough and though look alike, but are pronounced very differently.
你能區分 feel 和 fear,thick 和 sick 或是 leave 和 live 嗎?英文的拼法也可能造成發音的問題。
例如:cough,through,enough 和 though 這幾個字看起來雖然相似,但是他們的發音卻非常
A tape recorder can help you remedy
some problems. Record a paragraph
or two of a Studio Classroom reading or an English news broadcast. Listen to the tape and imitate it. Record yourself, too, and compare your pronunciation with the original. But don't feel down in the mouth when you don't sound exactly like a native speaker. If people can understand you, your pronunciation is probably not getting in the way. Aim for comprehension, not perfection.
When practicing with a tape, don't just listen and repeat randomly. Have a focus. Here are a few suggestions:
* Say any new words in isolation. When the teachers read vocabulary words, repeat them.
* Listen to and practice any sounds or sound combinations that give you trouble. Do you
stumble over "th" or "l"? What about "sk," as in ask? Choose words or phrases that contain the sound and repeat them, concentrating on the difficult sound.
* Practice phrases themselves. In phrases, the sounds of words change. Short sounds are often reduced, or spoken more softly and quickly than others. In "The cat's up a tree," only "cat" and "tree" are pronounced fully. "Ham and eggs" becomes "ham 'n' eggs."
Repeating words over and over may set your teeth on edge (and your friends')! But as you repeat, you'll gain new confidence in pronouncing words in English.
*聆聽及練習任何讓你覺得困難的音或連音。你常會發錯 th 或 l 的音,或者ask 中的 sk 嗎?選擇含有這些音的字彙或短句,重覆練習,特別練習唸難讀的音。
*單獨練習短句。在短句中,字彙的發音會改變。短音通常被簡化或者比較輕快地帶過。在「The cat掇 up a tree.」的短句中,只有 cat 和 tree 的音是完整地發出來。 Ham and eggs 變成 ham 勓* eggs。

⊙Word Bank
half the battle (v phr) 具備致勝的要件
remedy (v) 補救; 治療
comprehension (n) 理解力
down in the mouth (adj phr) 沮喪的; 失望的
randomly (adv) 隨便地; 未加計畫地
strumble (v) 說話結巴; 說錯了
reduced (v) 簡化
in isolation (adj phr) 分開地
set one's teeth on edge (v phr) 使厭煩; 使厭惡

@The Day's Phrase
My adventures in South Korea began with an important language lesson
My mom likes keeping many houseplants. She says they help clean the air.
Grab your sunglasses, and let’s go!
You can reuse plastic detergent bottles and save money by buying a refill.
My son's chores include washing and recycling all plastic and glass bottles and jars.

