2011年6月18日 星期六

Pricing Strategy 定價策略‏

Dialogue A 
Adam and Sheila are talking about the pricing strategy for their new drinks.
Adam: I love the peach flavor. It's delicious.
亞 當:我很喜歡桃子口味。它真好喝。
Sheila: It's my son's new favorite drink. Now, all we need to do is introduce it to the public.
席 拉:這是我兒子新愛上的飲料。現在我們所要做的就是把它介紹給大眾。
Adam: I've been going over the figures and we need to decide on a plan.
亞 當:我一直在檢查數據,我們得決定好一套計劃。
Sheila: First, let's talk about the market. Who are we targeting?
席 拉:我們先來討論市場。我們要以誰為銷售對象?
Adam: Everyone. The people who buy All- Fresh juice are the average citizens.
亞 當:每個人。買鮮多汁的人都是一般市民。
 Dialogue B 
Sheila: Let's start things off with some huge promotions at department stores around Taiwan.
席 拉:我們先開始在台灣的各大百貨公司舉辦一些大型的促銷活動好了。
Adam: Great. How about having contests where we give away free prizes?
亞 當:好極了。你覺得我們來辦比賽,送出免費贈品如何?
Sheila: If we invite some celebrities to join the games, we'll get more media attention.
席 拉:如果我們邀請一些名人參賽,我們會得到更多媒體的關注。
Adam: That'll get the job done. But we need to think about what to do afterwards.
亞 當:這樣定能成事。但是我們需要想想之後要做些什麼。
Sheila: Wait, first things first. What about the price? How much should one bottle of juice cost?
席 拉:等一下,事有輕重緩急。那價錢呢?一瓶果汁要賣多少?
Building Your Vocabulary

1.target vt. 把……選作目標
Our sale targeted teens and their parents.
2.average a. 普通的,平常的
Eddie is a student with average abilities.
3.afterwards adv. 之後,後來
We'll have curry for dinner and some ice cream afterwards.
Phrases for Learning

1.go over...  審查∕檢查……
Go over the data first before you make a decision.
2.give away...  贈送……
The shop on the corner is giving away balloons.
3.first things first  凡事應有輕重緩急
First things first. Stop complaining and start doing your homework.

1.pricing strategy n. 定價策略
2.figure n. 數據
3.promotion n.(商品的)促銷
Enjoy Box

市場佔有率(Market Share)可幫助企業體瞭解市場上誰的商品賣的比較多、比較強;或商品在市場如何定位上;行銷時要採高姿態或低姿態的策略等。企業通常會委託具公信力的市調公司,針對該商品來廣泛列出同質或近似商品。調查方法包括分發問卷、電話訪問等。所得的數據量化後,可呈現商品在市場上的佔有率。現今的市場佔有率大都以『產值』來表示,計算公式為:某產品銷售量除以市場上該同型產品總銷售量,再換算成百分比。
Grammar Check

But we need to think about what to do afterwards.
句中的"what to do"表『做什麼』之意,為名詞片語。名詞片語乃由『疑問詞 + 不定詞片語』形成,名詞片語同名詞子句,在主要子句中可作主詞、受詞或置於 be 動詞後作主詞補語。此處的"what to do afterwards"即作介詞 about 的受詞。『名詞片語』依疑問詞的種類可分為下列兩種:
1.疑問代名詞 + 不定詞片語
I don't know which to buy for his birthday.
2.疑問副詞 + 不定詞片語
Matthew doesn't know how to swim.

