2011年6月16日 星期四


童話 ( fair tale ) <<仙履奇緣>>中的灰姑娘 ( Cinderella )靠一只玻璃鞋 ( a glass shoe )嫁入"豪門";流行歌手 ( pop singer )女神卡卡 ( Lady Gaga )的高跟鞋 ( high heels / heels / high heeled shoes )誇張,卻吸睛.製造話題.博盡版面; 又,美國有線電視與電影影集<<慾望城市>> ( the American cable television and film series: Sex and the Xity )中的 Carrie Bradshaw一角,經常足蹬名家設計鞋 ( designer shoes ),婀娜多姿的性感下更傳遞出女性對鞋子的迷戀情愫,以及鞋子對造型舉足輕重的訊息
女鞋 ( women's footwear )種類繽紛:運動鞋 ( athletic shoes / sport shoes / sneakers ), 靴子 ( boots ), 平底鞋 ( flats ), 芭蕾平底娃娃鞋 ( ballet flats ), 無帶協 ( without laces )易於穿脫鞋 ( slip - -on shoes ), 繫帶鞋淺口便鞋 - 牛津鞋 ( Oxford shoes ), 露腳後跟女鞋 ( slingbacks ), 無包住腳後跟的拖鞋或懶人鞋 ( mules ), 平跟傳型鞋 ( loafers ), 涼鞋 ( sandals )和人字拖 ( flip - flop / thongs )等,不勝枚舉,難怪女人的鞋子永遠不嫌多!
在架上 ( on the rack )看到喜歡鞋款,可問店員有無您的尺寸或您想試穿幾號鞋: Do you have these shoes in size + 鞋子尺寸? / I'd like tp try on a pair of these shoes in size + 鞋子尺寸. 試穿後問鞋價: How much are these shoes? / How much for these shoes? 亦可再試問有無特價: Are these shoes on sale? 決定買了就說: I'll take these shoes. / I'll take them.

本文轉載自 2011/05/24自由時報 D10 旅遊版 - 旅遊英文通
撰文 / Gwen

