2011年6月17日 星期五

Warming up in the Cold 扇枕溫蓆‏

Warming up in the Cold 扇枕溫蓆
{ It's a cold and windy winter night. Max and Terry are waiting in line outside a spicy hotpot restaurant. ]
Terry: Brrrrrr! It's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing out here!
Max: It sure is! I never knew Taiwan could get so cold. [ pause ] What's this restaurant
like, anyway?
真的,我不知道台灣也會這麼冷(頓了 一下)話說回來,這家是什麼餐廳啊?
Terry: Spicy hotpot is a Szechwan dish. It can be very spicy! But it's great on a cold
night like this.
Max: What's in it?
Terry: Well, lots of stuff. Including some organs and things you may not like...
Max: Don't worry; I'm not a picky eater. But how hot is it?
Terry: It can be very hot. But we'll get the " Mandarin " pot. It's separated into different
parts, with different levels of spiciness.
Max: I hear that spicy food like this actually helps cleanse your body.
Terry: [ Fidgeting to keep warm ] Yeah, th - th- that's what people say.
Max: You're shivering! 
Terry: No, I'm OK.
Max: Here, take this. [ Removes his coat and hands into her ] 
Terry: Oh no, you don't need to... [ Max puts it on her ]
Max: Its' still warm even. You'll warm up fast.
Terry: Thanks. But what about you?
Max: Me? Ha, I'm from Alaska.... I'll be fine.
Terry: Say, I just thought of a story like this...... 
A long, long time ago there was a young boy named Huang - Xiang. He lived happily with his father and mother. But sadly, when Huang - Xiang was just nine years old, his mother suddenly passed away.
Of course Huang - Xiang and his father were both very sad. But little Huang - Xiang was especially sad to see his father mourning day and night.
After a while Huang - Xiang noticed that his father was not sleeping well. Apart from the grief he felt, he also had to deal with the bad weather. Where they lived was very, very hot in the summer, and the winters were always icy cold. Their grass hutdid little to protect from the seasons.
One cold winter night, Huang - Xiang came up with an idea. He went and lay down in his father's chilly bed. He use his body to warm the sheets and mattress. When his father was ready to sleep, Huang - Xiang turned the warm bed over to him, and so his father slept very well.
Now many years later, people still tell the story of the loving and devoted Huang - Xiang.
@word bank
windy (adj.) 風大的;多風的
line (n.) 隊伍; wait in line在隊伍中等待;即"排隊"
spicy (adj.) 辣的, spiciness (n.) 辣度, hot (adj.) 辣的
freezing (v.) 讓人覺得冷
dish (n.) 菜餚
organ (n.) 內臟
picky (adj.) 挑剔的; picky eater即"挑食的人"
separate (v.) 分開
level (n.) 程度
cleanse (v.) 清潔
fidget (v.) 坐立不安
shiver (v.) 發抖
remove (v.) 脫下(衣服);移除
hand (v.) 遞;給
warm (adj. / v.) 暖和的;使暖和 warm up即"暖和起來"
say,.... (int.) 唉呀
sadly (adv.) 哀傷地; sadden (v.) 使人感到哀傷
pass away 過世
notice (v.) 注意到
apart (v.) 排除; apart from即"除了....之外"
deal (v.) 對付;處理 deal with即"處理某事"
icy (adj.) 冰冷的
protect (v.) 防護;保護 protect from即"使免於..."
chilly (adj.) 冷冽的
sheet (n.) 床單
mattress (n.) 床墊
turn (v.) 轉移 turn over to someone即"歸還給某人"

