2011年6月16日 星期四

Talk all the way 機場好自在‏

baggage check - in counter 行李託運報到櫃檯
ticket counter 票務櫃檯
passport control 護照審查處
security check 手提行李安全檢查
boarding room 候機大廳
boarding gate 登機門
jetway (連接登機門及機門的)伸縮走廊
immigration control 入境審查
baggage claim 行李領取處
lost - and - found 失物領取處
customs control 海關審查
rental car counter 租車櫃檯
hotel reservation desk 飯店訂房服務
tourist information 遊客服務處
*It's no bother 無妨;不打緊
A: I'm sorry to bother you on a weekend, but can you send that email again?
B: It's no bother. I'll send it right away. 不打緊.我馬上寄
window seat 靠窗座位
aisle seat 靠走道座位
front row / bulkhead seat (機艙)第一排座位
seat near the front (機艙)前段的座位
Exit - row seat 逃生門邊座位
*That's just pocket change 那不過是小錢
pocket change是指"口袋裡的零錢",當你說一筆錢只不過是"口袋裡的零錢",當然就表示
A: It's only six bucks. 這只要六塊美元
B: Wow. That's only pocket change. Let me buy four then. 嘩,還真便宜.那我買四個
A: How much do I owe you? 我要給你多少錢?
B: Don't worry. It's just pocket change anyway. 不必啦,反正只是小錢
Talk all the way
[In a hurry] 趕!趕!趕!
Carol: Can I help you, sir? 先生需要幫忙嗎?
Frank: Why is this flight canceled? I need to be in Tucson by eight am tomorrow!
Carol: I'm sorry. The plane was having technical difficulties. 很抱歉,班機發生機械故障
Frank: Can't they repair it? 修不好嗎?
Carol: They are working on it. But it's a safety hazard, so they can't rush it.
Frank: Don't you have any other planes? 你們難道沒有其他班機嗎?
Carol: It's already ten pm, so we're short on planes, sir. 
Frank: Then you're going to have to help me find another way to get to Tuson tonight.
Lost and found 失物招領
[Miss Garner goes to baggage lost and found] 迦納小姐前往行李遺失及招領中心
Garner: Hi, you paged me about luggage? 嗨,您呼叫我過來領行李?
Rick: Are you Miss Garner? 妳是迦納小姐?
Garner: Yes. Here's my driver's license and my passport.
Rick: Thanks. You have Two pieces of luggage here. 謝謝.您有兩件行李在這兒
Garner: Yes, those are the ones! How did they get lost? 
Rick: We're not sure. 我們不清楚
Garner: Well, thanks for retriving them for me. 嗯,謝謝你們幫我找回來
Rick: No problem. Please sign here, and you can take your luggage.
I'll be late! 我會晚點到!
[Greg calls Sara in Dubai] 葛瑞格打電話給人在杜拜的莎拉
Greg: Hey Sara. I'm sorry to bother youso late. 嘿,莎拉.很抱歉這麼晚打擾妳
Sara: It's no bother.What's up? Are you OK? 不會啦.怎麼了?你還好吧?
Greg: Yes. I just called to tell you that my arrival to Dubai will be delayed by one day.
Sara: OK. Can you send me your new flight info? 
Greg: I sent you an email with the new arrival time. I get in at four PM on the third. 
Could you cancel my first hotel night?
Sara: Sure. And I'll have someone pick you up at the airport. Are there any other 
arrangements you need me to make? 
Greg: That's it. Thanks so much. See you in about 24 hours!
Sara: OK. Get some rest and have a safe flight tomorrow morning.
Bump me up! 幫我升等!
[Next day, Greg is at the check - in counter] 隔天,葛瑞格在報到櫃檯
Linda: Good morning. Could I see your ID, please? 
Greg: Yes. I already have a boarding pass. Here it is. 
Linda: Thank you. I see a note here that tells us to bump you up to first class.
Greg: Should I be so lucky.... 希望我的運氣能這麼好
Linda: Today's your lucky day. Coach and business class are both full. I've got a 
couple of options in first class.
Greg: Fantastic. It's a dream come true! 太棒了,真是美夢成真!
Linda: Would you like a window or an aisle seat? 你要靠窗還是靠走到的位置?
Greg: I'll take a window seat, thank you. 那我選靠窗的位置,謝謝妳
Linda: OK. You'll be sitting in the front row. Enjoy your flight, sir.
Excess Weight 行李超重
Jim: How many pieces will you be checking in today, Miss? 
Tara: Just these two. 就這兩件
Jim: All right. Please place them on the scale. 好的,請放上磅秤
Tara: OK. [lifts them onto the scale] They're heavy. 
Jim: Actually, they are both over the allowed weight limit. 
Tara: What? I thought it was seventy pounds. 什麼?我以為重量限制是七十磅
Jim: Not anymore. They changed the limit to fifty last year. 
Tara: Even for international flights? 連國際線都改了?
Jim: I'm afraid so. 恐怕是如此
Tara: How much would the charge be for overweight luggage?
Jim: Twenty - five dollars. We accept cash or credit. 二十五美元.我們收現金或信用卡
Tara: Oh, that's just pocket change! I'll just pay it then.
@word bank
technical difficulties 機件故障
repair (v.) 修理;fix也是相同意思
hazard (n.) 造成危害的事物
short (adj.) 短少的; short on something即缺乏某物
luggage (n.) 行李(總稱) --> I bought some new luggage for my trip to Paris!
baggage (n.) 也是行李(總稱),較偏美式用法
flight info 航班資料
arrangement (n.) 準備工作;安排
coach (n.) 經濟艙;普通車廂;經濟艙一般也會說economy class, coach是美式用法
EX: Coach is not as comfortable as first class.
scale (n.) 磅秤
overweight (adj.) 超重的

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