2011年6月18日 星期六

An Online Store 網路商店‏

  Dialogue A  
Judy and Mike are walking down the street.
Judy:We've been looking all day.
茱 蒂:我們已經找了一整天。
Mike:So far all of the stores are in bad locations.
麥 克:目前看到的店面地點都蠻差的。
Judy:The rent is also much too high for our budget.
茱 蒂:租金也比我們的預算高太多了。
Mike:What do you think we should do?
麥 克:妳認為我們該怎麼辦?
Judy:Well, I have an idea that might be better than a physical store.
茱 蒂:嗯,我有個點子或許比真的店面還要好。
Mike:I'm all ears.
麥 克:我洗耳恭聽。
Judy:I think we should run an online store instead.
茱 蒂:我覺得我們應該改成經營網路商店。
  Dialogue B  
Judy:So what do you think of the idea?
茱 蒂:你覺得這個主意怎麼樣?
Mike:I think it might work.
麥 克:我認為或許行得通。
Judy:I think so, too. Lots of companies are doing it these days.
茱 蒂:我也是這麼想。很多公司現在都這麼做。
Mike:It will be much cheaper than a traditional store. And we can work from our apartment.
麥 克:這樣會比傳統商店便宜的多。而且我們在自家的公寓上班就行了。
Judy:With good marketing, we'll be able to reach many people.
茱 蒂:只要有好的行銷手法,我們就能讓許多人認識我們。
Mike:Do you know how to design websites?
麥 克:妳知道要怎麼設計網站嗎?
Judy:I took a few courses back in college.
茱 蒂:我讀大學時有修過一些課。
Mike:I did as well. Great, I think we've made our decision then.
麥 克:我也是。太好了,那我們就這麼決定吧。

Building Your Vocabulary

1.budget n. 預算
The budget for the event is too high.
2.reach vt. 被看到;被聽到(尤指透過大眾媒體)
Through this commercial, we can reach people around the globe.

Phrases for Learning

1.so far  目前為止
I have saved up almost $200,000 so far.
2.be all ears  洗耳恭聽
If you want to say something to me, I'm all ears.
3.these days  最近;現在
It seems that few people buy CDs these days.
4.as well  也;同樣地
Verne invited me to go to the dance as well.

1.location n. 位置,所在地
2.rent n. 租金
3.physical a. 真實的;有形體的
4.marketing n.(市場)行銷

Enjoy Box


網路興起造就不少網購族。為了順應網路時代來臨,許多網路商店便因應而生。不過像本篇主角一樣自行設立網站並不容易,因此許多網路賣家轉而求其次,在知名拍賣網站上開設個人商店。拿知名的 eBay 為例,許多想當『頭家』的人可以在上面創立自己的專屬商店。
您不但可以自訂商店首頁的外觀,展現自我風格;還可以讓系統自動幫您推銷其它商品。使用 eBay 商店的好處是您能輕易接觸到上百萬名的 eBay 顧客,這是一般網路商店所不及之處。不過這項服務可不是免費的,因為在這裡成交的每一筆生意都會被 eBay 抽取佣金。不過已有許多人靠這個網站賺進了不少銀子。網路的商機無窮,只要用創意,再加上一些些的想像力,把商品包裝得宜,您也能變成網拍達人。

Grammar Check
With good marketing...
with 所引導的介詞片語(with + 名詞)譯為
With your help, we can finish the job on time.
= Having your help, we can finish the job on time.

