2011年6月16日 星期四

At the bookstore 書店情境美語‏

*To have something in stock / to be out of stock 有存貨/缺貨中
A: Do you have any dining chairs in stock? 你們的餐桌已有存貨嗎?
B: Yes, but there are only two left. 有,但只剩兩把了
*I was wondering if... 我想請問...
A: I was wondering if you are free tonight? 我想請問你今晚是否有空?
B: No, I'm not. And I probably won't ever be. 沒空.而且可能永遠都不會有空
*That's good to hear 很好啊
A: I don't have to work on Christmas Day. 我聖誕節不用上班
B: That's good to hear. Now we can have a family Christmas.
*be stuck with something (被某人/某物)絆住
A: Why can't you go out tonight? 你今晚為何不能出門?
B: 'Cause I'm stuck with my brother's son all day. 因為我姪子整天都在身邊,無法脫身
At the bookstore
Woman: Can I help you? 需要幫忙嗎?
Man: I'm looking for a book titled The World Is Flat. 我在找一本書,叫做"世界是平的"
Woman: We have that in stock. It's on the bestseller's shelf.
Man: And where is that? 那是在哪裡?
Woman: It's to the left of the main entrance over there.在那邊那個主要入口的左邊
Man: That wall over there? 那邊那倒牆?
Woman: That's it. 是的
Man: Thank you so much. 非常謝謝妳
Woman: I was windering if you could recommend a book to me.
Man: Sure. What genre do you prefer?當然可以.妳喜歡哪一類的?
Woman: I usually choose fiction from the New York Best seller's list.
Man: In athat case, I recommend The Husband by Dean Koontz.
Woman: Is it a suspense novel? 那是懸疑小說嗎?
Man: Yes, it's full of suspense and mystery. I couldn't put it down. I read it all in one 
sitting. 是的,充滿懸疑和神秘.我愛不釋手,一口氣讀完呢
Woman: Then I'll take a copy up today. thanks! 那我今天就買這本,謝謝!
Woman: Is there something I can do for you, sir? 先生,有需要我幫忙的地方?
Man: Yes, I need to order a book. 有的,我要定一本書
Woman: Sure. What's the title and author? 沒問題,書名和作者是?
Man: It's Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. I need three copies.
Woman: OK. Just fill out this form.They should be here in about a week.
Man: Could you call me when they arrive? 書到的時候妳可以打電話給我嗎?
Woman: Sure, just write your number here. We'll notify you as soon as it comes in.
Woman: I'd like to buy a gift card. 我想買張禮券
Man: I can help you with that. 我可以幫妳
Woman: What are the dollar amount choices? 有哪些價錢可以選擇呢?
Man: Thn, twenty, fifty, and one hundred. 十元,二十元,五十元和一百的
Woman: I'll take the fifty. Does it have an expiration date? 
Man: Our gift cards never expire. 我們的禮券永遠有效
Woman: That's good to hear. 那就好
Woman: I need to return this book. 我要退這本書
Man: What was the problem? 有什麼問題嗎?
Woman: My mom bought the wrong one. 我媽買錯了
Man: I see. Did you bring your receipt? 我了解了,妳有帶發票來嗎?
Woman: I don't have one. 我沒有發票
Man: We can't take returns without receipts. 沒有發票我們沒有辦法幫你退唷!
Woman: That's too bad. Now I'm stuck with a book I don't want. 
@word bank
title (v.) 取標題;提名
pick up (v.) 買
notiify (v.) 通知
gift card 禮券
return (v./n.) 退貨

