2013年1月31日 星期四

Hotline to Help關鍵熱線,即刻救援‏


With lots of recent teen suicides1 in the US, it is hard not to wonder if something could have been done to prevent them. Where can a person turn for help if they have an emotional crisis or have reached the breaking point2? The answer lies in hotlines3. These are special phone numbers that people can call if they need emergency counseling4 immediately. Most are available 24 hours a day and have trained volunteers and professional counselors.


  The first crisis hotlines were created to help individuals thinking about committing suicide. An English priest named Chad Varah realized the need to reach out after he attended a funeral for a 14-year-old girl. She killed herself because she feared that she had gotten a sexually transmitted disease when she experienced her first period5. That had changed Varah's life, and in 1953, he founded The Samaritans6 to help those that had nowhere else to turn. The service caught on and spread throughout the UK, into the US, and even to Australia and Tasmania.
  By the mid-1970s, suicide hotlines existed in most major cities in the US. Now, many of them have expanded their services to help people with all kinds of emotional crises. There are hotlines for runaway children, victims of domestic violence, and people dealing with gender identity issues. The good thing is that these crisis hotlines have toll-free7 numbers, which means callers can get the help they need for free.
Building Your Vocabulary 
1. emotional a. 情緒(上)的,情感(上)的
My best friend provided emotional support at a very distressing time for me.
2. emergency n. 緊急情況(本文中作形容詞用)
I got a call about an emergency at home, so I had to leave in the middle of the meeting.
3. transmit vt. 傳播;傳送(本文中以過去分詞作形容詞用)
The French Open will be transmitted live via satellite.
4. runaway a. 逃跑的;失控的(僅用於名詞前)
The cowboy caught the runaway horse with a rope.
5. domestic a. 涉及家庭的
In comparison to the past, there is more sharing of domestic responsibilities nowadays.
Phrases for Learning 
1. lie in...  在於∕存在於……
Children's future development lies in good education.
2. reach out (to...)  (對……)伸出援手
Local social workers try to reach out to foreign spouses.
3. catch on  受到歡迎;蔚為流行
It didn't take very long for the latest fashion trend to catch on.
Extra Words 
1. suicide n. 自殺(本文中亦作形容詞用)
2. breaking point n.(壓力爆發的)臨界點
3. hotline n. 專線電話,熱線
4. counseling n.(專業)輔導,諮詢
 counselor n. 輔導人員,顧問
5. period n. 月經(期)
6. Samaritan n. 助人為樂者(更常寫為 a good Samaritan)
7. toll-free a. 免付費的
Tips In Use 
The answer lies in hotlines.
1. 1995 生命線(自殺防治專線)
2. 0800-788995 衛生署安心專線(自殺防治)
3. 113 衛生署全國婦幼保護專線
4. 0800-088885 內政部外籍配偶諮詢專線
5. 02-23921970 台灣同志諮詢熱線
6. 165 警政署反詐騙專線
...he founded The Samaritans...
   Samaritan 一字的典故是源自聖經路加福音中的寓言故事『好心的撒瑪利亞人』。寓言中,一個猶太人遭強盜打劫,受了重傷躺在路邊。一位祭司和一名利未人路過時竟不聞不問,惟有一個撒馬利亞人經過時,不顧種族隔閡,心懷慈悲地照顧他,並在離開時出錢讓猶太人住進旅店。因此,這個字成了西方基督教文化中一個很著名的用語,意為『助人為樂者』。

