2013年4月26日 星期五



by Li Chen

On average, lefties are more intelligent, imaginative, and talented than righties.

  What do Leonardo da Vinci, Oprah Winfrey, Martina Navratilova, Celine Dion, and Bill Gates all have in common? _(1)_ Although there is no clear-cut explanation for why some people are born left-handed, most experts believe it is genetic since it commonly runs in families. Making up eight to 13 percent of the world's population, lefties sense more with their right brains, whereas right-handed people process more with their left brains. The right half of the brain controls music, art, creativity, perception, emotions, and genius, while the left half is in charge of speech, language, writing, logic, mathematics, and science. _(2)_ Studies also show that left-handed people with IQs over 140, which is the genius bracket, outnumber their right-handed counterparts.
李奧納多‧達文西、歐普拉‧溫芙蕾、娜拉提諾娃、席琳‧狄翁和比爾‧蓋茲,這些人之間有什麼共通點?他們全都是慣用左手的人,也就是所謂的左撇子。關於有些人為什麼天生是左撇子,雖然沒有很明確的解釋,但由於這項特徵通常都是家族遺傳,所以大部分專家都認為是基因遺傳所致。全世界左撇子的人口比例佔百分之八至百分之十三,這些人較常使用右腦感知,而右撇子的人則是多用左腦處理事務。右腦控制的是音樂、藝術、創造力、認知、情感以及才能,而左腦則掌管說話能力、語言、寫作、邏輯、運算以及科學。這也難怪左撇子的人會具有創造力和視覺思維,以及較佳的立體感知能力,並且在需要手眼協調的活動上表現較突出。研究也指出智商高過 140(為天才等級)的人,左撇子佔的人數多於右撇子。
  _(3)_ Being left-handed was considered sinister. With its origins in Latin, the word sinister started out meaning on the left hand, but over the years, it changed to mean evil since it was connected with Satan and witchcraft. Lefties have also been viewed as clumsy and awkward. In fact, this is not their fault. _(4)_
不過,左撇子並非總是獲得正面的看法。左撇子曾被視為是邪惡的(sinister)。sinister 這個字來自拉丁文,一開始的意義是『左邊的』,但經年累月下來,這個字因為與撒旦和巫術有關而變成了有『邪惡』的意義。左撇子也一直被視為手腳不靈活。事實上,這並非左撇子的錯。由於幾乎所有的工具、機器以及日常用品都是為右撇子設計的,所以左撇子被迫生活在一個完全相反的世界裡。
  Now, things are changing thanks to International Left-handers Day and the organizations behind it. Since 1976, August 13 has been celebrated annually as a day for lefties. _(5)_ They include a left-handed tea party, left versus right sports competitions, and doing various activities only using the left hand. Despite all their setbacks, left-handers still have the right stuff.
而現在多虧國際左撇子日以及相關的組織機構,事情變得不一樣了。自 1976 年以來,每年的 8 月 13 日都成為左撇子的慶祝之日。除了讓大眾意識到左撇子遇到的困境外,組織者還會舉辦一些活動來慶祝左撇子。這些活動包括左撇子茶會、左撇子和右撇子之間的運動競賽,以及各式只能使用左手進行的活動。儘管左撇子遇到重重挫折,但他們仍有自己的一套本領。
(A) In addition to raising public awareness about the plight of being left-handed, organizers hold events that celebrate left-handedness.
(B) It's no wonder that lefties are creative and visual thinkers, better at three-dimensional perception, and stronger in activities involving hand-to-eye coordination.
(C) Left-handers are forced to live in a completely opposite world since almost all tools, machinery, and everyday items are made for right-handers.
(D) However, left-handers haven't always been held in a positive light.
(E) They are all left-handed people, also known as lefties, left-handers, or southpaws.
1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
a. 空格前的句子說到李奧納多‧達文西、歐普拉‧溫芙蕾、娜拉提諾娃、席琳‧狄翁和比爾‧蓋茲,這些人之間有什麼共通點(have in common)?
b. 選項 (E) 的句子說,他們全都是慣用左手的人,也就是所謂的左撇子,(E) 選項中的 They 指的就是前一句提到的那些人,並進一步說明他們的共通點就是他們都是左撇子,置入後語意連貫,故選之。
a. left-handed a. 左撇子的
right-handed a. 右撇子的
b. lefty n. 左撇子
righty n. 右撇子
c. left-hander n. 左撇子
right-hander n. 右撇子
d. southpaw n. 左撇子
2. 第二題空格應選 (B)
a. 空格前兩句說,左撇子較常使用右腦感知,而右撇子則是用左腦處理事務。右腦控制的是音樂、藝術、創造力、認知、情感以及才能,而左腦則掌管說話能力、語言、寫作、邏輯、運算以及科學。
b. 選項 (B) 的句子說,這也難怪左撇子的人會具有創造力、視覺思維、較佳的立體感知能力,並且在需要手眼協調的活動上表現較突出,因為這些特性都與用右腦感知有關,置入後語意連貫,故選之。
a. it is no wonder + that 子句  難怪……
= No wonder + S + V
b. visual a. 視覺的
c. three-dimensional a. 立體的
d. perception n. 認知,理解(力)
e. involve vt. 需要,包含
例: Training for a marathon involves lots of exercise and eating right.
f. coordination n. 協調
3. 第三題空格應選 (D)
a. 空格後的句子提及,左撇子曾被視為是邪惡的。
b. 選項 (D) 則說到,不過(However),左撇子並非總是獲得正面的看法,However 可用來作為承接前一段和下一句的語氣轉折,置入後語意通順,故選之。
a. in a...light  從……角度∕觀點看
例: The new film cast the late author in a different light.
b. positive a. 正面的;積極的
negative a. 反面的;消極的
4. 第四題空格應選 (C)
a. 空格前的兩個句子說,左撇子也一直被視為手腳不靈活。事實上,這並非左撇子的錯。
b. 選項 (C) 的句子說,由於幾乎所有的工具、機器以及日常用品都是為右撇子設計的,所以左撇子被迫生活在一個完全相反的世界裡,解釋了前兩句中關於左撇子為什麼會被視為手腳不靈活的原因,並點出他們是迫於無奈才會這樣,並非本身的錯,語意連貫,故選之。
a. completely adv. 完全地
例: Sam forgot what his father had told him completely.
b. opposite a. 相反的
c. machinery n. 機器,機械裝置
5. 第五題空格應選 (A)
a. 空格前一句說,自 1976 年以來,每年的 8 月 13 日都成為左撇子的慶祝之日。後一句則說,這些活動包括左撇子茶會(a left-handed tea party)、左撇子和右撇子之間的運動競賽(left versus right sports competitions)以及各式只能使用左手進行的活動(activities only using the left hand)。
b. 僅剩的 (A) 選項提到,除了讓大眾意識到左撇子遇到的困境外,組織者還會舉辦一些活動(events)來慶祝左撇子(celebrate left-handedness),後一句中的 They 指的就是本句中的 events,上下語意連貫,故選之。
a. awareness n. 意識,察覺
b. plight n. 困境
例: The organization was established to relieve the plight of the homeless.
c. left-handedness n. 慣用左手的習慣
right-handedness n. 慣用右手的習慣

1. have...in common  有……相同之處
例:Kevin and Cindy have nothing in common, but they still get along.
2. run in families/one's family  是(某人家的)家族遺傳
例: Diabetes runs in Larry's family.
3. make up...  組成……,構成……
例: Asians make up four percent of the population of the US.
4. be in charge of...  負責∕掌管……
例: Ed will be in charge of the new project.
5. outnumber vt. 數量上超過
例: In our school, girls outnumber boys.
6. be connected with...  和……有關
例: The police are digging through all old files connected with this case.
7. thanks to...  多虧∕由於……
例: Thanks to the bus driver's quick reaction, a terrible accident was avoided.
8. despite prep. 儘管
= in spite of...
例: Despite all of our efforts, we still lost the game.
1. clear-cut a. 明確的
2. genetic a. 遺傳的,基因的
3. sense vt. 感覺,意識
4. bracket n. 等級,階層
5. counterpart n. 對應的人或物
6. sinister a. 邪惡的,不祥的;左邊的
7. witchcraft n. 巫術
8. clumsy a. 笨拙的
9. awkward a. 不靈巧的
10. annually adv. 每年一次地
11. versus [ `vRsJs ] prep. 對抗
12. setback n. 挫折
13. stuff n. 本質,要素
答案: 1. (E) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (A)

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