2011年6月18日 星期六

Arthur and the Minimoys 亞瑟的奇幻王國:毫髮人的冒險‏

Every child wants a good bedtime story before they fall asleep and go into their dream world. Arthur was no different and his grandmother read stories to him every night. She amazed him with legends of African tribes, great inventions, and magical spells. She also told him about the Minimoys, a group of small people that lived in their backyard4. These tales were the true adventures of his grandfather, who disappeared mysteriously four years ago.
Arthur's grandmother had a hard time making ends meet after her husband went missing. In fact, a businessman was going to tear down her house and develop the land if she didn't pay the money she owed. Arthur then thought of a hidden treasure he heard about in one of his grandfather's stories. He decided to search for it in the land of the Minimoys and try to save the day. Arthur and the Minimoys, directed by Luc Besson, combines real actors and animated characters. This fantastic film takes the audience to places that only exist in their imaginations.

Building Your Vocabulary

1.magical a. 有魔力的;神奇的
This stone seems to have magical powers.
2.mysteriously adv. 神秘地
The magician mysteriously disappeared.

Phrases for Learning

1.amaze + 人 + with...  以……使某人感到驚奇
Sam amazed his girlfriend with a love song.
2.make ends meet  使收支平衡
Gary tries to make ends meet, but he fails.
3.tear down...  拆毀……
The government plans to tear down these old buildings and make a parking lot.
4.save the day  扭轉局面;解圍
Marcus made a great shot and saved the day for his team.


1.bedtime story n. 睡前故事
2.tribe n. 部落;種族
3.spell n. 咒語
4.backyard n. 後院
5.imagination n. 想像(力)

Enjoy Box


盧貝松(Luc Besson)是當代擁有最佳票房成績,且最為世人熟知的法國導演。1959年出生於巴黎的盧貝松,因父母為潛水教練,使他從小接觸海洋,對海洋有特別的感情。這份來自於他童年的夢想和回憶,在他1988年推出的作品《碧海藍天》中表露無遺。這部作品讓盧貝松一夕成名,除了在全球賣座甚佳,也成為法國影史賣座前五名的電影之一。

Tips In Use
Arthur's grandmother had a hard time making ends meet...
''have a hard time/problems/trouble/difficulty + (in) 動名詞∕with+名詞''是『做……有困難;在……方面有難處』之意。例:
Sandy has trouble with her math homework.
time 在此用法中為可數名詞,"a + 形容詞 + time" 表『一段……的時間』;而 problem 為可數名詞,在此用法中習慣用複數名詞 problems;trouble 與 difficulty 則為不可數名詞,故不可加 s。

