2011年6月22日 星期三


推薦 → recommend
科幻(小說)電影 → science fiction film
1. 我推薦你去看一部很棒的科幻電影「太陽浩劫」,故事是關於我們的太陽。這句話,英文要怎麼掰?
I recommend that you should see a great science fiction film, "Sunshine", which is a story about our Sun.
[解析]: "recommend(推薦)"或"suggest(建議)"是個很容易被誤用的動詞。我們常對老外說:「我建議你去士林夜市。」
I suggest you to go to Shi-lin night market.
就好像「我把你推薦給史密斯教授。」是:I recommended you to Professor Smith.
所以,「我建議你去士林夜市。」的正確說法是:I suggest that you should go to Shi-lin night market.

垂死、衰竭的 → dying
人類 → mankind
2. 距離現在50年後,太陽在衰竭,因而不再提供人類生存所需要的能量與光。這句話,英文要怎麼掰?
In 50 years from now, the Sun is dying, providing no longer the energy and the light that mankind needs to survive.
[解析]:" dying"是形容詞,不是現在式的「正在死」。
社會、社區 → community
特遣隊 → mission
點燃 → ignite
3. 整個地球社會集合了資源,送出一個特遣隊到太空投炸彈來重新點燃太陽。這句話,英文要怎麼掰?
The entire global community pools its resources to send a mission into space to deliver a bomb to reignite the Sun.
[解析]:"pool"最常用的是游泳池的意思,像是"swimming pool"。但做動詞時,是指「集合」大家的,就像是把大家的東西丟到一個大池子裡。比方說"Car pool is recommended."是說「停車位不夠,建議大家共乘前往。」
渴望 → desire
外太空 → outer space
4. 看完這部電影,我真渴望到深遠的外太空去旅行,如果我夠有錢的話。這句話,英文要怎麼掰?
After seeing this movie, I really desire to travel into the deep outer space if I am rich enough.
I recommend that you should see a great science fiction film, " Sunshine ", which is a story about our Sun. In 50 years from now, the Sun is dying, providing no longer the energy and the light that mankind needs to survive. The entire global community pools its resources to send a mission into space to deliver a bomb to reignite the Sun. After seeing this movie, I really desire to travel into the deep outer spae if I am rich enough.
Jia - ling

