2011年6月17日 星期五

You need a little perspective 看開一點!‏

*You need a little perspective 看開一點
perspective是"觀點"或"看法",每個人都有自己的different perspective,但也有遇到盲點的
A: She said no to me. I want to die. 她拒絕了我,我好想死
B: Whoa! You need a little perspective, pal. 喔!看開一點啦,老兄
*a close one 有驚無險
以說That was a close one!或That was close!
A: Did you watch the election results come in last night? 你有看到昨晚的選舉結果?
B: Yeah, a real close one! They'll probably do a recount.
*to have high hopes for something / someone 對(人事物)期待很高
打,創下歷史紀錄....這些對未來深切的期望,英文都叫做high hopes
A: I have very high hopes for pur team this season.
B: So do I. But it's probably too early to know.

You need a little perspective
[Bob chats online with his friend A - Kai] 鮑伯在網路上和朋友阿凱聊天
Bob: Hey! What's the problem? Your MSN signature says, " I don't want to live! "
A - Kai: Hah, that. Din't you see the game last night? 哈,那個喔.你昨天晚上沒看球賽?
Bob: I missed it. But I heard the Yankees lost. 沒看,但我聽說洋基輸了
A - Kai: They were ahead until the ninth inning! 他們到第九局還領先耶!
Bob: Sounds like a close one. 聽起來是勢均力敵的一場球
A - Kai: Very. The Yanks were ahead 2 - to -1 from the third to the ninth.
Bob: How'd Wang pitch? He started, right? 王健民投得怎樣?他是先發吧?
A - Kai: Yeah, he started. He pitched well, too. The red sox didn't get a man on until
the third inning. You know I follow Wang's games so closely, it;s like a
personal loss for me.
Bob: I hear ya. But we're still on for tonight? 了解,但我們今晚還是要出去吧?
A - Kai: Um... I think I'll bail; I'm just not in the mood.
Bob: But we already made reservations! 但我們已經訂位了耶!
A - Kai: Cancel them! 取消啊!
Bob: Hey bro, you need a little perspective! 嘿,兄弟,你要看開一點啦!
A - Kai: Maybe you're right. What time are we meeting the girls?
Bob: I told them eight o'clock. 我跟她們說八點
A -Kai: Ok, that leaves me enough time. 這樣時間就夠了
Bob: Enough time for what? 夠時間幹嘛?
A - Kai: To watch the broadacst of the game! 看球賽重播啊!

@word bank
bail (v.) <俚> 爽約
rebroadcast (n.) 重播

