2011年6月17日 星期五

New Year's Bash 跨年晚會情境美語‏

Time flies when you're having fun. 快樂的時光總是過得特別快
Time flies like an arrow. 光陰似箭
Time flies when you're busy. 忙碌時日子過得比較快
The months are flying by. 一個月.一個月,日子過得好快
The years are flying by like a blur. 這幾天咻一下子就過去了

祈禱 Cross one's fingers
Finger crossed"十指交叉"這樣的姿勢,在許多宗教裏都是"許願"或"祈禱"的意思,因此這個片語就是形容"希望美夢成真"
A: Did you get into that school? 你有考上那所學校嗎?
B: I don't know. I'm still crossing my fingers. 不知道我還在祈禱

Catch up字面上是"追趕進度"的意思.朋友好久不見,完全不曉得這陣子彼此到底做了什麼新鮮事,這時當然要互相告知近況,彌補一下進度啊!
A: So, how'd last year go for you? 過去一年過得如何?
B: Well, it went. The economy was too slow, so business never really picked up.

對方提了 一見蠻嚴重的事,你可以說That's terrible或That's too bad,但你也可以用很輕盈
,不表示太多意見的口氣說That's not cool
A: Stacy is spreading rumors about me again. 史黛西又在散播我的謠言了
B: That's not cool. You should talk to her. 那很不優喔.你該跟她談談

To our friendship! 敬我們的友誼!
To our health! 敬身體健康!
To success!! 敬我們成功!!

*Bottoms up!! 乾杯!!
Bottoms up!
Cheers! 喝吧!
Bottoms up! 乾杯!

New Year's Bash
[5:00 p.m., At the Bellagio Casino, Las Vegas] 下午5點在拉斯維加斯的貝拉吉歐賭場
Karen: I can't believe another year has gone by! 真不敢相信一年又要過去了
Harold: Time flies when you're old.... 年紀大了時間過得飛快
Karen: No kidding, and busy. 真的,人忙的時候時間也過得真快
Harold: I'm so glad I could make it to tonight's party.
Karen: Me, too. Having a reunion in Vegas for for New Year's was a great idea.
Harold: But it was an expensive one. 但是很貴吶
Karen: It's going to be worth it. Is everything set up and ready to go?
Harold: Jim's the MC and he's ready, the band is ready, the food is ready.... let's just
hope everyone shows up!
@word bank
reunion (n.)團聚
MC = Master of Ceremonies 典禮主持人

[7:30p.m.] 晚上七點半
Angel: Karen! Long time no see! 凱倫!好久不見啦!
Karen: I know! You look great! 對呀!妳看起來很好耶!
Angel: You, too. This is a great room to have the party in. Did you do all the decorating
? 妳也是,這個房間舉行派對好棒啊!裝飾是妳一手搞定的嗎?
Karen: Well, Harold helped me a lot. 這個嘛,哈洛幫了我很多忙
Angel: It looks fantastic. You always coordinated the parties in college like a pro.
Karen: Here, wear this hat. And here's your whistle.
Angel: Haha. Thanks. Oh, look, more people are showing up. I'm going to start
mingling. 哈哈,謝謝呀.噢,妳瞧,愈來愈多人來了,我準備開始跟大家哈拉囉!
Karen: OK. Supposedly twenty classmates are coming. Cross your fingers!
@word bank
coordinate (v.) 協調;統籌
pro = professional (n.) 專家;達人
mingle (v.) 混合;這裡指社交.與他人寒喧等
supposedly (adv.) 推測;可能

[8:00p.m., everyone has arrived] 晚上八點,大家都到了
Brad: So, guys, you all look great. Let's play catch up. What were the highlight of 2006
for you?
Angel: For me it was changing careers. It was a tough decision, but I have no regrets.
Brad: Wow. I'm proud of you. So this year has been monumental for you.
Angel: Yes, it was a crossroads in my life. I had to choose between a career that my
parents like and one that I liked.
Brad: And you made the brave decision. 而妳做了勇敢的決定
Angel: Yes. Now I own my own bussiness, make my own schedule. I feel so free.
What about you?
@word bank
catch up 敘舊;告訴彼此近況
highlight (n.) 高潮
monumental (adj.) 重大的
crossroads (n.) 十字路口

Brad: This past year was one of the hardest year in my life. I finally got out that bad
marriage. 過去一年真是我人生中最難敖的時期之一.我終於告別那段糟糕的婚姻
Angel: Really? Good for you. I heard that relationship was holding you back.
Brad: Well, Sue was a fun girl, but she was controlling and manipulative. And I found
out she had cheated on me.
Angel: Not cool. But you look great. 聽起來不妙.但你看起來很好哇
Brad: Well, I had to do something to keep my mind off of her, so I worked out.
Angel: It shows. That's the downside of having your own business though, no time to
work out. 看得出來.但那也就是自己做生意的壞處,沒時間運動
Brad: You have to learn to make the time. 妳得學會騰出時間
@word bank
manipulative (adj.) 有操縱狂的
cheat on somebody 背著某人偷情
downside (n.) 缺點 --> upside (n.) 優點

Angel: I agree. In fact, that's my goal for 2007 - to learn to manage my time as a
business owner. I want get into a work out schedule.
Brad: Good plan. My goal is to not get into a relationship for a whole year.
Angel: That will take some will power. 那需要一點意志力唷
Brad: I know. But I need to be on my own and figure out who I am again.
Angel: That makes sense. If you got into a relationship now, it would be a rebound.
Brad: Totally, so 2007 is about personal discovery fo me. I'm going to take up marital
arts and photography.
Angel: Awesome. What about you, Carol? How was 2006 for you?
@word bank
will power 意志力
rebound (n. adj.) 指剛分手就馬上陷入新戀情
take up 學習;上課
martial art 武術

Carol: For me, it was a tough year as well. My dad passed away.
Brad: Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear that. 噢,不會吧?!聽到這個消息真難過
Carol: I'm OK. It took me about six months to learn how to deal with it.
Brad: Why didn't you call any of us? 你為什麼不打電話給我們?
Carol: I wanted to handle it on my own. But I'm doing good now. My mom came to live
with me and that's been great.
Brad: So what's your New Year's resolution? 那妳有什麼新年新希望?
Carol: To quit smoking. Since my dad passed, I've been smoking two packs a day.
Brad: Good luck with that. Hey! Come over guys! Let's make a toast to our resolutions!
@word bank
tough (adj.) 難敖的
toast (n./v.) 乾杯;敬酒

