2011年6月16日 星期四

Fashion Freaks 精品採購完全手冊‏

[Elle and Chanel shopping in Manhattan] 伊莉和香奈兒正在曼哈頓血拼
Elle: Look at this pair of Dolce and Gabana sunglasses!
看看那副Dolce and Gabana太陽眼鏡!
Chanel: Oh, that's hot. 噢,好正
Elle: I love the no - rim look. I predicted that these would be in style this year.
Chanel: That's right! I read that article. You're a genius! I love the wide side bands. HOT
Elle: These are so me. Simple and classic. 我也覺得.簡潔又古典
Chanel: True. Try them on. 真的,戴戴看嘛!
Elle: Wow! They fit my face perfectly. I'm so getting these.
Chanel: As you should. Look at those YSL's! 妳真該買的.看看那副YSL的
@word bank
no - rim 無框的
in style 流行中的 <-----> out of style 過時的
[Talking to the salesperson] 對銷售員說
Salesperson: Can I help you? 需要幫忙嗎?
Chanel: Can I see those clear, super large YSL glasses? 
Salesperson: Sure. Thses are the latest style. 當然可以.這是最新款式唷
Chanel: I know. I've been drooling over them on this magazine.
Salesperson: Oh, you brought Vogue with you. Haha.
Chanel: And I love them 'cause they're so edgy. (she tries them on)
Salesperson: Oh, I think they're too big for your face. Try these by Rober Cavalli.
Chanel: Whoa. These are off the wall! Look at me! I'm a movie star! 
@word bank
edgy (adj.) 叛逆的;狂野的
off the wall 瘋狂的;古怪的
Salesperson: They're the hottest thing this season. 那是本季當紅款式
Chanel: But they're a little tight. 但有點緊耶
Salesperson: They'll loosen up with wear. 會愈戴愈鬆
Chanel: OK, that's good. Otherwise I think they'd give me a headache.
Salesperson: Are these the ones? 決定要這一副嗎?
Chanel: Yes, I'll take them. And what about those with the Swarovski crystal
embellishments? 嗯,我要帶一副.那副鑲有施華洛士奇水晶裝飾的怎麼樣?
Salesperson: Those are talk of the town. 那副是極品
Chanel: I'll take them as well. 那我也要帶一副
@word bank
loosen up 變得寬鬆
crystal (n./adj.) 水晶/水晶的
embellishment (n.) 裝飾;點綴物
[They walked out the glass store] 離開眼鏡行
Elle: What's next, girl? 姑娘,接下來要逛什麼呢?
Chanel: I need a new handbag to go with that little black dress I got last week. And I 
hate this see - through plastic one.
Elle: But you just got shades! It's my turn! 但妳才剛買墨鏡!趙次換我了!
Chanel: Don't worry, Sweetie. You'll love this shop I'm taking you to.
Elle: OK. I trust you. Maybe I'll find something to write about in my article.
Chanel: Here we are. You can tell from the window treatments that this is posh.
Elle: Oh. My. God. Amazing. Why didn't I discover this gem before?
Chanel: It's a diamond in the rough. Entrez, mademoiselle.
Elle: Merci. 謝謝
@word bank
handbag 手提包
see - through 透明的;看得見內容物的
shades (n.) 太陽眼鏡
posh (n.) 優雅的;高貴的--貝克漢的老婆Victoria Beckam被稱為"高貴辣妹",英文就是
posh spice
gem (n.) 珍貴的人事物

