2011年6月18日 星期六

A Christmas Carol 聖誕頌‏

Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol is considered a classic. It was written in 1843 and became an immediate hit. The popularity of the story helped bring back lost traditional Christmas values, such as love and kindness. The main character in the story is Ebenezer Scrooge. For years as a businessman, Scrooge had only pursued wealth. He had lost the value of friendship, love, and, most of all, Christmas spirit.
The story of A Christmas Carol begins on Christmas Eve. It is the seventh anniversary of Scrooge's old business partner's death. Scrooge and his employee, Bob Cratchit, are counting money in his office. Bob asks if he can take the rest of the day off. Scrooge agrees but is angry about it. When Scrooge gets home that night, he is surprised when the ghost of his old partner shows up to warn him. If Scrooge's bad attitude towards others continues, he will also end up being a miserable old ghost.
Building Your Vocabulary 
1.immediate a. 立即的
The victims need our immediate help.
2.pursue vt. 追求
James forgot who he really was while pursuing fame.
3.warn vt. 警告
Jeff warned me not to press this button. 
4.miserable a. 極不愉快的;痛苦的
Al is feeling miserable because he has a cold.
Phrases for Learning 
1.bring back...   恢復……
Some people suggest bringing back the electric chair to reduce the crime rate.
2.show up   出現
All of Betty's friends showed up at her party.
1.carol n.(耶誕)頌歌;讚美詩
2.popularity n. 流行;受歡迎
3.anniversary n. 週年紀念
4.employee n. 僱員
5.attitude n. 態度 
Tips In Use 
Bob asks if he can take the rest of the day off. 
take a leave of absence 請假
apply/ask for leave  請假
take sick leave  請病假
on personal leave  事假中
on sick leave  病假中
on vacation   休假中
I want to apply for personal leave.

