2011年6月18日 星期六

Destination: Keelung 前進基隆‏

Dialogue A
 Joe: Wow! Look at all the food here.
阿 喬:哇!看看這一堆吃的。
Cindy: I really love the night markets in Taiwan.
辛 蒂:我超愛台灣的夜市。
 Joe: Let's go over there. I'm hungry. How do you feel about oyster omelets?
阿 喬:咱們到那裡去吧。我餓壞了。妳覺得蚵仔煎怎樣?
Cindy: Sounds great, but I want to have a sausage first.
辛 蒂:聽起來很棒,不過我想先吃條香腸。
 Joe: Sure. I see a sausage stand over there.
阿 喬:好啊。我看到那邊有個香腸攤。
Cindy: Yummy! I can't resist night market food. Now where's that oyster omelet place?
辛 蒂:真好吃!我真是無法抗拒夜市裡的食物。賣蚵仔煎的到底在哪裡啊?
 Joe: There's one right around the corner. Let's grab a bite we go see the water lanterns.
阿 喬:角處就有一家。咱們來吃點東西,然後看放水燈前再去血拼一下。
Dialogue B
Joe and Cindy have just finished eating dinner.
Cindy: That hit the spot. I'm full.
辛 蒂:真是大碗滿意啊。我撐爆了。
 Joe: Me, too. But there is nothing better than a cup of bubble ice on a hot summer night.Then we can walk some of it off by shopping.
阿 喬:我也是。不過炎炎夏夜,沒有什麼比來杯泡泡冰更讚的。然後我們可以壓馬路來消化消化。
Cindy: You're right. After all, we are in Miaokou. There is no way that we should miss out on this famous dessert.
辛 蒂:你說的對。畢竟我們來到了廟口。說什麼也不能錯過這項有名的甜點。
 Joe: OK, let's try that place over there. I heard it's the best.
阿 喬:好啦,我們去那邊那一攤吧。我聽說那一家最好吃。

Building Your Vocabulary

resist vt. 抗拒;抵抗
It was hard for Margo to resist ice cream while she was on the diet.

Phrases for Learning

1.grab a bite (to eat)  吃一點東西
Let's grab a bite to eat before we leave.
2.hit the spot  (食物)讓人吃得飽而滿意
This hot dog really hits the spot.
3.walk + 食物 + off  用散步來消除……的飽足感
You can walk that pie off by going to the park.
4.after all  畢竟;終究
I guess I don't know who stole my bag after all.

5.miss out on...  失去∕錯失……
If you don't come, you'll miss out on all of the good food.


1.oyster omelet n. 蚵仔煎
2.sausage n. 香腸;臘腸
3.stand n. 攤子
4.lantern n. 燈籠;提燈
5.bubble ice n. 泡泡冰

Enjoy Box

Old Street 金包里老街

One of the most popular places that people like to go to when they are near Keelung is the famous market called Jinbaoli. Residents are very proud of their "old street," which dates back to the Ching Dynasty. In the 1950s, most of the fish and the goods that the ships brought in were sold on this street. When you visit, be sure to try all the traditional local snacks. They have been made the same way for years.

Tips In Use
...and then do some shopping before we go see the water lanterns.
do + the/some/a lot of + 動名詞  從事……的活動

此用法中的動名詞並非任何動詞均可適用,只限於表工作或活動方面,且具有可分配或替代性質的動詞,如:shop、wash、clean等表活動的動詞;至於eat、sleep等動詞因非工作,且亦非他人可代我們進行的活動,故不可用於本片語中。另外,此處的 the、some、a lot of 均不可省略,亦即不可直接寫出"do + 動名詞"之用法。
When you do the washing, make sure you separate the darks from the lights.

